So instead of having this usual 'omg ripoff' that seems to happen alot, has anyone played the game?
Looks like a pretty neat alternate to LoL, installing now.
Will update with IGN and thoughts.
I have done a few PvEs with some freinds, and... well, it's weird.
Good (Game):
-I quite like the way items work. You buy a base item for cheap, then can spend money to upgrade it to a better version.
-The Immortals are pretty well modeled, just drawn horribly in the concept art.
-/Dancing changes the music.
Good (PvE mode)
-Okay, so this is more for anyone who has played LoL. Imagine, if at the end of a Co-Op VS AI mode, Once you'd broken their Nexus, a Gigantic, mobile, tougher and more damaging version of Baron Nashor started wreaking shit up and you had to stop him. It's pretty good, if a bit too farm-focused.
-There are a couple of crystal prisons you can open to either help out against two large monsters that block your way up the lanes, or you can save them for the last fight. Mostly you need the help to get to their nexus rather than stop the dragon.
Bad (Game):
-Pathing is abysmal.
-Occasionally your Imooorrrttalll will freak the fuck out and run in random directions for no reason at all. They'll stop attacking minions, other players, etc, and just walk off. Can be prevented by constantly right clicking all the time. Annoying.
-Lag. Bursts of it, followed by the game speeding up.
Bad (PvE)
-My god, no explanation is given. The first time I played it, we got our asses kicked by the giant dragon killing it's way to our Shrine and then exploding it, simply because we had no idea what to do, and didn't know to open the last crystal.
I would actually quite like something RoI's PvE mode in LoL. LoL's much better engine could make it really quite good, rather than just decent.