Alternatively, canvases do need to be primed. Usually a picture is painted with layer
upon layer, building up bit by bit. Sometimes the picture changes mid-way.
Ok, but how do you "prime" the emotional state of a human being? How do you "prime" the sexual preferences of someone whose first orgasm was doing something that doesn't appeal to you? In my experience, emotionally and sexually significant events tend to stay with people for most of their lives.
Common sense question: who would have an easier time staying committed to a single relationship: the person who's only ever had one relationship, or the person's who's had several?
I'm not advising people which sort of lifestyle they should choose for themselves. But if anyone
wants to have a stable, single "marriage" kind of relationship someday, then it makes sense to live that way rather than have lots of relationships and casually sleep around for years then suddenly expect to give it all up and commit to one person. And that applies to others too: if someone else has had 10 emotionally charged and/or sexually active relationships before you, it's going to be more difficult for them to stick with just one "from now on" than the person who's never had all those previous relationships.