For today we'll move away from the Pacific for a while. As I'm likely to be away tomorrow I'll post this today
Tomorrow, December 6th, is the Independence Day up here in Finland, the day when the not only the independence but the 3 wars that maintained the it are remembered: The Winter War, The Continuation War and the War of Lapland.
The 3 brutal wars saw Finland lose about 15% of its land area and 1/3 of agricultural land, including the 3rd largest city, to Soviet Union, have about 40% of the remaining burned to the ground by the Germans, and approximately 70,000 soldiers and civilians as dead or missing, 18,000 Germans and at least 400,000 Soviet soldiers dead or missing(official figure for Soviets plus about similar number of wounded and at least 10,000 more dead - the real, combined figure of dead and missing Soviets might be as high as 450,000).
By comparison, The United States lost 417,000 military KIA and MIA on all fronts and theaters from 1941 to 1945.
The Continuation War saw one of the(IMHO) most interesting battles of World War 2, the Vyborg-Petrozavodsk offensive or the Soviet Fourth Strategic Offensive. It began only days after D-day in Normandy and had comparable resources, in both quality and quantity, in its use, but after a month of fighting the attack was stopped multiple times at its spearhead staging areas and was pushed back - the only Strategic Offensive ever to have failed. The often called as miraculous victories at Tali-Ihantala and Vuoksi-river made it necessary for the Soviets to relocate troops from elsewhere to be able to break through, but they no longer had time or interest to do that as the race to Berlin had begun.
During the Winter War, in the battle of Suomussalmi and especially its sub-battle Raatteentie-road the Soviets lost over 20,000 men as killed or missing for less than 1,000 Finnish casualties in less than a week. These battles made the Soviet plans for penetrating deep behind the border and cutting the country in half empty.
This monument, located near Raate, has over 20,000 stones, one for each fallen at Suomussalmi and Raate-road. The 105 bells symbolize the 105 days of the Winter War, slowly chiming in the wind. The plate reads:
"A man dies
- but a memory lives"Forgotten battles.