Training:"I know that most of you don't know how to fight. But that's ok, because by the time I'm done with you, you will know how to fight! That's... that's the definition of training." The Soldier scratched her head. "So let's train, people. Start hitting each other with your weapons."
The old barracks was still flooded, so the Soldier had appropriated a tomb for her new training arena. Being surrounded by the remains of fallen warriors had to be inspiring, she thought. And they'd also be ready when those fallen warriors started rising from their graves, hungry for blood. That was going to happen any day now, she was sure.
She noticed something odd about one of the new recruits. "You, Dodok! What kind of weapon is that?"
"My name is Alkhemia, commander, and this is a training sword. It's made out of cedar, so it won't cut-"
"I could have sworn that your name was Dodok. I wrote it down, even. Well, put that away and use a real sword. You aren't going to be fighting enemies armed with sticks!"
"Actually, some of the elves use-"
"Real sword, back to training, Alkhemia. No questions."
"Yes, Commander."
They were lucky in Oceanbridge, the Soldier thought as she watched the recruits clumsily attack each other, to have all of this fine armor. Every member of the militia was clad in steel, from head to toe, something that was unheard of in the outpost she had fled. No danger of training injuries here. Of course, they'd had to repair most of the pieces, as they had very large holes in them, which meant that the previous owners had not been lucky at all...
She had just managed to push that thought out of her head, when she heard the screaming.
The first thing she and the militia saw was Aban, who stumbled out of a side tunnel, out of breath and near collapse.
The next thing they saw was the potter, who tried to follow Aban to the relative safety of the training room.
He didn't make it.
The Soldier drew her spear, and turned away from the monster in order to face her recruits. "See that, Alkemia?
That is why we don't use wooden swords in training. Charge!"
Next: A Fight