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Author Topic: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort: Reclaimed, Again! (And Again)  (Read 180584 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Гномовержец Enjoyed throwing someone recently
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That's not the fish man, it's giant fish. Butcher it!
And it's really good in pulling teeth. A real dentist. "Open your mouth wide... well, well... keep opened, I'm extracting that tooth". But butcher it anyway.
Waitng for new chapter!
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
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Seems this is alive again. Requesting redwarfing, but Neo is getting more and more weary of coming back.
What again? Iron scepter - Lovehealing? Oh, I almost shed a tear... Put it in your ass, I'm talking about importans artistic defences!!! You see, yaks and bridge... Stop polishing that scepter! You're disgusting me!"


  • Bay Watcher
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From the Journals of Aban Brothertreaties:

Well, say what you like about how miserable our lives (and un-lives?) have become. There's one thing that's still true about Oceanbridge:

We still know how to throw a celebration.

I'm not sure whose idea it was, but I do know that we were celebrating both the one year back anniversary, and the tenth anniversary of the time we celebrated our first year in Oceanbridge, ten years ago. Does that sentencse work? I don't know. We're all drunk here!

That's enthusiasm, which I'm terying to have. I'd be running around fliping tables right now, but the ghosts are already taking care of it.

I don't rememebr that Dr' Killpatient, and from what they tell me about him, I'm glad that I never met him. At least he's into the spirit of things.

Ha! The spirit of things! That's...

Oh my, I think I really am drunk.

Must go now. Gar and Di-3 are going to try "ogre-tipping", whatevert that means.


The Day After:

The next morning, Aban wasn't quite as happy as she had been the night before. It took a lot of drinking to give a dwarf a hangover, and unfortunately, it seemed like she'd had all of that and more. Remalle knocked on the door of her office, adding to the pain.

Aban waved vaguely in his direction. "Please You're not my friend right now, Remalle. Unless there's some sort of emergency that demands my attention, please leave now, and let me die."

"There is an emergency, Aban. There's an army of ape-men at the gates. They aren't the friendly ones."

Aban let her head fall back to the desk. (A mistake.) "How many are there?" She said, her voice muffled.

"A dozen, I think."

"Ah." She stood up, reluctantly. "Well, this is a great start to the new year. What else is there?" Remalle was still looking very worried.

"There's still a group of them left from the fall. They... seem to have stopped being friendly as well. I actually came here because they're between us and the stairs. Would you mind if I barricaded the door?"


Next: Goblins to the Rescue

((I haven't been drunk in over a year, and don't remember what drunk writing looks like. I just left in my typing mistakes. This post is silly))


  • Bay Watcher
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The Siege, Part One (Of One)

The Soldier was preparing her army for battle, with a rousing speech. "All right, I don't know who or what these ape things are, but I want you to go out and stick pointy sticks into them! You got that, men? Er... man."

Unfortunately, there was only one other dwarf waiting with her, a tough, if rather non-descript young man. He had volunteered to join Oceanbridge's small army, which seemed to be the only unusual thing about him. After glancing at the capering monsters, he said. "That won't be necessary."

The Soldier looked at her newest recruit, appalled. "This is a siege, Neo. Whatever these monsters are, they're here to kill us. You going to explain to me why you think it's not nescessary to fight back? Are you a coward?"

Neo sighed, the most world weary sigh she had ever heard, and said, "No. I know about these things, and I know about Oceanbridge. Watch. Just watch."

He sounded so certain that, reluctantly, the Soldier did as he said.

The ape things ran capering over the debris and corpse littered fields. Their appearance became even more hideous the closer they came. Nothing should have that many extra limbs. "Look, Neo. There are enemies coming right at us, shrieking violently. They've got their teeth bared. They're hungry for our blood. We need to... What the hell is that goblin doing?"

The one thing that stood between the advancing horde and the gates (apart from the previously mentioned trash and skeletons) was a small goblin, who had been casually poking the brush with an iron whip.

That is, until the first ape man came within range. The Soldier barely saw the goblin move, but she did see the foremost creature fall to the ground howling, blood pouring from the place a number of its eyes had been.

After that, the fight got bloodier.

The Soldier watched, fascinated. "All right, I see your point, I think? But why did that just happen?"

Neo shrugged.

Most of the ape men turned tail and fled moments after the first fell. Only two remained on the field, and they were being slashed to ribbons by a very cheerful goblin lasher.

"Oh come on! I'm not going to let a goblin have all the fun. Hand me my hole-makin' tool!"


"Whatever. Charge!"

The Soldier managed to kill one of them, at the end. The fact that it was already unconcious and bleeding to death took some of the sport out of it, though.

She and Neo stood over the corpse, while the goblin sauntered off into the jungle. "What about the one's downstairs? Wasn't that Aban person stuck down there?"

"Torn apart by Gar's traps."


Neo saw The Soldier's disappointed expression. "Don't worry. There's far worse on the way. That's the absolute truth."


Next: Building Things


  • Bay Watcher
  • It watches and waits...
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Journal of Neo:
I'm back...... again. It seems the task is still not complete, and the Gods will not allow me to move on yet again. I must say, I am getting rather weary of being chained to Oceanbridge and my annoyance grows with each return. Nevertheless, as far as I can tell the only way to move on is to finish the task. I cannot oppose the will of the Gods, much as I may desire to do so. Thus, in spite of my displeasure, I will continue to apply myself fully to this task, in the hopes that it may be complete eventually.
What again? Iron scepter - Lovehealing? Oh, I almost shed a tear... Put it in your ass, I'm talking about importans artistic defences!!! You see, yaks and bridge... Stop polishing that scepter! You're disgusting me!"


  • Bay Watcher
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((I'm going to try doing a whole bunch of tiny updates over the next couple days. woo.))

From the Journals of Aban Brothertreaties, Spring 202

With Ishar and Gar digging around in the caves, it was inevitable. We've found where the alligator monster was hiding. Fortunately for us, it's in the old magma pump tunnels, which are completely flooded.

Well, it can swim, so it could come out and kill us at any moment. That's a comfort.

Almost all of the monsters that have attacked us from the depths have used that damned magma pump stack as their own personal highway. Maybe that's one thing we can blame Gar for!


Next: More Little Notes


  • Bay Watcher
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Back to Building

Officially, construction on the bridge had stopped. To start building the bridge again would risk the wrath of the goblins and giants, who still outnumbered the original inhabitants of Oceanbridge by at least three to one. It would be suicide.

Which was why Neo spent his days hauling bins full of trash along the length of the bridge. The goblins watched him, but never stopped him to actually look inside the bins. They didn't care what the surviving dwarfs did.

Two ogres waited at the very end of the bridge, but they were... not incredibly bright, and spent most of their time sleeping. Neo dumped everything in the bin onto the edge of the bridge. Broken bolts and shredded clothing went over, into the ocean far below. Other things stayed.

And slowly, the bridge grew.


Next: Short Stories


  • Bay Watcher
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((One of them short character bios while I work on a real update. Very short))

A Short History of Gar, Engineer Extraordinaire

The Past: Born, as happens to most people.

Youth: Apprenticed in the ancient art of Mechanics. Survived it, against odds.

191: Joined expedition to Oceanbridge in order to continue to survive.

191 onward: Realized this was a mistake.

The Escape: Into the Jungles of Nightmare Island with children in tow.

After the Escape: Children immediately abandoned in human village, in order to survive.

Adventure Time: Nightmarish Jungles slightly less dangerous than old Mountainhomes. Lived.

This Year: Made it back to Oceanbridge. Surprised/Annoyed that it too survived.


Aban waited a moment, with her pen raised, until it became obvious that Gar had nothing else to say.

"So, that's what happened to you? That's all?"

"That's all you're gettin' out of me."


Next: Piles of Dwarfs
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 12:57:05 am by varnish »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Гномовержец Enjoyed throwing someone recently
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Aban waited a moment, with her pen raised, until it became obvious that Gar had nothing else to say.

"So, that's what happened to you? That's all?"

"That's all you're gettin' out of me."

What's the point of writting that dull stuff down? I'd rather write a sketchbook of crazy inventions to step into history.

That pump stack bothers me too. When the shelter is completed, we should retake it. Do we still have a power source (forgot how we powered the stack)? How many of pumps are destroyed?
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
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That pump stack bothers me too. When the shelter is completed, we should retake it. Do we still have a power source (forgot how we powered the stack)? How many of pumps are destroyed?

((Almost all of them. So that's fun for the future!))

Late Spring, 202

Aban and Remalle could only watch as more people came tramping down the stairs, into the musty sand meeting hall.

"Who are all of these people? I mean, who the hell are all of these people?"

"Refugees. I found that out by asking one of them, by the way."

"That's... smart. Well, I guess I'll greet all of them. All... twenty-seven of them. Gods." Aban looked over the group. Most of them had simply collapsed, exhausted in the hall. They were covered in mud and blood, and the few of them that still wore clothing weren't wearing all that much. And then there were the ones in really bad shape.

She approached one man who was still standing, albeit shakily. "Uh, hello. My name is Aban Brothertreaties. This is Oceanbridge. Why the hell are you here?"

He turned to look at her, through bloodshot eyes. When he spoke, it was almost inaudible. "We come fleeing the doom from the north. The ice giants, the jotunar march! Hundreds of giants, and the winter follows them. Winter without end!"

"So... You mean... Look, there's about a dozen giants sitting on the bridge right now. Are they the one's you're fleeing? Because it looks like they outran you."

The wild eyed dwarf grew even wilder eyed, and with a hoarse shout, he fled the room. Down into the lower fort.

Aban tried to shout after him, "Wait! There's about five of them down, not to mention the goblins and... Oh, he's gone." Aban shrugged. "He'll see them soon, I'm sure."

Next: Too Many Cave Monsters
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 12:56:44 am by varnish »


  • Bay Watcher
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((wait, no. A siege first))

From the Journals of Aban Brothertreaties

And the ape men attacked us again. This time is was several dozen of the monsters, coming from every direction, through where the jungle used to be. (The one we cut down, back in the day.)

The fact that we were being attacked caused a few of the refugees to panic and run out onto the beach, for some reason. Well, they didn't need to worry. This is Oceanbridge. We're going to have to suffer through a dozen more sieges at least before we get destroyed again!

Anyways, the ape-men charged right into the waiting maces and whips of our friendly goblin horde, who looked pretty happy to have the fight.

 The Soldier and some recruit named Neo went out to help, but they had to do a lot of looking before they even found something to kill.

They did find some, which is all right, I suppose. Neo helped drive the last of them off, and came back covered in various... bits.

Maybe we should get the old bathhouse running again.

And me? I've been busy cataloguing the number of coffins here, because that's the kind of thing that I know how to do. At least 176, and every one of them is full. Meanwhile, there are still dozens of skeletons lying about the fortress, unburied and un-memorialized.

Considering... well, everything, we should really get on that. We've already got enough walking dead around here...


Next: The Dead Talk Back



  • Bay Watcher
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So, as I'm working on the nest update, I'm wondering, is there anything I can do to make this fort better?

I mean, is there anything I can do to make it so things:

- Make sense to anyone new
- Get readers more involved

and so on.

Things to think about, I suppose. Update soon.


  • Bay Watcher
  • It watches and waits...
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For what it's worth, I'm really enjoying it. I don't know how to go about making it more interesting/involving though. Maybe soliciting and working in reader suggestions and showing progress on them? I'd like a fort built down from the bridge into the ocean, for example.
What again? Iron scepter - Lovehealing? Oh, I almost shed a tear... Put it in your ass, I'm talking about importans artistic defences!!! You see, yaks and bridge... Stop polishing that scepter! You're disgusting me!"


  • Bay Watcher
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((It's good to know! I'll try to show more of the reader suggested stuff. Also, more updates.))

Talking to the Dead

"A seance? What good will that do?"

"I don't know. Possibly none. But it was something that Wilberforce tried, and... as ridiculous as the idea is, it actually did work. If nothing else, I'd like to find out what Dr. Killpatient's spirit wants. I'm tired of him throwing my bed around in the middle of the night."

"So, what do we do?" Ishar had agreed to help him. For some reason, she actually seemed excited. He had to remind himself that this was Ishar the miner, not Ishar the hunter. Ishar the hunter's experiences with ghosts hadn't exactly been that positive.

Remalle looked around. He'd set up the dining room more or less as he remembered Wilberforce doing. There were large, dribbling candles made from cat tallow, set up in a vaguely symbolic pattern. He'd chalked  some arcane symbols from one of Croaker's books on the floor, and stood a couple of chairs between them.

It seemed close enough.

"We... concentrate. Join hands and concentrate."

"That's it? I thought we could chant, or something!"

Remalle shrugged, and closed his eyes. He wasn't really sure how it worked, but something had happened whenever Wilberforce had tried it. And it had somehow become his duty to deal with these things.

Ishar started "chanting", and he tried to concentrated on summoning the spirits of the dead. That meant... thinking about the dead really hard. Thinking about all of the friends he had lost over the years, and all of the times he had almost joined them. Thinking about the ones who had come back, somehow, and how they always came back different. Trying not to think too hard about what that might mean.

When it finally happened, it wasn't Dr. Killpatient who showed up. Or maybe he had; it was impossible to tell. The whole thing was over in a flash. There was a tremendous noise, not exactly frightening, but loud, like hundreds of voices speaking at once. And then there was the vision. He saw it for one second, and that was far too long.

After the chaos died down, Remalle stood up, and helped Ishar stand as well. The candles had all gone out. That seemed to be inevitable. They both stayed silent for a while.

Ishar spoke first. "How many different things have died here, do you think?"

"A lot. Hundreds, probably thousands."

((A small sample))

"Yes, that's what I thought." She looked around the room, which seemed a lot less empty now. "If they all come back, like the soldier says they're doing..."

"That might not happen here." He had some reason to think that was possible, in spite of everything. Remalle had been able to make out one word, in that split second of noise. It hadn't surprised him, because it was one that he had heard before.


But what did that mean, and what would happen if suddenly they weren't?


Next: Problems? Probably Problems.


  • Bay Watcher
  • aka Deep Sea Diver Man
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Oh my I completely forgot about this fort  :'(
"Hiken: Tsubame-Gaeshi" -Sasaki Kojirou (Grand Order}

"Please touch me. Without lying, wherever you want to touch. That is my wish." - Kiyohime (Grand Order)

"Tyranny, violation, genocide. Those are the things that I detest above all else." - Amakusa Shirou Tokisada (Grand Order)
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