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Author Topic: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)  (Read 225259 times)


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3015 on: February 14, 2012, 04:32:41 am »

"The reason I ask is because it might relate to a job I have for you. And that woman is of a very fierce temperament... She is currently resisting my advances and uses all her charms and skills to shield herself from me."

Nikephoros paused briefly before he realised what he said.

"To clarify, I'm not talking about courting, but about a campaign that I've been conducting up until recently on the border. And that woman proved to be most troublesome. Sufficent to say, I want you to find out as much about her as you can. Also, since you can do more than one messenger, I want you to scout the ground in the peninsula ahead of a campaign that I am preparing as well.

I realise that the weather conditions aren't the best right now, and that if you refuse or decide to start later I won't object."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3016 on: February 14, 2012, 05:26:07 am »

((I do believe that the excavation thing is an invalid action. Ah well.))

Retcyl sent his teams to begin excavations of the Arena, and leaving them orders, left for Polca with his regiment and engineer.

Go to Polca. Once at Polca, meet with William.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3017 on: February 14, 2012, 05:43:41 am »

Sometime earlier...

"A fine campaign marshal. Until you need me again, can I be assumed to be dismissed? careful chasing the Baroness, Nikephoros. She will infuriate you at every turn-try to get you to lose your perspective in this eager hunt. Do not allow her to manipulate you."

Tala listened to his response and departed-alone.

She was, and in truth she was glad to be done with the campaign. There had been much bloodshed, as was predicted. Tala had walked the medical tents after the battle, providing what little relief she could. Usually nothing more than holding a young mans hand as he passed in silent dignity. That was enough for them.

They had at least averted complete disaster. Emerald cantered through the quiet streets of Talama. She was sure she saw some unpleasant types lurking in the shadows, but she had her blade ready.

Her thoughts turned inward. De Plume was still out there-and very dangerous. She was sure De Plume had known of her presence in the host. She didn't send assassins, so Tala guessed she wasn't taking it personally.

The worst part was that she considered the Woman a friend. A murderous and treacherous bandit certainly. And a friend. Nikephoros has either not picked up on it, or believed that Tala would do her duty irregardless. To be fair, De Plumes friendship with her was likely as much a ploy as it was authentic. That was the thing about the Baroness-she lied. But she also told the truth. Tala was her friend-that was the truth. They would kill each other without hesitation if the situation called for it-that was also the truth.

Betrayal was not difficult for Tala-it was her job. But it just made her feel so weary-made the colors of the world duller. She shivered, despite herself.

Tala was tired. She just wanted to go home, and be with Pasha once again-to feel loved, and return that love. No tricks, no divided loyalties, no ulterior motives. The world was not so dark when she was with him.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3018 on: February 14, 2012, 12:14:08 pm »

It had been a fairly lonely autumn for Pasha. Well, there had been the servants and so forth, but it wasn't the same. There were subordinates and acted like it, although he was a lot more respectful than he previously would have been in dealing with them... and he had needed the time alone to go through House Alanis records, although he hadn't managed to figure out what they actually had. Apparently the records were incomplete, or otherwise poorly kept. He had given up on it some time last month and tried to figure out something to do with himself. He'd went fishing with Castleton a few times, spent a week acquainting himself with the layout of Talama entirely so he wouldn't get lost in it, read a few of the books in the library...

He'd never tried tying himself down in one place before. If he hadn't had a reason to stay - and it was a very good reason, he thought, looking at the ring - he probably would have left two days after Tala had. He was probably just a council member in name only, since as far as he knew Kathos hadn't called on him once during the last season for anything. That was fine. People in power were always paranoid, even when they had no reason to be. Still, here he was. Sitting in the library before noon, looking out the window at nothing in particular, still waiting on his wife - or at least news of her - to return. A light snow had started to fall.

I would have thought she'd be back by now, he thought with a sigh, getting up and heading back to the bedroom to put on some heavier clothes. The cold didn't bother him most of the time, but he planned to stay out for some time today. He was an outdoorsman at heart and being cooped up inside walls was starting to wear on him. Once properly dressed and fully armed, he headed out to the stable and saddled his own horse, a brown gelding he'd taken to calling Topaz, then rode out to explore the grounds again. Maybe he'd be home in time for dinner. Maybe he'd catch it himself; there were deer and such on the Alanis lands, and that's what he had brought a shortbow for.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3019 on: February 14, 2012, 06:27:37 pm »

"The reason I ask is because it might relate to a job I have for you. And that woman is of a very fierce temperament... She is currently resisting my advances and uses all her charms and skills to shield herself from me."

Nikephoros paused briefly before he realised what he said.

"To clarify, I'm not talking about courting, but about a campaign that I've been conducting up until recently on the border. And that woman proved to be most troublesome. Sufficent to say, I want you to find out as much about her as you can. Also, since you can do more than one messenger, I want you to scout the ground in the peninsula ahead of a campaign that I am preparing as well.

I realise that the weather conditions aren't the best right now, and that if you refuse or decide to start later I won't object."

Terryn was taken aback, aghast. "Perish the thought, m'Lord! I've no doubt that it is you who must be evading the advances of others, certainly not the other way around!"
He grins, and waves away the flattery as he continues. "This job sounds easy enough, though. Nothing that the Thornbred cannot handle, certainly. Why don't you tell me everything you know, so as to aid me in this, and then we can discuss my plan of action and, of course, my price."

"Oh!" he abruptly stopped, raising his open-palmed hands, "And please, do not be dissuaded from my assistance by a mention of cost! I am interested in neither land, nor ducat, nor title. I assure you."
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3020 on: February 14, 2012, 06:43:42 pm »

Terryn was taken aback, aghast. "Perish the thought, m'Lord! I've no doubt that it is you who must be evading the advances of others, certainly not the other way around!"
He grins, and waves away the flattery as he continues. "This job sounds easy enough, though. Nothing that the Thornbred cannot handle, certainly. Why don't you tell me everything you know, so as to aid me in this, and then we can discuss my plan of action and, of course, my price."

"Oh!" he abruptly stopped, raising his open-palmed hands, "And please, do not be dissuaded from my assistance by a mention of cost! I am interested in neither land, nor ducat, nor title. I assure you."

Interesting.. If you seek no money nor titles or land, then I am assuming that you seek either information or assistance in whatever you have to settle. That's fair enough.

Nikephoros took a sip of water from a cup and begun speaking.

To cut to the chase then: Baroness De Plume seems to be heading an alliance of osorts, mostly made up of nobles whom she bullied or won over. She tries to keep Ligoria out of the peninsula, but she is not strong enough to do so, as I managed to defeat her forces in pitched battle, and routed forces of another noble, Sir Hopper. Do not worry about him, he is but one man that I will easily squash. If you happen to hear anything though... Heh, you know your job well enough, You know what to do then. Mainly though I want you to concentrate on probing out De plume and her allies. She is a crafty one and likely to set up ambushes and traps, so its up to you find out about this sort of thing and pinpoint her location.

I will be following not long after you send me back some info, so be prepared to join my forces later on for the final push. We will be using your info so my campaign is in your hands.

He took another sip out of the cup.
Any questions? If not then lets talk of your payment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3021 on: February 14, 2012, 07:38:47 pm »

Terryn slowly nodded, stroking his chin throughout the explanation. A thin sprinkling of red hair was growing in. It itched. He made a mental note to shave.

"Very well then. I believe I've already a plan of some sort. As the protector of this city, however, I feel that I should run it by you first." He replied after a moment's contemplation. "Now, certainly this Baroness' allies know where she is. If they did not, there would be no means by which to consolidate her forces. If she is nearly as intelligent as I am, she at least accepts the adage that an enemy of her enemy is a friend."

The Hedge Knight sighed wistfully, and favored the Lord Protector with a serene smile. "So, with your permission, I will 'join her.' In order to gain her trust, it would be best if I appeared to be your enemy. In that regard, I believe it would be best if my men and I were to be chased out of the city...perhaps for the burning down of a tavern or warehouse? In the process, I can deal with some of your local crime element- that is, if you agree- I wouldn't want to hurt civilians, after all, so criminals would be best served for fodder here."

Ser Selgvyrdson rocked back on his heels, silently judging the older man's reaction. Before Nikephoros could reply, he forged on: "If you agree to this, we should then discuss how I will contact you while among her ranks- and payment as well. I dare say they may turn out to be one in the same, in a fashion."
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3022 on: February 15, 2012, 04:37:36 am »

"Right then, We'll be off then."

Continue onto the next Motavian nation, see if I can arrange a meeting before I can arrive there.

[11] You begin to travel west into Zema. You don't make it far before your men are confronted by a regiment in shabby gear. You're not even given the opportunity to parley as a volley of arrows rains down on your men from the edge of a clearing.

Unknown Attacker (Ambush/Archer: 2str) vs Laythe (Heavy II/Cavalry: 4str)
[2+2+2] v [3+4] The arrows embed themselves into the armor of your men causing some discomfrt and pain, but no real damage is caused. Your men quickly charge and mow down the archers.

[5] A few survivors exist, wounded and badly bleeding.

The Crimson Guards are to scope out the campfire sites. They'll politely question any who return there about the bandit raids.
William will see if Polca has any libraries of any sort.

[3] The people in the area mention that a lot of hunters camp on the outskirts here, so no one knows who made them. [5] Your men note, however, that there are far too many tracks in the area for a simply hunting party. [2] The tracks are a tad difficult to track.

[4] Libraries exist and are fairly well stocked.
Everything below this line is a distant memory
Evil Genius - Round 1 - Concluded
Evil Genius - Round 2 - Scrapped
Planet@War: Starting Soon


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3023 on: February 15, 2012, 06:24:25 am »

Start interrogating the survivors.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3024 on: February 15, 2012, 02:24:58 pm »

The Crimson Guard tries to follow the tracks.

William will begin searching for books upon demons and spirits- namely the ranks/classes/varieties  of them, looking specifically for demons/spirits who can cover great distances within seconds and can project images, but general info is useful as well- and for books upon Storm Coast History- Major old Empires.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2012, 02:43:51 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3025 on: February 15, 2012, 02:39:49 pm »

Tala walked into her empty manor, eerily silent. She asked a passing attendant, where Pasha Dolgrouki might be found..

"Out hunting, mi'lady."

After a moment of troubled thought, she asked where Matthew Turin was.

"...also out hunting, mi'lady."

Tala felt a fluttering panic threaten to burst from her chest. She went to her bedroom, and drew a draught of honey ale-last of the bottle.


It was all she could do.


Pasha had been crouching in a glade, looking for tracks.

He barely heard his old foes approach-and couldn't be entirely sure if the Man had been trying to completely avoid him. Though he was almost a giant, he could still be as quiet as a stalking wolf.

Matthew Turin. His face betrayed no emotion. Compared to Pashas warm coat and heavy equipment, he was dressed in somewhat thinner clothes-but they were painted to tones that blended into the forest better, and if he was cold, he showed no sign of it. He was carrying a heavy crossbow, heavy square-headed bolt nocked-and it was expertly crafted, streamlined for speed, precision and power. Must have cost a fortune.

His voice was calm...almost melodious.

"Master Dolgrouki. You shouldn't be out here alone. You might have an accident.

...And you're dressed fairly poorly for hunting. What game are you after, today?"
« Last Edit: February 15, 2012, 02:43:39 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3026 on: February 15, 2012, 02:48:49 pm »

"...Matthew," Pasha said after a moment. "Nothing in particular. Just an excuse to get out and enjoy the fresh air. Whether or not I catch anything is of no concern to me." He raised an eyebrow. "What about you?" But as soon as the question left his lips he was already throwing the shortbow at Matthew as a distraction, following it in with a right hook to the jaw. He's right. I should have taken Castleton or Oliver with me. I should have known the bastard would try to take the first opportunity I was alone to come after me. I have to stun him and disarm him now, before he has a chance to react.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3027 on: February 15, 2012, 03:34:03 pm »

"I managed to defeat De Plume and Sir Hopper in battle, but on both occasions the nobles themsleves were not around. The borderland is secure save for Sir Hopper's sliver of land, and I am hoping to organise more troops and push into the peninsula to catch De Plume. She seems to be the person orchestrating the resistance against us, and I would like to simply grab the entire lot as soon as possible. She is no tactician. Besides, we can make our victories known to the folk in Ligoria, to boost spirits and recruitment. Also, I have rescued an engineer. We can use his services for whatever we need. I was thinking of emplying him for military needs, but I assume that civil engineering could use him more if you want.

So? How much money can we spare? I brought 3 ducats."

((Sorry for the delay :/ ))

"I see."

Kathos had said that in a neutral tone, but there was a hint of a smile on his face. A noble leading bandits and fighting against a powerful city while hiding in the wilderness, paying his forces with the money gained from raids - that reminded him of his younger years. The good days.

"Well, I suppose we could spare some money on more forces... How much units do you think you need, and how will they be trained and equipped?"


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3028 on: February 15, 2012, 04:03:51 pm »

"Fair enough. We will do it your way. When you are ready to go, simply inform the town guard captain. He will go through the "chase-off" routine with you.
I believe that is all."

He went quiet, looking at his papers again, letting Terryn note the end of the meeting with the silence.

At meeting with Kathos...

"I think that 3-4 additonal regiments should do. At least 2 should be furished with heavier arms and armor or assigend a good captain. Maybe show of force will sway the mind of other nobles. i crushed them twice already and they know there is more on their way."
« Last Edit: February 15, 2012, 04:22:04 pm by Ardas »


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3029 on: February 15, 2012, 05:49:45 pm »

Terryn clasped his hands behind his back as the other man fell silent. He waited for several moments, and then coughed into a fist. "My lord, there is still the matter of payment..."
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.
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