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Author Topic: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)  (Read 232670 times)


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #375 on: October 09, 2011, 09:01:19 am »

Try and obtain spy work from anyone at the exhibition.

[6] You manage to find several people which have a definite air of...shadiness.

-One of the green sashed guards is charming a pretty young society madame quite convincingly. You can't help but hear they seem to be talking about a secret places they could get away to be alone.

-A group of businessmen are discussing in no uncertain terms about the status of a certain 'shipment'. Apparently the 'Shipment' has come up missing, and they speak openly about finding someone to locate it...the way they speak makes you suspect something.

-A besotted gentlemen catches your eye, because he seems to be seated alone, and is staring quite angrily at a woman across the hall, who is dancing with another you pass by, you can make him out muttering the words 'payback' and 'get what they deserve'

-You spot a twitchy young man staring at the painting"The Faceless regiment", with a disturbing intensity. He seems to be a servant of some sort, so it's doubtful he could afford to buy it on his pay if he wanted it.

Whom, if any, do you approach-and how do you introduce yourself?
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 09:03:17 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #376 on: October 09, 2011, 09:17:39 am »

Hmm, Kawakai went through the options of people to approach, there was a guard apparently seducing a young lady, hearing the mention of finding a secret place Kawakai had her interest sparked although she then realized the secret place was most likely a broom closet of some description where all sorts of 'secret' things happened.

She passed a sour looking man who seemed to be plotting something though she didn't think she'd like to get tangled up with his type, then a pauper who seemed to be similarly sour and then finally a group of businessmen, Kawakai lurked around them for a couple of minutes, they were talking about a missing shipment and more importantly someone to help them.

Buisnessmen were often down to earth, if corrupt in Kawakai's experience, she decided they'd be her best bet and approached them "I couldn't help but overhear you had some cargo get lost, hard times these, aren't they" subtlety was never her strong point thought Kawakai as she went straight to the point "You know, I might just be able to help you out, somewhere private? If you'd like I can take you to the hacturi embassy, I own a substantial part of it and nobody will trouble us there."
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 09:19:49 am by ashton1993 »
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #377 on: October 09, 2011, 09:42:38 am »

The men turn on you as one. You don't flinch.

Without conferring, the man in the middle-the youngest of them, and wearing a pea green coat and broad rimmed hat with a garish feather in it-steps forward and speaks to you with a cagey, shark like grin. He talks in some sort of strange lilting accent you've never heard before.

"Indeed lovey, these are tough times indeed-lots o' people looking to get ahead o' one anuther...sometimes by stepping on the hands of those wannna help em' out. It's sad state o' affairs we're forced to endure, isn't that right gentlemen? A sad state indeed."

Meaningless nods from the pack. He steps a bit closer, and talks a bit quieter-abandoning his accent like a torn silk scarf. Now his words are toneless and full of menace.

"If you are looking to do business, I'll choose the location.

Why don't you come down to the my warehouse and we can talk about it?"

He presses a slip of paper into your open hand and returns to the group. The men close their circle again, shutting you out.

When you find a quiet spot, you take a look.

Quote from: Tattered Note
Talama Commons, Jaunt Street, Warehouse 6

Enter in the back-the Red door. Password is "Mellifluous"


Come alone.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 12:01:27 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #378 on: October 09, 2011, 09:56:49 am »

"I'll be there" announced Kawakai in a less jovial tone which she was pretty sure fell on deaf ears, as she walked away and checked the note, well they were a rather drab lot and the secrecy was a tad bit peculiar but work was work, she just hoped she wouldn't be dealing with slaves.

After the party

The moon directly overhead shone into the series of alleyways which Kawakai had become familiar with during her stay in Talama, she weaved her way through and finally stepped out into the street, sneaking between the gap created by two warehouses Kawakai shuffled along to warehouse 6; her shuffling was due to the tremendously narrow path she was on, when she reached the red door she lifted her fist to tap it, apprehension running through her. What if they rape her? Or... Kawakai had done this almost a dozen times before but in a foreign land it felt worse than ever before she could dwell on it any longer a voice came from the other side of the door "Password."
She heard a key turning in three different locks each time followed by a click, then finally a latch lifting followed by the door opening, Kawakai nervously stepped inside.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 10:23:19 am by ashton1993 »
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #379 on: October 09, 2011, 10:23:25 am »

Corvinus looked at the group assembled around him. 3 whole Regiments... ready to fill his coffers...but first some things had to be done before he could go around increasing Galams borders...

Let the troops paint their shields with the Emblem of Ligoria and wear uniforms similiar to those the Ligorian Army uses. Then raid the City-State closest to Ligoria, attack during the night, the men shouting "FOR LIGORIA" during the raid. Plunder and enslave as much as possible before vanishing into the night. Be sure to leave enough people alive to tell the story



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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #380 on: October 09, 2011, 10:37:46 am »


The room you enter is dark and dismal-a haphazard mess of battered crates and unused furniture. In fact, you are sure this place is not being used at all-it's abandoned. Have they lured you into a tra...

"Lovey. Glad to see you could make it..."

The man with the broad rimmed hat and the ugly green vest speaks from above you-on a stairwell overlooking the the room you now stand in. He's leaning over the railing and eating a peach leftover from the party with a little dagger, and looking extremely smug.

"Normally I'd invite you in for a drink and get down to business, but, Bad news...we've had a little disagreement.

You'll need to do a little proving before we can talk."

Emerging from the shadows is another Hatcuri-a female, like you, but slightly bulkier. She's dressed in formal finery, and has an array of tattoos and body piercings over a well muscled frame.

She's also carrying two slender scimitars in each claw(?), and throws one to you with a smirk. It lands at your feet with a clatter.

"It's all a bit cliched, I know! But, bear with me. If you can best my Awalia here, you'll be my new Hatcuri girl. That's how I run things. No one will think less of you if you back off, of course...

If you agree, the fight goes on until...well, until I feel like, really."

You hear a rumble of evil laughter in the darkness from the others hidden in the shadows.

Awalia swings her sword in an overhead stance, indicating you should do the same...

You can't tell much about your opponent, since it's so dark-you do notice she seems to favor her left side, and her footwork indicates she has impressive agility. Despite this, you don't get the impression she's any better with a sword than you are. Judging by the state of her calloused knuckles, she's probably more used to fist fighting.

But, the swords looks very dangerous, though. They're unwieldy razor edged slicers like the ones used in the Hatcuri empire, which is less useful against armor, but much better against flesh, or Hatcuri scales. You could both easily end up bleeding each other to death here.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 12:03:01 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #381 on: October 09, 2011, 10:50:40 am »

-Send scouts to the northwest, west, southwest, south, and southeast to recon the area- try to gather intel from the locals on nearby cities, regional powers, and any other sites of interest.
-Attempt to contact other local bandit gangs to negotiate non-aggression pacts with them.

[6]Your scouts have no trouble blending in with the locals, and manage to earn the trust of several important figures in each area, and are able to give detailed reports on each:
Northwest: This area is ill-suited for banditry. Most of the wealth is traded along the rivers, making it hard to raid merchants. On top of that, the city of Fiumefurt is heavily fortified, surrounded on three sides by river, and by a moat on the third. It can only be accessed by crossing one of the three heavily-guarded bridges, and almost all the region's wealth is centred in the city, making raids either unprofitable (on the countryside), or suicidal (on the city).
However, if you could execute a successful raid, it would pay off in droves; much of the region's wealth is in precious metals, extracted from the northern mountains, and highly prized by all of the Storm Coast.
West: The city of Shola is a mysterious place. Your scouts have little interest in staying there long, and report that the wealth of the city is [average]. There is some banditry in the local area, nothing significant, though.
South-West: Ligoria is a fairly wealthy region, with profitable farms and numerous merchants. However, banditry in the region is low, and your scouts report why: the new Queen is a warrior at heart, and many of her subjects seek her favour by slaughtering innocent bandits. You feel that entering this region would be quite dangerous, at least until things settle down, and the locals end their inquisition against banditkind.
South: Your scouts have the most trouble getting into the town of Mileth; the people are not very accepting of strangers, and your scouts got several strange looks despite doing nothing suspicious. The city and the surrounding area are quite wealthy, and the people tend to look out for themselves, rather than working together- banditry is fairly common, and fairly profitable.
South-East: Your scouts report that Polca, its citizens, and the surrounding area, are entirely average, and of no interest whatsoever. They recommend not going there, and definitely not sending them back. After some pestering as to why the area is to be avoided, they report that it was 'foggy' and 'creepy'.

[6]It appears that, much like the Storm Coast itself, the bandits of this area are mostly disorganised. Most bandits do their own thing in small groups, without any real planning or organisation. The concept of doing things differently worries them, slightly. You manage, however, to convince the 'leaders' of the largest groups to meet you in your camp.
A dozen bandit leaders, each with a few followers, arrives at your camp to discuss your 'non-aggression pact'. [3]Despite their inexperience with organised banditry, they are not complete fools. They elect one of their number to serve as a spokesperson, an old man with an eyepatch and several scars, who seems more confident in himself than the rest.
He waits for you to speak first. 

Let the troops paint their shields with the Emblem of Ligoria and wear uniforms similiar to those the Ligorian Army uses. Then raid the City-State closest to Ligoria, attack during the night, the men shouting "FOR LIGORIA" during the raid. Plunder and enslave as much as possible before vanishing into the night. Be sure to leave enough people alive to tell the story
[6]Galam, as a hub for mercenaries, has plentiful stocks of mercenary-uniforms for soldiers of every city-state on the Storm Coast. You manage to acquire actual Ligorian (mercenary) uniforms, banners, and shields. You get some strange looks from the quartermaster when you ask for them, but he complies without complaint when you show him your identification.

Before you go looting, what exactly is the composition of your forces? 3 units of what? And when you say, closest city state, uh, which one do you mean? There's Shola, Mileth, or that island.
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #382 on: October 09, 2011, 10:58:39 am »

Kawakai ignored the scimitar at her feet, instead she strolled up to Awalia and started to speak "Look, you see..." rather than continue speaking Kawakai instead grabbed her opponent by the wrist and with the other hand clawed at her sword arm to dislodge the weapon from Awalia's grasp.

If maneuver is successful pick up the scimitar, take a few steps back and then apply laxatives from the party to the blade bluffing so Awalia thinks she's applying poison, then call a truce, if unsuccessful scramble back to the scimitar given and prepare to fight.

Let the troops paint their shields with the Emblem of Ligoria and wear uniforms similiar to those the Ligorian Army uses. Then raid the City-State closest to Ligoria, attack during the night, the men shouting "FOR LIGORIA" during the raid. Plunder and enslave as much as possible before vanishing into the night. Be sure to leave enough people alive to tell the story
[6]Galam, as a hub for mercenaries, has plentiful stocks of mercenary-uniforms for soldiers of every city-state on the Storm Coast. You manage to acquire actual Ligorian (mercenary) uniforms, banners, and shields. You get some strange looks from the quartermaster when you ask for them, but he complies without complaint when you show him your identification.
With your false uniforms and gear you march east and then south, if your going to make this convincing you'll want to attack Shola from the direction of Ligoria, [4] the only town in the area is a rather modest settlement which has sprung up around a farmer's market defended by a stone wall, you send your men to scout for defenses, they soon report back, it seems to be defended by [1] a few badly armed guards, looks like an easy raid. As the sky darkens you get ready to attack, finally the right moment arises "Charge! For Ligoria!"

Corvus [3 raiders] vs Shola [1 guards, +2 wall defense]

Corvus [2+3] vs Shola [5+1+2] [Corvus has lost 2 raiders] [Shola has lost 1 guard] [Corvus is victorious] Your men scale the walls quickly and then pour into the streets hacking and slashing, wrapped up in your bloodlust you fail to notice there's more casualties on your own side than the enemies though it doesn't matter for soon they stop resisting, peasants hide in there houses as you march victoriously through the streets chanting the national anthem of Ligoria and clashing weapons together, before dawn breaks you round up the surviving population and order them to hand over any valuables. You set of with an additional [3] ducats in pocket, returning to camp you order your scouts to keep a watchful eye out on on Shola to look for activity.

[4] About a dozen men ride out of the town on horses and leave in separate directions hopefully to other city sates, they are the only people to leave.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 02:46:53 pm by ashton1993 »
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #383 on: October 09, 2011, 11:14:58 am »

A short,round man with a long nose-seriously that thing is freakishly long- wearing a blue shirt with a black rose stitched onto the breast approaches Tala.((That's not the only thing he's wearing of course. Hes got pants on and such.))
"Uh...I would like to purchase the painting Nude...With...uh...Blindfold. Would a Ducat next spring cover the expense?"
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #384 on: October 09, 2011, 12:05:06 pm »



As you step forward, raising your hands in hear the whistle of her blade angling toward your neck!


A short,round man with a long nose-seriously that thing is freakishly long- wearing a blue shirt with a black rose stitched onto the breast approaches Tala.((That's not the only thing he's wearing of course. Hes got pants on and such.))
"Uh...I would like to purchase the painting Nude...With...uh...Blindfold. Would a Ducat next spring cover the expense?"

'Tala' shook her pretty little head and wagged a finger playfully at the long nosed man.

"My dear, this is an Auction-it's much more fun to bid with everyone else, and you might even get a discount."

At that, she floated away.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 12:10:18 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #385 on: October 09, 2011, 12:24:27 pm »

Laythe looked around for any suspicious activity, knowing it was events like this that always harboured a spy or three and quite a few elements of the underworld. Time to dig up these bastards.

"Jacobo, go to the hussar's barracks and tell them to get ready. If anything starts here I want them here immediately."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #386 on: October 09, 2011, 12:41:00 pm »

Laythe makes her own rounds at the party.


With careful investigation, she manages to locate some spots of interest, without alerting them to her.

-There's a green sashed House Alanis Guard flirting with a lovely young society Madame-they're a bit too close for it to be merely polite company. As Laythe passes by, she hears the the girl say giggle quietly, and say "A place where we can be alone? I know a place..."

-A young man who seems to be a servant is looking at the painting of the "Faceless Regiment" with an eerie intensity. He seems to be twitching every now and again.

-A group of shady looking businessmen seems to awfully concerned about a 'shipment' and how much they would like to see it returned, and in fact, how they might have found a Hatcuri girl who they can work with...The way they speak suggests a certain underhanded ugliness that enjoys hiding here in plain sight. You can see a younger man in a broad rimmed hat with a garish feather in the brim in the center, and a pea green coat that seems to command attention. You can hear him say. "Well, Lovey might work out, if she can get past Awalia-that Lizards past her prime, anyway-time to get me a new one, yeah?" After that, unpleasant sounding laughter drowns out anything else.

-As you pass by a man seated alone to one side of the party, you hear him muttering angrily... "Leave me for another woman, will she? Think me not man enough? She'll pay. I'll make them both pay...her and her..." He seems to be drunk. You follow his gaze across the room and see a woman dancing with another woman, and they seem to be having a good time, and to be genuinely enjoying each others company.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #387 on: October 09, 2011, 12:47:04 pm »

"Hehe. I think some arrests are in order. Sic the Talama guard on those merchants after dark."

Laythe then pointed at the drunken man:

"He is to be executed, here and now. I'm going to see why the servant is examining a painting like so after dealing afterwards."

Head over to the drunken man with alessandro in tow. Send a message to the Talama guard to arrest the pea-green coated man.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #388 on: October 09, 2011, 01:23:20 pm »

Laythe sees the messenger boy off, then stalks toward the drunken man.

[6] She draws her sword, and Alessandro follows suit. Everyone starts screaming and running, except for the Hostess Tala Alanis, who just seems to be annoyed. About a dozen house Alanis guards-minus the one who just ran off with that madame-rush from no where to guard her from the unknown threat.

She strolls up to you-still not breaking her smooth legged stride, amazingly-with them in tow.

"Queen Laythe, may I know the meaning of this?"

The man in the chair is looking at you pensively-almost as if he thinks this is some sort of joke-but he isn't running away yet, at least. Five more steps, and you'll be able to seperate his head from his shoulders...

[4] The man doesn't very strong or fast, and doesn't seem can see the outline of an object under his robe. Could be an envelope...could be a dagger...
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 01:31:05 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #389 on: October 09, 2011, 01:40:26 pm »

"I want to see you after this Tala..."

Beat the man into unconciousness if he's unarmed, kill if he is.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll
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