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Author Topic: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)  (Read 232167 times)


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You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« on: September 28, 2011, 06:22:45 am »

Welcome, foolish mortal, to You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast!

Despite the misleading title, this is actually just a checkers tournament.

If you are reading this post for the first time, it means that you have decided to open a thread with over 2000 posts in it. I like your style, kid.
Anyway, I imagine the idea of reading the entire thread is quite daunting. Don't worry! You don't have to. It helps, but if you read the end-of-season summaries (bottom of this post), and read the last few pages, you should be able to get an idea of what is going on. Although perhaps not why it is going on. Allow me to explain:

You Are King is, and I quote, "A surprisingly deep game of politics, intrigue and feudal rule.  Play a noble, advisor or simply a minion of the King and seek royal favour - or risk the role of a rebel or independent and seek fortune at the risk of the King's wrath."
That basically describes it. Its a roleplay heavy affair, with simple mechanics to keep things balanced. The most basic mechanics are basically RTD ones; complex things that rely on chance/skill will have a die thrown for their success by an impartial authority. There's loads of other rules, but you can ask about those in the OOC thread, or read the wikia page on the rules.
Things are all over the place. You can basically do whatever you want- be a merchant, a noble, a warrior, whatever. People interact and we get a semi-coherent story/world going on! Woo!

There is a dedicated OOC thread which exists for discussing the rules, things that are happening, and asking to join the game. Find it here: here

You should post in the OOC thread before posting in here. This thread is for the game only.

Also, there is an IRC thingy, maybe?
/join #YaK

GMing in this game is a complex thing. Many actions can be resolved without GMs doing anything- a lot of stuff is 'just' people talking.
Actions that require rolling, NPC interactions, or just a description, are resolved by one of three people:
-Me (co-GM)
-CyberGenesis (head-GM)
-Taricus (ruler of Ligoria)

Map of the world:
Play is centered roughly around the purple city state of Ligoria, although this is not fixed; the tides of war and politics may shift players as much as borders.

For reference, the (outdated) world map, showing the basic shape of the world:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
And my shitty MSPaint edit to one segment of that map, which was used as a basis for future maps:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

A list of seasons (with summaries of the season that preceded them):
-Summer 415a
-Autumn 415a
-Winter 415a
-Spring 416a
-Summer 416a
-Autumn 416a
-Winter 416a
-Salt & Pepper. Wait, no.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 09:13:38 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2011, 06:23:11 am »

So you want to join You Are King II

Are you insane?

I kid, I kid.

This helpful guide might help you on your epic quest to join this daunting forum game.

Step 1: Be sure you know what sort of game this is.
This is a roleplay-heavy game. Less min/maxing, more acting like your character would act. There is no way to 'win' and the mechanics are simple, but you are expected to interact in a sensible manner with people and not make your story be just about you; tie it into the stories of others and the story of the world at large.
The game is set in a low-fantasy early renaissance world. There are two non-human races; Hacturi (Lizardpeople) and Elvs (Human subspecies. Long-lived and crazy). Gunpowder exists. Early firearms (arquebusiers) exist, but are not widely used. Knights and such are on the way out. Magic exists, but is rare, highly dangerous, and rightly feared. The gods do not intervene in the world, and their existence is uncertain.

If this sounds like fun to you, continue to Step 2. If you would rather not have to strain your think-muscles with politics and subterfuge, maybe try something else.

Step 2: Check up on the state of the world.
The world is crazy. It is created by the players as they play. There was some background lore which carried over from YAK 1 and there was a map. Everything else- made up on the spot. And constantly growing and changing. So trying to describe the state of the world- bit of a never-ending task.
Check out the list of current locations on the wiki- just skim through that. That's where stuff happens.
Skim the list of current players on the wiki. That's who is making stuff happen.
Read the end-of-season summaries (at the bottom of the first post). That what has happened.
Read the last page or two of the thread. That's what is happening.
You now have a vague impression of what the world is like. If a particular aspect interests you, you can ask about it in the OOC thread.

Step 3: Think up what sort of character you would like to create.
So you have a vague impression of what sort of game this is, and know sort-of what sort of world is going on. Ok. Now, where do you fit in? Where do you want to fit in? You can be anything, basically. Preferably something interesting, but also plausible. When you have a vague idea, suggest your character idea in the OOC thread. Get feedback. Perhaps the feedback is 'are you sure?' or 'we have ten of those'. If so, maybe you should consider changing your idea.

Step 4: Refine your character.
You have your vague idea, you have feedback maybe on your idea. Now flesh it out. Name your character. Give him a background. Give him a personality. Go back and change the personality to something less Mary-Sue-esque. You will need the following information:
Code: [Select]
Name: A durrrr
Description: Appearance, age, obvious traits
Background: Where is he from, what does he want, how is he going to get it.
Starting resources: You have a budget of 3 ducats. Assign as follows:
A boat: 2 ducats.
A regiment: 1 ducat
Upgrades: Cost varies; see upgrades.
A major skill/power: 1 ducat. Ex: is a skilled general, engineer, assassin, whatever.
Money: 1 ducat/ducat. A ducat is a lot of money. You can do a lot of things with money.
Post the proposed character in the OOC thread. Receive feedback. If someone with the appropriate authority says it is ok (Taricus, me, CyberGenesis), you can jump right in.

Step 5: Jumping right in.
Right, yeah. Once your character has been Ok'd, you can post in this thread with your character's introduction. Go looking for trouble; people should be tripping over themselves to offer you plot hooks, and you will soon find yourself tangled in a web of politics and intrigue. This is what we call 'fun'. You will probably find that it is 'fun' in the DF sense of the word. By which I mean, !!Fun!!

One last thing: If you join in winter, upkeep for that year is paid already.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 08:08:22 pm by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2011, 11:50:36 am »

Rules! As many as I could find, possibly out of date, possibly conflicting, who cares, rules!

The rules can also be found on this wiki page, which is probably alot more accurate.

From the first post of the original YAK:
Spoiler: Original Rules (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Units (click to show/hide)

From the fifth post of the original YAK:
Spoiler: Even More Rules! (click to show/hide)

Running out of space, oh boy oh boy. This is going to be fun.

Part of the second post in the OOC thread:
Spoiler: The Game in Brief (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Adjudication (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 10:52:58 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2011, 11:51:31 am »

More rules!
From the first post of the OOC thread (regarding magic/religion):
Spoiler: Important Notes (click to show/hide)

From the second post of the OOC thread (some of it is up a post due to OUT OF SPAAAACE):

Spoiler: Raiding & Slaving (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Sieges (click to show/hide)

SPELLCASTING RULES HAVE BEEN SACRIFICED TO THE ALLMIGHTY LORD OF 40000 CHARACTER LIMIT. If you want to play a game-breaking wizard, you can begin paying off the karmic debt by looking up the rules your gosh-darned self (they're in the second post of the OOC thread)

Spoiler: Businesses (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Specialists (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Espionage (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 06:01:14 pm by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2011, 12:51:20 pm »

The nation of Ligoria, it's only city fortified well due to its location. It's terrain is a fair mix, with some forests on the inland areas with grasslands being more prevalent towards the coast. The climate fairly standard for the region. The city, Talama, is unusual in that it also has an arena of a larger size than cities. The only natural harbour ins the one the city is above, due to the cliffs around the peninsula, with a fair few of the dockworkers homes being carved into the cliffs. Talama's palace itself is known for it's lush greenery integrated with into it's design, making for a work of architecture of a decent quality.

Laythe Ralia, the new Queen, ascended due to a very bloody spate of political violence, which ended the previous ruler's reign and life, and whatever reason that got Laythe to do so is no longer able to be questioned. Her reign has already lasted a year without incident, nor with anything being changed drastically, though that will change...

Ligoria is about average in terms of wealth, not being gilded and opulent, but not run down and half empty either, and more of it's income comes from exports, rather than being a center of trade.

Laythe herself is not your regular woman either, standing at about 175-185cms (About 5'9" to 6'1" to those using imperial measurments) and usually clad in fine steel plate armour and a thick regal blue cape that goes down to the knees. Laythe carries around A Karabela, and a heavy lance is kept in the armoury for incidents that call for it. She has no living direct relatives.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 03:13:01 pm by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2011, 02:43:42 pm »

Kawakai Zuskish'k, a hacturi, had never known her mother, when she was just a yearling she'd been left outside the great temple of Ratusitetas where the sacred sisters would practice their magic to assist their emperor, never quite gaining an understanding of what magic was she would look at the world of technology and see magic, she'd roll a barrel down the hill seeing it get faster and faster, when she later apologized to the brewer her excuse was "I was practicing magic so I can be a priestess some day". Soon her tinkering began to look like magic not just too her but everyone around her, she could make a bright flame flicker orange then blue and green with a careful mix of chemicals, each slightly separated from the other. A dead frog would hop when she tweaked a needle in it's brain and randomly flail if another needle was pressed. Her mockery of magic continued into her teenage years at which point she was removed forcibly from the temple and traveled the hactur lands.

She would sell trinkets and do whatever was necessary to survive; her first contract had been making a dead noble appear alive by essentially turning him into a puppet with mechanical pistons inside him moving his dead corpse, even his eyes would move, and whilst the dead host seemed well to the unobservant his eldest son forged his will so that he could inherit all the land and titles his father possesed and keep it all from his other brothers and sisters. Kawakai thought this would be the last such job but she was by far wrong, time and time again she would succumb to the promise of payment and morbid curiosity to perform some heinous crime, tired of the lizardmen's ways she sought refuge far away and after hearing of a voyage to human lands brought her way onto a ship's voyage by lending her skills as a mechanic, perhaps the Hacturi's more fleshy warm-blooded cousins would live in a less cruel society. Secretly she knew but not on a concious level it was more than likely the human's would be just as cruel as her society and worst of all - it was a society in which she'd thrive.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 03:08:45 pm by ashton1993 »
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2011, 03:37:22 pm »

Oli'c S'dfa Azin'ou is the Son of the Azin'ou Ik'li Jios'fasd, leader of the druids of old, who were the last to practice earth magic after the Suulians invaded, and narrowly escaped holy "cleansing". As such, Oli'c S'dfa is in command of a small ragtag band fleeing from religious persecution, numbering five druids, including himself, and three other men who still follow the old ways. They come with little equipment, but are determined to start their religion anew, and have plenty of criminals to please the gods.

Oli'c S'dfa himself is short at just 5 feet 5 inches. He has some muscle, but very little, and is thirty-five years old. He carries a staff in his hand nearly all the time, and usually has a crossbow nearby. While he can fight, most of his military skill lies in tactics.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2011, 04:36:44 pm »

Kathos is the son of Bael Thunderblade and the grandson of Jarod Thunderblade.

His grandfather, Jarod, was a duelist (the best of the mirish coast) and later a noble in Elbreth before he decided to leave King Erik's lands, fleeing the king's madness. He bought some lands in the north and decided to stay independant from the different city states. He was a good general and a cunning man, and soon his lands were big enough to make him one of the most powerful nobles outside of the city states. He died at the age of 67 seven during his last duel.

Bael was different. He was honorable, but he was not a fighter and he lacked ambition. Seven years after his father's death, some of his neighbors attacked his lands in an attempt to become more powerful. Their armies were destroyed by Bael's troops, but the lord did not launch a counter attack. He did not want to go at war once again. He spent his next years trying to become once again friendly with the other nobles. He tried to forget. He wanted to live in peace. And while Bael sent diplomats and messengers, his enemies were getting ready to go at war against him once again. Bael discovered the truth too late, and he did not have the strenght to face his mistakes. He gave a simple order to his lieutenant: "Hold the caslte." Later that day, he sent his son far away with a regiment, a young officer named Adrian and a few ducats. Bael Thunderblade died three days later, while his enemies were storming the castle walls.

Fourteen years later, Kathos Thunderblade arrived in Ligoria. No one knew anything about his past or his intentions, but it was said by some that he wanted to find a place in Ligoria's nobility.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 09:13:11 pm by Shootandrun »


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2011, 05:43:09 pm »

Retycl Jementeten. The Emperor's ambassador to the human lands. Were Retycl told that even 10 years ago, he would have laughed till his mouth was dry, and yet it here he was leading the expedition to this place called the Storm Coast. Why had he wanted to go?

He had come to show the greatness of Hatcur. No. It wasn't only that, it was...his family. His family were administrators. A common and honest occupation, and yet there was always someone who would insult the family for their work. Not fast enough, too many mistakes, mudblood...His family had endured the insults hurled by those of higher station to survive. Perhaps that's why he had left the elegant spires and canals of the Emperor's seat of Ratusitetas to work in that country estate. So far from family and home. Perhaps he that's why he had wanted this mission, so that his family would forever be respected among the elites of society.

Or perhaps it was because of everything Locanil told him about. These strange cities and those who would worship demons. An adventure to the lands beyond civilization. Retycl still did not know.

But he shouldn't be daydreaming, he decided. There was still many things to do before making landfall. Messages to write, people to ready,supplies to be watched, and the human ways to be studied. That was another thing that interested him, humans reacted to things differently. When he had heard Locanil say that humans sound the same laughing or crying, Retycl had wondered how they could tell the difference.

Time to move. Retycl was in his hold were he conducted the business of the day. Writing down messages and making sure everything went well. Well that was more of the captain's job but he briefed Retycl everyday. Still, he did have a task. He recited these human speeches every day for many hours. Boring, manual work. He should have brought Locanil along with him, but the scholar had said he was busy.

After what was perhaps hours, Retycl left his cabin and went on deck. The ship was built in the Feregeski style. It was light, fast, but small. Still enough space to fit Retycl's guard and those like-minded hatcuri who had come to see these human lands. Kawakai Zuskish'k was one of them. The records said that she was an expelled apprentice from one of the temples turned mechanic. It was obvious why she had wanted to leave; a new beginning and an outlet for her skills. She would useful, if she played her cards right.

There was only one more thing to do, wait for the ship to reach the city-state Ligoria. Locanil had told him something about it once, if only he could remember...

Set sail for Ligoria and make a meeting with it's ruler.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 05:45:30 pm by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2011, 06:04:23 pm »

Set sail for Ligoria and make a meeting with it's ruler.

You manage to arrive in Talama unscathed and with everyone alive, you soon get a courier to get a message to the queen.

[3] She accepted the meeting, though it does impart several conditions onto you. You may not bring any guards or weapons with you, and you may only bring one servant with you. And that you, under no circumstances, piss the queen off. Queen Laythe seems to have had a rough streak recently, and isn't in the best of moods either. You do get directions to the palace at the very least though.
Quote from: evictedSaint
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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2011, 06:16:46 pm »

Now that they had arrived in Talama, the band of druids needed to search for some other earth god worshipers.

Search the streets for Earth god worshipers, or people who wish to convert.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2011, 06:21:55 pm »

'Tala' went over her things again-face paint, false documents, poison pen, forgery kit...everything was ready. She slipped a thin dagger onto the white strap on her leg under the skirt. Perfect. Then she adjusted her makeup. Time to make a first impression!

Gain entrance into the palace guest quarters proper-using my new identity, of course...
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2011, 06:26:20 pm »

Both ships had arrived in the city of Talama without a problem, and right now Retycl was on his way to meet with the queen of this place. She was suspicious though, no guards or weapons and only one servant. If he had brought Locanil along, none of that would have mattered, but oh well.

The mechanic was staying on the ship for now, so Retycl brought with him a young hatcuri scribe instead. Baroktycl he was called. Not useful for combat, but he could write down everything of this conversation without much problem.

Retycl and his retainer arrived at the palace without much problem. The people did look at him strangely and some of them seemed scared, but some of the old men and women didn't care one way or another and a few of them smiled at him. Perhaps Locanil had spent some time here socializing with them? Locanil hadn't told him everything.

Once at the palace, Retycl was escorted by the queen's guard to the throne room to meet with this ruler. Suspicious, paranoid, a new monarch. That's what Retycl could see in her actions. That or she was getting really old.

Finally, Retycl arrived at the throne room and kneeled to this queen, waiting for her response. The scribe followed suit a second after.

Go to the Queen's palace and meet with her. Bring a scribe along. Once at the throne room, kneel and wait for the queen's reply.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2011, 06:43:48 pm »

Nikephoros sat alone at his table in a tavern, barely touching his ale. At 37, he felt as if he had 2 lifetimes' worth of stories and troubles. War was not an easy craft, and you never know your day and hour.
But so far he managed to evade his meeting with eternity. Maybe gods had some plans for him or maybe he was just too tough to kill. But he simply could not figure out what to do next. He had his own warband, probably sired some bastards that he will never see and caused enough problems in this miserable place called Storm Coast. Maybe it was time to quit, find a quiet place.....

"Hey, I heard that them folks in Talama got a queen now!"
" A queen? Probably some tart thats just warming up the seat for her uncle or something."
"No, no she apparently had to claw her way to the throne. They say she is pretty tough, tougher than some men even."
"Now i've heard everything..."

A queen huh? Sounds like something may happen, knowing the succesion and the nobles in the Storm coast this thing might escalate just enough to find a little coin for his men and himself. Whatever this may be, this will be the last job, Nikephoros thought to himself.

Leave men behind in the border settlement and head for the capital.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2011, 06:51:31 pm »

Look for a job my regiment of mercs can do
I for one support our child snatching overlords.
there is a difference between droping red numbers representing magma on Es representing elves, and finding it hot when a girl moans like a retarded seal
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