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Author Topic: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)  (Read 225286 times)


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3165 on: February 29, 2012, 10:44:18 pm »

(Well, I'd set this guy up earlier, might as well use him. ???)

Castleton shoots the messenger in the leg with his crossbow the second he goes for the window.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3166 on: March 01, 2012, 12:34:20 pm »

Nikephoros sat down and took a sip of the drink. It was a strong one, and not that great in flavour. A drink that he had the pleasure of drinking for a long time, a favourite of those seeking to relax for a penny.

"Yes, been at it since I was born. Literally. Born and bred in a supply train that followed one of the numerous mercenary groups. I don't really know much of any other life... but I'm not complaining, as far as present is concerned." 

He paused to take another sip.

"What about you? I assume you are a real noble? Hedge knight is not something one sees every day. And its easy to make up things when one feels confident with a blade."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3167 on: March 01, 2012, 02:09:11 pm »

Meet with the current head of the Piatan council.

[55] The Priori of Piata are a collection of decendants of the former scholars and businessmen that took up leadership back during the fall. Most of them now are simply businessmen, and act accordingly. They're always pleased to meet with Galamese delegates - especially during times like these. Piata has had to scramble in the last season to mount some form of military. Of the three Motavian nations, Piata has always relied heavily on Galam's support.

The Council chambers are large, and built a bit like a courtroom - or a classroom. The room may not have taught much in recent years but it will never lose the tell-tale signs of its history.

The head of the Council sits center of the others and addresses you almost casually, "And how may we assist Galam today? We're a bit shocked to see you return so soon after the withdrawal of your troops from our borders..." He squints a bit at you,  [2] "Ms Ralia"

The Crimson Guard sends one man down to speak with the captain, while they watch for hostile intentions.

[21] Your man goes to meet with the others. Several hours pass and he doesn't yet return.

Return to Talama. Have the scouts...scout.

[3] Your scouts get a decent layout of the forces in Talama - mostly verifying the information provided to you already.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 02:16:51 pm by CyberGenesis »
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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3168 on: March 01, 2012, 02:21:15 pm »

"A noble?" Terryn shook his head, and took a short sip of his drink and made a mental note that it was being watered down. Not that it was not to be expected, given the price. "I was born on the streets, sold into apprenticeship, and then saved by a Knight who took me in as a squire...the former Commander of the Thornbred, in fact." Here he paused a moment to make a quick circle with his left hand over his heart.

"He taught me everything I know about working a blade and leading men. Knighted me only a short time before he passed...ensuring that I succeeded him, I suppose." the Hedge Knight shrugged, and took another sip from his drink, longer and fuller this time. It was a simple means to avoid saying any more about the late Sir David, but it served.
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3169 on: March 01, 2012, 02:34:28 pm »

"Just information. Please make this simple for me, I've still got a headache from dealing with Zema and I really don't need the extra trouble."
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We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3170 on: March 01, 2012, 02:35:01 pm »

"Well, we are not that different then. To an extent that is. Not that people like us are uncommon, but they usually don't live long enough to settle down to own a business. Or a country. Ha ha."

Another sip.

"So, may I inquire about your business? I assume that you are looking forward to a bit slower pace in life? A small business can be a bit problematic at first, but it does relieve one from the need to worry about tomorrrow."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3171 on: March 01, 2012, 02:38:21 pm »

Action: Tala hucks her knife at the messengers other leg and begins summoning the guards!
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3172 on: March 01, 2012, 02:41:00 pm »

Terryn smiled, glancing to the side for a moment. "I'm a bit young to settle down, I'm afraid. The Thornbred Guildhall is the first of many- A place for my men to sleep and eat, but also an extension of our Mercenary Company. The Hall itself contracts out guards on a private basis...never enough to form an actual threat, and with orders to only perform legal work. Body guards, shop guards, and the like."

He paused for another sip of his drink, then continued on. "Once I've the funds, I'd like to relocate outside the city. More room for training grounds, and more room to expand the building. Maybe install a class room or two, get some of my men more involved in the tactical side of things."
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3173 on: March 01, 2012, 03:42:47 pm »

"Nice to hear that you plan to expand the business. I'm just wondering how compatible you might be with the Republic...

You see, business like yours will thrive if you have enough noble customers or merchants, scared out of their wits or knowing that they can have things their way in a lawless enviroment. But the thing is, they won't need them once I put down the border lords and the peninsula will be secure. I am not planning to leave Talama in its current state either: gangs will be purged, the old or delapitated quarters demolished and high walls, wide avenues and big public spaces will be built.

The monarchy and the old Talama would have needed plenty of people like you. Will the new Talama require your services? That depends on how involved you plan to become and what are you exactly plan to do with your business."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3174 on: March 01, 2012, 04:43:42 pm »

"While I find your offer generous, I also find it morally reprehensive. I believe that is all, so I shall take my leave. I thank you for your time Milords and lady."

With that, the messenger, somewhat ungracefully, leapt out a window into the stormy streets...

[quote author
"While I find your offer generous, I also find it morally reprehensive. I believe that is all, so I shall take my leave. I thank you for your time Milords and lady."

With that, the messenger, somewhat ungracefully, leapt out a window into the stormy streets...
=Dwarmin link=topic=93916.msg3053355#msg3053355 date=1330630701]
Action: Tala hucks her knife at the messengers other leg and begins summoning the guards!
In Talama:
John chases the messenger.

((Also, from Dwarmin, don't know if it counts as an action, probably should wait for Sercon and Dwarm, in any case, before rolling this.))
Quote from: Dwarmin In IRC
[20:36] <Dwarmin> Anyway! I'm going to sleep now. If he jumps out the window, assume all my guards tackle him...should of mentioned my manor has giant stone WALLS.
(Well, I'd set this guy up earlier, might as well use him. ???)

Castleton shoots the messenger in the leg with his crossbow the second he goes for the window.

[1] The messenger bring a swift end to the arguements - by painting the cobblestone with his brains. Upon inspection of his corpse afterward, [6] you find a dagger lodged in his spine, not his leg.
Everything below this line is a distant memory
Evil Genius - Round 1 - Concluded
Evil Genius - Round 2 - Scrapped
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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3175 on: March 01, 2012, 04:52:51 pm »

John prodded the man with the tip of his boot, before reaching down and checking for a pulse.
"Huh. Well that's a damn shame...But what a fool..."

John checks the corpse for any information, at all.

He glanced over at Tala when he was done, keeping a blank face.

"You have a pretty good throwing arm, Madami Alanis...I didn't think they taught knife throwing to Noble Girls here."

"Well regardless, I'm taking this man to the morgue and we'll discuss what I spoke of earlier, later this week, if it's fine with you. I'm sure you wish to relax or something tonight. Tuesday sound all right?"
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 04:55:28 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3176 on: March 01, 2012, 05:09:26 pm »

Tala shook her head, ordering her guards to grabs buckets, soap and water to clean the mess. She would have preferred a nicer end to the discussion, though.

She stood over John, to see if he found anything.

...and, Tala was so sure she aimed for his hamstring and not his spine. Maybe her instincts took over. Damn the Queen for forcing this. He wasn't the first one who would die for her madness, and he wouldn't be the last.

She turned back to John after he was done, bending down to retrieve her knife. She wiped the blood off with a white kerchief, grimacing slightly.

"Unfortunate end, I believe.

As for my aim, I've always found, the best strike comes from an unexpected angle."

She smiled warmly, folding her hands. The blade was gone. Now, she was Tala the Noblewoman again. Pleasant, polite.

"...we'll see you on Tuesday, Sir John. Thank you for your visit."
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3177 on: March 01, 2012, 05:20:47 pm »

"Indeed...Good night Madami Alanis."

John picked up the corpse, making sure not to get any blood on his clothes as he drug it to the morgue.
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3178 on: March 01, 2012, 05:33:31 pm »

Tala went back into the manor with a sigh. What a day...looking back upon the killing, she felt suddenly sick to her stomach. To have killed a man, and orphaned his child. She had done it, though the fall no doubt contributed. Why did it always have to be that way? She put a hand to her temple, which was beating, fiercely and painfully. She promised herself that she would never allow herself to kill without remorse. Even a hint of it was enough-to remind her she was Human.

The pain was etched on her face, tightly controlled. Tala didn't think she would sleep easily tonight. Or, maybe she would. And that would be worse.

She saw Pasha in the doorway ahead. Right now, she just needed to know he was there for her. And she knew...he always would be.

Tala so did not want to give him any more news tonight.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3179 on: March 01, 2012, 05:42:09 pm »

Three men followed John into the morgue. Two of them were well armed and armored, but they did not look aggressive at all. The first one waited by the door while the second inspected the corpse. The last man appeared to be unarmed. He saluted John politely, made sure that all the windows were closed and that nobody was near the door, and he spoke.

"Allow me to introduce myself, John. I am Alexander, and as you might have guessed I am one of Kathos' men. Normally, I am the one supposed to follow you and report any unusual action to Thunderblade, but I thought that we might need your own version of the story before we told the Lord Chancellor that you visited Tala Alanis in the middle of the night, and that soon after that a man fell through the window of the mansion - with a dagger in his spine. I don't think I need to tell you that this looks quite bad, but since nearly everything related to William eventually ends up looking quite bad, and both Kathos and Nikephoros trust Tala... We're not going to arrest you, if you explain what happened."
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