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Author Topic: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)  (Read 225272 times)


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Summer 416a)
« Reply #3000 on: February 10, 2012, 09:53:35 pm »

"Things haven't changed much since he withdrew - on virtually no notice and with no reasoning truly provided to us. Things have gotten more hostile between all of us, but that's nothing new. It happens from time to time - especially when things get tight in other nations."
"With all due respect, He's likely withdrawn his forces due to the increased tensions. If the nations of the region settled down, it's highly probable that Galam's troops will return."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Summer 416a)
« Reply #3001 on: February 11, 2012, 03:47:46 am »

"With all due respect, He's likely withdrawn his forces due to the increased tensions. If the nations of the region settled down, it's highly probable that Galam's troops will return."

The Marquois nods, "He informed us of the same such reasoning, that was all we got - besides our fees returned." He seems frustrated, but mostly tired. "If they do settle again, then yes, I'm sure we can renegotiate our contracts. When that'll be who knows!"

(-1 to movement?)
William sends his Crimson Guards to investigate if the rumors- about the bandits- have any truth to them. He spends the 1d on the people, possibly on warm food and drink or what have you.

Your men are content to stay close to the city this season. They do however burn a movement scouting the countryside. [2] Nothing turns up stranger than it should be. Until the snows start to fall they won't notice travel off the normal trails. They attempt to get information from the countryfolk [4] who point them to the western edge of your lands. Obvious signs of campfires are in the area, who made them can't be known for sure.

Your citizens are grateful for the increased food and drink for the cold winter nights.

Spoiler: Status of Polca (click to show/hide)
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Evil Genius - Round 1 - Concluded
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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Summer 416a)
« Reply #3002 on: February 12, 2012, 12:59:18 am »

Accept the job.

You begin to head east before the end of the season. From the looks on your men's, and your, faces the caravan master gives you some information about the area you're heading into.

Travelling through the Old Motavi Empire is exceedingly boring for the most part. [1] Somewhere along the outskirts of the Zema-Veruna border the caravan comes to a stop. Several men are standing on the 'road' between the two nations, the Caravan master seems to be having a heated discussion with the men which ends with [5] him stabbing the man with was talking to in the throat yelling "TAX THAT ASSHOLE!". The rest of the men approach the Caravan Master as he slowly backs to the wagons...

Caravan Guard: 5str (self inclusive) vs Highway Robbers: 2str
5+5 v 3+2
The leading bandits are swarmed by the collective guard of the caravan, not even given time to draw their weapons effectively, killing half their numbers instantly. The rest of the bandits approach in a screaming bloodrage...

5+5 v 2+1
...ending poorly for them. Their fear and rage outshines their combat senses and they're dropped quite efficiently by the guard.

The arms and equipment are gathered by your men and the rest of the guard and piled into the wagons. They're sold in Veruna to the state armory for (.25*[5]) ducats, of which the Caravan master holds .35d and splits the rest between the three regiments of guard (.3d each). [6] The arms are recognized by the quartermaster as those of Verunan manufacture. From the description provided to him, it appears they were a troop of guardsmen for the Marquois - fired a few seasons prior for 'excessive actions' taken during their service.

[4] The remainder of the trip to Moun is uneventful and slightly faster as the Caravan Master had hoped. You arrive in Moun a few weeks earlier than expected, gaining him an advantage over his competition. He unloads the remainder of his cargo, beaming the entire time. Payments gained a modest bonus and accumulated to (.5*3+10%=)1.65d all told.

Spoiler: Terryn's Assets (click to show/hide)
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  • Bay Watcher
  • <Servibot> thatkid, swag percentiles: 94
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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3003 on: February 12, 2012, 01:05:36 am »

Terryn grinned a wicked grin as he kicked his feet up onto the table of the tavern, throwing back another shot. "'ey, Donald, still wishin' we hadn't decided to take this route?" he asked, a grin across his drunken face. He didn't wait for an answer as he rolled out of the chair, springing to his feet: "Doesn't matter much! Tell the men to be ready to leave in the morning. It'sh back to the Ligoria with us!"

Try to find a job heading straight to Ligoria. If one cannot be found, head there without acting as a caravan escort.
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3004 on: February 12, 2012, 06:07:33 am »

((Please stop with the beige CG, it's not possible to see it using the standard theme D: ))

"Well, I could help 'settle' things down. However, this will also involve your compliance in this. Agreed?"
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3005 on: February 12, 2012, 11:35:55 pm »

Try to find a job heading straight to Ligoria. If one cannot be found, head there without acting as a caravan escort.

[2] The closest thing to an escort job heading to Ligoria is as a letter courier, that isn't paid. You head to Ligoria nonetheless and [6] make good time, arriving just before the snows start to fall in the North of the Coast. Your men all hope they can avoid heading that direction.

"Well, I could help 'settle' things down. However, this will also involve your compliance in this. Agreed?"

[2] The Marquois doesn't trust you, but has no reason to nor hide his distrust. "Our issues are cyclical. They'll never end until we reunite the empire in some fashion that would restore us to the former glory we once held. No one on the coast would be able to compete with us at that point..." The Marquois looks sort of...reminiscent, if not contemplative. "There's not a lot you can do for our troubles in Veruna anyway - we didn't start this, Piata did."
Everything below this line is a distant memory
Evil Genius - Round 1 - Concluded
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3006 on: February 12, 2012, 11:39:05 pm »

"Is the Lord in?" Terryn queried the door guards, hand resting on the once bejeweled pommel of his longsword. "And if so, might I speak with him? You can tell him that one Ser Terryn is at his call, though I'd like it to be urgent. There's a some coin in it to, if you don't stop to smell the roses along the way."

Terryn goes to meet with the current ruler of Ligoria. He doesn't intend to pay the door guards much more than enough for a cheap drink or two, but hopefully it should prevent them from entering the hallway for a few seconds and coming back they seem wont to do when dealing with him.
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3007 on: February 12, 2012, 11:52:39 pm »

"Right then, We'll be off then."

Continue onto the next Motavian nation, see if I can arrange a meeting before I can arrive there.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3008 on: February 13, 2012, 12:08:03 pm »

Nikephoros was both annoyed and satisfied at the same time. It was a weird jumble of thoughts, ranging from analysis of the plans and the pleasure of fufilling at least part of them mixed with the loathing of the De Plume . He understood why would someone oppose invasion and try to resist, but that woman was infuriating. Nonetheless, the relative success so far and the prospects once the winter is over were dominating in Niko's mind.

They already got to Talama, soldiers returning to barracks to unload equipment and dispersing to their homes and families. Nikephoros decided that most troops should take it easy this season, save for maybe some training activity.
He directed himself to the palace to speka with his partner. He hoped that kathos wouldf not rwefuse one request he had...

"Kathos, I have returend, and there are some things to talk about too as well. I take that everything is fine?
Listen, I have aquired some money while we were on the campaign and I think we would be able to raise additional troops now to make them ready for spring. I also brought two nobles with me."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3009 on: February 13, 2012, 12:41:10 pm »

The Crimson Guards are to scope out the campfire sites. They'll politely question any who return there about the bandit raids.

William will see if Polca has any libraries of any sort.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 01:29:25 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3010 on: February 13, 2012, 03:31:25 pm »

"Kathos, I have returend, and there are some things to talk about too as well. I take that everything is fine?
Listen, I have aquired some money while we were on the campaign and I think we would be able to raise additional troops now to make them ready for spring. I also brought two nobles with me."

Kathos welcomed Nikephoros warmly, eager to hear the news.

"Of course everything is fine. Little happened while you were away. William has contacted me to inform us that he rules Polca, but his position is not totally secure. He will not make our alliance public until his position is solid, but he will still pay taxes to Ligoria. I also found a self-important cutthroat who hoped that I would hire him as a spy, and I decided to send him against the city gangs, but apart from that this fall was rather boring. Now, you're telling me that you need to raise more forces. Why is that? What exactly happened during the campaign?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3011 on: February 13, 2012, 04:16:08 pm »

"I managed to defeat De Plume and Sir Hopper in battle, but on both occasions the nobles themsleves were not around. The borderland is secure save for Sir Hopper's sliver of land, and I am hoping to organise more troops and push into the peninsula to catch De Plume. She seems to be the person orchestrating the resistance against us, and I would like to simply grab the entire lot as soon as possible. She is no tactician. Besides, we can make our victories known to the folk in Ligoria, to boost spirits and recruitment. Also, I have rescued an engineer. We can use his services for whatever we need. I was thinking of emplying him for military needs, but I assume that civil engineering could use him more if you want.

So? How much money can we spare? I brought 3 ducats."

Sometime later...

"My Lord, there is a man who appears to be a mercenary, here to see you."

Nikephoros sat at his desk, filing the recruitment orders. The 3d he got were going to army anyway, he knew that much.

Terryn was let into Lord Protector's office.

"Yes, how can I help you?"
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 06:30:32 pm by Ardas »


  • Bay Watcher
  • <Servibot> thatkid, swag percentiles: 94
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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3012 on: February 13, 2012, 07:31:44 pm »

"Ah," Terryn affected his most winning smile, "It is a pleasure to have finally met you, m'Lord. As you can imagine, I have heard quite a bit about you."

He crossed his right arm over his waist, dipping into a low bow. "I am Ser Terryn Selgvyrdson, Commander of the Thornbred Knights. And I do believe that a cunning man such as yourself might find use for one of my talents."
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3013 on: February 13, 2012, 07:34:37 pm »

"Ah," Terryn affected his most winning smile, "It is a pleasure to have finally met you, m'Lord. As you can imagine, I have heard quite a bit about you."

He crossed his right arm over his waist, dipping into a low bow. "I am Ser Terryn Selgvyrdson, Commander of the Thornbred Knights. And I do believe that a cunning man such as yourself might find use for one of my talents."
"Oh really? Well then, dear sir, tell me what you might know of Baroness De Plume. I am looking for her and I need help in finding her."


  • Bay Watcher
  • <Servibot> thatkid, swag percentiles: 94
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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)
« Reply #3014 on: February 13, 2012, 07:46:11 pm »

"Oh really? Well then, dear sir, tell me what you might know of Baroness De Plume. I am looking for her and I need help in finding her."

Terryn arched an eyebrow, sapphire eyes bright under his mop of fiery hair. An odd question- and why would this man think he knew the answer? But perhaps...

"Baroness De Plume?" the smile returned, masking a quick lie, "She is a widow, no? Or perhaps her voracious appetite simply precedes her? I'm afraid I don't know where she might be."
The Hedge Knight sighed and raised a fist, checking his fingernails for dirt. "But then, I do have my ways of finding such women...given enough time, and incentive."
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.
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