Yeah, the police thing makes sense, but I would have them hanging put in the lobby or something - there was a fight with my whole team, a bunch of civilians, and even more zombies right outside and I was unable to get their attention.
Yeah, there's another reason I have them in the main hallway rather than the lobby--they also have to keep an eye on the place so the criminals don't escape. Mike Six-finger can be a pretty powerful ally, but you'll have to get him past the cops first. I think I'm going to release an update at some point where, among other changes, they'll eventually follow the sergeant out of the station after a good many turns. That would be more interesting.
I set up shop waiting for the order to evac, and decide to try one of these cocaine blocks.
Toshio Tanida promptly eats the entire block and falls into a coma. *facedesk*
Heh, I couldn't help myself
You could revive someone from a coma (stun) using a medi-kit, if you happen to find one. Also, cocaine has another use, though it's unlikely many will figure it out.
Nice job, as usual
However, Doctor Faust thought it was a great idea to shoot him instead of the zombie, and proceed to have him, the Zombies, Doctor Faust + Pet, and the laboratory destroyed.
He's got a cool gun, but he's no marksman
Two Bugs: I used a mind probe and entered the character screen for the first time. Tutorial popped up. I exited but the tutorial remained. Game pretty much locked up.
The score screen didn't count the scrolls I used. Not a big deal at all, but just something to note.
Thanks for the reports. That first one is definitely a good enough reason to release a fix. I'll do that at some point. (I didn't do much testing with the help actually activated, since it would be annoying having it pop up all the time...)
Edit 1: Hm, looked at that tutorial issue. The game appears to lock up, but it actually just didn't draw the close tutorial button even though it's there, so until I release a fix, anyone who encounters this issue (it doesn't happen every time) should mouse around the bottom right of the text area and it'll reveal the invisible button... Sheesh. I'll do a small R7.1, along with a few other mods to the scenario, but I'll wait on it until there are possibly more things to change.
Edit 2: It was only counting one of the scroll types--forgot to add checks where the others could be detected.