I'm sure plenty of Bay12 has read this article already. I've been seeing it passed around a lot the last couple days. Going to post it here, anyway. It should be required reading for everyone on the planet.
Global Warming's Terrifying New Math
I'm pretty well convinced that we are fucked. I have very little hope for the future. I sincerely regret having children, because it's painful to imagine the world they'll almost certainly be facing as they near adulthood.
oh hey, it's worse than we had predicted
Pretty much no one in the even most remotest of know is surprised, I imagine
Honestly, I don't know what to say. A good three quarters or so of the people I've talked to with a fair grasp of the situation re:warming have just been kinda'... resigned. I mean, there's sorta' hope and usually passion to attempt change, but it's always underwritten by an air of, "Well, fuck. How the hell are we actually going to manage to do anything? Was too late when we first noticed, much less now, right? Please, someone say otherwise.
At my more vindictive, I can only guess the bastards in power expect to be dead before everything goes tits up and the rest of the world rightly decides to kill them.
At my less, well. Future conditions factored in to the whole will-not-breed thing. Just hope they pass away of old age before shit goes too far south, SG. That's currently my plan, t'be honest. Die before it goes over the tipping point. Maybe do a little bit to try and influence things for the better, but... I'm quite seriously not sure what short of outright and coordinated violence would have a sufficient effect at this point.
Maybe greater protests, I'unno. One of the bigger problems is that the major powers continued insistence of not doing anything meaningful speaks of a mindset that just... I can't really adequately describe it. Worse, I'm not sure how to adequately communicate with it, to the extent those people actually and meaningfully shift their behavioral patterns. The prospecting thing mentioned in the article is a good example. 100 million a month into finding more unrenewable resources. Invest that into research and production of
renewable resources and you have an investment that will theoretically pay off
infinitely (effectively so, anyway).
And yet... instead of doing that, or investing nearly that much into a goddamn
immortal golden goose, they're throwing all their money at the syphilitic cancer ridden goose that has the golden runs and have cut
eternal dividends entirely out of the budget. It's just... not a mindset I can comprehend, really, and I don't know how to communicate with it. If someone I employed came to me and told me that it was a good idea to completely ignore investing in a market that could entirely likely pay off more in the long run than the entire history of my industry
multiplied, and which we could invest in easily and still be goddamn ludicrously wealthy, I would fire that sumbitch right then and there. In these people's minds, that's somehow a position to agree with and promote.
How do you bridge that sort of gap?