San Diego: Three homeowners fighting to keep to their homes spokes, each one of them letting the banks know that if they come to evict, "We're not leaving."
I'm afraid the Sheriff might have other ideas....
7:36 PM: Occupy San Jose, Occupy Redwood City & ACCE marched with Gloria Takla to Chase bank and were able to delay her home's sale date until February 14. The bank also agreed to meet with her to discuss a loan modification.
This has more chance in the sense that it delays action, which is mostly what foreclosure defense clients get from attorney representation (hey, they aren't paying anything to live their while the suit is in the court system) unless the bank did something procedurally wrong that warrants some major remedy. This is possible though, improper notary is huge and the courts don't like banks screwing with this procedure "because it's cheaper to do it right."
That said, HAMP is a failure, because the law literally needs to hold the bank's hand or NOTHING happens even though you submit the same documents to the bank 21 times (literally). The banks don't seem to want the process to resolve quickly, sanely, or favorably for anyone including themselves.
I have without exaggeration offered the bank $80K for a $100K house when the guy got refinanced. Rather than take this offer, the bank foreclosed, went to Sheriff's sale and got about $43K for the house. Good job, you lost your bank $37K, asshole.