I'm down for joining forces with the Tea Party's supporters as a supporter of OWS. The problem will be the things the two groups don't agree with each other becoming focal points, since I'd assume that's where at least some of the interested money would be focused upon if money were being spent. The obvious solution is to trumpet the similarities between the two. I wonder what would happen at a joint OWS/Tea Party camp?
EDIT1: Also I should note that I still think the President is doing a decent job, though certain things could definitely be better, such as just recently perhaps giving a bit of discipline to whoever decided that listening to a certain kind of music makes you a member of a criminal gang. Remember all that history about jazz music?
http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/fbi-classifies-juggalos-gang-201339557.htmlKind of silly if you ask me.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychopathic_RecordsOn February 17, 2010, Psychopathic Records signed a contract with Universal Music Group's Fontana Distribution.[34] During this period, the label was nominated for Outstanding Local Record Label by Detroit Music Awards
EDIT: Hehe, this is how they describe juggalos: However, FBI specialists note that it can be hard to get a fix on the Juggalos and their whereabouts. Juggalos' "disorganization and lack of structure within their groups, coupled with their transient nature, makes it difficult to classify them and identify their members and migration patterns."
Basically a juggalo is someone who has heard songs by Psychopathic Records and had the audacity to enjoy them.
Stop potential oppression I guess Also I looked into that and it could be a bit more detailed and better worded and also I don't know exactly what effect this petition will have. I would have added something about sharing an interest in a certain type of music doesn't make one a part of a gang that also listens to that music so as to cover everyone in addition to juggalos, but whatever, I suppose this one fits the circumstances.
Here is something to read before you sign the petition though: If you sign a petition, please be advised that, even if you uncheck the box “Display my signature publicly”, your Personal Information may be delivered to the intended recipient of such campaign either electronically or in writing; the Company does not in any manner monitor or attempt to verify the intended recipients of any campaign and disclaims all liability regarding the accuracy of the intended recipient(s) of all campaigns. Please note further that if you choose to display your signature publicly when you sign a petition, you are also consenting to the disclosure of your name, city and state to the creator of the campaign.
I didn't sign it after all, but I support the idea. Maybe if it seemed more official I'd sign it but this just seems like an easy way to collect people's info.