I'm not going to be told now that everything is my fault for not waking up sooner, and I'm sure as hell not going to be discouraged from taking action now over the observation that it took too long to get something started (and it did).
Well, that's more at "the world in general". I refer you to one of my previous signatures (I had it for years here): "I want to fight the fight, but I don't know who is right."
And I'm still skeptical. I'm pissed off but don't see solutions. Which is fucking depressing, especially if you think about what kind of world
you put your kid in. Edit: rewording: I put my kid in.
On the other hand, no person is good.
Hmm, strictly speaking. But have you ever been helped unselfishly, has your heart been warmed by another human, has anyone ever cared selflessly for you? One good may not right everything, but we can strive for good.
but rather that we are guilty for allowing it to happen. We are guilty for standing around twiddling our thumbs while the world breaks down around us, and you're trying to point out that it's been breaking down around us, just that now the noise pollution is too high for us to remain comfortable in our complacency. Am I correct?
Sort of. Active and passive are strange that way. Take the (Oh, it's fake by the way) famous quote: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing", for instance. People have actively been paying money to people who eventually let it all flow to, say, GoldmanSachs. This "action", combined with my stand that ignorance is never an excuse, makes it an active contribution, to me. So for me, no party is "more guilty" than another.
Even so, Siquo, I can't really understand why you don't understand or approve of the Occupy movements. Is this not the moment you've been waiting for, for people to realize how screwed up the situation is?
Yes and no. I'd rather have the source taken care of. Now we'll just get more jobs, some symbolical laws will be passed, we get more bread and plays, and it all just stays the same. I don't want it to blow up either, because anarchy and a world aflame isn't really the best place to raise a kid (or so they say). What do I want? I don't know, or I'd be fighting for it like a madman.
It's almost like you don't approve of them because they didn't start being pissed at the way things were being done when you started.
It's almost like you're, and I'm honestly saying this in a light and joking tone, a rage hipster.
Low blow there. But yes, for a different reason: if everyone had gotten pissed off earlier, this wouldn't have been necessary.
"Never judge" is a great slogan but a shit way to actually run the world.
I'm glad you don't, if you call "you're wrong and I'm right" a philosophical difference
And so we come to the real point. Why is it necessary for you to believe that, what, people acting in knowingly destructive greed means we're all doomed so there's no reason to do anything about it, and/or some people are greedy therefor everyone is greedy therefore no one is allowed to complain?
Well, [1] if the first is true and the whole crisis is a conspiracy and happening on purpose, that means that this "public outcry" was part of the plan, and useless. It means that crying, fighting, yelling isn't going to help in any way. That's a pretty fucking depressing outlook. I'd like to think there's still something we can do.
The second option, they did it out of ignorant greed, places them on equal footing with the 90% (and I'm being fucking lenient here, no way 9% of the population is not greedy) who put them in a place of power (also just by being ignorant and greedy). It's just a naturally evolved situation. Nobody is actually to blame. Of course, screaming justice and revenge and what have you will take place, as it always happens, but it just makes me sad that it's still just covering up the underlying problem that created the situation in the first place. In the 60s there were hippies and peace and love and then there was money and we all just kind of forgot (YES I know you and I weren't around, it's about society don't take this so personal). Edit: on my 3rd reread this still is an incoherent piece of text. Perhaps I can rephrase this better at another time.
Just because it's not evil doesn't mean it's excusable or that we can afford to let it go.
True. Too true. But it wouldn't be fair, now would it? My neighbour is greedy, as is his neighbour. Do we all get to go to jail, or just those symbolic few who actually succeeded in their greed?
[1] Sorry to ignore the rest of your post but I still wasn't adressing the singular you. You picked a few causes of a crisis that has many more, and I'm sure I can cherry pick a few causes where you have been instrumental, albeit in the slightest possible way. "We" is society, and my choice of "You" was a bad choice of words.
So I'd like to rephrase: If everyone would just change their signs to "we are the 100%", it'd make sense to me.