As for accomplishing nothing...
Occupy Wallstreet has a higher aproval rating among americans than either the republican or democratic parties...
This could be a real revolution enacted through the system. I hope so hope anyway.
The US at the heart of an anticapitalist revolution - how sweetly ironic that would be.
This isn't about anticaptialism, or at least it shouldn't be. Capitalism is not what has failed us. Capitalism, real free and open capitalism, did wonders for the world and brought about economic prosperity for millions upon millions. But the US doesn't function under real capitalism, at least not anymore. Almost no one can go out and carve out a business for themselves and succeed by the sweat of their brow anymore. Monolithic corporations make expanding into any field that isn't on the cutting edge all but impossible, and the few who do are almost all eaten up by said monoliths through lucrative contracts and buyouts.
Hell, Toady himself was once offered 300,000 dollars to license the DF trademark to some unnamed company.
These days, corporations function in a manner that is not unlike the aristocracies of the old days. Many of the same elements are there. Corporations buy one another and grow in power with contracts like noble families did with marriage, they control trademarks and production like nobles controlled guilds, and of course there is all the disregard for human rights and general dickery. Neither are very fond of there being a middle class, either. This ever-warring "Corptocracy"; that is what needs to change.