There was an almost verbatim scandal in Spain, with several officers relishing in facebook the chance to exert violence upon peaceful protesters.
Let me just drop
this link again. It's a good one.
Wouldn't work. They will always find some way to give gifts under the radar or as technically legal. I propose that all elected officials (at least on the federal level) have absolutely all of their finances open to the public.
The problem is that property is power. If you have something that someone else wants/needs, then you have leverage. Give a little and get more in return. Those who are greedy will put more effort into leveraging their property than those who are not. By this mechanism, wealth accumulates over time into the hands of the greedy. Eventually this minority of greedy people controls the majority of stuff that everyone else wants or needs. This is power that can be used to influence anybody who isn't just as wealthy, including government officials. They have wants/needs just like anybody, and their access to whatever those things are is at the mercy of the handful of greedy who control it all. The world today is at a very advanced stage of this process.
So we band together to demand regulation over these transactions. Limit gifts/donations. Make them transparent. But who enforces these regulations? Who prevents their erosion? The... government? That doesn't make any sense. The fundamental problem is that property has influence over law. So we pass a law to prevent the law from being influenced. What makes that law so special that it is immune to that original fundamental problem?
If the public remains vigilant on the matter, it can work... but cultural consciousness is fickle. People pay attention to issues that present an immediate problem to them. After whatever law is passed that is supposed to fix the interaction of wealth and law, the majority of the population will check that issue off in their head and fail to notice the gradual return of the problem until it's too late. Besides, all it takes is the proper distraction, and any legislation can be slipped into the books under the table. This is why we have repeating cycles of prosperity, desperation, and revolution throughout history.
For the first time in all human history, people have instant access to most of humanity's collective knowledge, and they
still seem determined to continue repeating the same cycle. We should know better by now.
I say it's nonsense. We need to deeply re-think the structure of modern society, not polish surface details. We need to dismantle the mechanisms by which a handful of people can become so powerful that they can fuck up everything for everyone.