You never noticed how much you liked having a conscience until you woke up without one.
Moral judgements burden and guide you no longer. You imagine any number of horrendous crimes, and on the other hand saintly deeds, and feel no difference in weight. No outrage. No sympathy. No respect for heroes and distaste for villians. No more "ought" and "ought not".
That said, you most certainly do not want to be a psychopath, although you have trouble convincing yourself why. You still have an intellectual sense of right and wrong, though it is not necessarily compelling. Anyway, you 'ought', such as it is, to get that divkit you ordered.
As you check your doorstep for the package you are sure is there, you try to recall your dream. You definitely remember giving up your conscience, and there was some kind of dispute with the Messenger - it wanted you to do something.
Oh, that's right. You're supposed to conquer the universe.
Well, technically, you're just supposed to destroy the presence of any other Titanic Faction. The point remains.
The divkit is a heavy, black box with a USB cable, and comes with a few cryptically named disks. Oh, that's right, too. You were arguing with the Messenger over the precise philosophical definition of chaos and what exactly you would receive in your divkit. You recall the Messenger gave up at the end and just gave you some somethings.
You scan the documentation on another laptop as you wait for the divkit to be installed on your main laptop.
The divkit itself is magical in that whatever functions, classes, interfaces, variables, nanobotic assembly schema, blueprints, headers, and utilities it contains do not necessarily exist until you look for them. It is like a toolbox that produces the perfect tool just as you reach for one. That said, you have two main powers: Inject(), and Corrupt(), which is essentially a kind of Inject().
Inject() allows you to insert code into whatever you please, such as a chair or the atmosphere. Exactly what happens afterwards is undefined, as in the process you overwrite something else. You might make clouds rain knives, only for the wind to stop functioning. Or maybe you turn the wind into knives and the clouds stop moving. You'll never know for sure until you try.
Corrupt() is even simpler. It simply Inject()s trash randomly into something, or in a pattern you choose. The results are emphatically undefined, and probably harmful. Dire warnings inform you that under NO circumstance should you ever Corrupt() a divkit. Their reasoning is not further explained, though not hard to imagine.
You can also subtly tweak the parameters of a chaotic or random situation, and quickly increase the entropy of a system.
The divkit drivers finish installing. What do you do now?
You are the Crown Prince.
You have power over Chaos and Twisting things in your favor.
In particular, you have the power to Inject() and Corrupt(). You have additional powers over randomness and entropy.
As your Stake in the battle to come, you lost your Conscience. You are currently trying not to be a psychopath.
In your mortal life, you were an Elite Hacker. You live in a Decent, middle class apartment. You have a standard divkit and the software thereof.