I'm not so fond of LinkedIn either, though, so go figure. Sticking to Facebook for now, because I don't give a crap about the GUI. All I want is to be able to occasionally link spam or snarl about Saint Augustine without Google updating its ads, "personalized" search engine and all that other shit--"You're female and you talk a lot about 300AD Catholic texts! Would you like to purchase this chastity belt?"
You don't know me, Google, and I'm glad for it :I
You think Facebook cares about your privacy? Google might misstep about it, but Facebook (and more specifically Mark Zuckerberg) explicitly
doesn't care. Mark Zuckerberg is the kind of guy who believes in open sharing of information with everyone, and is pretty much willing to enforce that when they can get away with it. And personalized searches, ads, etc. are hardly limited to either Google
or Facebook.
And really, the new changes are more problematic than just the GUI. Well, okay, I guess it's mostly the GUI, but in ways that affect function. All of a sudden my friends have defaulted to "most updates", so I'm not sure which Facebook is filtering out, and I can't view things chronologically anymore so I have no idea what Facebook is filtering there either, or in what order.
Hmm, it is google, and that is a plus and a minus. On the plus side, it will be awesome, because google really does know their shit, they just get it. On the minus, handing over personal information to google has never worked well in the past.
Has handing over personal information to Facebook worked out well? First off, don't you remember that big debacle with applications datamining their users, not to mention the fact that their cross-site interface is so insecure that people would wind up "liking" things they've never heard of, sharing things from their profile, etc, just by visiting other websites? Google has dropped the ball before, but Facebook doesn't even feel like playing the same sport.