Even back then I thought that Klamath was small. It was small enough that the town greeter, drunk and idiot were all the same person. It was small enough that travellers would mistake nearby tribal villages for it. That's how small it was. The major source of income for Klamath was the jerky trade. Actually Gecko trapping was pretty big too, though most people gave up after losing their first digit. And I suppose that the 'Bathhouse' made enough money to keep afloat. Anyways the point I'm making here is that Klamath kinda ran on jerky, and a couple of slimy bastards made the most jerky in town. Not the best. Theirs was half-rotten and smelled like the other half wasn't too far behind. Still, it had some sort of magical ability of selling like hot cakes, so they were always in need of meat, Brahmin or otherwise.
Being from out of town the twins, they were twins by the way, forgot to mention that. Anyways the twins had a little job for me. Brahmin may not have been the most illustrious start to my career, but money is money, and I needed the stuff bad back then. The person guarding the Brahmin the twins had picked out was a couple points south of normal, if you know what I mean.
Rustling the Brahmin from him was about as easy as you'd expect.
With the money in my pocket I went to find Vic. Well, actually I was looking for a bar, but I found Vic's place first.
Vic wasn't in, so I helped myself to his stuff. Heh.
After that I suppose that I found a bar in that dump. It's all rather blurry. I learned a little bit about the sweet science and sporting art known as Pugilism. Heh, I thought it was something a little different at the time. My wallet was a bit light afterwards, so I 'helped' myself to some jerky and booze before wandering off to explore a bit more.