The badgers were defeated, with no casualties. One of them snuck in and scared some ponies, but was slaughtered with haste. All outside ore was immediately hauled inside, to prevent any smelting proles to be attacked. Soon after, another wave of immigrants came. Most were immigrants, but we received a markspony and a potter/soldier. The potter can make clay barrels in his off-time, which we can use to store food. The markspony was assigned as a captain of his own unit (with him as the only member), and given a wooden crossbow and bone bolts. A magma kiln was constructed to employ the potter, and he was told to collect clay for the time being. Ironsides forged three more golden statues, one of a pony, one of a trio of Forgotten Beasts, and one of Necro himself. The statue of Necro replaced the one of the slain buffalo, and all the remaining statues (Including the dragon/buffalo statue) were moved into the barracks. The statue was of Necro standing boldly above the other ponies, and depicted his rise from cavern suicide-miner, to leader of Machineblood. The cave ponies had just arrived as the new markspony had gone stark raving mad, speaking gibberish of things such as small ponies that only have a coat on their head and a mane on their face. The weirdest part was that they stand on their hind legs, and have no hooves on their fore ones. It was quite odd, but no matter. The fool shall meet his end soon enough, and the cave ponies shall receive gifts that'll make them... feel warm inside?