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Author Topic: The Saga of Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves (spoilers + image heavy)  (Read 159502 times)


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Re: Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves/The Final Chapter (spoilers + image heavy)
« Reply #555 on: December 30, 2011, 12:52:09 pm »

i wonder, is the levers in the map room also linked to the domes magma flooding system?
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


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Re: Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves/The Final Chapter (spoilers + image heavy)
« Reply #556 on: December 30, 2011, 01:16:12 pm »

The smoothed, sloping tunnel echoes with scrapes and grunts as Solon pulls herself up ramp after ramp. She is near to the lever room, she knows, but there is no time to waste.

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The goblins finally reach the bottom of the obsidian block passage, filled with searing heat and the low roar of the magma flows outside. Damsto walks through the tunnel, spear at the ready, but encounters no resistance. The dwarves and their impregnable defenses have finally been broken.

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The mayor reaches a bend in the passage. She eyes the coffins to her left, before turning to the right and continuing the long crawl. The ghosts follow after her, perhaps to witness the final fate of the Merchant of Echoing. These woeful spirits do not cheer her on, or stress upon her the urgency of the situation. For the dead, these final days are merely the culmination of a long and agonizing wait - a wait which, in all likelihood, will continue on into eternity.

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Damsto and his spearmen enter the statue chamber just past the sealed passage. He instinctively makes for the eastern passage, to the long stairwell that leads into the dome. He is driven by instinct, the same instinct by which the goblins knew, year after year during their enemies' mysterious disappearance, that the dwarves were indeed alive in Weatherwires... somewhere.

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With an agonized grunt, Solon pushes the steel door open. Using her birchen training axe as a wedge, she props the door open and crawls through the entrance. Three spirits slide through the walls after her. There are 13 levers in this chamber, but there is only one that she seeks. Her journey is almost finished, but she does not - cannot - feel discouraged now. She pulls herself stoically onward.

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At that moment, as Solon began crawling to the lever she sought, spearmaster Damsto reached the bottom of the staircase. His nostrils flared, taking in the multitude of scents. Dwarves... brimstone... and death. Readying his spear, he moved through the narrow passage, his underlings following closely after.

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Finished: Weatherwires, the Last Mountainhome. A tragic mix of Children of Men, City of Ember, and, uh, magma.
Stymied: Correspondence from Syrupurns, a prematurely ended narrative, told through annual updates.
In Progress: Roomcarnage, a fortress clinging to life beneath a haunted glacier.


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Re: Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves/The Final Chapter (spoilers + image heavy)
« Reply #557 on: December 30, 2011, 01:18:58 pm »

i wonder, is the levers in the map room also linked to the domes magma flooding system?

Wouldn't that be nice - destroy the goblins with a deluge of magma inside the dome itself? Unfortunately, trolls destroyed the magma flooding system years ago. :(
Finished: Weatherwires, the Last Mountainhome. A tragic mix of Children of Men, City of Ember, and, uh, magma.
Stymied: Correspondence from Syrupurns, a prematurely ended narrative, told through annual updates.
In Progress: Roomcarnage, a fortress clinging to life beneath a haunted glacier.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves/The Final Chapter (spoilers + image heavy)
« Reply #558 on: December 30, 2011, 01:31:43 pm »

This is so insane! One of the top stories of all times!

This should have a page in the wiki. And an overview in there...

Perfect example what you can achieve in DF if you just have the patience and creativity. If you don't, program your RL Runesmith and use it to add them ;)
Then he made grudge wit about 20 other dwarfs (still don't know why - perhaps they were stealing his chair).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves/The Final Chapter (spoilers + image heavy)
« Reply #559 on: December 30, 2011, 03:03:20 pm »

i wonder, is the levers in the map room also linked to the domes magma flooding system?

Wouldn't that be nice - destroy the goblins with a deluge of magma inside the dome itself? Unfortunately, trolls destroyed the magma flooding system years ago. :(

a great shame.
still, ^^ a blast reading this thread dear sir.
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


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Re: Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves/The Final Chapter (spoilers + image heavy)
« Reply #560 on: December 30, 2011, 09:47:21 pm »

i wonder, is the levers in the map room also linked to the domes magma flooding system?

Wouldn't that be nice - destroy the goblins with a deluge of magma inside the dome itself? Unfortunately, trolls destroyed the magma flooding system years ago. :(

i remember that.
"For a moment, perhaps, the furry, horned beasts stared into the vast abyss beyond the ruins of the pumps, dimly lit with a red glow from the sea of magma far below, and a glimmer of comprehension of what the dwarves had accomplished flashed briefly through their primitive minds before they turned and retreated to the surface." is in my opinion, one of the most well written and image evoking lines of the whole thread.
Life (in dwarf fortress) is a cocophany of flavours, each more succulent than the last - why not sample them all?!


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Re: Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves/The Final Chapter (spoilers + image heavy)
« Reply #561 on: December 30, 2011, 11:26:36 pm »

The anwser to life, the universe, and everything as we know it is -MAGMA-


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Re: Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves/The Final Chapter (spoilers + image heavy)
« Reply #562 on: December 31, 2011, 01:01:16 am »


I agree. DS is a master storyteller and dwarf fortresser. It is our responsibility to pressure him into some sort of sequel, for the benefit of the next generating of B12ers. Not that he needs pressuring.

                  He's on fire.


A dragon and a giant desert scorpion, locked in mortal combat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves/The Final Chapter (spoilers + image heavy)
« Reply #563 on: December 31, 2011, 02:00:57 am »

Dammit DS, while I was reading this thread I was tabbed out of my up-and-coming fort after another crumbled to its end due to a combo nine-squad Naga+Elephant Warrior on mounts siege. I come back to find that the Circus had come into town while I was gone thanks to a one-block candy stringer that had found its way into my mining designation and they all died.

The question is: how do you profaine a temple dedicated to pure greed?
Give a donation.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves/The Final Chapter (spoilers + image heavy)
« Reply #564 on: December 31, 2011, 12:26:39 pm »


I agree. DS is a master storyteller and dwarf fortresser. It is our responsibility to pressure him into some sort of sequel, for the benefit of the next generating of B12ers. Not that he needs pressuring.

                  He's on fire.


A dragon and a giant desert scorpion, locked in mortal combat.

i went up agenst a bronze collosis once as an adventurer, i hit him so much with an iron mace while by a tree the he was deleted by the tree so the tree could continue to exist, 0.o stupid elves
The anwser to life, the universe, and everything as we know it is -MAGMA-


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Re: Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves/The Final Chapter (spoilers + image heavy)
« Reply #565 on: December 31, 2011, 04:32:42 pm »

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The goblins entered the tiered antechamber of the dome - though, in truth, they could not have possibly known what lay beyond. Below them were arrayed rows of coffins, with narrow walkways between. This, the goblins realized with rising fury, must be where the dwarves had placed all of their dead after the battles of 203 and 204. In those years, a great force of goblins and trolls had besieged the fortress, only to find the site abandoned. The trolls had gone about the business of smashing apart the innumerable coffins, defiling the graves of their enemies. Then, suddenly, the dwarves had emerged, without warning, from their hiding place. All the invaders within Weatherwires had been slain without mercy.

The next siege that had arrived, a few months later, had found nothing. There was no sign of the dwarves, or their dead, or any coffins at all. The fortress - at least, that part of it which the goblins could reach - was empty. The dwarves' disappearance had been a mystery.

Until now.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

These must have been the coffins that the dwarves had claimed in 204, Damsto reasoned, hauled down into this safe hole and sealed away with magma. The spearmaster's jade lips twisted into a sneer beneath his copper helm, and he turned his attention to the prominent passage on the opposide side of the chamber. By a quick count, there were little more than four score dwarves buried here - and, so the stories went, the entire dwarven civilization had died here, in Weatherwires. The rest of the tombs must lie elsewhere... deeper within the tunnels.

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As the goblins began to pad through the hewn passageway, their ears picked up the faint sound of creaking machinery, and an odd thumping sound. Any right-minded goblin knew to be wary when strange sounds echoed through the halls of a Mountainhome, but Damsto laughed at his underlings, dismissing the sounds as the stupid trolls tearing up grates far above them.

The trolls were indeed stupid, and it was true, that they were tearing up grates. Occasionally, one would rend a grate in pieces while he stood upon it, causing him to fall into the magma below.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

But what Damsto and his squad did not notice - or gave no heed to - was the sudden diminution of that ceaseless rumbling which had accompanied them through the previous tunnels, which had echoed loudly within the caldera of the volcano. Any dwarf would recognize that sound: the reverberations caused by the flow of massive amounts of molten rock. And likewise, the sudden ceasing of that sound could mean but one thing.

The draining had stopped.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Solon Townclenched lay next to the toggled lever atop the ring in the center of the room, gasping for air after her long trek from the citadel. The entire lever room was indeed a miniature map of the dome, with levers tending to correlate to different hatches or seals in the fortress - but these levers, atop the central ring which was analogous to the great temple, controlled the drainage of the volcano; the sealed passage to the surface.

She glanced down from her vantage point, and through the doors below her, she heard echoing cries of surprise and anger, and harsh curses in a guttural tongue. Despite her best efforts, the goblins had breached the dome - the dwarves were truly doomed. The goblins had, in the end, finally made it into the fortress, and it would be those foul creatures - not demons, nor ghosts, nor legendary beast - who finally laid the Merchant of Echoing in its dark and forgotten tomb.

And, she realized, with the only exit quickly sealing, they would seek a way out. They would search every chamber in the fortress. This room - they would eventually find it, and Solon, too.

She crawled down the staircase and made for the door.

Far above, the lava in the caldera settled flat, and began slowly refilling.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Finished: Weatherwires, the Last Mountainhome. A tragic mix of Children of Men, City of Ember, and, uh, magma.
Stymied: Correspondence from Syrupurns, a prematurely ended narrative, told through annual updates.
In Progress: Roomcarnage, a fortress clinging to life beneath a haunted glacier.


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Re: Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves/The Final Chapter (spoilers + image heavy)
« Reply #566 on: December 31, 2011, 04:46:43 pm »


A dragon and a giant desert scorpion, locked in mortal combat.

Huh, now I kind of want to change my screen name to !!DS!!. Though, I guess that would count as tooting my own horn, so to speak - and it might not fit, as I tend to avoid being inflammatory on message boards whenever possible.

Dammit DS, while I was reading this thread I was tabbed out of my up-and-coming fort after another crumbled to its end due to a combo nine-squad Naga+Elephant Warrior on mounts siege. I come back to find that the Circus had come into town while I was gone thanks to a one-block candy stringer that had found its way into my mining designation and they all died.

I cannot be held responsible for lost dwarves, fortress, socks, magma, children, alcohol, marbles, composure, or anything that can be weaponized on account of reading this thread.

Nice writing, DS.  The tone is just perfect.
This is so insane! One of the top stories of all times!
still, ^^ a blast reading this thread dear sir.
"For a moment, perhaps, the furry, horned beasts stared into the vast abyss beyond the ruins of the pumps, dimly lit with a red glow from the sea of magma far below, and a glimmer of comprehension of what the dwarves had accomplished flashed briefly through their primitive minds before they turned and retreated to the surface." is in my opinion, one of the most well written and image evoking lines of the whole thread.

Haha, thank you all for the positive feedback and appreciation! I am, of course, extremely glad that people are enjoying the thread.

It's winding down, of course. I foresee, maybe, a handful more posts, give or take a few, depending on how verbose I decide to be at the time of writing. I hope that, once it's over and finished, people will continue to read it and enjoy it, though I'm sure the size of the thread is a deterrent to some. I often wonder how many people read this thread and don't post - so I'm grateful for any sort of feedback at all.

Also, those quotes would be hilarious to read on the "back cover" of this thread, if you get my meaning.
Finished: Weatherwires, the Last Mountainhome. A tragic mix of Children of Men, City of Ember, and, uh, magma.
Stymied: Correspondence from Syrupurns, a prematurely ended narrative, told through annual updates.
In Progress: Roomcarnage, a fortress clinging to life beneath a haunted glacier.


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Re: Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves/The Final Chapter (spoilers + image heavy)
« Reply #567 on: December 31, 2011, 04:58:14 pm »

Haha, thank you all for the positive feedback and appreciation! I am, of course, extremely glad that people are enjoying the thread.

It's winding down, of course. I foresee, maybe, a handful more posts, give or take a few, depending on how verbose I decide to be at the time of writing. I hope that, once it's over and finished, people will continue to read it and enjoy it, though I'm sure the size of the thread is a deterrent to some. I often wonder how many people read this thread and don't post - so I'm grateful for any sort of feedback at all.

Also, those quotes would be hilarious to read on the "back cover" of this thread, if you get my meaning.

can you come back to the fort as an adventurer to continue the story? it would be awesome for a dwarf to come back to all this awesomeness and wonder, what happened to this place?
The anwser to life, the universe, and everything as we know it is -MAGMA-


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Re: Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves/The Final Chapter (spoilers + image heavy)
« Reply #568 on: December 31, 2011, 06:46:24 pm »

Haha, thank you all for the positive feedback and appreciation! I am, of course, extremely glad that people are enjoying the thread.

It's winding down, of course. I foresee, maybe, a handful more posts, give or take a few, depending on how verbose I decide to be at the time of writing. I hope that, once it's over and finished, people will continue to read it and enjoy it, though I'm sure the size of the thread is a deterrent to some. I often wonder how many people read this thread and don't post - so I'm grateful for any sort of feedback at all.

Also, those quotes would be hilarious to read on the "back cover" of this thread, if you get my meaning.

can you come back to the fort as an adventurer to continue the story? it would be awesome for a dwarf to come back to all this awesomeness and wonder, what happened to this place?

Unfortunately, no. The game crashes upon attempting to enter the fort as an adventurer, and that's in the oldest save I have (year 188). In the current save, I can't abandon the fort and the game crashes upon the last dwarf's death, so you can't even change modes, unless you use a 3rd party utility.

It would have been awesome, though.
Finished: Weatherwires, the Last Mountainhome. A tragic mix of Children of Men, City of Ember, and, uh, magma.
Stymied: Correspondence from Syrupurns, a prematurely ended narrative, told through annual updates.
In Progress: Roomcarnage, a fortress clinging to life beneath a haunted glacier.


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Re: Weatherwires: Children of Dwarves/The Final Chapter (spoilers + image heavy)
« Reply #569 on: December 31, 2011, 07:16:41 pm »

can you come back to the fort as an adventurer to continue the story? it would be awesome for a dwarf to come back to all this awesomeness and wonder, what happened to this place?

Unfortunately, no. The game crashes upon attempting to enter the fort as an adventurer, and that's in the oldest save I have (year 188). In the current save, I can't abandon the fort and the game crashes upon the last dwarf's death, so you can't even change modes, unless you use a 3rd party utility.

It would have been awesome, though.

Have you tried using that third party utility? It might be a !!fun!! challenge for the fans to try to destroy that last goblin siege with the injured(?) mayor.
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