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Add Orc tribes (Smaller than a waaaagh!) - i'm starting to work on this one
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Author Topic: Warhammer Fortress - a Warhammer Total Conversion - V1.4.1  (Read 109618 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: fans and modders requested for a Warhammer TC - V0.2a
« Reply #105 on: October 03, 2011, 04:53:04 pm »

Children are not mandatory, according to the wiki. Regarding male and female tokens, you can simply make two castes with [POP_RATIO:0] and [MALE]/[FEMALE] and they'll survive. Make another one (or more) with [POP_RATIO:100] (unsure if it's necessary or not) and [NO_GENDER] for the playable ones. I'd rather have snotlings as pets than anything else. Also, will greenskins be considered [EVIL] or just [SAVAGE]?

I would say savage. They simply like to fight and don't have understand the concept of "civilian". They don't have plans to turn the world to darkness they just want a good scrap. As far as siege progression goes they and beastmen should siege very early on as they are the most common threats. Night goblins seem to only have metallic weapons and use some chain mail and mostly leather for armor.

As the the 4 entities for Scaven I think by having each of the clans as a separate creature with different castses and then having those 4 creatures in the entity file upon worldgen one of those creatures is chosen to populate that civilization.

cant you make it so that say, snotlings are the child , goblins are the breeding age, then they mature into orcs?

or have it so that snotlings are the breeders and child in one, that then turn into goblins or orcs later on?

Unless of course you just gave lay eggs and call their egg a fungal growth sack, when snotlings, then have them change to male when they turn goblin and stay male when their orc.

Depends if you can do stage growths into different creature templates or not. may have to wait for the next release for it.

As to the Orcs, I personally don't mind female orks, as I know that it is just a temporary hurdle in accurately simulating our greenskins. At the same time, I could see migrants-only as a valid and fluffy way to swell their ranks with only one big intrinsic flaw existing, which is that more fighting = less migrants in DF, but more fighting should equal more migrants (as orks love to go where the best scraps are). So I could foresee there being an anemic ork horde if you are behaving in an orky fashion (as all the death from the fighting would stop the influx of migrants and they can't breed).

You are right about the migrant issue. Too many deaths would mean that your horde would find a shortage of boys... which for orcs is unthinkable, meaning that for most DF forts OnGs and Night gobs would rely on their own birth rates to fight a battle of attrition. I like the idea as snotlings as children but Deathsword's idea of them as pets (which is what they are in the fluff... and snack as well) works and is fluffy. The egg idea may work but its just damn silly to think of a goblin claiming a nest box and before you know it you have a boincing box-o-snotlings... then again OnG's are the comic relief in Warhammer. I really wish we had a building where we could produce creatures. That would solve most, if not, all of the greenskins breeding issues. We may just have to settle for "male" and "female" greenskins just with high birth rates and short childhoods. We really could go either way with this. Any suggestions or thoughts? I'm up for anything as we could always change it to make more sense later.

Crazy Cow

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Re: fans and modders requested for a Warhammer TC - V0.2a
« Reply #106 on: October 03, 2011, 07:04:38 pm »

Hey, I just have a quick fluff question. Do the Skaven have an "empire," "kingdom," or something else? I'm referencing it in some of the Skaven stuff and want to use the proper term. I'm nitpicky like that :p


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: fans and modders requested for a Warhammer TC - V0.2a
« Reply #107 on: October 03, 2011, 07:19:41 pm »

Hey, I just have a quick fluff question. Do the Skaven have an "empire," "kingdom," or something else? I'm referencing it in some of the Skaven stuff and want to use the proper term. I'm nitpicky like that :p

They have what is known as the "Under-empire" ruled by the council of thirteen, a group of 12 grey seers (goat-horned spellcasting scaven) with the 13th seat reserved for their god the Horned Rat.

Crazy Cow

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Re: fans and modders requested for a Warhammer TC - V0.2a
« Reply #108 on: October 03, 2011, 07:22:42 pm »

Yeah, I know about the Council (the seat reserved for their god made me laugh), I was simply wondering what the whole thing was called. Thanks!

Clan Eshin has been completed! I'm still open to suggestions and such, of course, so if something's wrong let me know. The errorlog didn't spit anything out at me, but you never know.
Spoiler: creature_skaven_eshin (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: entity_skaven_eshin (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: body_skaven (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: item_skaven (click to show/hide)
Clan Pestilens will be next. Syndromes are awesome.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2011, 07:39:22 pm by Crazy Cow »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: fans and modders requested for a Warhammer TC - V0.2a
« Reply #109 on: October 03, 2011, 08:04:27 pm »

Eshin are looking fantastic! I just had an awesome moment when I noticed the prehensile tails. Now the 3-blade-wielding Assassin can be a reality (one of the best models in the warhammer range too, IMHO). Excellent work, Crazy Cow! No obvious errors or issues.

Also, that seems like a pretty good reason to make assassins bigger, and that is a reasonable size too. Definitely approved!

And I really think we should just bite the bullet and put in female orks. Migrants-only would lead to puny forts. We want orks to breed and mature in like a year so that there can be forts of hundreds. When I play with them, I will put my brand new PC to the test with forts of 500 skaven and orks. There will be epic battles where the chaos horde invades and are just barely beaten back at the cost of two hundred skaven slaves and a hundred storm vermin. I want the same for orks too! It's exciting just thinking about it!

On another note, just started my first Bretonnian fort. Started with a nice distribution of castes and am creating a massive farm plot and pasture for sheep, all to be fenced in with a wooden bailey. Looking great so far!

Related to the Bretonnians, I almost wanna make the night kinda like a centaur--as in he/she would be born on horseback and the horse would be considered the same creature. Would be kinda cool and could hold us over until mounts work.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: fans and modders requested for a Warhammer TC - V0.2a
« Reply #110 on: October 03, 2011, 08:49:03 pm »

Personally I'm excited to see some classic goblin action going. As soon as I finish up the Choas dwarf mod I intend to throw myself at the Orcs and Goblins. I do like the idea of having a separate entity for Common Orcs and goblins and the Night Goblins so you could have both show up and either cut themselves to pieces fighting over who gets to fight you (very orcy btw) or team up as a massive horde. You should defintely have the Massive skaven birth mothers in if you can. Imagine having a living factory that produces 8 -15 ratlings a year. Then you'd have to find a way to contro, your own population. Pointless wars, sacrificing a few dozen just because you can. Its as close to the Scaven mindset as you can get. Even in the fluff it states that if they didn't go to war nearly constantly their entire under-empire would starve!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: fans and modders requested for a Warhammer TC - V0.2a
« Reply #111 on: October 03, 2011, 11:10:55 pm »

I just realized due to size difference between orcs and gobs you would have to rely on a friendly tribe of Night Goblins in order to outfit your own goblins... or plunder from the scaven since goblins, dwarves, and ratmen all have the same relative sizes. I like this potential for dependencies between the different forces, something that isn't very fleshed out in the current version of DF, could lead to some very interesting games.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: fans and modders requested for a Warhammer TC - V0.2a
« Reply #112 on: October 04, 2011, 09:15:15 am »

Well, it's not like gobbos actually wore any armour really, so scavenging makes a lot of sense to me! Night gobbos as a separate entity also seems quite wise.

Also, my Brettonian settlement was almost wiped out by damned dark stranglers finding a way over my wall, but has now stabilized with a fixed wall.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: fans and modders requested for a Warhammer TC - V0.2a
« Reply #113 on: October 04, 2011, 02:46:11 pm »

Going to make the night goblins have "males" and "females" then. I guess we should call babies "whelps" or "runts".

...well, I'll do that after some bugfixing on the beastmen.

EDIT: compared beastmen and chaos warrior ethics. I think what is causing  them to war are these tokens:

(chaos warrior)


considering how chaos is (as far as I know), I don't know why they'd punish vandalism, lying and oath-breaking.

EDIT 2: Also, I am quite sure at least bestigors and centigors can wield the chaos weapons, since they are bigger than a human, especially the centigor.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2011, 03:02:12 pm by Deathsword »
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
Quote from: Tack
What if “slammed in the ass by dead philosophers” is actually the thing which will progress our culture to the next step?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: fans and modders requested for a Warhammer TC - V0.2a
« Reply #114 on: October 04, 2011, 05:18:21 pm »

Going to make the night goblins have "males" and "females" then. I guess we should call babies "whelps" or "runts".

...well, I'll do that after some bugfixing on the beastmen.

EDIT: compared beastmen and chaos warrior ethics. I think what is causing  them to war are these tokens:

(chaos warrior)


considering how chaos is (as far as I know), I don't know why they'd punish vandalism, lying and oath-breaking.

EDIT 2: Also, I am quite sure at least bestigors and centigors can wield the chaos weapons, since they are bigger than a human, especially the centigor.

Well, the reasoning is that Chaos Warriors come from functional, fairly civil societies (a-la the vikings) whilst Beastmen are a collection of savage creatures that have little resemblance to humans.

The Chaos Humans (the Northmen) make settlements in other lands, participate in trade, and are capable of functioning as a developed entity (ergo the nice armour and weapons they have the Chaos Dwarfs make for them). They just happen to be evil and invade the lands of the soft southerners once a sufficiently powerful warlord can get them going. For such a society to exist, they'd have to have some basics down. The Mongols were a mighty civilization hellbent on dominating the entire known world, known for ruthless warfare and atrocities, yet they still had these same basic ethics in place. That being said, the Chaos Humans are still really nasty to their enemies and neutrals, commit lots of atrocities, and love to be fighting--so they are still evil. It's also worth pointing out that they only get punished for things they are caught doing...

Beastmen are a lot less civilized. They don't have cities, they don't engage in trade, etc. So as it is (in the DF system) we cannot really obey the ethical considerations set out in the fluff and expect them to get along. There is no way to make all evil societies get along (and I'm very sure that in the fluff there is mention of Warriors of Chaos fighting Beastmen, they only get along when the aforesaid Warleader can keep them all in line together, so it makes sense then too) and until such a feature is implemented, they may just keep fighting each other.

Also, it is likely that Bestigors and Centigors can get big enough to wield the Chaos Weapons. As long as they can get above 100500 in size, they should be good to go (number is off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure that's the right ballpark).


Crazy Cow

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Re: fans and modders requested for a Warhammer TC - V0.2a
« Reply #115 on: October 05, 2011, 07:04:05 am »

Nothing to see here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: fans and modders requested for a Warhammer TC - V0.2a
« Reply #116 on: October 05, 2011, 11:18:27 am »

Nice work! Pestilens is looking great! You really should include a plague censer though. Those things are iconic.

Crazy Cow

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Re: fans and modders requested for a Warhammer TC - V0.2a
« Reply #117 on: October 05, 2011, 11:22:46 am »

*looks up*
Right... mace weapon made from warpstone. Will do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: fans and modders requested for a Warhammer TC - V0.2a
« Reply #118 on: October 05, 2011, 07:40:28 pm »

Just had an amazing moment in my Brettonian fort. A veritable horde of dark stranglers and beakwolves were gathered outside my walls whilst my men cowered, attempting to assemble arms and armour to sally forth some time in the future.

Out of nowhere, I get the message saying that Zilta Boundrelic, a Juggernaut of Khorne had arrived (a semimegabeast) and it began a rampage of pure carnage through the besieging ranks. It sent one beakwolf sailing 12 tiles to slam into a wall, bursting on impact. All the attacks directed towards it glanced away harmlessly. A dozen dead enemies later, its only wounds were shattered eyes and incredible exhaustion. I look forward to it's fights against better armed opponents and, later, against my Brettonians, who shall try and slay the fell beast in the name of the Lady!

EDIT: Well, as it is blind, the Juggernaut stumbles drunkenly after a wave of migrants, only catching them after a siege arrived (which it massacred as they foolishly got within the reach of its deadly horn) and scared them into a corner. One of the bastards tried to be brave and punched its hoof (to no effect) and was promptly put to the ground and gored to death. It also managed to kick a different migrant in the head, shattering his skull but luckily not killing him.

As the migrants have been outside for so long, constantly fleeing the beast, they are very drowsy, dehydrated, starving, and very unhappy. They are gonna make some mean ghosts...

EDIT 2: All of the migrants just died of terrible thirst. And another Juggernaut just showed up. This one is named Tamer Faithhook and is not crippled by a lack of eyes. I fear for the future of this fort...

EDIT 3: Another wave of migrants was brutally slaughtered by this newest Juggernaut. I'm half expecting another of the daemons to arrive this next year xD
« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 09:55:55 pm by mrtspence »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: fans and modders requested for a Warhammer TC - V0.2a
« Reply #119 on: October 06, 2011, 12:58:32 pm »

hello guys, sorry for not being present but i've been overloaded with work
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
, i'd like to ask to everyone is modding to post a quick report of their work in progress and if aviable their last release so that i can pack 'em up and update the main page description and release a  new version

btw, soon-to-release(when i get a spare hour) changes in dwarves:
-Ironbreaker armor(can be made only with gromril has Wonderful coverage)
-Gunpodwer barrel - import only from mountainhomes (working on the explosive part)
-Small steam engine
-remove sword,lances from dwarves since those weapons are too wimpy
Re: 1000 sgins that you play Dwarf fortress (way) too much
154. When you get the word "adamantine" on your LA vocab, you quickly cross it out and replace it with "cotton candy" and spend the next 10 minutes in fetal position rocking back and forth in fear. (Yes, I actually did this.)
...Wait. Adamantine is real?...
...155. You are no longer sure what metals are real or fictional.
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