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Author Topic: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.  (Read 272355 times)


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9945 on: June 22, 2012, 12:50:31 am »

Khenal gently kisses her and smiles.  "Maybes about the past don't help anypony, Friesden, least of all you.  You can't blame yourself for what happened to them.  They all chose to be evil... and got their just reward for it."
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9946 on: June 22, 2012, 12:52:19 am »

"But...Maybe they could have been good... W-w-w-w-what if...What if they w-w-w-w-were like m-m-m-m-me, before?"
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9947 on: June 22, 2012, 12:55:06 am »

"I don't think they were possessed or controlled.  When that surge hit... I think we would have all been able to feel if they were being coerced."
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9948 on: June 22, 2012, 12:56:57 am »

"But...did they really have to die?"
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9949 on: June 22, 2012, 01:04:22 am »

Khenal sighs and shakes his head.  "I don't know.  But... dwelling on it wont change anything.  We may have been able to take them alive, but then what?  Leave them in a cell for the rest of their lives?  Execute them?  Banish them so they can come back with an army?  We may have reformed them, but likely not.  It's in the past, my Light... all we can do is hope we never have to do it again."
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9950 on: June 22, 2012, 01:06:03 am »

"I...I don't want to fight again. I really don't. You won't make me fight again, will you? Please? I...I...I just want to have a big family, and...And...And live happily ever after...Not fight. Please?"
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9951 on: June 22, 2012, 01:09:59 am »

Khenal smiles at her, wiping a bit of her mane out of her face from the shower.  "I will do my best to make sure you never have to fight again, Friesden."  He tenderly kisses his love, earnestly meaning to keep her from any further fighting.
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9952 on: June 22, 2012, 01:14:14 am »

Friesden holds the kiss for what seems an eternity, before finally breaking it with a happy sigh and smile on her face. "I do believe you, Khenal, completely. I love you so much. I'm such a lucky mare to have your love. I want to be with you forever, my darling Khenny."
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9953 on: June 22, 2012, 01:23:22 am »

Khenal almost melts at the nickname bestowed on him by his Only Light.  "Oh Friesden... I love you so much."  He turns the shower off and starts to dry her, then gives her a wink.  "So, about a big family..."
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9954 on: June 22, 2012, 01:26:34 am »

Friesden smiles wide.

((Fade to black.))
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9955 on: June 24, 2012, 02:12:03 am »

Kris' Diary - 1st Granite, 103

Well... it's done.  Hugwax and her guards are dead.  Glitterglen is free.

We faced her yesterday.  All of the militia rallied together and secured Glitterglen while my friends and I faced her in her throne room.  Charity, Khenal, Friesden, grandpa Starkey and grandma Otik, and myself, against Hugwax, Demora, Pound, Tor and Thrash.  The fight was more intense than I could have ever imagined, which when you consider that Hugwax was protecting herself with the best soldiers she could find, made sense.  I was hopelessly outclassed.

In the end, we were all pretty soundly beaten, aside from grandpa Starkey, but even he couldn't take them all himself.  I thought we were all going to die for certain, having failed to free Glitterglen from Hugwax.  The consequences would surely have been dire for anypony left in the city... I shudder to think what would have happened if Hugwax had survived to unleash her wrath.

But, thank the sisters, a miracle was provided for us.  In that last moment, when everything looked hopeless, the purpose of the "titles" granted to us was revealed.  It had to be their plan all along.  It has to be why grandpa Starkey and grandma Otik were returned to us.  In that last moment, it was revealed that Khenal too was favored by the sisters.  Together, we were the Elements of Harmony, and using their ultimate power we destroyed Hugwax and her guards.

It was indescribable.  The power was so incredible... it was as if we could do anything, and we did what was needed at that moment.  We destroyed the most evil pony I have ever had the displeasure to know, and the world is far better for it.  After it was over... I admit it took some time for the consequences of what had just happened to settle in my mind.  Although she surely deserved what happened to her, it was the first time I've actually helped kill a normal pony.  I guess it's not right to think of her as any different from the diomedians who besiege us.  If there's anything I learned from Heiro and Starkey, it's that the diomedians are ponies too... but I still couldn't help but dwell on it.  She wasn't a soldier either...

Regardless, I know it's what had to be done.  There was no other way to be free of her hate and tyranny.

The crowning moment of it all though was, well, the crowning of Charity as the new princess.  I can't think of a pony who has earned it more than she has.  She has done an amazing job of turning Glitterglen into a prosperous city, far from the hellhole the old princess intended it to be.  I have no doubt she will lead us to places Hugwax could never dream of.

Of course, with that comes the part that scares me.  Her crowning is never going to be recognized by Tailentranced.  It's only a matter of time until they hear of what has happened, or suspect it otherwise and send their armies to come find her.  Glitterglen has withstood raids from the local diomedians, but I don't know how long we could stand against the full might of Tailentranced.  We're free from Hugwax for now... but for how long?  From what I understand, the general will take her place, and he's little better.

It's a time of hope, but also a time of uncertainty and fear.  What world have I created for my daughter?  I can't help but wonder if she would have been better off under Hugwax.  If we fall to a siege, everypony here will probably be put to the sword.  Even the children.  The thought of that sickens me, and I don't want to dwell on it now.

I'm too tired to think about it right now.  I didn't walk away from the fight without injuries, and just hours ago Friesden and the doctors pieced together the shattered bones in my lower spine where Thrash struck me.  It's a miracle I can walk at all, they told me, which I'm not afraid to admit scared me quite thoroughly.  My legs are still a bit weak, and they told me it could be like that for a few weeks yet, but I should recover soon.  That's a relief at least.

I will suffer from the injury for the rest of my life though.  I lost the feeling in my tail, and can't move it anymore.  They tell me that's not likely to ever get better.  I was pretty upset at first, but already I'm starting to come to terms with it.  I can still walk, which in perspective is far, far more important.

At least I'll never forget what was done yesterday.  Not that I thought I ever would.

Anyway, I'm tired, so I'm heading to bed now.  I've got a lot to think about, but I think I'll put that off for now.


As Kris finishes writing the page in her diary, she sets it aside and looks at the two ponies at her side.  She wouldn't be leaving the hospital for a few days yet, but as long as she had them with her, she'd be fine.  Adamant was sitting at her bedside, propped against it with his head lying on the bed next to hers, and she gave him a small nuzzle.  "I love you, Addy."   He was almost asleep, but makes a small smile at her.  "I love you, too."

Lorica was snuggled up between the two of them on her bed, sleeping quietly.  She couldn't help but see the parallel to the nights she had spent at her mother's side when she was in this hospital, but the situation was a bit happier this time at least.  With her magic she lifts her paralyzed tail and drapes it across her daughter before curling up with her and Adamant as much as her braced back would allow her.  It would take some time for her to heal, even with magic, but she was going to be fine.

And she could worry about the future later.


Out of sight, but not out of mind, Falcata and Estoc sit just off to the side, watching their daughter cuddle with her family.  Falcata nuzzles Estoc and leans against him with a large smile on her face.  "I'm really proud of her.  She's grown up so much, and done so much good."

Estoc returns the nuzzle and nods.  "Yes, I couldn't be more proud of her."  He wraps a foreleg around Falcata and adds, "I wish I could have been there for her, but you did a wonderful job raising her."

Falcata's smile persists as she replies, "I suppose I did a thing or two right after all."  The smile fades a bit.  "I just worry what will happen now..."

"Everything will be alright," Estoc assures her, drawing her in closer.  "Just wait and see."

She wasn't so confident, but after seeing Hugwax and her underlings' souls off to their surely unpleasant judgment, she could see a little hope in the future.  Charity and the others had come so far.  They would see this to its end, when everypony lived without fear of their ruler.

And Falcata would be there, out of sight, for it all.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9956 on: January 19, 2013, 01:34:38 pm »

Yes I know I may tecnicley be necroing here, but I just want to invite all those who particapited in the thread over here, to Mistyoceans. RP is encouraged.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 04:01:07 pm by Paaaad »
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9957 on: May 09, 2013, 12:43:06 pm »

Since this has been necro'd, I might as well ask, is this thread archived somewhere besides the forums?  I'm wondering if there's a way to read through the main story without going through 2 years, 600 pages of posts, and every claimed pony's journal (i'd read the first 100 pages sometime last year).  Would it be sufficient to just read kingstrongbeard's posts?
While adding magma to anything will make it dwarfy, adding the word "magma" to your post does not necessarily make it funny.
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9958 on: May 09, 2013, 02:10:16 pm »

KingStrongbeard's posts cover most of the important details.  You may want to read the last few pages of the thread to be sure you get the entire ending, since I'm not sure if that's included in his journals.

I know there was an attempt to transcribe all of this and to edit it into a more readable form, but so far as I know that was never finished.
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9959 on: May 09, 2013, 02:55:51 pm »

While I wasn't involved here, this has been archived on the first post of this board. While no one that I know of has transcribed this into a readable form, atleast you should be able to read it without having to search through "2 years and 600 posts"

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