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Author Topic: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.  (Read 272611 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9930 on: May 14, 2012, 03:41:24 am »


“About last night...”

Hiero and Willow sat at adjoined booths at the bar, hair disheveled and dark ringed eyes sleep deprived.

“That? That was ...” Hiero looks at the slight cut in his right leg from where the handcuff had been.   “That was... I don’t know what that was, But I loved it.”

“Don’t think that’sa gonn’a to be a regular thing now. That was a one - time thing.”
Willow stated bluntly with hint of saccharine affection

Hiero frowned “ye-ouch,so what are you saying?”

Willow sighed apologetically, realising how course that might sound

“Nah, I-”

She pauses

 “I mean, I love ya hiero, just don’t expect weddin’ bells anytime soon, as colts like ta’ do. Don’t expect this to go anywhere pas’ this. I’m just a not the ‘settle down’ type”

Hiero was relieved

“That is Fine with me, the last time I thought about Wedding bells my bride-to-be kind of choked to death on noxious gas. I’m fine with no wedding bells.”

Willow spat out her shot

“Uh wha-!? Oh, Falcata, right.”

Hiero lifts his glass in the air

“Here’s to Falcata, the toughest Soldier to ever come out of Glitterglen!”

The other patrons of the bar also raised their glasses and shouted a unanimous “here here!”

Willow slides her red bang back

“I’m glad you fine with that.”

Hiero grinned

“casual sex with no commitment or responsibility on my part? How am I going to live on? “

They both plastered big dumb grins on their faces, locked the each other's legs at the elbow and downed their shots, then locked lips. they held that pose until

“So... what do you get out of all of this?”

Willow leans back

“guess you’re my big stress ball’, when I get nowhere ‘n this this cold case i’m work’in on.”

“Oooh, you’re on a secret mission, huh?”

“Guess you could say that.”

“I’ve been around, I know alot of history about this place. Maybe I can help with that.”

“Maybe. What do you know about a Couth Darkmane?”

“Sorry, that was before my time. All I know is he was trouble.”

“Yeah, ‘I been get’in that alot.” she said with a morose twinge

Hiero looked at her a shrewd look

“So... Is this for Khenal, Or?”

Willows eyes darted left

“Yeah... It’s just been on Khenal’s backburner forever so I said I would look into it”

“But why? That was four years ago.”

“Right, uh-”

She was starting to sweat now

“Every case is important! Even the old ones.”

Hiero cocked his head

“He tried to kill Charity, Charity stabbed him in the chest with her horn and rendered him into a fine red paste with a forcefield spell. What’s to close?”

Willow almost fell back in her stool

“Haha, what? I- what do you mean the pony I swore to protect killed my-  WHAT!?” she cried with almost a contempt in her voice

Hiero tried to keep her stable

“It’s all right! Yeah, Charity defended herself. Khenal didn’t tell you any of this?”
Hiero inquired

Right when you think you see the whole picture-’ Willow thought

“Are you alright?”

“Hah, Oh, more than alright. It alllll makes sense now.  Hugwax is going to die.” she said with A cryptic smile

There was a long awkward pause

“Well, Ok then-” Hiero eyed her with caution while he backed his last drink

“I need to go... -do- something.”

Hiero’s interest was piqued now, he was going straight to Khenal’s office  to see what Willow was on about.


“The Bar’s about to close, are you-?”

“One more dirnk...Then I’ll be good.”Willow slurred woozily

Hiero shrugged and left along other patrons

“All right, last one.” the bartender said

“Great, great, Oh! hold on!” Willow whipped a small vial on poured half the contents into her drink

“What’s that?” The bartender wondered

“Oh this? whip out a glass and find out! It’s good.” Willow beamed

The bartender, curious, tried a glass with the rest of the contents

“That IS good! what is that?”

“Eastern fell jungle Snake poison” Willow over-enunciated with broad ‘E’s

“Which is?” The bartender asked, not quite following

“You know, Venom from snake, Idiot!” Willow laughed

“I-what!?....I-I-*Ack* The bartetnder gargled, haze white encroaching on the edges of his vision

“Side effects include inducing slight inflammation in the back of the skull, which presses on tha’ back of the spine’s base,  slipping tha’ victim into an unconscious state. She recited warmly

“why would you.....” he bartender moaned

ya’ know, it’s funny, I wass sooooo worried my former boss was gonna’ slip this stuff to mah’ ‘n have his way with me  I’ built a tolerace to the stuff. I started takin’ a sip, tha’ it turn into a teaspoon, tha’ a tabel spoon. then I...

She realised her audience was asleep, and stroked his mane. Then She turns her attention the bar’s hearth (fireplace), which she wanted to take a look at ever since she walked in. It’s wholly unremarkable, just a typical cobblestone outlet with an iron grate and some coals, if it weren't  for the small insignia chiseled into one of the stones she might have overlooked it.

That was the Startame insignia. That was meant to grab her attention. What was Couth hiding? she looked the wall over and over until she found a keyhole. False wall, clever. she gave the door a swift kick, it held fast. she grumbled, and looked around to see if she could macgyver lockpicks out of anything nearby. a bottle opener and a toothpick did the job. the door swung open to reveal a claustrophobic stairwell that slowly delved down into a black abyss. ‘Oh perfect! Nothing but good things come out of dungeons, right?’ Willow thought sarcastically.

Willow snapped off a nearby chair leg, wrapped a table cloth around the broken end, smashed a bottle of alcohol across the cloth wad, saturating it with flammable booze, held the stick up to the unconscious unicorn bartender’s horn, slammed his head on the granite bar table, which, though a synapse in his brain, produced a spark out of his horn, and viola! a torch the old fashioned way. Willow descended into the unknown.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 02:47:33 pm by DVNO »
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9931 on: May 17, 2012, 11:24:58 pm »

  Willow descends down, down, down, the winding steps , Into the absolutely enveloping dark of the catacombs beneath the bar. The width of the hall receded into a choking breadth. Did you know Willow was claustrophobic? She inhaled the cold, unnatural stale air sharply and started to shake, the thought of the fact she couldn't turn around in this small of a space unnerving her to the core. The stairwell finally gave way to a small room. Straight in front of Willow, there was a plain table, a dinner for one had been prepared. Willow recoiled at the stench of the venison on the table, near eaten out with black mold. On the left wall was a massive web-plot, an array of red,blue and green twine attached to pictures. On the right side was a uncomfortable looking straw bed with a large black book lying on the pillow. on the back wall was a wall sized carving of Princess Hugwax and the chimera Discord in a passionate embrace. Willow took a walk over to the web-plot. the wall was covered with painstakingly hand-drawn pictures of what must have been every single pony at the time before he died. The pictures were twisted characters of their subjects, emphasizing personality flaws and faults Couth must have perceived. Khenal’s picture, for example, portrayed an aggressive looking alicorn with demonic green eyes and a snake-like tongue, uncontrollable power surging out. A red piece of twine from that picture connected to Friesden’s picture, A mare with a frightful look in her eye, hoofmarks perforating her entire body. She looked down at the legend. Red ment a loved one or family member, Blue, a Friendship, Green, a grudge. She scoured the plot for Couth himself, and found it on the periphery, attached to nothing. He died without a friend in the world. That made Willow feel empty, just so...hollow. like she failed him somehow. a single tear dropped, and she allowed no more. “you gave him everything - everything to turn out right. It’s not your fault, It’s not.” She murmured, but her words were just as hollow. She sighed, flopped onto the bed and flipped through the black book.

Couth’s Diary

Entry 1

  The bitch lied. The bitch lied to me. Hugwax crawled into my head and told me to kill charity. she whispered in my ear if I did this, I would live like a king. She filled my head with white noise whenever I thought  up an objection. Now the deed is done, and she’s finally silent.

The bitch lied to me.

Entry 2

My stunt at the trial bought me some time. Some ponies are concerned about the power pact Charity, Starkey, and Khenal have over the fort. A few are even willing to do something about it. If I play these cards I’ve been dealt with some strategy, I can still come out of this on top.

Entry 3

It’s over. It’s all over. the ‘cult’ has been rounded up by the Commissar, and they’ll come for me and Bokbon next. I’m loading her up with all the coin I have saved at the Bar and getting her to Talintranced.  I’m going to Psycho Carrot’s grave and fighting the Commissar head-on to buy her some time. She told me she'll tell stories to our child how heroic his father was. Heroic. Heroism. A hero is just a pony who knows he’s lost. Indeed I am a hero. A hero like my white knight sister Willow.

For her and Bokbon I will not run. I will stand, with my shoulders square and tall, and take my bow with pride.  Willow, when you read this diary, and I know you will, you won't rest until you do, just know that you were right. no matter how hard I shouted you down, you were always right. And that hunch in that back of your mind saying that even after what you did to me, and how it put me in this situation in the first place, I still love you? That was right aswell."

Willow let the book fall from her hooves

 A phrase the Princess and Mr. Startame said so long ago rattled around her head over and over and over. It’s been blaring since Hiero mentioned Couth and Charity in the same sentence.

“...and this Street Rat can kill that glorified embezzler Charity?” Hugwax inquired

“...Anything can be done, for a price.” Startame grinned

Now, too late, all the pieces fit together

“Hux Is going to die!” Willow screamed

((end scene))
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 03:10:41 am by DVNO »
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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  • Bay Watcher
  • By Celestia's Beard!
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9932 on: May 24, 2012, 02:19:40 am »

((This. This will probably be the final fortress update for Glitterglen. The scenes that follow this one, will lead to the end. It has been a pleasure writing this tale with you all, and I wouldn't trade the time I spent on this for anything. Thank you all for putting up with this. When I started this all those months ago, I couldn't have imagined it would get this big, and I'm so happy with how it all turned out. Thank you those who helped make this story happen. And if there is anyone out there either now, or in the future who has read all this non-sense. Thank you as well, for giving us all a chance. I hope you enjoyed this story half as much as I did. But Glitterglen isn't done just yet. We still have one more chapter to write.))

Charity's Journal 19th Galena, 102

Today, my friends and family and myself, all became criminals. Adamant negotiated with the zebra caravan, explained about the export ban, and took great personal risk to offer to work with them to get around it. Officially, we traded them a few totems, some junk the Diomedians had and a number of silver and gold trinkets and goblets for a very nice profit, truthfully, when we factor in the value in cloth work we snuck past the Royal Guard, and they made a small fortune in profit. However, they are taking a huge risk in helping us. I personally paid the tailors for their work, and while they didn't make as much as they are accustomed to having, the looks on their faces when I handed them that sack of bits made it all worth it. They will be able to keep their business running and their families fed, at least until the next caravan.

Charity's Journal 15th Limestone, 102

We had a close call. It was only thanks to Traphe overhearing the Royal Guard planning the night before that we were able to warn the traders. They were going to search the traders for any contraband before allowing them to leave. I asked Khenal about putting a small illusion over the exports, but he informed me that Demora is a null and if she got to near an illusion it would probably fail. Thus we needed another plan.

Instead what we did was the night before was Starkey and Khenal helped one of the zebras sneak the crates of silk and cloth out into the jungle were the caravan would pick them up on their way out. Otik, with a bit of help from Kris, provided a distraction for guards taking watch on the surface, while I had a late meeting with Hugwax and Demora to make sure they weren't around, while the others worked. It all went perfectly.

Charity's Journal 3rd Sandstone, 102

A single migrant arrived today. An earthpony fisher, named, Kerlig Fedscale. He has no other skills. He was incredibly skinny, but I offered him a position in the guard here, anyway, and he accepted. Isos will have some work to do whipping him into something that can intimidate anypony, but he seems to be a good sort of pony.

Charity's Journal 13th Sandstone, 102

Today the roads for the jungle are officially finished, but actual construction finished up a week ago. Khenal threw a party for all the ponies involved in the work yesterday, it was very pleasant.

But with that work finally complete that means, we can finally begin work on the new defensive walls around the city. It's time to take back the surface!

Charity's Journal 14th Sandstone, 102

There was a training accident today in the arena, fortunately no pony was hurt. 1st Lieutenant Kris and her squad were set to do some live training with captured rodentman. However, somepony, forgot to lock the door before freeing the prisoners, and one of the rodent men made it out into the hall were he attacked, Istbar, one of the mechanics, he managed to kill it himself though, with naught but his bare hooves and is unharmed.

Word quickly reached the Princess's ears about the accident. She sent Tor and Pound down to lecture Kris, and strip her of her command. She hasn't been demoted but Moral was made the new Captain, and she now answers directly to him, instead of to the higher ups.

I'm not happy about this at all. Moral has a reputation and I don't like Kris being his subordinate. But I can't do anything about it, officially, since I don't have command of our armed forces any longer.

Charity's Journal 28th Sandstone, 102

One of the pegasan weavers has been possessed. Fortunately, it seems to be one of those spirits that just wants to make something. He has taken over one of the clothing shops and is gathering materials. I'll have...I mean I'll suggest to the Princess that a guard be posted near him.

The last time this happened a pony produced the beautiful robes I am wearing now. I look forward to seeing what he makes.

((The following scene took place on the 4th of Timber, 102))

Charity makes her way down the hall towards Khenal and Friesden’s home. She had on her back a small wooden case. Osal made his way behind her, always vigilant but trying to be as unobtrusive to the duchess as he could. When Charity reaches her destination she raises her hoof and knocks thrice upon the door.

Friesden comes to the door, a worried expression changing to relief as she sees who is knocking at her chamber door. “Oh, Charity. Osal. Come in, come in! Khenal’s not here at the moment, but he might be back soon. I think he might be off training... Can I get you something to eat? Something to drink?” She opens the door wide enough for them to get through, showing her three little foals playing by themselves in the corner.

Charity walks right in and begins to move toward the table, setting the elegantly carved wooden box upon the table. On the lid was seven ponies and a wagon traveling, it refers to the founding of Glitterglen by the Vermin of Twilight in 94. The latch is a gold colored metal and the sides of the box are adorned with jade and ivory. “A glass of pegasan ale would be lovely if you have any, Friesden.” says the duchess as she takes a seat.

“I’ll be out here if you need me Duchess.” Says Osal as he moves to stand guard by the door.

“I think we have some, I’ll go get you a glass,” says Friesden as she moves to the room’s cellar, before retrieving a glass of it and returning to the table. “So...Is this about the smuggling thing, Charity?” she asks, placing the glass on the table.

Charity samples the ale, it was wonderful as always, before answering. “In a way it is Friesden, but mostly, it’s because I have a gift for you.” she taps a hoof gently upon the wooden box. “I...hope that it isn’t something you will ever need, but I want you to have it...just in case.” she says with a hint of sadness in her voice.

“W-what do you mean, Charity?” Friesden asks with a hint of fear. “What gift?”

Charity pushes the ornate box toward her friend. “Open it and take a look.” she says.

Friesden builds up her courage for a second before opening the box and looking inside.

As Friesden lifts the lid she sees before her, resting on a bed of velvet a dagger still in its sheath. The sheath appears to be made of worked hoof or horn, the handle is ivory. It menaces with spikes of gold.

“A d-d-d-d-d-d-dagger?” Friesden squeaks. “I...O-o-o-o-o-okay...”
“As I said, I truly hope you never find cause to use it, but...if somepony threatens you or your family,” Charity looks to the foals playing in the corner, “I don’t want you to be unarmed. You are my friend Friesden, and I would not want to see anything happen to you...and with what your husband and I are doing...” Charity leaves the sentence unfinished, Friesden already knew what it would mean if they were caught, there was no reason to mention it again.

“O-o-o-o-o-okay, Charity,” she says with an aside glance to her three little foals playing behind them.

Charity looks back the weapon, “The blade is made of the last processed Adamantine in the fortress. It is incredibly sharp, and Ironya poured her heart into crafting that blade. It is one of her greatest masterpieces. Please be careful not to cut yourself with it. A dagger like that can cut through bone like a knife through butter...I know, I’ve done it.”

Friesden gulps silently, and nods. “O-o-o-okay, Charity.” With three little alicorn foals, where would she put it to keep them safe? She’d have to talk with Khenny about that.

Charity looks at Friesden, she was clearly afraid of the idea of having to use this weapon, maybe even afraid of the weapon itself, “Friesden, you...should ask Khenal to teach you how to use that. He and Cryptson have been teaching me, but I’m afraid I haven’t been a very good student. However, when you know how to use it properly, it might help you feel more comfortable with it.”

“I...I think I will, yes,” Friesden says. “I...Thank you, Charity.”

Charity takes another sip from her drink and looks back to the foals playing. Deciding to change the subject to something a bit more pleasant, she asks, “So Friesden, what’s it like raising three alicorn foals?”

“It’s...It’s a bit tiring...Kris and Adamant have helped us a lot, though. He’s such a sweet colt. You’re lucky to have him as a son.”

((End Scene))

Charity's Journal 7th Timber, 102

The weaver finished his item. A very fine long skirt. He doesn't remember making it though.

Friesden was quite taken with the dress though, so I bought it from the weaver and gifted it to her. I don't know if the silver thread is really her color, but she looks good in whatever she wears anyway.

Charity's Journal 14th Timber, 102

A cave pony caravan has been spotted. As always we are thankful for the trade, but knowing that we must again defy the Princess, does not fill me the hope these meetings once did.

Charity's Journal 19th Timber, 102

I had a new chanfron crafted for Kris. It is a work of art, and strong enough to stop just about anything. I can't wait to give it to her...

((Another gift giving scene))

Charity makes her way down the stairs from her office toward the home of her son and daughter in law. She has a head sized package upon her back and a smile on her face. Upon reaching the door, she knocks three times.

Kris looks up from the sleeping filly in her forelegs with an air of curiosity.  “Just a moment,” she says, heading over to the door.  As she opens it, she sees Charity standing there with a pleasant expression on her face.  “Oh, hello Charity!”

Charity levitates the package so it would not fall as she gives her daughter in law a hug. “Hello Kris, how are you?”

Kris happily returns the hug.  “A bit tired,” she answers truthfully, looking down to Lorica.  “But great otherwise.  How are you?” she asks, making a berth for Charity to join her inside.

Charity makes her way inside, once the door is closed behind her, and she places the package upon the table she says, “Tired, stressed, worried, jumping at my own shadow, same as usual for the past 8 years really, I can’t complain.”

Kris nods in response, unsure if she should make light of it with a chuckle or not.  Charity certainly did have enough to worry about, even before Hugwax showed up.  She notices the package and asks, “What do you have there?”

Charity taps the package with a forehoof and with a smile say, “A present, for you.”

“A present?” she asks, smiling but with an air of curiosity.  “Oh, you didn’t have to do that.”

Charity shakes her head, “No, Kris, I did. And’s really more of a practical gift anyway. I think you’ll get a lot of use out of it, though I hope you never, need it.”

That piqued her interest for sure.  She cautiously opens the package, wondering what Charity thought she might need, but feared she wouldn’t.

As Kris opens the box she sees resting inside it a beautiful Adamantine chanfron of the highest quality, it was gilded with gold and had Copper wire running around its edges. On the top sticking up next to the hole where her horn would go, was two large ivory; tusks, or teeth or horns, Kris couldn’t be sure. The item was clearly a work of art, but with the base of Adamant, it would be able to protect her from nearly any blow.

Kris takes a moment to absorb the masterful quality of the piece of armor.  “Charity... this... this is beautiful.  It must be worth a fortune.”  She turns her eyes to her mother in law and gives her a large, sincere smile.  “Thank you so much.”  She understood now what Charity meant.  “Is... there a special occasion?”

Charity smiles, “No, no special occasion. But if you want...” Charity looks to her sleeping grandfilly across the room, “Think of it as a late birthday present for Lorica. She certainly wants to see you come back as much as the rest of us.”

That struck home, and she nods gravely.  “And I never want to leave her alone.”

Charity seeing that conversation had taken a turn for the grim, tries to refocus it. “Kris, you might be interested to know where the teeth on your new chanfron came from. They came from that cyclops that Captain Khenal slew. I didn’t know Bokbon had saved them, but when I mentioned wanting her to work on this project she pulled them out of a small case and insisted they be used on it.”

She examines the bony protrusions.  “Ah, yes, that makes sense.  Fitting, considering what happened.”  She tries the chanfron on, and grins as it fits perfectly.  “Do send my thanks,  it really adds something to an already beautiful piece.”

Charity nods, “I’m glad you like it, I shall tell all the ponies who worked on what you think of it.”

“Thank you,” she repeats, placing it back on the table and admiring it again. “I’ll put it to good use, you can be sure of that,” she says stepping back over to Charity and hugging her again.

Charity hugs Kris back, “You are welcome Kris.”

((End scene))

Charity's Journal 10th Moonstone, 102

Hugwax, continues her insane policies, but we traded with the Cavies all the same. Decided to preemptively move the contraband to a hiding place in the jungle. Acquired a lot of goods from them this year. A lot of metal bars and goods. No trouble with the Royal Guard yet.

Charity's Journal 14th Moonstone, 102

There were spottings of a tribe of cave swallow men down in the caves and they had attacked, several of our workers, The hammer and whip squads were dispatched and they sent the animals running after a short fight. Noponies where hurt.

Charity's Journal 15th Moonstone, 102

Otik and Starkey's foal was at last born today. Her name is Zarya and she is a unicorn. Starkey and Otik haven't looked so happy since in all the years I've known them.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Charity's Journal 20th Moonstone, 102

The dinning hall and my home are fulled with water up to my next. It seems the drainage system is clogged. No pony was hurt thankfully, though most of my things are ruined, it is fortunate that I keep my diary on the top shelf or I might have lost this record too.

Charity's Journal 21st Moonstone, 102

Well, I'm still effectively homeless. The family slept at the homes of some of our friends. Hugwax is naturally blaming me for the water being turned off, my desk is flooded with complaints about the showers not working, The well nearest the hospital has run dry, and I had to listen to chief Medical Pony Doctor Bubbles ranting about how his hospital needs running water. This is a huge mess, and all the complaints aren't making it go any faster.

Charity's Journal 1st Opal, 102

Water is still not working. Cryptson and Granite have been working overtime since the flood to get dig a new passage to drain the flooded area to let us work on the problem. The area is draining now, and it seems that a woody fungus like those that grown in the caverns has grown in the drainage pipe cutting off the flow of water. We will remove it, expand the drains so this happen again soon, hopefully, and then turn the water back on soon, I hope

Charity's Journal 15th Opal, 102

As soon as I finish writing this entry, I will be pulling the lever that will lower the floodgate allowing water to once again flow through the halls of Glitterglen. If our engineering work is sound we should have no problems. If we made a mistake somewhere.

Charity's Journal 19th Opal, 102

Just as soon as we were finally resettled in our home after cleaning away the mud and replacing everything lost to the water damage, I went into labor. It was a very easy birth compared to my other children. The foal was a unicorn colt. His coat is golden rod and his eyes are gold, and his mane the color of burnt umber. We aren't entirely sure were his coloration comes from. All of Cryptson's family are dark blue or indigo, and my coat is off-white, and none of our other foals have this coloration. Still, the Sisters work in mysterious ways sometimes. We named our new son Golden Rule.

Charity's Journal 13th Obsidian 102

A lone Darkbolt Mare was spotted making her way toward Glitterglen. She was only not shot on site because she came in elegant dress. She is apparently the  Rainbow Coalition Diplomat. I can't imagine why they would send her, a darkbolt, here, alone. Seems reckless, half of our troops would have assumed she was an enemy and shot her on sight traveling alone like that. She got lucky.

Charity's Journal 14th Obsidian 102

A caravan from the Rainbow ponies has been spotted in the jungle. As has one from the old capital city.

Charity's Journal 22nd Obsidian, 102
Captain Jaxler of the Skyguard was taken by a fey mood. He rushed up to the surface, abandoning his post by the cavern gate and took control over the mason's shop that produces the marble blocks for the wall. He has started gathering materials.

Charity's Journal 28th Obsidian, 102 (New Year's Eve. Early.)

Willow knocks on charity’s office. She heard murmurs. rumors. whispers that Charity was starting a rebellion. If she was, Willow wanted in

‘How was this going to play out?’ Willow wondered

Mere moments after knocking the door opens just a crack and Madush’s voice echos outward, “Willow? What need have you of the Duchess?” Willow notes that security seems to have been raised of late, as she’d never heard of a pony needing a reason for an audience with Charity before.

“Madush? Is that you? How’ve ya’ been?” She grinned

“I have som’thin the Duchess would really, really, like ta’ see. It mi’ght jus’ change everything.”

“could ya’ let me in? I don’t got no weapons. Just a friendly chat.”

Madush opens the door to allow Willow inside. “Come in.” Willow notices he had a loaded crossbow at the ready just behind the door. He moves aside and lets Willow into the still small and cramped office, that Charity had been working out of for the past 8 years.

Charity sat at her desk, looking over stockpile records. It was tiring, and dull work, she was grateful for the distraction. “Hello, Willow. What is it you wanted to show me?” she says knowing whatever the guard wanted it would be more interesting than this.

“ ‘ello, Charity. Direct. I like that.”

Willow eases herself into a chair

“So, A little pegusai told me you don’t like Hugwax. I don’t either. In fact, I have a li’l something that could prove what she Really is.”

she holds Couth’s Diary up

“but first, I need to know two things....”

Charity’s mind began to race. Willow’s in the fortress guard. How much does she know? Is this a set up? Trying to see how much I’ll confess to? Unless she’s telling the truth? Can I trust her? She’s given good info before, but I don’t know where her loyalty lies....

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” begins Charity, “I have nothing but respect for her Majesty Princess Dizesh Hugwax.”

Willow grinned at Charity’s sudden pensiveness at the question. In truth, no one told her anything concrete. It was a hunch, a correct one.

“Oh, really? your sweaty hooves and your increased guard detail says otherwise. Relax. That tyrant’s going to die and I don’t care if you lock me up for say’in it. I’d rather be locked up for walki’n the wrong side of tha’ line, than live silent. An’ I know you would too.”

She sits back

“ya know, for ‘a politician, you’re a terrible liar. I like that too.”

Charity sits back a bit, "So...supposing for a moment that I wasn't planning to lock you up for treason. What is she really that that little book can prove?"

“A liar, a plotter, a schemer. Against you, namely. But-”

Her cool cracks for a moment, she has no idea what’s going to happen next. She gave a deep pause, then says

“First things first. My last name ain’t E-Emeraldstud. It’s ... Darkmane. Is this gonna be a problem?” Willow asks, tasting nervousness for the first time

Charity's eyes go wide, mouth gapping, Madush springs into action and points a crossbow directly at Willow Darkmane, waiting for any sudden moves.

A moment passes, Charity recollects herself. "A...a Darkmane, you say. That isn't a very welcome name around here, I take it you know by now. I assume you are associated with Couth Darkmane then? If you worked with that monster why should I trust you? Especially since you’ve been hiding the fact."

Willow slid the black book towards Charity and slowly raises her hooves slowly up in the air. She looked down sullenly, She knew she deserved this treatment

“You shouldn't. No sane pony would. But just know, If I did want you dead, I certainly wouldn't spend months loyally serving you, and certainly wouldn't get romantic with one of your mitiltaponies. It’d be a much cleaner operation than that. It’s funny you treat me with suspicion, considering someone so much closer to you wants you dead.”

she nods at the book

“That’s Couth’s diary. Read the last entries at least. Then I’ll be on my way off this fort if you wish. Hell, if you read that and still want to suck on Hugwax’s heel I don’t want to be under your command anyway.”

Charity eyes Willow, and slowly takes up the book, she turns to the last 3 entries and reads them. As Charity reads the book Madush finally lowers his crossbow, but keeps it at the ready and keeps his eyes on the Darkmane mare. Charity’s expression turns sour as she reads, when she finishes, she drops the book quite violently upon the desk. “If...if this is real...If this is all true, then...then Hugwax has been behind so much of what has gone wrong here, and she would be responsible for 3 attempts on my life, not to mention the cultists activities led by Darkmane, and all the blood they spilled. But I still don’t understand one thing. Why? If she had never banished me here, I would never have been anything worth killing. What is her game? Why does she want me dead?”

Willow shrugs

“Jealousy over your success in these jungles, maybe? Maybe you’re a mistake she fears now. I do not know. All I do know Is if you’re done taking her kicks? Want to strike back? This master saboteur will be ready for the word, commander.”

Charity nods, “I will take this information to heart Willow. I’m not sure why you are telling me all this, but...whatever I do next will take some planning. I will tell the others however, that you are a friend, and you will be informed when it is time to act.”

Because a war doesn't start with empty words, it start with a gut of anger. Willow knows she can’t can’t kill the princess alone, but with the rage of the duchess at her back? maybe, just maybe

Willow bows her head “Consider it the very least I could do to atone for the pain my brother caused you all. I can’t re-colour your notions of him, but I can still affirm we ain’t all bad.  I’ll take my leave.”

Madush sees the Darkmane out of Charity’s office once she is gone and the door bared, he turns and sees Charity looking up at the statue of Khenal and the darkbolt, looking pensive. “Duchess?...Charity? What happens next?” he asks her.

“Now? Now you bring them here; Starkey, Otik, Cryptson, Kris, and Khenal. Tell them they can bring anyone they really truely trust, and that nopony else must know.”


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9933 on: May 27, 2012, 01:19:42 pm »

((This. This will probably be the final fortress update for Glitterglen. The scenes that follow this one, will lead to the end. It has been a pleasure writing this tale with you all, and I wouldn't trade the time I spent on this for anything. Thank you all for putting up with this. When I started this all those months ago, I couldn't have imagined it would get this big, and I'm so happy with how it all turned out. Thank you those who helped make this story happen. And if there is anyone out there either now, or in the future who has read all this non-sense. Thank you as well, for giving us all a chance. I hope you enjoyed this story half as much as I did. But Glitterglen isn't done just yet. We still have one more chapter to write.))

((I too would like to take a moment to say that I have enjoyed this immensely.  I hope my contribution to this has been positive, it actually took me close to a month to gather the courage to join in the first place.  I've really enjoyed working with you all on this, and would dare say this has taught me a lot of things I'd have never believed I'd learn by roleplaying ponies in Dwarf Fortress.  I've lost a lot of sleep over this, in both the good and bad sense, but I'm stronger for it I think.

Nevertheless, I wouldn't have preferred to be doing anything else.  I've had too much fun working with you guys, and I look forward to working with you again quite soon.  And now for Kris' final proper journal entry:))

Kris' Diary - 19th Galena, 102

Well, today is the day.  Today we started trading illegal things to the merchants to save the clothiers and everypony else in the industry from starving to death.  Addy was the real hero here, since he's the broker.  I'm proud of him, he pulled it all off flawlessly and now a lot of ponies will have the money they desperately need.  I worried about him all day, though, you can be sure, and was overwhelmingly relieved when he got home.  Hugwax had better not touch him.  If she or her "guards" try to enforce her ludicrous export ban by hurting my Addy...

No, best not to even think about it.  This isn't a problem that can be solved with might.  Charity and Addy are smart, a lot smarter than I am.  This is a battle that will be solved with stealth, guile and wits.  I'll help however I can, but I fear there is little I can do.

15th Limestone, 102

Things didn't go quite as smoothly today.  I don't know the details, but grandma Otik came to me and asked me to come along to distract the guards while some more contraband was taken out into the jungle covertly.  I wasn't really sure what to do, but it was easy enough to just make some noise at the right time and lure the few guards away.  It was just captain Isos' stallions and mares watching, so if things went poorly we might have avoided a serious encounter with Hugwax, but in the end we didn't have to find out.

I'm still pretty frightened to think of what might happen if we get caught.  I have no doubt Hugwax would want our heads.  I know this isn't a fight I can win with my mother's hammer... but if I have to fight to protect the ponies I love, I will.  No matter the cost.

At least for now that hasn't been a worry.

14th Sandstone, 102

I'm a bucking idiot.

My squad was scheduled to perform some training on a few of the strange rodent creatures captured from the caverns, and I bucked it up.  I forgot to lock the door to the arena.  That's number one on the checklist.  No matter what happens, you can't let anything get out where it can hurt the civilians.

Well, I bucked up and forgot.  I suppose maybe somepony else should have caught my mistake, but I'm the one who forgot, and I owned up to the mistake like a mare.

Naturally one of the things made a run for it and escaped, where he ran into Istbar.  I thought for sure I was going to watch him get mauled, but thank the sisters he got lucky or is a natural at fighting, since he slew the rodent monster without our help.  Of course, word spread all across Glitterglen after that, and it wasn't long before Hugwax heard and sent her underlings to chew me out.  I'll admit I was almost shaking at the thought of it.  I haven't forgotten what she did after the giant cave spider was lost.

Instead of that horrible, sadistic Demora, she sent Tor and Pound instead.  I'm not sure which would have been worse; being whipped in front of my squad by her or being beaten in front of them by Tor and Pound.  I fully expected that, but it didn't happen, thank the sisters.  I won't believe for a moment they were being merciful.  They must have been busy and in a hurry.  So they just settled for a lot of shouting.

I won't repeat most of what they said, but a number of colorful variations of calling me "an insufferable foal" and "a bucking careless joke" later and I was biting back tears.  You can bet that helped.  When they saw
that, they shouted even more and put Morul in charge of the squad instead of "a blubbering school filly."

I've never been so humiliated in all of my life.  I wanted to just run away and hide somewhere, and never see any of them again.  Maybe it's a good thing Morul is in charge instead of me now.  I never really deserved it anyway, and now I won't have to try to soldier on and actually lead anypony when I can barely look them in the face.

I feel horrible.  I felt even worse before I talked with Addy, but this isn't something that is going to just be okay.  Every time I think about it I feel terrible all over again.  Celestia help me, I can still hear their shouting and taunting... after grandpa Starkey was killed I wanted to quit the militia.  I really want to now.  How am I going show up for training tomorrow?  Or even if I bump into somepony from my squad in the halls?

15th Sandstone, 102

Training went worse than I could have really predicted.  Things were extremely awkward at first, as I expected.  I couldn't really look anypony in the eyes, and they seemed to be just as happy to avoid me as I was of them.  I can only imagine what they must have been saying behind my back.

Then Morul showed up.

I'll admit I didn't think about this yesterday, after having my soul thoroughly crushed by Tor and Pound, but Morul... has a bit of a reputation.  I don't know everything, but from what I understand he has made some inappropriate advances on some of the mares in Glitterglen.  I didn't realize at the time just what I might be dealing with.

Anyway, he ordered me to spar with him, which I obeyed.  I'm sure I wasn't giving it my all, after what happened, but he thoroughly and soundly beat me.  Then he did it again, and again.  He beat me so badly the first two times, I don't know what he was trying to prove, but the third time went about the same.  I've got half a dozen bruises all over my body, and ache like I haven't since my first week of training.

I've always noticed Morul didn't like me.  I assumed it was because I was placed in charge of him despite him having seniority over me, but I think it might run deeper than that.  I'm pretty sure he actually
hates me, and that sparring session was a way to prove to everypony that he was better than me and that I never deserved to lead him.  He might have been afraid to make that known before, but now he's free to order me around.  I'll admit I'm actually scared.  I don't know what might happen.

I mean, I don't expect it to really come to something... inappropriate... but if it did, I don't know what I'd do.  He's proven that he's stronger, faster and more skilled than I am.

I don't think it's going to be a problem.  I... I think he's satisfied now that I know he's stronger than me.  I think that's all he wanted to prove.

I hope so.  If not... I'm not helpless... but... I am a bit nervous.

19th Timber, 102

Charity stopped by our home today while I was off, and brought what must have been the most beautiful chanfron I've ever seen in my life.  It's made of beautiful adamantine and is decorated with some the remains of that monster that Khenal slew.  It's a true work of art, and I asked her to send my thanks to the armorers for their outstanding work.  I also thanked her again for the gift, I have no doubt it's worth a small fortune.

I wasn't sure what the occasion was, but Charity just told me that she wanted me to be safe and to always come back to them.  That's something I can really relate to.  Every time I look at Lorica, I can't help but think of my mother.  I know she did everything she could for me, and I'll never blame my mom for giving up her life to protect everypony in Glitterglen, but I never want to leave Addy or Lorica, or any of my friends.  I know what that feels like.  It's almost unbearable.

I'm not sure if I should wear the chanfron to training tomorrow.  Morul hasn't really been particularly hateful to me since he humiliated me in front of the rest of the squad, but if I show up with that he might get annoyed at Charity playing "favorites" again.  I know he still hates me, I can see it in the way he cuts his eyes to me and the way he speaks to me.

Well, forget him.  Charity and the armorers went through a lot of effort and expense to forge it for me, and I'm going wear it proudly.

10th Moonstone, 102

Addy put himself in danger again today to trade forbidden goods with the cave ponies.  We've been lucky so far with the trading, but I fear our luck will run out soon.  Still, I stand behind Addy and Charity.  And I'll literally stand behind them if I have to to protect them.

14th Moonstone, 102

We were sent into the caverns today to scare away some bird creatures that were harrassing the workers.  It was pretty uneventful, and I didn't even have a chance to swing my weapon before they were all sent scurrying away from us.  Some ponies might say that it's boring or menial, but after seeing real combat against armed and armored soldiers, I'm happy to stay down here and help guard the civilians.

15th Moonstone, 102

Today was quite a happy day!  Grandma Otik gave birth to her filly, who is a little unicorn just like Lorica!  She was a beautiful little filly, and I don't think I've ver seen my grandparents so happy. 

I know they're going to have their hooves full with the baby, as I could have never predicted how much work Lorica would be.  Grandma Otik at least has some experience with raising children, so maybe it won't be such a shock to her.  I'm not sure about Grandpa Starkey though.

Anyway, I'll be happy to help them out however I can.  And I'm sure Lorica will be happy to have somepony to play with when she gets a little older.

22nd Moonstone, 102

Charity had a bit of a mishap a few days ago that ended up flooding her office, and her family has been forced to lodge with others while they figure out what went wrong.  She and Cryptson stayed with us tonight, while the children I assume spent the night with Khenal and Friesden, or maybe my grandparents.  I don't mind them staying with us for as long as they need, but I'm sure they want to get home as soon as possible.

19th Opal, 102

Charity gave birth again today, to a unicorn colt!  Lorica alone has been enough work for me and Addy, I don't know how she can stand raising so many children herself.  I guess having so many children in a way helps in its own way, since Addy used to help his mother out a lot with raising the younger foals.  I'm happy for her and the family, and I'm happy that Lorica will have another playmate soon enough.

Kust like grandma Otik and grandpa Starkey, I offered to help her out whenever she needs it.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9934 on: May 27, 2012, 10:11:26 pm »

((I'd also like to say that this has been immensely fun.  I've made many new friends over the course of this, and I think we've written quite a story together.  It feels a little sad to be ending it, but it really is time to finish this story.  The villains are in place, and I think we're all ready to give them what for.  I look forward to doing more in our next story, whenever that may be.))

Khenal's Secret, Entry 32

So the smuggling begins.  I wish we didn't have to do this, but Hugwax left everypony no choice.  Her unreasonable demands will ruin Glitterglen, and I'm just glad that Charity had an idea to keep us going.  Using magic to hide the crates will be very risky, but Charity and Adamant had ideas for hiding the dresses and clothes with mundane means.  I hope this works, I don't know if Glitterglen will survive if it doesn't.

Entry 33

I threw a small party for everypony involved with the roads today, celebrating their hard work in finishing them.  I didn't expect so many to show up, but at least Hugwax and her cronies stayed away from this celebration.  They probably thought a party for working class ponies was beneath them.  I'd feel indignant about their absence, but nopony wanted them there in the first place.  At least her arrogance doesn't ruin everything.

Entry 34

I don't believe for a moment that Kris forgot to lock the door before fighting those rodent things.  She's good with details, there's no way she'd forget to lock that door.  It also feels too coincidental to me.  Hugwax now has her cronies in leadership positions in all branches of the military.  This bodes ill for Glitterglen.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2012, 10:14:51 pm by Khenal »
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

Avatar from Kryptid!


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9935 on: May 30, 2012, 03:49:44 pm »

((This. This will probably be the final fortress update for Glitterglen. The scenes that follow this one, will lead to the end. It has been a pleasure writing this tale with you all, and I wouldn't trade the time I spent on this for anything. Thank you all for putting up with this. When I started this all those months ago, I couldn't have imagined it would get this big, and I'm so happy with how it all turned out. Thank you those who helped make this story happen. And if there is anyone out there either now, or in the future who has read all this non-sense. Thank you as well, for giving us all a chance. I hope you enjoyed this story half as much as I did. But Glitterglen isn't done just yet. We still have one more chapter to write.))

I'll be very sad to see this end. I haven't participated, but I've been following along, and it's been wonderful. :)

One question, if Hugwax is such a pain in the tail, why not give her a nice magma bath? Personally, I try to avoid that, but it's a pretty regular way to dispose of the overly pesky nobles. Though I guess perhaps that's what this next chapter will be about.
When a wizard is tired of looking for broken glass in his dinner, he is tired of life.

Impending Doom

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9936 on: May 30, 2012, 04:00:41 pm »

((As far as I can tell, Hugwax isn't all that much of a pain in-game. Also, a revolution is much more interesting than a boring old magma bath. :P))
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9937 on: May 30, 2012, 06:09:02 pm »

I'll be very sad to see this end. I haven't participated, but I've been following along, and it's been wonderful. :)

One question, if Hugwax is such a pain in the tail, why not give her a nice magma bath? Personally, I try to avoid that, but it's a pretty regular way to dispose of the overly pesky nobles. Though I guess perhaps that's what this next chapter will be about.
((Well I'm glad you have enjoyed it, and yes, the next chapter will involve us dealing with the Princess. Additionally, as Impending has said, in game Hugwax hasn't been a problem at all. Made some royal rooms for her and haven't heard from her since. Not a demand or mandate to be seen. But we had been planning on making her a villain since long before she arrived, and so a villain she must be.))

((This is the first scene that will begin to work us toward the ending. I'll be honest, I'm not entirely happy with it, but we've been sitting on it for days and we need to move on to the next part.))

The Duchess Charity stands in her office, waiting for her friends to arrive. She takes the moment to strengthen the sound masking spells she had woven into the room’s walls when they started the smuggling operation. When finished she sighs to herself, and takes her seat, and waits for Madush to return with her most trusted advisors. She looks around the room at the statue of Khenal, and the engraving of then ‘Commander’ Starkey, along with other symbols of the town, no the city, she had helped to build. She did not know what her friends would say, or even what she wanted them to say, but there was no time for waiting, not as long as Hugwax was still in power.

After what feels like an eternity to Charity, there is a knock at the door followed by Madush’s voice, announcing his return with the others. The door opens and the other ponies file in. Madush remains outside to keep watch.

Among the arrivals is Lord Cryptson, who had just been pulled from working with Granite in the mines. He was concerned, it wasn’t like his wife to suddenly call this many ponies to her tiny office, and if it was a pleasant occasion they would have been meeting in the much more spacious Ducal Dinning Room. Cryptson stands in the back of the group and listens.

Friesden tip-toes in nervously, sticking close to Khenal. On her is the dagger recently gifted to her in its sheath.  Khenal gives Friesden a reassuring nuzzle as he walks in with her, unsure as to exactly what’s going on, but assuming it has something to do with the smuggling operation.

Kris files in after Friesden and Khenal, feeling a bit apprehensive about the whole thing.  She knew it couldn’t be about anything cheerful, and tried to prepare herself for whatever it was Charity had to say.  She was wearing the masterful adamantine chanfron gifted to her not long before, but hoped she wouldn’t need it.  She finds an empty spot to stand and waits patiently for somepony to say something.

Starkey trots in after Kris, Otik following close behind him. Neither is in uniform, though Starkey’s familiar copper axe is strapped to his flank. Otik forgoes any armament, on account of the tiny purple filly curled up fast asleep between her wings.

Once all the ponies had moved into the office, Charity pulled from her desk a small tattered black book and puts on top of her desk, before sliding it to the other side. “Khenal, take this journal, turn to the three marked entries, and read them aloud for everypony.”

Khenal levitates the book to himself, looking a bit curious before opening it, looking angry as he sees who’s journal this is.  “The journal of Couth Darkmane...”  As he reads the entries, his expression softens slightly.  He remembered Couth as a monster, an ambitious liar who cared only about himself.  But these entries, while also proving Hugwax’ vileness, also showed that Couth was still just a pony.  He still had hopes and dreams, and a sister he cared about.  It hardly excuses him... but it’s a good reminder of the slippery slope that can lead ponies down the wrong path.

Kris’ eyes widen at the revelation, but she waits patiently for Khenal to finish.  Nopony tried to hurt her family... even if Charity wasn’t really family until recently.  Nopony.

Charity begins again, “This journal was allegedly the property of Couth Darkmane. It was given to me by Willow Emeraldstud, or as she has confessed to being actually named, Willow Darkmane...and, I believe it to be genuine.”

“But...But...What are we going to do?” stutters Friesden.

Charity looks sadly to Friesden, “That is why I brought you all here. You are all my dearest friends, and I need to ask you all...What do I, what do we, do next?”

Part of Kris wanted to go march up to Hugwax right then and there, demand an explanation and quite possibly introduce the monstrous parody of a mare to her mother’s hammer.  But part of her knew better, the smarter part.  Still, a scowl edges onto her face as she thinks about it.  “This... this is outrageous...” she mutters.  “We can’t let her get away with this!  I... I... don’t know what to do...but if she dares to even try to lay a hoof on you again she’ll lay a hoof on nopony ever again...”  They had to do something though... they couldn’t just sit by knowing that happened, and could happen again.  Hugwax... she was a true monster.  Kris would never again doubt what Khenal had told her about the mare.

Charity smiles softly at her daughter in law, it was pleasant to hear that she cared, and Charity could see so much of Falcata in Kris’s face as she spoke. “Willow. Has also offered her services to us in the event we wish to...retaliate. Starkey, my oldest friend, please, tell me what you think we should do.”

“I...” Starkey hesitates, then sighs. “I agree that this is outrageous, and it must not be allowed to stand, but I can see little we could do at the moment. I have something of an idea, but it would take time...”

Charity nods understandingly, “I see. Does anypony else have an idea? Otik? Khenal?”

Otik steps forward. “With three’r four good, well-trained ponies, an’ th’ right gear... I might have an idea.”

Khenal sets the book down and looks at his friends.  “We lodge a formal complaint.  Right in her skull.  There is only one response to tyranny like hers.”

Charity nods, “Hugwax, is a menace to this country. Everypony would be better off with her removed from power...But, if we did take that step. Who would fill the void she would leave? She has no heirs, so the throne would probably fall to General Dostrob then? He’s just as bad as her.”

Khenal smiles at his friends, knowing exactly who he thinks should take over for Hugwax, and suspecting the others agree.  “Who should fill the void, indeed?  Who knows how to run a government that actually cares about the ponies she rules over?”  After exchanging glances with the others, he looks square at Charity. 

Kris considers it for a brief moment and immediately comes to the same conclusion.  Yes, Charity was perfect for the position.  She had already shown  how much she cared about the ponies in Glitterglen, even before she risked her life by defying Hugwax.  Yes, she’d stand behind Charity the whole way, and she nods firmly in agreement.

After a moment, Charity realizes that everypony, was looking expectantly at her. “N...No, you can’t be serious. You want me to take over as ruler? I...I can’t do that...I...I...”

Khenal smiles.  “And why not?  Nopony else has the experience to be a good and proper ruler.  And, personally, you are one of the very few nobles I’ve known who is worthy of the title.”

Cryptson speaks from the back of the room. “Khenal is right Charity. In all the years we’ve been here you have never led Glitterglen wrong. You are a kind and generous leader, and as your power grew here, you never allowed it to corrupt you. No pony deserves to rule more than you do.”

Kris nods resolutely.  “Absolutely.”  She knew in the back of her mind that her mother would say the same thing if she was there right then.

Starkey clears his throat. “While I would agree that you are the best mare for the job, Miss Charity... the fact remains that General Dostrob is still Hugwax’s de facto successor, and a great many ponies will fall behind him, to include the army. Are we really prepared to fight a civil war?”

Friesden shivers a bit. “A...A war?”

Charity looks down at her desk, then back to her friends, “If...If I...if we were to try and put me on the throne. I don’t think we could hold the entire country, we just don’t have enough support outside the capital. But...just Glitterglen...If the Glitterglen military sides with us, then we might be able to hold a now independent Glitterglen. The city can feed itself entirely on our underground crops, and water from the caverns, we could hold against siege indefinitely.” Charity looks hopefully to Kris and then to Starkey and Otik. “Do, you think the military would side with us?”

“I know th’ lads in th’ militia all look up t’Starkey. They’d follow him anywhere.” Starkey cannot help but blush at this.

“We do,” Kris chimes in.  She certainly did, anyway, and she had picked up on more than a bit of that sentiment since Starkey joined Charity’s guard instead of rejoining the militia.  She couldn’t speak for all of them, of course, and thinking of Morul sent a mental shiver down her spine, but she stood by her words.  “You don’t have to worry about us.”

Charity nods, she knew the soldiers all looked up to their old Commander, and she knew that the surviving members of the old Skyguard would follow Otik the Skywarden, even against the Crown. “Then...if we had their support, then we would have the Royal Guard well outnumbered. This could actually work...We have one other group of warriors that we need to worry about though. The Fortress Guard, and Captain Isos. They aren’t as well trained as the militia but are nearly as numerous. If they sided with her the fighting would get very bloody. Would Isos work with us? Would the Guard follow her if she did?”

Khenal thinks for a few moments before answering.  “I... I don’t know.  I think she’d side with us, and the guard with her, but she’s a hard mare to read.”

Charity nods again. “Well, we will have to talk to her then.” Charity looks off to the side for a moment. “Well, if we can get the guard and the militia, to fight with us then we should be able to take control of Glitterglen, and if the Sisters favor us, we might even be able to hold it...So, what is our next step? I’ve never lead a coup before,” she says with a nervous chuckle, “Does anypony have a suggestion? Perhaps get the soldiers and guards in one place so we can try and persuade them to our side?”

“Perhaps talk with them one at a time, subtlety?  If they all decide they’d rather side with Hugwax, I would rather not have them all in one place.”  Khenal suggests.

Charity sighs, “Khenal...If the majority of them side with Hugwax...then we’ve already lost. It won’t matter if they are all together or not. If the majority of them won’t help us...Then I don’t know what we can do.”

“Then we’ll have to act fast once you ask everypony, before Hugwax can react to the treason.”

Charity nods again, “Yes, I agree. But I think acting fast is our best option. Hugwax has been here for a year. I’m certain she has a wide net of informants set up by now. I fear if we act slowly then she will catch on before we are ready to strike.” Charity looks to each ponies face in turn. “I think our best bet is to be bold, and strike quickly. What do you all think?”

Khenal nods.  “It’d be better if we could plan more, but I agree: Hugwax won’t give us that luxury.”

“ think Khenal’s right,” Friesden says.

“Wotever ye need me t’do, miss Charity.” Otik snaps a salute hard enough to wake little Zarya. Starkey takes the little filly and cradles her in his hooves before answering. “I will speak to the militia whenever you’re ready, ma’am.”

Charity looks to little Zarya and then stands up. “We need to move on this immediately. Gather your weapons and armor, and then we will gather the soldiers.” Charity moves around her desk to the front by her friends. “Tonight is New Year’s Eve. Let us make sure the new year begins without a tyrant on the throne.”

Khenal nods in grim determination.  The thought of the coming battle made him nervous, but knowing he’d be with his friends... he had the feeling they could handle anything together.  “I’ll go talk with Captain Isos after gathering my armor... and my spear.”

Kris takes a step toward the door with an equally serious expression.  None of the hotheaded wrath that she allowed herself to feel before, or that her mother let consume her on occasion.  This was purposeful determination.  So, so, much was hanging in the balance...  “I’ll go speak with the militia... I think they’ll still listen to me.”

Charity looks to Kris. “I have no doubt they will, but if they don’t just tell them Starkey and the Duchess sent you.”

With that, all the ponies present head out to prepare for what is to come. As the room empties only two ponies stay behind. The Duchess and her most beloved stallion.

After everypony else leaves Cryptson approaches Charity and hugs her tightly. "I love you, Charity. No matter what happens. I'll always love you."

Charity holds her husband back. "I...I know dear. I love you too."

The two ponies hold each other close and exchange what they both know could be their last kiss. It is relatively long and undoubtedly passionate, but they both know that time is of the essence. After an all too short moment they separate and Charity says, "Now...Go get your armor." Cryptson nods, and says "Of course milady, your wish is my command."


  • Bay Watcher
  • By Celestia's Beard!
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9938 on: June 04, 2012, 04:32:39 am »

The many military and guard ponies, that had been on duty, began to file into the grand meeting hall, which was already packed with ponies getting ready to celebrate the new year. Charity and Starkey sat near the back of the room, on an improvised stage they had cobbled together. After everypony arrived. Starkey made his way up to the podium to begin his speech.

Charity sat waiting for Starkey to begin. She did not know how the crowd would react and was very anxious to see what would happen next.

Kris feels butterflies in her stomach as she watches him ascend to the podium and prepare to address them. This was it.  This would be the first of many deciding points on their ultimate fate.  More than she could comprehend was hanging in the balance.

Khenal stands with his friends, wearing a brave face but feeling very nervous inside.  They were mere moments away from either starting a real coup or being arrested for treason. Friesden huddles under his wing, barely daring to poke her eyes out.

Starkey begins to speech the chattering crowd grows silent and listens.

“Ponies of Glitterglen.” Starkey began. "My friends. Nigh on eight years, you have served in the defense of Glitterglen. In that time, you have become the finest soldiers I have ever commanded, and the greatest ponies I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I can honestly say, that I couldn’t be prouder of any of you, if you were all my own sons and daughters.”

He pauses for a moment, steeling himself for what must come next.

”Each and every one of us took an oath to defend this city from whatever evil may rise up against it. This day, another enemy has risen to test our might. But this new enemy comes not from the shadows of the deep jungle, but from the gilded halls of the highest bastion in the land. An enemy that strikes at us not with steel and spell, but with gavel, and chains! This new foe is strong, mightier than any we have faced before. But we are mightier still! We have something that she will never have. We have each other. We stand united, and together we are so much more than we could be apart."

“Together our strength can conquer this foe. Together, we can end Hugwax’s reign of terror over the city, together we can put a noble worthy of the title, on the throne. And now I shall step aside and allow that noblest of ponies to speak to you all. The Duchess of Glitterglen, and the future Queen of the Failed Jungles, Charity Conventtulip.”

((I would like to offer an apology to the late Charlie Chaplin for the mutilation I have done to his masterful speech from The Great Dictator, that is to follow. Here is a link to the original, un-ponified version.  ))

After being introduced by Starkey, Charity slowly and hesitantly moves to take her position in front of the gathered ponies. Clearly anxious. When she begins her speech the crowd is hushed once again.


I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be a Q...Queen. That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anypony. I should like to help everypony if possible- Pegasus, Alicorn, Earthpony, Unicorn...

We all want to help one another. We ponies are like that. We want to live by each others’ happiness, not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everypony. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everypony. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way.

Greed has poisoned pony’s souls; has barricaded the world with hate; has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed wonderful magics, but we have shut ourselves in.
Magic that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical; our cleverness, hard and unkind.”

Charity begins to speak with more confidence and strength at this point.

“We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery ,we need equinity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and laughter. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost. Hearth's Warming has brought us closer together. The very nature of that day cries out for the goodness in ponies; cries out for universal brotherhood; for the unity of us all.

Even now there are millions of despairing stallions, mares, and foals, victims of a system that makes ponies torture and imprisons innocent ponies.

To those who can hear me, I say “Do not despair.”

The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of ponies who fear the way of equine progress. The hate of ponies will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the ponies will return to the ponies. And so long as stallions die, liberty will never perish.”

Charity's voice becomes even more forceful, all sign of the pony that was hesitant to speak at all has passed.

“Soldiers! Don’t give yourselves to brutes, ponies who despise you and enslave you; who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel! Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder!

Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural ponies —machine ponies with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are stallions! You have a love of equinity in your hearts! You don’t hate!

Only the unloved hate; the unloved and the unnatural.

Soldiers! Don’t fight for slavery! Fight for liberty!

In the seventeenth chapter of The Book of Dawn and Dusk, it’s written “the kingdom of the Sisters is within Ponies”, not one pony nor a group of ponies, but in all ponies! In you! You, ponies, have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness! You, ponies, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then in the name of democracy, let us use that power.

Let us all unite.

Let us fight for a new world, a decent world, that will give ponies a chance to work, that will give youth a future and old age a security. By the promise of these things, brutes, like Hugwax, have risen to power. But they lie! They do not fulfill their promise. They never will!

Dictators free themselves but they enslave the common ponies!

Now let us fight to fulfill that promise! Let us fight to free the world! To do away with class barriers! To do away with greed, with hate and intolerance!

Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where magic and friendship will lead to all ponies' happiness.

Soldiers, in the name of democracy, let us all unite!”

As Charity speaks the last line of her speech nearly shouting, the gathered ponies cheer and applaud her.

Kris joins in the excited cheering with fervor. She would stand behind Charity, her grandparents and everypony in Glitterglen against the worst pony to ever darken their world. If it cost her her life, she would give her all to bring Hugwax to justice, if it meant that nopony had to ever suffer under her again.

And yet... a nagging worry chipped away at the back of Kris’s mind. If they failed... what had she done to her family? Lorica? She banishes the thought with another cheer.  They wouldn’t lose.  Together, they could conquer anything.  She would make this world safe for her daughter, if it was the last thing she did.

‘Absolute certainty of death, *small* chance of success... What are we waiting for?’ Hiero grinned. Now this was the chance to carve out some real glory. History will remember him -no all of them- all for this, for better or for worse.

Willow was daydreaming during the speech, was picking the perfect spot in her ideal little patch of the world she would call home with her husband Hiero where she would mount Hugwax’s head. 

Friesden finally pokes her head out from Khenal’s wing. They...They were in it now. There was no running away now. Even though she just wanted to go home, to hug her three little foals and tell them no harm would come to them...she couldn’t anymore. Charity had led them safely this far...Friesden would just have to trust that she could lead them through this too.


  • Bay Watcher
  • By Celestia's Beard!
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9939 on: June 18, 2012, 09:45:33 pm »

Charity and her friends, stand outside the door to Princess Hugwax’s private wing of the fortress. The members of the Ducal Guard that were not present being elsewhere watching over the foals and family of the others allowing them to focus on the task at hoof. Having sent most of the militia, guard, along with her husband to secure the rest of the fortress, subdue anyponies likely to or openly siding with the Princess, and in general keeping the peace, they were expecting to have to deal with the Royal Guard alone.

Charity is standing at the back, her adamantine blade floating just within reach. Visibly, glistening under her indigo robe was a shining steel peytral, over a chain shirt, with steel boots on her hooves.

Kris was standing near the middle of the group, having subconsciously maneuvered herself into a relatively safe position.  She didn’t want to admit, even to herself, that she was actually quite scared.  She was afraid of what this revolution would ultimately bring, but for now, she was afraid of what fighting at least four of the most skilled warriors in the principality would mean.  She adjusts the adamantine chanfron on her head with her magic and tightens up the distance between herself and Charity and Friesden.  When the fighting started, she’d do whatever she could to intercept anything heading for the two of them.  The rest of them... hopefully they could handle this.

Khenal stands in front of the door, wearing his armor and levitating his spear.  It almost felt sureal to be standing here, in open defiance of Hugwax.  He had worked with her, all those years ago... before the asylum went down.  He gives a determined nod to nopony in particular.  With his friends, he had no doubt they could defeat her. Friesden hangs just behind him.

Otik stands just to the side of the door. She looks down the row of assembled ponies, meeting each pair of eyes. “Okay... everypony ready?” Each of them nods silently. “Alright... this’s it...” With that, she twirls around on a forehoof, bringing both hindhooves around to slam into the door.

The door gives way to a long narrow hallway paved with golden bricks, two decorative doors are placed in the sides. The left one, the ponies are aware leads to the Royal Dining Room and Bed Chambers, the right, to a tomb fit for a monarch set aside in the event of her ‘unfortunate’ death. At the end of the hall it opened to a larger room 10 yards wide and 15 yards deep, with smooth granite floors and a golden path leading up to the golden throne. Which was flanked by two grandiose statues of electrum.

On the throne sits the enraged blueblood, word having somehow already reached her of the treachery. She was surrounded by her four most loyal minions, all dressed, in very fine steel, and carrying weapons of purest silver. Captain Demora cracks her vile whip as our heroes approach. Tor and Pound the Pegasi Hammerers stand side by side with Demora at the front. While Thrash, the earthpony mare carrying an oversized maul, stands by the Princess.

Demora cracks her whip again. “You are a greedy old whore Charity, I knew I should have killed you from the moment I set eyes upon you! And the rest of you! Have you no loyalty? No decency? You would turn so easily against your betters? Fine, if death is your wish, I shall provide it.” shouts the Royal Guard Captain.

Hugwax rises her uncontrolled rage appears to melt away, “Silence Demora!” she shouts, the captain complying immediately and holding position.

Hugwax looks to the gathered ponies, “My dear Charity, I had thought you better than this. I never would have thought you of all ponies would let your ambition take you this far. I wonder what treacherous lies you could have spun to turn so many ponies against me like this. But we all know how fearful she is of other’s power. Tell me, corporal Starkey, has not the dear Duchess always desired power here? Is that not why she stripped you of your Command, and placed another pony in charge of the army you helped to build? Did she not fear you wresting control of the city from her greedy hooves?”

“If that were true,” Starkey begins, “Why put me in the one position where it would be easiest to remove her? No, I took my position willingly, and gladly.

She looks to Otik, “And you Skywarden. Did she not replace you with a drunken buffoon which she could simply buy the loyalty off so cheaply? Is she really the pony you wish to so blindly place your loyalty with?”

“Miss Charity chose her stallion. She knows wot’ she’s doin’. Who’m I t’question her judgement?”

The Princess faces Kris, “And you. Ah, and the little filly of Falcata. It was quite impressive how Charity was so able to buy the loyalty of your mother. A weak mare with nothing to live for, and Charity saw that and used it. Giving her gifts and helping her so much, just so that she would last long enough to die for her and not on her own. And now she is doing the same to you. It is truly a tragedy that you can’t see that.”

The shaking Kris felt inside at the realization of what they were doing, what they were really doing, disappears to be replaced with righteous vexation.  Her first instinct was to shout something very rude back at Hugwax, but she instead settles for an indignant, “Ha!”  She lowers her mother’s hammer and scowls a bit at Hugwax.  “What’s tragic is that you think instilling fear and buying ponies out is the only way to inspire loyalty!”

Hugwax turns to Friesden, “And you, little one. You she has tricked most of all. Do you truly believe her to be your friend? Ha! Did you know she desired to have your pretty little head removed from your shoulders? It’s true. And she would have done it too, if not for your loving little stallion. She spared your life only because she could not bare to watch her beloved Khenal mourn you, or worse, have him blame her for your death. You live because she needs him, because she desires him, and for no other reason.”

“No! Stop that! You’re lying!” Friesden says, tears beginning to well up in her eyes.

Hugwax smiles a devilish smile. “Oh, but I don’t lie,” she says derisively, “Everything I say I got from this.” And with that she pulls a small stack of notebooks bound together from her robe and tosses them before the group. The cover of the top reads, Charity’s Journal, in the Duchess’s hoofwriting.

Charity flinches, she knew that many of the things the Princess said were either partially true, or easily construed as such. She was worried for just a moment, that they might turn on her, but her doubt passes quickly like water off a duck’s back, as her faith in her friends was such that she was sure they would see through the Princess’s half truths.

Friesden turns from the obvious trick of the Princess, and buries her head in Khenal’s wing.

“And last but certainly not least, that brings us to you, Captain Khenal.” smiles the Princess, “Was it so long ago my friend that we were on the same side? What right have you, a pony whose past is stained with the blood of so many, whose very soul is blackened with so much sin, what right have you to judge me? I have worked tirelessly for this nation, as did you once, but you would throw all that away now, to serve some usurper? Join me and take your place at my side again, and you can help the masses once more Khenal.”

“Help the masses?  Don’t make me laugh, you tyrant.  You care for nopony but yourself, and I am ashamed it took the deaths of so many for me to see that.”  He leans his spear against his shoulder, remembering that Demora is a null.  The last thing he needs is his magic cutting out while levitating his weapon.

“It isn’t too late, any of you.” continues Hugwax, “Turn from this path now, and I will not only spare your lives, but you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams.”

Kris was no foal and transfers the hammer to her mouth to draw her shield with her magic.  She knew that backing down now would only get her tortured mercilessly before her death, and would surely mean the death of her friends and family too.  No, she wasn’t turning away now.  Her eyes dart from pony to pony as she watches for the inevitable start of the fight.  Any moment one of her guards could use the opportunity for a surprise attack.

Starkey steps forward. “Don’t be a fool, Hugwax. The militia, the guard, all are loyal to us. you are in no position to bargain.” He turns to face Demora. “But I would extend the same offer to all of you. Hugwax dies this day, there is no avoiding that. But none of you have to die with her. Turn away, lay down your arms or take them up at our side, either way you will be spared.”

Demora glares at the traitors, “We would never betray her majesty. We owe our lives to her, and we will die to defend her.” The other three ponies speak, “Aye captain, we are with you.” in unison.

Kris clenches her jaw around the hilt of her mother’s hammer and strengthens her magical grip on her shield.  She could feel her heart beating faster and faster in her chest and a cold sweat forming on her brow.  This was it... any moment now.  She nervously and without thought slides back a step, trying to place some distance between her and Demora.  She had never forgotten the whips...

Demora speaks through gritted teeth, “Princess?”

“Kill them.” replies Hugwax, sounding almost disinterested.

Without another second passing, the deadly end of Demora’s whip was flying as fast as sound toward Khenal’s face, a cracking sound echoing through the silent hall.

’Too fast!’  Khenal drops to the floor, though the whip still takes the tip off of one of his ears.  He rolls to the side, taking his spear in his mouth and glaring at Demora.

As if on cue the cracking sound sends Tor and Pound flying into the air up and over toward their targets.

In an instant, the two pegasi are in the air. Otik’s crossbow practically leaps from her back and into her hooves. She propels herself backwards, giving herself room to line up her shot. Starkey, however, launches himself straight towards the oncoming guards, his axe at the ready.

The twin pegasi wielding warhammers leap into the air in unison and move to meet their respective foes.  Tor spins in the air to throw off Otik’s aim and rears back to take a swing with his hammer.  Pound instead darts to the side as Starkey nears and takes a cautious swing at the stallion’s midsection with his own weapon.

Seeing the hit coming, Starkey pivots out of the way and darts in for a swing of his own. Otik does her best to match Tor’s movements, trying to line up a telling shot.

Kris sees the last pony standing near Hugwax and realizes it was up to her to face the mare wielding a hammer three times the size of her own.  If there was anything she had learned from Adamant or his father, it was that an earth pony could be monstrously strong, and she had no doubt that this mare was more than strong enough to wield that maul to its fullest effect.  She circles to place herself between Thrash and Charity and Friesden, unsure if she should make the first move or wait for somepony to attack one of them.

Charity looks to Kris. “Kris, try and force Thrash away from Hugwax and I will go for the tyrant.”

Kris nods at the order and moves to obey. She continued to make an attempt to keep herself between Thrash and the two mares, and to keep any eye on Charity in case Hugwax turned out to be a better fighter than she looked. Thrash heard the order too and glowers at Kris before stepping forward and readying her massive hammer.

Tor continues to perform aerobatics to confuse Otik’s aim as he draws closer.  A moment more and he’d be in range to smash the weapon from her grip, and then she’d be his.  Pound lets out a startled gasp as Starkey’s axe grazes his wing.  True to his reputation, this Starkey was going to be a challenge.  His first swing goes wide as he repositions himself and he returns to the ground.  Might be best to keep this fight on the ground for now.

Otik can see Tor drawing closer to her with each swoop and turn. He’ll be on her in only a few moments. Though, if she can’t hit him at range...

She takes the shot almost half-heartedly, and moves to reach for another bolt.

Starkey watches Pound drop back to the floor, but does not follow. He remains in the air, just out of his opponent’s reach, before darting in quickly to deliver another blow.

Demora sneers at Khenal around her whip.  “Blood already?  And here I thought the Taciturn Sorcerer might be a challenge!”  She swings it around again at him, almost looking bored now.  Khenal watches her close and angles his spear to let the whip curl around the shaft, hoping to gain an advantage and maybe pull it from her grip.

Otik’s shot spangs off of Tor’s peytral as his continued whirling about turns it into a glancing blow.  He chuckles and takes the swing at her crossbow.  This mare wasn’t going to be a challenge at all!

Pound circles beneath Starkey and evaluates his options.  He wasn’t sure he could take Starkey alone, but maybe he could distract him long enough for somepony to finish off one of his friends, then they could gang up on him.  He takes in another sharp breath as Starkey’s axe bites into his armor just ahead of his wing, and he ripostes with a flash of his hammer at whatever part of Starkey presented itself.

Otik grins as Tor takes the bait. She pivots her whole body, swinging the crossbow back behind her while she slashes, then stabs forward at his face with the bolt in her other hoof.

Pound’s swing finds its mark on Starkey’s hindleg, sending him twirling through the air before falling to the floor. He stands with a little difficulty, favoring the stricken leg, but recovers just in time to deflect another wicked strike from the massive hammer.

Kris still wasn't sure if she should make the first move or wait for Thrash to take a swing, but she didn't have time to stand there and just think while a battle raged around her. She takes one look back to Charity and Friesden to make sure they were still okay before readying her weapon to strike first. Much to her surprise she finds the maul already swinging in her direction and in a panic she leaps back, feeling the wind tear past her face.

As Thrash moved to engage Kris, Charity cautiously moves around the fighting toward Hugwax, her knife ready to cut the smile from the royal's smug face. Hugwax likewise faces Charity as if she had been expecting it.

Demora’s eyes sparkle in vicious delight, expertly uncoiling her whip form Khenal’s spear as he tries to close and giving him a good lash to a wing, simple luck keeping it from snapping.  Khenal grunts in pain around his spear as Demora openly laughs at him.  “Hah!  You actually thought I’d fall for that trick?!”

Tor’s eyes go wide as he realizes his mistake a second too late, and he turns his head away instinctively.  Otik’s bolt slashes across his throat, opening a shallow cut through split mail links.  The pegasus nearly falls from the sky in his panic, but as he realizes it wasn’t a fatal cut, rage forms on his face.  “Buck you!” he shouts as he feints a strike to her face.

Pound feels a bit of cockiness well up inside him as he manages to land the blow.  “Eat this!” he taunts as he brings his hammer down again, leaving an unpleasant marring of the previously beautiful flooring as Starkey deflects his hammer aside.  This pony was fast... he needed to check himself.  Fight defensively... he leaps back into the air and gains as much altitude as he can in preparation for a dive.

“Sorry hun, I cannae be doin’ that anymore. Got married, y’see.” Otik flips backwards in the air to dodge the strike.

Starkey Watches Tor ascend, moving with him. He waits for the pegasus to reach the peak of his flight and begin his plunge, before launching himself up towards him, prepared to meet him in the middle.

With her heart now thundering in her chest, Kris raises her shield and evaluates the enormous mare intent on killing her. She sees an opening just as Thrash readies her maul again and throws her magical might into her shield, angling it into a crushing bash to the face. Thrash turns away instinctively, but the motion is completely unnecessary as Kris' shield harmlessly drops to the ground as it nears her. It rolls on its edge for some distance before clattering to the ground.

Charity charges Hugwax and telekinetically stabs forward with her knife. Hugwax surprised her, avoiding the blow by leaping to the side with her wings at a speed which surprised Charity. Hugwax then strikes Charity in the horn with her left forehoof, causing Charity to lose her magical grip on her knife, causing it to clatter to the floor.

Khenal slowly strafes around Demora as she watches him, her whip whirling over her head.  He’d need to figure out a way to close the distance with her, or he’d never win.  He couldn’t rely on his magic to trick her, either.  “Come on, then!” Demora taunts him.  “Is this a fight or a dance?”  She punctuates her taunt with another lightning fast snap of her whip, catching Khenal square in the sternum.  If not for the adamantine armor spreading the blow out over his body, he’d probably be dead from that.

Tor swears under his breath as Otik doesn’t take the bait of his feint and lunges forward, hoping to catch her in a tackle and wrestle her to the ground.  He wasn’t going to let her get any distance on him, not as long as that crossbow was still hers.

Pound desperately searches his mind for something to do as Starkey rapidly approaches him.  A head on fight would probably go poorly for him.  There wasn’t much time to think, and he settles on a last moment dart to the side and swing with his hammer at Starkey’s chest.  Maybe if he put all of his might and momentum into it, he’d get past any attempted parry.

Otik stops dead in the air as Tor manages to seize her by the hindquarters. “Oi, no means no!” She alternates between swinging at him with her crossbow and trying to reload it.

Starkey’s axe comes up to take the blow, but the hammer just powers on through and slams into his chest. The two stallions are carried into the floor by the heavy weapon.

Thrash takes advantage of Kris' momentary bafflement and whips the maul around again. The surface of the weapon clips her horn this time, snapping her head to the side while dissipating most of the impact. Fear surges through Kris again as the true depth of the situation hits her. Thrash was many times her strength and hellaciously fast. Worse still, Kris realizes that the mare is a magical null. Her magic will not help her at all.

Again she sees an opening as the maul is readied and lashes out with the hammer in her mouth. Kris feels a moment of elation as the weapon hits its mark solidly against the earth pony mare's shoulder, but Thrash doesn't so much as flinch as her thick steel armor and massive body absorb the blow. An instant later the maul is bearing down upon her again, and in a flash she brings her mother's hammer up to parry. She is again shocked to feel the maul halt against her parry when it should have battered her feeble attempt aside. Then she realizes her mistake.

Thrash brings the pommel of her maul up beneath the parry and slams it into Kris' cheek. Kris staggers back, but resists the urge to drop the weapon in her mouth and clutch at the explosion of pain in her face. Moments later adrenaline kicks in and the pain fades enough for her to regain concentration. Just in time to see the maul swinging her direction again. She turns her face away and jumps aside to avoid the worst possible outcome, but the maul catches her squarely on the chest and throws her from her hooves.

Charity slams herself into Hugwax,  the two noble ponies tumbling around, raining blows onto each other, Charity barely doing better due to her training and her armor.

Tor sneers at Otik as he uses all of his strength to drag her downward.  “As if I’d want you!” he retorts before taking a face full of crossbow.  He cries out in pain and rage before rolling her beneath himself and kicking with every ounce of might in his body.  He prods at his stinging nose and scowls at the blood smeared on his boot.  “I’ll kill you for that!”

Pound feels another cocky grin edge onto his face as he succeeds in downing Starkey.  The blow had a lot of power behind it, maybe he’d managed to knock the wind out of him if not more.  He fights to free himself from the knot on the floor and rotates his hammer to present the spike on the back.  He just had to line up a shot to Starkey’s throat, or if that wasn’t presenting itself maybe to the hip joint of his armor.  He’d bleed out quite fast from either.

With Tor suitably preoccupied with his injuries, Otik takes the opportunity to violently buck him off and backpedals, trying to put enough distance between them to load and line up a shot.

As Pound disentangles himself, Starkey manages to roll away. He takes up a defensive posture, slowly circling, but he realizes that even his fine adamantine mail would have trouble stopping the wickedly sharp point of Pound’s hammer.

The force of the whip-blow sends Khenal back a few steps as he gasps for air, Demora laughing riotously at him.  ‘Alright, think Khenal!  You don’t have your magic, but you still have wings and your size.’  He rears back to his hind legs, taking the spear from his mouth to hold it in his forelegs.  It looked a bit awkward, but he seemed to have better control of the spear like this.

Demora, however, doesn’t look impressed.  “Oh, look who’s trying to get all fancy.  You’re doomed, you stupid stallion!  Accept it, and maybe I’ll kill you quick!”  She whips at him again, but he’s able to parry it to the side, letting it wrap around his spear and quickly unwrap with Demora’s expert control of the weapon.

Kris lands a short distance away and slides along the ground before coming to a halt near the wall. Pain wracks her every movement as she desperately stumbles back to her hooves. Even every breath she took sent stabbing pain through her chest, but she couldn't just lay there. She had to fight... she had to do something or she was going to die. Her first instinct was to cast her pain control spell, but even before she makes the motions she remembers it would be futile. Instead, she readies her mother's hammer again and makes a lunge at Thrash.

Tor immediately rallies and catches himself in midair before correcting course and diving for Otik again.  He was not going to let her reload at this range.  Flapping his wings as fast as he could, he settles for trying to beat her out with raw strength and speed.  This time as he gets close, he makes sure to keep his hammer ready to parry any unexpected swings of that crossbow.

Pound rotates his hammer back to present the striking surface and begins circling with Starkey.  A cold sweat begins to form on his brow as he watches the living legend in front of him evaluate him.  One wrong move and he’d be a dead pony.  After a moment more of that, he catches sight of the two pegasi dueling in the air and realizes that was his only option.  He feints a swing at Starkey and darts into the air, making a straight line to assist his brother and hopefully gain the advantage over Otik.

Otik tries a few ineffective swings of her crossbow, searching for an opening in his defenses. suddenly, she is distracted by movement in the corner of her eye. She quickly brings her crossbow up as Pound swoops up towards her.

Starkey lowers his guard as he sees Pound’s apparent retreat, but quickly readies himself again as he sees the stallion’s new target: Otik. He takes wing and bolts towards them as fast as his wings will carry him.

Thrash effortlessly sidesteps the blow with an indignant snort and bucks Kris as she passes by. The strike nearly throws her from her hooves again, but she rallies and brings her mother's hammer down in a crushing blow to Thrash's back. The hammer slams into her crupper with a deafening ring, and for once the mare snarls in pain. “I'll show you,” she shouts as she repeats the motion.

Kris tries to dive aside, but the pain in her chest had grown to the point she could no longer ignore it, and she instead staggers forward awkwardly. Far enough to avoid taking the blow directly in the back, but it still lands with devastating effect on her crupper. She lets out a pained shriek as the blow slams her to the ground, and she freezes in place, terrified to move. She knew she was hurt... probably badly... but her mind told her to lay still to avoid making it worse. Something felt wrong... Suddenly she notices that she can taste blood in her mouth, and the stabbing in her chest is slowly augmented by an intense burning.

“I hope this works...” Khenal says to himself as he takes off, circling the room to build up speed.  Demora simply sneers at him again.  “Finally remembered you had wings?  Fat lot of good they’ll do you!  I’m going to enjoy killing you!”

Khenal ignores her, too concerned with ending their fight quickly so he can try to help his friends.  Hugwax’ retinue was proving to be more trouble than they expected.  At least Friesden was being ignored... for now.  He shakes the grisly thought from his mind as he turns and dives towards Demora.  She gives him an evil grin as he closes.  “Too slow, chicken-horse!” she shouts as she lashes at him.  At the same time, Khenal does something she wasn’t expecting: he hurls his spear at her.  Her whip hits him in the helmet, and she strikes again, fast as lightning to his wing, snapping it with a loud crack!  The second attack gives her too little time to fully dodge the spear, though, and it grazes her cheek, leaving a small streak of crimson.

With Otik’s attention taken up by his brother, Tor lunges at her and finally manages to latch onto her after a brief struggle. His first course of action is to slam the pommel of his hammer into her cheek, like she so kindly did to his nose with her crossbow. “Take that!” he shouts, more than a bit satisfied to get some revenge.

Pound joins the two and immediately rams his hammer into the flexible armor on her abdomen. They had to get her out of the fight immediately if they were going to have any hope of ganging up on and defeating Starkey.

Otik folds under the twins’ assault, Tor’s blow knocking the adamantine chanfron from her head. She barely has time to recover before Pound’s hammer slams into her belly, knocking the wind from her. She drops to the floor, losing her grip on her crossbow.


Without pause, Starkey changes course, diving towards his stricken lover. He catches Otik mere feet above the stone tiles, gently lowering her to the floor. “Can you stand?”

Otik rolls over and tries to get to her hooves, but fails. she spits out a mouthful of blood. “I... I t-think I’m out o’ this fight, luv...”

Khenal fares far worse from the attacks he suffered, and crashes in a heap.  His armor had saved him again, though it may have simply delayed the inevitable now.  Demora gives an evil chuckle as she looks at the fallen alicorn, still in a daze from the whip-strike to the head and the crash.  “Pathetic!  And now you don’t even have your precious spear!  Hmm... speaking of things precious to you...”  She glances at Friesden, huddled in the corner and shivering.

Charity, managing to gain the upper hand, takes the princess to the ground. Hugwax laying on the floor underneath Charity, both mares heavily bruised, Charity looks to her side and pulls her knife back to her with her magic. Levitating the blade over the royal mare's face, she speaks, "And now Hugwax, It is over."

Kris realizes then that she couldn't possibly get to her hooves in time to avoid the next blow from the maul, and it would surely kill her. Even still she reaches out and tries to pull herself out of the way, but she knew she was doomed. She was going to die...

She closes her eyes and braces for the impact that would end her life.

Tor and Pound grin at each other, satisfied that the battle was surely theirs now.  They both raise their weapons and begin a slow descent toward Starkey and Otik.  One swing and this would be over...

Charity's knife floats upward in preparation of the final blow when suddenly, Charity hears a mare's voice screaming with rage.

Demora slowly walks towards Friesden, an evil gleam in her eyes.  She lashes the wall just above Friesden, tearing a gouge in the stone with her silver whip to gain Friesden’s attention. Friesden quivers in her horseshoes, turning her head down.  Demora grins and lashes the floor just before Friesden’s hooves.  “I want those pretty eyes up here!”

“O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-okay,” stammers Friesden, lifting her head to face Demora, fear on her face. Demora leans in close, putting away her whip a moment to lick Friesden’s nose.  “Anypony ever tell you you’re beautiful when you’re terrified?”

Friesden flinches at the licking, and stammers out “N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no, nopo-o-o-o-o-o-ony ever ha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-as. P-p-p-p-p-p-please...D-d-d-d-d-d-d-don’t k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-kill Khenal...Please?”

Kris looks up with an air of curiosity when she isn’t killed, just in time to see Thrash heading for Charity.  She tries to scream for Charity to avoid the incoming blow, but her cries only came out as a choked gasp.

Charity's magic cuts out, her knife falling blade first into the stone floor where it sticks in the smoothed granite. Turning she sees Thrash about to strike her with her enormous maul. Charity tries to get out of the way, but takes a strong blow to her polished steel peytral, and she is sent spinning backwards several feet and lands with a thud. Charity tries to stand but falls again, coughing up blood.

Hugwax stands up. “Yes, Duchess it is over. Thrash, kill the pig.”

Khenal slowly recovers from the daze of crashing, finally taking in how his friends are doing: Poorly.  Kris looks terrified to move, and with that massive dent in the armor near the base of her tail, he didn’t blame her.  Charity had Hugwax grinning evilly at her as a large earthpony mare hefted a massive maul to crush her. Otik struggling to stand, as Starkey does his best to keep the terrible twins off of her.  And Friesden, his Only Light... had that monster Demora looming over her.

All his friends, and the love of his life... all in mortal danger!  He tries to stand, but his legs seem like they’re made of jelly.  He can’t lose them!  Kris, always able to lighten the mood.  Charity, so giving and thoughtful.  Friesden, his Only Light and the kindest pony to ever grace Equestria.  Starkey, so staunchly honest.  Otik, loyal and true.  He clenches his eyes shut as he tries to find  his magic, grasping at straws for anything to save his friends.

‘Oh Sisters please!  Not my Friends!  Not Friesden!  Take me instead!  Just do something to help them!’  Time seems to slow as he feels the soft and familiar warmth of his magic... and something more as well.  He opens his eyes, seeing death-blows slowly descending on his friends.  Instead of fear, though, he feels strength from the sight of the ponies important to him.

“No.”  His voice seems to reverberate through the hall as his horn flares to life, roughly shoving Hugwax and her cronies back towards the throne and levitating his spear back to him.  He stands, bolstered by the simple presence of his friends as they start to gather themselves, and joins them.

Kris looks around in utter confusion as their foes are cast about like dolls.  She has no idea what is going on, but she wasn’t about to let the sudden reprieve go to waste.  Khenal was standing nearby, cloaked in magical might so strong she could feel it, and all through the magical null fields cast off by Demora and Thrash.   With a pained cry she forces herself to her hooves, feeling very weak in her rear legs.  Nevertheless, she soldiers on and joins Khenal at his side, bathed in the inviting warmth of his magic.  Her mouth, chest and back together were agonizing, but she stands next to him with a determined glower on her face and her mother’s hammer gripped in her mouth.  She was not going to give up.

Wait... was this Khenal’s magic?  It was so strong... permeating every bit of her body.  No, this wasn’t Khenal... not alone.  It was something more, something far greater than any magic she had ever felt in her life.  She could feel the connection to her friends and family.  It was almost overwhelming, so strong and pure that she felt the magical emptiness from Demora and Thrash vanish.  Finally, she could cast the spell she so desperately needed.  A blinding flash of gold from her horn later and the pain in her friends and her body vanishes, along with the superficial wounds, though the weakness in her legs remains.  But there was no time to think about that, there was a fight to finish.

Friesden squeaks in shock as the earth pony mare disappears, and she looks around to see Khenal standing again, his magic returned. In an instant, she scrambles up and runs over to him, hugging him tight in her fear.

With the flash of gold light from Kris’s magic, all Charity’s pain melted away. Finally able to force herself to stand she quickly moves over to stand beside her friends.

As brilliant golden light envelops Otik’s body, she can feel the strength return to her limbs. Starkey pulls her to her hooves, and the two of them join their friends beneath the glow of Khenal’s magic.

Hugwax and her guard begin to stand, Thrash looks utterly confused, while Demora is smoldering with rage. “How! How is this possible! No magic can move me! What trickery is this!” she shouts at Khenal.

Khenal replies in the same voice, clearly heard as the very air around them all seems to speak.  “This is no mere magic... this is Magic!  No single pony can wield this, for it is the very bonds of companionship that fuel it!”

This Magic was unlike anything Khenal had ever felt before.  It felt like the very reins of creation were in his grip.  No, not his grip.  Well, not his alone.  He could feel his friends, each guiding and shaping Magic in their own way.  They provided the power, and trusted him enough to shape it for them. 

Kris glowers at Hugwax and her guards as the mysterious power flows through her. She feels as if she was on the verge of something enormous, but something not quite within her power to control directly.  That... she felt  Khenal was the one who held the final piece of the puzzle, and she focuses on the intangible and barely comprehensible power, pushing it, molding it, wishing... wishing as if she knew what she was doing.  She wanted Hugwax and her guards gone.  She didn’t care how, she just wanted this fight over and for Hugwax to lose!  If she could influence that, she was doing everything she could imagine to do so!

Charity feels the immense power of this Magic flowing through her, through all her friends. She wasn’t sure what it was, but suspected it was related to the virtues they had each had magically inscribed upon their belongings. The magic in the air was surely powerful enough to turn this fight around. She focused on what she desired, to give the gift of freedom to the ponies of Glitterglen, by ridding the world of all the ponies who threatened them. As she did this she felt the energy begin to coalesce into something more controlled and less chaotic.

Starkey feels... something coursing through his body. Something powerful. Is this what magic feels like? He turns to look up at Khenal, at the brilliant energies flowing from his horn.

No... this is what Magic feels like. He laughs aloud, seeing the Sisters’ plan finally laid out. The marks on their weapons... the Elements of Harmony... the six of them had been chosen to bear Their greatest weapons. Their victory this day was the Sister’s will, and Starkey threw every fiber of his being into ensuring that it came to pass.

Friesden feels innervated as the Magic courses through her, still refusing to let go of Khenal. Whatever it was, she hadn’t a clue, but she just knew that she didn’t want it to stop, almost luxuriating in the feeling. Even when the foals were born, she hadn’t felt so happy. She just wanted whatever it was to keep on going, for as long as it could. She felt safe, protected, almost untouchable with Khenal beside her. She never, ever, wanted to be apart from him, more than ever before.

Otik felt... strong. Stronger than she ever had before. She could feel the power radiating from Khenal’s horn permeate every inch of her body. With this kind of power, she felt like she could do anything. And right now, there was nothing she wanted more than to rid the world of the hateful princess Hugwax, and see the crown rest in its rightful place - on Miss Charity’s brow.

Hugwax and her Royal Guard get onto their hooves, Thrash and Demora in the front with the pegasi twins on either side of the Princess. Demora shouts at Khenal, “I don’t know what sort of tricks you are trying to pull, but you and your ‘friends’ can not win. You are out of your depth!”

“We have each other, Demora.  We cannot fail.”  Khenal closes his eyes, focussing on the desires of his friends as they help shape the Magic, refining and stabilizing the power.  Freedom, their foes gone, safety, victory, Charity as princess.  There was nothing else to do with the energy but release it.  The energy starts to coalesce around Khenal and his friends, each radiating a different color.  They each begin to slowly levitate, colorful power coursing through their beings.

“We have been gifted with the Elements of Harmony, greatest weapons of the Sisters.  May they have mercy on you all, for we shall not.”  The energies swirl together around the six, gathering into a coherent beam of prismatic might before blasting Princess Hugwax and her retinue.  The raw power obscures them from view for a moment before the friends drop back to the ground, exhausted and spent from the immense power they all channeled. 


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9940 on: June 18, 2012, 09:46:14 pm »

The dias and throne show clearly the influence of the immense power.  They almost shine with bright color, and contrast several small piles of dust resting about the dias.  Resting on one pile is the tiara of The Shells of Dance, leaving no doubt of what happened to the formal monarch and her guards.

A few moments after the blast, Charity begins to pull herself to her hooves, she looks around and sees her other friends starting to come to as well. She could stand but barely, she felt like whatever that Magic was it had taken a lot out of her. She approaches the golden throne cautiously, and examines the 5 piles of ash laying on the ground before the throne. She turns outward from the throne, and begins to cast a spell, though her heads pounds in protest as she does so, “Ponies of Glitterglen” her voice rings loudly throughout the hall her magic making sure it echoes throughout the whole of Glitterglen, “This is your...This is Charity Conventtulip, we have taken the throne room. The Princess is dead. We are free at last my friends. We are all free.” Charity’s spell ends, she feels faint, she stumbles for a moment and catches herself, she feels the need to sit down, the only chair to be found is the golden throne she collapses into it her head spinning.

Khenal groans and slowly finds his hooves, helping Friesden stand as well.  His jaw drops as he
sees just what they had all wrought together.  He sees Charity stumble and collapse onto the throne, exhausted after alerting the fort of the good news.  His horn glows softly as he levitates the tiara from the pile of dust that was Hugwax and carefully places it atop Charity’s brow.

Friesden looked around as she was helped up. Where were the ponies? The significance of the dust soon became apparent, and she turned away from the sight, and threw up, gagging. No sooner had she emptied her stomach onto the floor than her legs wobbled and gave way, refusing to support her weight.

Charity looks up at Khenal, her mind beginning to clear again. Recognizing the significance of the action Khenal had just done she looks down at the ashes and then back up and smiles at him.

Khenal lays by Friesden and covers her in a wing, then smiles back at Charity as his horn glows brighter, mimicking her voice spell.  “Ponies of Glitterglen, this is Khenal.  Princess Hugwax is no more.  May Princess Charity Coventtulips reign with wisdom and prosperity!”  With that, he bows low to his friend on the throne.  There was no doubt in his mind that Charity would make a fine ruler.

Kris finally comes to and takes in the enormity of what had just occurred.  She sees the piles of remains, and her mother in law sitting atop the throne.  Nopony deserved the honor more, and she too joined Khenal in bowing before her.  She knew how much Charity disliked it when her mother had done so, but for this occasion, nothing less would suffice.  It was all she could do to stay upright with the weakness in her legs, but for this, she gave everything she had.  They were finally free.

Charity looks out at all her friends bowing before her, Khenal’s words echo in her mind, “Princess Charity...” That title did not yet sound right for her as she thought it, but she was sure, with her friends at her side, together they could do anything.



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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9941 on: June 21, 2012, 09:35:53 pm »

Khenal levitates a washing rag, gently scrubbing at Friesden's coat in the shower.  Her reaction to Hugwax and her guards being gone was a bit severe, but it made sense.  She's so sensitive and caring, it must have hit her hard to know she helped destroy several ponies.

"How are you feeling, Friesden?"
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9942 on: June 21, 2012, 09:39:44 pm »

Friesden flinches at the question. "I....I...." She starts trembling.

"S-s-she...All s-s-s-she wanted...was m-m-m-m-me!"
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9943 on: June 21, 2012, 09:48:41 pm »

Khenal gently nuzzles Friesden and pulls her into a soft hug.  "She wanted the rest of us dead... and I doubt Hugwax would have let her... keep you."
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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  • Bay Watcher
  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9944 on: June 21, 2012, 09:50:14 pm »

"M-m-m-maybe..." begins Friesden, before squeezing Khenal, "maybe if I'd danced...for her...she wouldn't have wanted anypony dead...maybe...maybe she'd have gone good..."
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."
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