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Author Topic: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.  (Read 281197 times)

Theropod Watcher

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #135 on: October 09, 2011, 07:55:52 pm »

Theropod Watcher's Journal
Entry 1
Hello Journal. I recently made a massive decision; I moved. While I loathe change, it was such a great opportunity for some quiet and peaceful engraving.

This place is called Glitterglen, and its smack dab in the middle of a hot, and miserably humid, rainforest. Luckily, my job keeps me deep in the cool and somber rock, allowing for deep thought. The more I thought, the better my art has become.

Its not all great though,  we have been attacked by diomedians, and some ponies have died. There has also been talk of ghosts and spirits, I do hope the pony in charge doesn't go crazy with so called "Exorcists" like they did back home; those con artists brought such misery to those who were proclaimed "possessed".

I'm getting too worked up now, I'll go engrave some waves.

Theropod Watcher
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 07:58:13 pm by Theropod Watcher »

Impending Doom

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #136 on: October 11, 2011, 10:37:51 pm »

Hey, you haven't forgotten about us have you?
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #137 on: October 11, 2011, 11:21:51 pm »

Hey, you haven't forgotten about us have you?

You talking to me Impending Doom? No I haven't forgotten, just been kind of busy, don't have alot of free time during the week you see, and I picked up Dark Souls on Sunday, so yeah, but, I'm going to play for a little while know. Expect a game update soon.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #138 on: October 12, 2011, 01:29:29 am »

Charity's Journal 11th Felsite, 96

and it's an adorable little unicorn filly.

I also, noticed little Bubel, Ironya's first, isn't quite as little anymore, I saw him and Venture, Shigos
(the unicorn pony foal from the last wave) and Peytral, playing in the water in the dinning room. Bubel's pretty quick for his size, but seemed to tire quickly and go back to mommy, before the other kids where done playing, but, it's good that Venture has a few ponies to play with that are closer to his own age. I latter spotted Peytral playing with Starkey's axe that he found lying in the barracks, Starkey must have been really tired to have left that lying around, he's never apart from it. I scolded him for playing with the militia's weapons and sent him home, but he didn't really seem to listen to me. Oh well.

15th Felsite 96

One of our fisherponies, spotted a giant tiger while out bringing some wood to Thunder. Fortunately, no pony was hurt, I hate to harm such a majestic creature, perhaps Nicolta Tesla has some ideas about ways to catch it unharmed? I'll ask him over a nice pint of pegasan ale.

26th Hematite, 96

A pony by the name of Tunur Buzatadril, has been made Mayor of Glitterglen. He's one of our best armorers and with our lack of materials apparently had the time to run for office, while I was busy actually running this place. Damnit, I can't believe they voted for that mud pony over me. This is unacceptable, I'm going to have to do something about this.

And here comes the power trip, he's making demands already. He's just demanding the production of steel items!? We had already sent a work order for more steel arms and armor to the forges. See this is why you don't vote for some stupid mud pony, they don't even know what's going on in their own fortress.

3rd Malachite, 96

The Giant Tiger from before hasn't been seen since, but a few cage traps have been set up. Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll trigger one if it returns, if not our militia can easily take care of it if it becomes dangerous.

5th Malachite, 96

Another group of migrants has arrived, about nine of them this time, lets see. that brings Glitterglen up to a population of 89, counting all the babies and children. Considering when we started out back in the spring of 94, we were just 7 outcasts we've really grown, I wonder if the government will try to claim us as a proper territory soon. But if they do, they'll probably start demanding we pay taxes to the princess.

Anyway 9 new ponies, one earth pony hunter. two eathpony metal crafter, an earthpony soldier, a unicorn wound dresser, A male Royal Pony architect/stonemason. A professional pegasan cook, and father of two kids, the mother didn't come with them, don't know the story there, probably don't want to ask. The kids are a pegasan boy nearly full grown, and his sister two years his younger who is an earth pony. A mechaninc, who is also, a rather talented axe pony.

6th Malachite, 96

Ironya, was surrounded by a strange purple glowing light today, as she was carrying some of her handy work upstairs to show the troops, she immediately dropped what she was carried, ran downstairs, knock the armor smith out of the forge room, grabbed a single bar of Adamantine and began to work.

9th Malachite, 96

Ironya has finished her work, the light has vanished, and she doesn't recall any of the experience. All she has to show for it, is a large dagger, which she says is called, Goodsnarled the Principle of Slowing. It is a very fine blade, and I'm sure our soldiers will all be fighting over who get's to carry it.

11th Malachite, 96

An unfortunate, discovery has been made today, Cryptson, following a vein of cobalt, found a hollow area, digging into it he found a room, connected to the fort through a crudely dug tunnel, hidden from sight behind a locked, unassuming door. In the room he saw, a clear window, likely the one that went missing months before, on the other side was a body, seemed to be that of a male pegasus, Efim, most likely, complete save for it's wings, which are missing. The body, was impaled upon a copper spear, jutting out from the ground, the victim seemed to have been stabbed many times before falling. The spearing mechanism was connected to the lever in the room that Cryptson hit.

 This was obviously some sort of murder, but what pony would/could do such a thing.  Cryptson came to me first and together we told the mayor, what he found. The three of us agreed to keep it quite, at least until we know a little more about it. I think we need somepony in charge of protecting us from ourselves, somepony to track down and deal with criminals. I've told the mayor, and he asked me to appoint a captain of the guard, and possibly a few ponies under him, and I think I know just the pony for the job.

*Charity calls Khenal into her office, upon his arrival she explains to him the situation with the murder.*
"Khenal, you are one of the most loyal, trustworthy, dedicated ponies that I know, even Commander Starkey says almost nothing but good things about you. However, you are not fit to be a warrior, you lack the killer instinct for that, you Khenal are a protector, and I would trust you to protect any or all of the lives in Glitterglen, including myself. So Khenal, what do you say to the title, and rank, of Captain of the Guard, of the Great Fortress Glitterglen?"
« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 01:37:34 am by KingStrongbeard »


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #139 on: October 12, 2011, 02:33:49 pm »

Hi book. I saw Mr greywings today.
It was when we got that new ponies today. I heard that they were trapped behind some of those scarry looking ponies. I found him in the top dinning hall just leaning on the wall.  I asked him if he was going to help those poor ponies, but he just shook his head and said 'nope, don't need too'. I was confused but then Private Ramol ran past to the gate super fast! He totally saved the day book! I didn't see it, but I hear it was supper awesome and stuff.  Then Mr greywings said that he had to leave, and that he had stayed around for too long already. I said that I would miss him a lot, but he said that it was alright.  He walked into some door I never saw before with Mr. Efim a really scared and confused looking unicorn and a cupple of other ponies I don't recognize and there was a bright light and...
They were gone.
I'm not as sad as I thought I would be. Actually, I'm sorta happy.


Sorry I haven't written in you for a long time book, so much stuff has been happing these days!
There's lots of new fillies and colts around now a days and it's super fun! We play all sorts of games and have adventures and all sorts of fun things. I never had this meany friends back at the town I use to live in! There are so many ponies hear! My family has to all share beads, but that's OK. 
Mr. Tunur Was elected mayor too! I don't know what that means but there was a party and stuff so I guess it's a good thing. Ms. Charity wasn't happy though, but Andys' mom is always a sour puss.
Mr. Khenal has been teaching me magic, but weave been doing more boring control stuff again. He said we would try some other spells in this book he got from the last group of traders! That sounds supper cool!


Mr. Khenal has me doing a spell today!
It's called the 'floating illusion spell' or something.  You ust think of something and a shimmering image appears in the air. A lot of story tellers use it. Were starting small Khenal said, I just have to do a blue dagger. It's a hard spell, But I'm trying as hard as I can!
I know I can do it!


Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger  Blue Dagger

* The rest of the page is made up of blue color drawings of a long dagger *

I don't think this is working book. I won't give up though! Goodness this is going really slowly!


Give that bitch some stone crafts, bitches love stone crafts.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #140 on: October 12, 2011, 03:29:33 pm »

Khenal's Book, Chapter 13

I bought another book today.  No, not another Book, just a magic book.  I'm not great with magic, and Venture is fast approaching the limits of my knowledge of the arcane arts.  I asked the caravan to bring more books on magic the next time they came, so hopefully this one will last till then.  Maybe the other caravans will have some books as well?

Chapter 14

One of the armorers apparently ran for mayor and won.  Personally, I don't pay much attention to politics.  I don't see why we need a mayor while we have Charity as our overseer.  What does a mayor actually do?  Eh, probably does paperwork so Mrs. Charity can do important things.  I heard her grumbling something about steel production and right hooves and left hooves.  I really should do something to let her know we all appreciate her.  I wonder if Nicolta Tesla or Theropod Watcher accept commissions for engravings?

Chapter 15

Ironya just finished what is possibly the best dagger in all existence.  It's made from Adamantine and is, well, perfect.  I've also seen it before. 

Earlier this week, Venture and I were practicing illusion spells and she was working on making a blue dagger.  I'm not sure if it's her talents in precognition or if she somehow influenced Ironya accidentally.  If it's just her talent, then I think the work in concentration and control is paying off.  She hasn't told me of any nightmares lately at least, which I take as a good sign.  However, if she influenced Ironya, this could be very bad.  I need to test this.  I remember we got a caged raccoon a while ago, I wonder if it's been claimed yet?  I'll try showing it to her and ask her to try to get it to dance.  I really hope she fails to get it dancing; power like that is very dangerous.  Not just to others, but herself as well.

Chapter 16

Mrs. Charity called me into her office today.  I didn't know why.  I mean, I like to think she's a friend, but being called to her office means official Glitter Glen business.  Maybe I did something wrong and didn't realize it?  After the door was closed, she told me about a murder.  I was horrified!  How could anypony murder somepony?  She also told me she didn't think I was cut out to be on the front lines of battle, either.  I wanted to argue that point, but she wasn't finished.  She said I was a protector, and there are official positions for protectors: Guards.  And she wanted me to be the Captain of the Guard.

I just stared at her, dumbstruck, for a while.  Then I started thinking of the various ponies in Glitter Glen: Cryptson and Charity, Thunder Splinter, Dr. Friesden, Venture, Peytrel.  From the founders to the ponies that immigrated just last week, all of them working hard to make Glitter Glen all it can be.  Commander Starkey and the rest of the military, working to protect us from foreign threats.  But what about domestic threats?  What about threats that come from below?  Commander Starkey is the first line, but what if something get through?  He can't be everywhere at once.

I told her I don't think much of the title and rank, but I'd take the position anyway.  She's right about me, I'm no warrior.  But I will do my best to ensure the safety of these ponies and capture the murderer.  I just hope there isn't too much paperwork involved.

Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

Avatar from Kryptid!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #141 on: October 12, 2011, 04:04:19 pm »

Friesden's Diary

Something strange is happening to me. Some times I black out. And then bad things happen. I don't remember why or how. I've got to do something.

I don't know why, but the other pegasi scare me. Khenal scares me more. I feel most comfortable with the earth ponies. Goddesses help me. It's coming again. I can feel it. Just finish this and lock my door again.


Friesden's diary.


Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #142 on: October 12, 2011, 04:57:01 pm »

 8) Adventure!  8)

* two little foals, siting in the dining hall, looking quite board*
" Hey venture, what do you want to do?"
"I don't know Shigos, What do you want to do?"
"I don't know, what do you want to-"
"Hey! I Know what to do!"


Hey book, I just got a supper idea today.
I remember how Mr. Khenal told me that he had a pair of wood wings, and Shigos always wondered how having wings is like.  It's the perfect plan!
Mr. Khenal said he left them with Ms. Friesden, so we went to her office to ask her.  She looked really nervous when we asked her, but she said we could borrow them.  They were so cool! They didn't even look wooden or anything! And they had real feathers on them all colored red and stuff. They smelled a little odd but still, so cool! A little string and they sit right on Shigos back! Then Ms. Friesden said she would teach us how to fly!  She led us up to the surface and told us to go over to a hill out away from the fortress while she got some thing she forgot.  I hope she come's back soon, I can't wait! You know sometimes when I look at her, I think I can see-

"Ello? Whats this?"
The two fillys look back in shock at the appearance of at the new pony. Venture quikly stuffs her book into he saddlebag.  Befor them stood a
 "Dva malenky pegiez out and about I viddy. No, you got horns on your gullivers don't you?"
"Ummm..."  The two fillies shifted under the gaze of the frightening pony before them.
"Well, Beg your pardoon magntesy." The sikly colored pony preformed a mock bow to the frightend fillies.
Ventured finally spoke up "Were not suppose to talk to strangers an-"
"Me eemyas SkrillCoal. Guss I'm not a stranger-danger now am I?"
"well, ya I guess but-"
"Say!" The pony walked closer to the two. "How would you like something to munch? My droogs and me are having a git-to-get over the way, would you like to join?"
"No thanks we-"
"Come now, I insist!"
A short scream came from behind Venture as a darkbolt grabbed Shigos by her newfoud wings. The pony, now reviled as a keshi, approached the little helpless filly.
In her desperation, the filly shouted out "Stop!"
Munch to everyponies surprise, and against all reason, that actually worked. The keshi stopped in in his tracks.  Seeing the effectiveness of her statement, she decided to go for broke.
"Now, you, um... you leave us alone right now!"
The keshi gave a blank stare for a few moments before turning to his compatriot.
"Oy! Lest itty. These malenky sods ain't worth the trubble, lets get-gone."
Needless to say this confused the darkbolt to no end, a confusion compounded by the filly in his mouth shed it's wings and ran off.
The two Diomede ponies, too confused by the whole turn of events failed to give chase to the yong foals.
Said foals managed to quickly make it to the safety of the fort, only to face another, fare more frightening foe. A very angry looking Commander Starkey.

That's right, my diomedes speak Nadsat!  If you want your diomedes to speak Nadsat too, get the translator here:
That removes a pice of evidence pointing at Friesden, but if you don't like, let me know! I can edit or remove if need be. I don't want to step on anybodys toes here.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 04:59:12 pm by thetyler101 »

Give that bitch some stone crafts, bitches love stone crafts.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #143 on: October 12, 2011, 07:43:55 pm »

It's okay! No use having doing this sort of thing without someone else putting their own bits in.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #144 on: October 12, 2011, 09:33:00 pm »

Charity's Journal 12th Malachite, 96

Khenal, accepted the position of Captain of the Guard. I've also assigned a few ponies to work under him, including the unicorn mare ranger, and the other hunter, both are pretty good shots. And three others who have had very basic weapon training, in axes, hammers, and hooves respectfully. Khenal will have his work cut out for him turning them into competent guards, but I trust him. We are going to start digging out a small office for Khenal, and a little prison cell, for our murderer.

With the fate of Efim now known, I've decided to make a small memorial for him. I don't want to disturb the body just yet. Khenal, will probably still want to look it over for any clues he can find.

14th Malachite, 96

Disaster, a complete disaster. as our engravers where digging little windows into the adamant, to check for the beasts of legend that supposedly live underneath the blue metal, a mistake was made and the great magma sea was breached, 3 lumps of raw adamant where covered in deep magma, and a lot that could have been mined is now unsafe. Fortunately, no pony was hurt, however, this is still very disappointing. It might be possible to use magma pumps to clear the area, but it won't be easy.


I've had a request come across my desk for the production of a half dozen enormous wooden corkscrews to bolster our trap defenses. I've decided to allow it and will have the manager fill out the appropriate paperwork for a rush job.

17th Malachite, 96

such a cute little unicorn.

19th Malachite, 96

Khenal's office is coming along splendidly, once it's smoothed, it might even be better than mine. We decided the room needed a few statues, Pillomino made one of herself carving a cabinet, not wanting to be outdone by her I crafted a beautiful statue of myself, showing the day I was chosen to as Overseer. Khenal seemed uncomfortable with this selection of statues for his office, but I can't imagine why? Cryptson decided to dig out five different cells, and a private barracks for the Town Guard. In each of the cells we will place a single zinc chain, a bed, a table, a chair, and two barrels, one for food, and the other for drink.

3rd Galena, 96

Thundersplinter called out, from the top of her tower that she's still working diligently on, that Honey Badger Pony had been injured by the traps leading into the fortress. The Fortress Guard put the creature out of it's misery. Knowing where there is one of those things their is more, Khenal lead his squad on a merry little hunt, killed about 6 more of them. Great, more Badger Pony pie.


As the the ponies where returning from the hunt, and we were bringing in the badger carcasses. Something shown brightly upon the Horizon.

Gods save us all.

Thought I would share what the outside of the fortress is like right now. It's not very impressive. The tower is still under construction. Mostly, cause I designate the next part, go do something else, come back much later when it's done, then put the next part, and repeat. Their is one floor above this one, that stonesence won't show at the same time as the base, the purple blocks are a wall that is not finished yet. I'm planning on adding several more floors, before calling it finished. It's made entirely of wooden blocks, with cobalt block floors on the first floor. The stone wall is almost entirely granite, with the external layer and fortifications made of granite blocks.



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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #145 on: October 13, 2011, 02:06:41 am »

Khenal's Book Chapter 17

Ugh, the position does come with paperwork duties.  Gotta suck it up, but it doesn't mean I have to like the stuff.  The murder scene was a huge mess.  The body was almost totally bones, which I was thankful for.  After all, bones don't really have much odor to them.  Death looked to have come from multiple stab wounds from my old copper spear.  Damnit, I knew I should have made sure it was accounted for!  The amount of blood everywhere, along with a multitude of gashes in the bones says it took poor Efim a while to die. 

His wings are missing.  How they were removed is a mystery.  They could have been simply ripped off or removed with great care, there aren't any nicks in the bones around where the wings should have been attached.  The window and lever to actuate the spear indicate we are dealing with one sick pony.  Whoever they are, they watched as Efim was repeatedly impaled.  Grr, I'm too angry to continue right now, my Book.  I'm going to go train, hopefully work this off before meeting the rest of the guard for the first time as their captain.

Chapter 18

Goodness, was I this terrible when I first signed up for martial training?  The two rangers are doing quite well, but the other recruits need serious work.  I'm gonna ask Commander Starkey for advice, and to see if he can still help me in my personal training.  I also need to ask the Captain of the ranged squad for advice on how to train the rangers.

The Adamantine mining area suffered a huge blow recently.  Apparently they sprung a small magma leak, and couldn't stop it before the area flooded.  The blue metal still makes me uneasy, but it's hard to argue against mining the stuff.  Afterall, that dagger is truly a thing of beauty.

Chapter 19

Dr. Friesden has been even odder than usual lately.  She practically jumped out of her skin when I greeted her in the hall earlier today.  Maybe she's worried about the murderer?  I asked her to examine what was left of the body, so she knows about it.  She made a whole bunch of detailed observations about the body and also the potential state-of-mind of the murderer.  Most of what she said went over my head, but she did say that the wings were carefully removed.  If they were ripped off, there would have been damage to the surrounding bones as well.

The new jail is coming along quite well; five cells and a barracks for the Guard.  Speaking of jails, my office is coming along quickly as well.  The statues are...interesting.  The one depicting Mrs. Charity becoming the overseer makes sense, but the other one is just plain odd.  I appreciate that it must have been a good cabinet, but does it really need a statue commemorating it's construction?

Chapter 20

Thunder Splinter spotted a wounded badgerpegasus, so the Guard was called to put it out of it's misery.  That reminded me of the hunting Commander Starkey had us do to help us learn tactics and teamwork.  I asked Mrs. Charity to allow me to take the Guard hunting, and she agreed.  To the hunt!


Darn diagonal flow messing up careful Adamantine mining :P  Instead of trying to pump out the magma, maybe try obsidianizing it?  Leave the tiles with wafers alone and obsidianize the rest of it.  You could then dig/channel out enough room for those tiles to evaporate and get the adamantine back.  Channel out above and designate ponds :)

The stonesense (more like horsesense!) image is sweet!

Also: Bronze Colossus!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 09:22:04 pm by Khenal »
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

Avatar from Kryptid!

Darkening Kaos

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #146 on: October 13, 2011, 02:33:33 am »

Exceprt from the diary of ThunderSplinter;

Early Galena:
While checking the stability of the Air Control Tower - I am quite pleased with progress, and it just needs a few more levels to be acceptable - I noticed a wounded honey badger pony struggling away from one of Nicolta's traps, and the bored Fortress Guard were easily stirred into action.

After that bit of excitement, and installing a few more wooden blocks, I received confirmation to build wooden corkscrews which I hope will secure the fortress from invasion.

In other news, the experiment with ground up fish scales did not go well.  The effect was interesting, but was more like iridescent glitter than the pearleascence I was aiming for, plus the fact that it still ponged like fish, and the fisherpony gladly supplied some dried fish, but the scales lost most of their iridescence and grinding them up just made a really fine powder that smelled like fish.  Might have to abandon that avenue for a while and go with Ironya's suggestion of powdering some metal, the miners have located small depsotis of cobaltite which we might be able to make into something wothwhile.
After some tweaking in the carpentry shop, I was able to construct a passable brush by using the tail hairs of the latest batch of honey badger ponies, they have been a source of inspiration as well as filling the pantry.  Speaking of which, time for some cupcakes and midnight berry wine.

So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #147 on: October 13, 2011, 04:45:54 am »

Friesden's diary

By all the gods, goddesses, demigods, heroes and any other deities you can think of!

Some pony has -killed- another here! Watched them BLEED TO DEATH AS THEY WERE STABBED REPEATEDLY IN FRONT OF THEM LIKE THE STOP IT! Or I'll get Khenal! YOU WOULDN'T DARE, YOU COWARD! YOU DON'T HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO I said stop it! I won't warn you again! HA! I KNOW WHO KILLED THE PONY AND SO DO YOU! I'M YOUR ONLY CHANCE OF SURVIVAL. No, you're not! Khenal would help me! NO HE WOULDN'T. HE'S JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHERS, HATING EVERYPONY BUT THEMSELVES. BUT I CARE ABOUT YOU no you don't! You just want to do your experiments on them! But i'm telling you HE KNOWS, YOU KNOW, AND I KNOW. ONLY ONE OPTION, EH? i won't kill Khenal! No matter what, I'd rather die than kill a pony! I'LL DO IT FOR YOU, THEN. WE NEED THOSE WINGS BACK SO WE CAN FRAME HIM FOR THE CRIME i told you no! We're not killing anyone else! It'll die down soon, then I'll deal with you properly.

Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #148 on: October 15, 2011, 02:31:30 pm »

Khenal stood with his squad, a bit tired from the running around, bits of badger pony blood, flecked upon their skin and armor, and coating their weapons. "That was a good bit of sport men, now how about we try taking down one of those Elephan..." Interupted mid word by the sound of frantic ringing. Thundersplinter, upon the top of her wooden sky scraper *still under construction* had spotted the huge shining bronze titan on the horizon. Khenal, looked up and saw the creature standing on the top of the hill, knowing his squad wasn't ready for this fight. He ordered everyone back inside.

The marksponies took up defensive positions upon the walls, fearful that their bone and wooden bolts would be useless against this foe. The melee squad and the rest of the Fortress guard sat in the main courtyard, and waited. The prebattle jitters got to one pony however, Munest Sodkatdir. A hammerpony assigned to work under Khenal. He disobeyed orders, broke ranks, and charged off on his own toward the beast.

It was a brutal beat down. The brave hammerpony fought valiantly, but his kicks, and hammer strikes glanced away ineffectually.

Standing victorious over the broken pony, the bronze mountainous thing, took off once more, toward the walls, toward Glitterglen. The brave ponies, held their ground, save for one. Egom Singdumpling, an amateur axepony. He had followed the first out, but upon seeing the death of his comrade had tried to flee back to the walls. He was caught by the gargantuan villain, just as the marksponies unleashed their first volley. Egom dodges, counter attacks, the blow fails the penetrate, the titan attacks, Egom evades. Knowing he would surely fall without help, and not wanting to lose another pony today. Starkey, and Khenal, call for a charge. The help arrived not a moment to soon. beaten and battered with a broken leg, Egom, knowing the end was about to take him had been saying one last prayer to Kulet Orblens the Mindful Watchfulness of Poems. Perhaps the gods were listening this day, because as the Bronze Colossus raised its hand to strike him down, Osal, the Markspony, ran up and hit the Titan with his crossbow. The creature threw Egom where he passed out on the ground.  And in a wave, the entire army of Glitterglen, descended upon the monstrous thing. Spears flashed, axes swing, whips crack, bolts fly.  Many attacks glance away, but a few fracture the beast, it can't keep this up for long. But each second that goes by it strikes somepony, and the militia will tire long before it will.

After a long and tiring fight. The thing fell. Defeated. The final strike had been from the earth pony Langgud and his silver whip. But the victory belonged, not to him, but to all the brave ponies of Glitterglen. Nonub Reignedclobbered the Cuts of Domination the bronze colossus, was no more.

Charity's Journal 8th Galena, 96

The fight with the Bronze Colossus, was a great success. Only one casualty, and one injured. Well some had a few bruises, but only one required any time in the hostpital. Egom, will be out with a broken leg for a while, but overall, it could have been a lot worse. The body of the beast, it being set up like a statue, inside the barracks of the Fortress Guard, as a constant reminder of why they must train.

Charity's Journal 10th Galena, 96

A double funeral was held today for Efim and Munest. I made a speech about Efim, in which I reveled to the entire fortress about the murderer, still lose in the Fortress, and told them to make sure they report any suspicious behavior to our Captain Khenal. Since then Efim's ghost hasn't been seen.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #149 on: October 15, 2011, 03:20:22 pm »

Khenal's Book, Chapter 21

A bronze colossus.  I had only ever heard legends about them, but had thought them just that: Legends.  Unfortunatly, they are all too real.

It appeared while the Guard and I were out hunting.  Thunder Splinter gave the alarm from the (still under construction) tower.  I knew the Guard was no match for it, so I ordered a retreat to Glitter Glen proper.  This was an outside threat, and a major one as well, so I deferred to Commander Starkey's lead.  After all, he's the Commander for a reason.  We were getting into formation when I noticed two of my guards were absent.  Wait, not absent, but charging the Colussus on their own!  Munest and Egom, still learning the basics of using their weapons, were surely going to die.  Munest was faster than Egom, and reached the colossus with enough time for it to crush him before Egom could get there.

As the monster closed on Egom and began striking him, I ordered the Guard to charge.  Commander Starkey ordered the Army to charge as well.  The battle was long and arduous, but we managed to save Egom, though his leg was badly broken. 

I... I feel a bit numb.  I think it hasn't sunk in yet that Munest is gone.  I'm going to talk to Commander Starkey about it, and maybe Dr. Friesden.  She's a doctor, maybe she knows about mental trauma as well as physical.

Chapter 22

We buried Efim and Munest today.  I'm still a bit unfocused, I forgot that Mrs. Charity was planning to let the fort know of Efim's murder today.  I'd rather keep it quiet so as not to make everypony worry, but they do have a right to know about this threat.  I doubt anypony can give me any new leads this long after the murder, but I'll hear whatever they have to say.  Who knows, it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.


Ya, Khenal's taking the first death in his squad hard.

On an only tangentially related topic: today's episode was epic!
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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