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Author Topic: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.  (Read 281050 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #5160 on: December 20, 2011, 03:27:02 am »

((What follows is the transcription of the final parts of the 40K arc.  It again menaces with spikes of typos and is adorned with hanging rings of purple prose.  There is an image at the bottom of Telgin.  Telgin is writing.  Telgin is in the fetal position.))

Lying around in bed in the hospital was so boring.  Lilac rolls over and sees Falcata lying in bed next to her, and decides to get up.  She steps over to her and says, “Umm... miss...?”

Falcata looks down to her.  “What is it, honey?”

“Is anypony mad at me?”

“No dear, nopony is mad at you.  Why would you think that?”

Lilac looks away to Khenal and frowns.  “I'm frustrated, dying so much... I'm worried that I might have annoyed uncle Khenal...”

Falcata returns a smile.  “Don't worry about that.  Khenal isn't mad at you.”

Lilac sniffles again and looks up.  “I... I miss daddy...”

She gives Lilac a hug and strokes her mane.  “I know you do.  We all miss him.”

Lilac stares back silently for a few moments.  “You... knew daddy longer than I did.  What was he like?”

That wasn't strictly true.  She'd met Captain Carrot before, but she had only been at Glitterglen for just shy of two years, and she hadn't really interacted with him much during that period.  Still... “He was a good friend to everypony.  He was very friendly, and devoted to those he knew.”  She lets out a chuckle.  “And very energetic.  He was a good soldier.  He even stood by the countess when nopony else would.”

Lilac smiles and looks away.  “How did he really die?”

“I... wasn't there honey.”  She rubs Lilac's back.  “But he died fighting hard for everything he believed in.  Don't ever doubt that.”

Lilac brushes against her, smiling weakly despite the tears beginning to stream from her eyes.  Falcata strokes her mane and wipes a tear from her face.  “It's not easy... I know.  I know what it's like.  But it gets easier with time, I promise.  You'll never forget him, and you shouldn't.  But it gets easier...”

“What about my brothers...?  Do you think they're okay...?”

Falcata nods.  “They've gone on to a better world with your father.  They're all happy now, and I know they wouldn't want you to be sad.

Lilac says something, but it sounds attenuated and far away.  The world seems to blur and shift around her, and fog settles in her vision.  She blinks to clear the haziness and looks around to find herself in a completely void environment.  In front of her stands the impossible.  Captain Carrot.  “Carrot?”

“The one and only.  I see you've been comforting my daughter.”

Falcata stares in disbelief for some time.  “She's been very upset about it all... and she doesn't have anypony else to really turn to.  Lieutenant Otik has spent some time with her when she can, but I've been off duty more than her in the past few days.”

Carrot nods and steps closer.  “About that... there's something wrong with you.  Have the doctors told you what's really wrong with you?”

She nods somberley.  “Yes, they have.”

“Then who will be as nice to Lilac when you're gone?”

“I... don't know.  I don't even know who will look after Kris when I pass on.”  She looks aside.

“I can guide her, Kris, but I can't take care of her...”

Falcata smiles.  “I appreciate that Captain, but how would you do that?”

Carrot grins.  “Well, how do you think I'm talking to you now?”

She ponders the statement for a moment.  Good question.  “I actually wish I knew that...”

“Here's a hint... what happens to gas when you breathe it in?”  He continues to grin.  “It's a trick question.”

“I... uh...”

He points to her forehead.

“What?  My horn?”  She notices his displeased expression and adds, “Sorry, it's been a long day...”

He rolls his eyes.  “I give up.  I'm in your mind.”

“Oh... of course.  I... don't get the riddle, but that makes sense I suppose.”

“I can guide Kris.  Get it now?”

She looks to him, eyes wide.  “Wait... how are you able to do this?  Could... could I speak to her too?”

Carrot chuckles and grins again.  “Sure... I can't freeze time!”

“No... no,” she says, shaking her head.  “I mean, when I die... could you tell me how to speak with her?  Like you're speaking to me now?”

He nods.  “Of course!  It's simple, just don't go to, at least what Khenal always called, 'Your Enternal Reward.'”

She looks down in silence for a while.  “I... what's it like?  Not going on?”

“It's boring sometimes, not having any senses... at first you go mad, but then you get tired of it.  I'm here because I still want to be.  I've visited Khenal on many occasions.... he didn't like it much...”

“I see...”  She hangs her head and continues, “I feel that I've atoned for my sins in this life... but I still fear what might await me after I die... but the chance to help Kris along... at least for a while...”

“Don't worry.  Besides, when you do die, I get a playmate!”  Carrot grins hugely.

Falcata responds with a weak smile.  “Until then though... I'm going to do everything I can for Kris.  And Lilac.  The poor filly doesn't deserve what's happened to her.”

Carrot glowers darkly.  “Who killed my foals?” he growls.

“Nopony is sure,” she replies.  “The inquisitor believes that it is some sort of cult... Crest Fire was there...”

“Crest Fire!  What!?” Carrot exclaims, eyes wide.

“Yes... he committed suicide at the scene, from what I hear.  Why... I have no idea.”

“He what!?”  Carrot looks away.  A thought strikes him, “Oh, would you look at that?  Time to go...”  He turns away from her and begins to step away into the darkness.  “But first, catch!”  He throws something to her.  Falcata catches what appears to be a watch with her magic.  She glances over it, seeing nothing of interest.   “Hang onto that, you'll need it later.”

She continues to stare at it as Carrot recedes into the dark.  “Alright, I'll keep it safe.”  She looks up and sees that Carrot is gone, and her vision fades away again.

“Hey!  Wake up!  Stop ignoring me!”

Falcata shakes her head and blinks her eyes to fight the fog.  As the world becomes lucid again, she sees Lilac staring her down.  “Hey!  You fell asleep!”

“Sorry, honey, it's been a long day.”

“You kept saying Carrot...”

“Yes... I'll tell you about it later.”  She tries to think up a plausible topic to change to, as Commissar Abel, Schmutz and Dr. Alen enter the hospital.  The commissar escorts Alen over to the inquisitor and ties him up.  This wasn't going to be pretty.  She looks down to Lilac and says, “Why don't we let the inquisitor work?  Let's go see Kris, I bet she'll be happy to know that you're okay.”

Lilac stares at the inquisitor for a  moment before saying, “Okay.”  She didn't like the way this was starting to look.  The inquisitor was beginning to get really loud.

Falcata rises from bed and leads Lilac outside just as the sounds of the interrogation begin.  Would the inquisitor really have started in front of the foal?  No matter, they weren't going to be anywhere near it in a moment.  She thinks back to what she had just seen... should she tell Lilac what happened?  Surely Carrot had appeared to his own daughter before her.  “Lilac... about your father...”

Lilac ignores the comment as something catches her eye.  “Fal... why do you have a watch around your neck?”

She raises an eyebrow and looks down to see that it was true.  She thought it was just in her mind.  “Y-your father gave it to me.”


Falcata nods.  “I... don't really understand it... but while I was out... your father came to me.”

Lilac's expression grows frustrated.  She begins tearing up again and says, “Why does everypony keep lying to me!”

“Lilac, I...” She pauses.  Smooth going, she should have just kept it to herself.  “I don't know, maybe I was just dreaming.”

“Then where did you get the watch!?” Lilac demands.

“I-I can't explain that.”  She levitates it to Lilac's eye level and asks, “Your father told me to keep this.  Do you recognize it?”

“That's my mom's watch!” she exclaims.  “She was buried with it!”

That was unexpected.  She looks over to Lilac, who is beginning to burst into tears again.  Poor thing... this had to be more difficult to deal with than she could imagine.  Lilac's tears are interrupted as she stumbles and lands face first on the ground.  “Lilac!  Are you okay?”

The filly slowly rises from the ground, blood beginning to form in her nostrils.  “Oww...”  Lilac stands and places a hoof against her mouth, where Falcata can see that she has broken a tooth.

“Oh...”  Falcata looks up to see that they're right outside her door.  “Come here,” she instructs before hurrying over and opening the door.  She runs inside and rummages about for a cloth and returns to find Lilac standing in the doorway, crying and rubbing her cheek.  She steps over and gently tries to wipe the blood from her nose, but Lilac winces and pulls away.


“I know it hurts, honey,” she replies, urging Lilac to tilt her head back.  “Here, look up for me, that will help stop the bleeding.”

Lilac pulls away and shakes her head.  “It hurrrts...”

“Mom, is that you?” a voice calls from out of sight.  A cream colored filly appears from another room, confusion on her face.  “Oh, Lilac!  I'm glad to see you're okay!”  She steps over.  “You... you are okay, right?”

“No!” Lilac shouts, wincing as she does so.  “It hurts... it hurts...”

“Oh, let me try something,” Kris closes her eyes as she begins to concentrate, her horn covered in a soft golden glow.  Immediately Lilac feels the pain in her nose and mouth subside mostly, but not completely.  “Did it work?”

Lilac darts over and gives her a strong hug.  “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!”  She tackles Kris and the two tumble together and roll a few paces.

“Hey, watch it!” Kris says, rolling out from under her before letting out a giggle.

“I bet I can beat you in a race to the hospital!”

“Bet you can't!”

Lilac darts out the door, Kris in tow.  Falcata stares in confusion for a moment.  How did Kris learn to do that?  Wait... if they're going to the hospital...  “Girls, don't interrupt the inquisitor!”  She bolts out the door after them.

Lilac leads Kris back to the hospital, to find Commissar Abel leading a group of chained ponies away from the hospital.  “Hello!” she says to him, ignoring the prisoners.

“Hello, sorry girls, I don't have time to talk right now,” Abel responds.

Kris pauses.  Her mom told her not to bother the commissar.  “Wait, Lilac, maybe we shouldn't bother Mr. Abel...”

“Blood for the blood god!” one of the prisoners bellows, lunging for her before pulling his chains taut.  Abel yanks him back out of reach and forces him on.

“Oh, Luna, no!  Don't kill me, please!”

Kris cowers as the pony lunches at her

“Come on!”  the commissar shouts as he moves on, taking the prisoners out of sight.

Falcata manages to catch up to the two now, finding Lilac cowering behind Kris from nothing in particular.  She steps over and kneels beside Lilac.  “What's the matter?”

“Mom!” Lilac exclaims, latching onto her instinctively.  She squeezes down with a bone crushing hug.  She shuts her eyes, and memories of her own mother begin to flood back to her.

Falcata is surprised, but accepts the embrace.  She returns the hug as best she can.  “It's okay...”

Eventually Lilac releases her and sits on the ground next to her.  Moments later, Otik rounds the corner.  “Afternoon Falcata, an'... Lilac?  Hun, what happened to yer face?”

“I hurt it... I tripped...”

Falcata nods.  “Hello Lieutenant.  Yes, she tripped... I did what I could, which wasn't much I'm afraid.”  She looks down to Lilac.  “How is it now honey?

“A lot better!”


“Wel, I still appreciate it,” Otik replies.  “She hasn't been any trouble otherwise?”

Falcata shakes her head and adds, “No, of course not.”

“Auntie Otik, can Kris sleep over again?” Lilac asks, rearing up on Otik.

Falcata smiles at Otik.  “I wouldn't want to impose...”

Otik waves her hoof.  “I dunnae think she'll be any trouble.  I've rai.. I ken handle two fillies jus' fine.”

Lilac raises an eye brow and looks at her.  “You raised what?”

“Nothin, hun.  I... I mispoke, s'all.”

Lilac sinks away and begins to pout.  “No ya didn't...”

Otik leans down to her and whispers in her ear, “I'll tell ye some other time.  Mebbe tonight?”


Falcata looks to her daughter and says, “Well, alright, if you don't mind lieutenant, I don't.”

“Alright, slumber party!” Lilac shouts.  “Come on Kris!”

Otik restrains Lilac and says, ” No Lilac, you are comin' wit' me.”

“Aww, but...”

“Mister Khenal's  right inside,” she says, pointing a hoof at the hospital door.

“Actually, lieutenant, I was looking to speak with Khenal too.  Should I come back later?”

“Oh, I dunnae think tha' will be necessary.”

“Alright, if it's not personal.”  Falcata looks back to her daughter and says, “Kris, why don't you run along and go get your things ready for later?”

Otik waits for Kris to leave and looks back to Falcata and says, “It's about Lilac... an' Keeper.  Lilac, is there a voice in yer head, one tha' dunnae belong there?. ”

“Yeah, actually... his name is Helmfire...”

“How long has he been there?”

Lilac raises a hoof to her chin.  “Since... hm...”  She reaches into her mind and asks Keeper, “How long have you been in my head?”

Keeper's lethargic voice replies, “How long since that daemon was in here?”

“Come on Keeper, how long have you been in my head?”

“I don't keep track of these things.  Either cast me out, or let me sleep.”

“Some keeper you are...” Lilac mutters.  “Just sleep...”

Otik watches worriedly as Lilac sits silently.  As she comes to, Otik says, “Uh, alright then.  Well, we need ta talk t'mister Khenal about Helmfire, aye?”

“Aye aye!”  Lilac grins playfully, following the two grownups back into the hospital.  She spots Khenal lying in bed at the far side of the hospital.  As he stirs and looks their way, she exclaims, “Hi Khenal!!”

“Hmm?”  Khenal  just has time to recognize the ponies entering the room as Lilac bolts over to him and jumps on his back.  He shrieks in pain and tries in vain to fend off the filly.  Otik and Falcata rush over, and Otik snatches her from Khenal and hoists her into the air.


“Now cut tha' out!  Mister Khenal is hurt, he needs 'is rest!”  Otik lowers Lilac to the ground next to Khenal.

Lilac pouts and looks up to her, “But Ooooooootik!  I never get to see Khenal!”

As Khenal lets out a soft whimper, Otik gives Lilac a stern look.  “Now, wha' do we say?”


Otik looks back to Khenal.  “Are ye alright, Khenal?”

“It's... alright.  But please... don't jump on me for a while.”  He tries to put on a tough facade, but it's not very convincing.  “So, how has the day gone?”

“Well, so far... I came by t'see about th'deal with Lilac an' Keeper.”

Lilac smiles.  “Helmfire is funny... but he's always sleeping!”


Lilac shrugs.  “He's also called Keeper, I guess...”

“He is usually quiet,” Khenal responds, nodding.  His gaze shifts to Otik and Falcata.  “How goes... the plan?”

Falcata prepares to respond as Lilac jumps up and tries to get on top of Khenal again.  She snatches the filly up with her magic and plants her on the ground next to her before giving her a stern glare.  “Sorry... The inquisitor is handling it well, I think.  I don't know how her progress goes.”

Lilac's eyes snap open.  “What're you talking about, is it the cults!?  Did they find me!?”  She bolts behind Otik.

Otik leans over and whispers to Falcata, “When did she hear about tha'?”

“I... I don't know,” she whispers back.

“O-O-Otik, don't let them k-kill me!”

Otik drapes a foreleg over Lilac's back.  “Nopony's gunna kill ye, Lilac.  Not while me an' uncle Starkey are around.”

Khenal smiles and tries to get comfortable on the hospital bed.  “That's certainly the idea, to keep you safe.”

Otik nods.  “Okay... so ye said Lilac had t'unbind Keeper herself?”

“Yes, she needs to want him out and to let him go.”

Lilac frowns and looks at Khenal.  “But I don't wanna!”

Otik looks down to her and says, “Lilac, Keeper isnae a pet.  Did ye ever ask 'im if he wanted ta stay or go?”

She puzzles in thought for a moment before reaching back into her mind.  “Want to stay?” she asks Keeper.

“Ugh... if I can go back to Starkey, that would be preferable,” he replies lethargically.

“Aww... can't you make another one of yourself and have him stay?”

Keeper is silent for a moment.  “Very well.”  Keeper splits himself into two blue creatures.

“Yay!  Helmfire, you can go, but I want him to stay!” Lilac shouts in her mind, pointing at the new arrival.

“Thank you.”  Helmfire turns to his clone and says, “You!  Stay here.”

Lilac arcs backward without warning, red mist pouring from her mouth.  Falcata starts visibly, but as she sees Otik calm down she follows suit.  She and Khenal had more experience with this than she did...  The mist drifts silently to the door and leaves the hospital.

“Wha?  Where's he goin'?” Otik asks, tracking the mist with her eyes.  She is interrupted as the room suddenly fills with a thick black smog.  In the center of the room, a new pony has appeared.

“Hello, everypony.”

The four stare in shock.  “...Carrot?” Khenal asks.


“Wha... Carrot!”

Carrot smiles and looks to Falcata.  “The one and only.  Falcata, Kil's watch, please?”  She looks down at the watch for a moment before levitating it over to him.

“Thanks.  Now, feel free to scream, anypony, I'm used to it.”

Otik blinks several times and stares at Carrot.  “Ugh... Carrot, what are ye still doin' in Lilac?  I thought ye were goin' ta th'afterlife?”

Carrot notices Otik and glowers at her.  “Oh, Otik...”  He steps over and plants a slap across her cheek.  “Now, we're even.  That's for tying me to the racks...”

Khenal's eyes snap open.  “Carrot!  What are you doing?”

Otik growls at him.  “We wos even when I decided t' take in Lilac.”  She approaches the apparition an delivers a crushing uppercut to Carrot's jaw.  Carrot is sent reeling with a startled shout.  “Now, we're even...”

“Oh, it's on, Miss Otik...” he hisses, circling her before launching into a tackle.  Otik rolls with the attack, latching him into a headlock.  Khenal and Falcata shout ineffectually trying to get them to stop, but the two continue to scuffle.  Otik and Carrot trade several blows, before somepony else enters the hospital.

“M-my lady...” Falcta says, lowering her head in deference despite the chaos unfolding around her.

Duchess Charity is standing in the doorway, draped in her finest dark blue robes and wearing a confused look on her face.  When she spots Carrot fighting with Otik, she shouts, “Carrot!!  Do you remember what I told you would happen if you kept causing trouble?”

Carrot locks eyes with her for a moment between swings.  “Shut it dutchy!”

Charity narrows her eyes and strides into the room.  “Don't speak to me that way.”

“Blah blah...”

“Feck off, can ye not see we're busy here?”  Otik adds.

Charity looks to Khenal.   “Dammit Khenal, why aren't you doing anything about this?”

“Sorry Duchess Charity, I'm still recovering from the last daemon.”

“Captain... lieutenant... this is getting out of hand...” Falcata says to brawling mass.  She winces as Carrot shatters a lamp over Otik, who soon finds herself pinned beneath Carrot.

“I see Hoofdon, I see Prance...” she says, a sinister grin forming on her face.  She then slams her hoof into a very personal place on Carrot, who immediately loses the strength in his legs and topples from her.

“Oww... you... you fucker!!” he manages between gasps.

Otik hoists Carrot up by the shoulders and dusts him off.  “There, now we're even.”  Carrot gives her a solid hoofshake and nods.

Falcata takes a step over to place herself between the two and the duchess, just as the melee calms down.  Charity frowns and says, “Now that that's done with, mind telling me what's going on down here?”

Carrot retrieves the watch and tosses it to her.  “Sure, here, catch!”  She catches it with her magic and examines it.  “It's Kil's watch,” he continues.  “You'll need it.”

“And why is Kil's watch significant?  What aren't you telling me?”

“Oh, that's the fun part!  I can't tell you!”  He cackles as everypony gives him confused expressions.  “What fun would that be?”

Khenal sighs.  “Do we get a hint?”

Charity glowers at him.  “Carrot, your fun has caused us a lot of trouble in the past.  Can't you say any more?”

He raises a hoof to his chin.  “Well... I can tell you that Friesden will break Khenal's heart..  That's all I'll say.”  He motions to the watch.  “That'll help when that happens.”

She reexamines the watch, trying to imagine how it could be related to Kenal and Friesden's relationship.  The watch appears mundane, aside from the word 'Loyalty' inscribed on the back.  Inside, it appears completely normal.

“Trust me, you'll want it.”  With those words, Carrot vanishes into a cloud of fog and is gone.  Charity pockets the watch.

Lilac comes around, having frozen in fear and astonishment during the exchange.  “Wha... wha... what did... that was... but.... how... dad...”  She begins hyperventilating.

“It's alright, Lilac,” Khenal reassures her as Otik gently wraps a wing around her.

“But... but... dad... daddy!”

Charity steps over, unwrapping her cloak.  She drapes it across Lilac's shoulders and says, “It's okay little one.”

Otik begins to console Lilac.  “Shhh... hush now... ye don' have ta yell, hun.  He can hear ye just fine.”  Lilac begins to stammer something, and she hushes her with a hoof to her lips.  “He can always hear ye... he's always with ye...”

Charity shakes her head.  “Carrot has a proper tomb up in the tower.  He shouldn't be causing trouble like this.”   She turns to Falcata.  “Falcata, I think we should investigate his resting place.”
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 04:19:38 pm by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #5161 on: December 20, 2011, 03:35:09 am »

Dammit, was meaning to but couldn't participate due to being out of town. Sorry everyone!
When a soldier makes a mistake, one man dies.
When a captain makes a mistake, a dozen men die.
When a commander makes a mistake, a thousand men die.
When an emperor makes a mistake, well, there is a game save for retry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #5162 on: December 20, 2011, 03:39:08 am »

((I must note that I don't have transcripts of anything past when I left. Assuming the dinner is continuing (please tell me it hasn't finished) I should point out that by that time it's been seven days since the exorcism, which is another thing Khenal would be anxious about.

The following post is assuming the dinner is continuing.))

Even as Khenal soured in the corner, almost like grapes, a pony not technically on the invitation list burst in. He looked like he had been running for some time, and he panted as he looked around, saw Khenal, and continued over towards him.

"Khenal...Khenal...Khenal," he panted. "She...she...she's awake."
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #5163 on: December 20, 2011, 03:47:53 am »

((Dsarker, just to clarify for you. The dinner isn't exactly over, however, with Carrot screaming in pain, and Charity taking him from the room, it could be seen as wrapping up. However, Khenal being injured would still be there, so your post does make sense.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #5164 on: December 20, 2011, 12:00:19 pm »

((Ah, the dinner was on the 7th day after the excorsism?  Khenal should be just able to walk, then.))

I look confused for a moment, before what the messenger said sinks in.

"Friesden!  She's awake?"

I shakily get to my hooves and start to make my way to the stair case.
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

Avatar from Kryptid!


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #5165 on: December 20, 2011, 12:18:42 pm »

((Part 2.  Read part 1 above first!  Apologies to Impending Doom and DVNO.  I tried to work Otik into the fight scene, but it just didn't seem to work out.  I tried fiddling with Couth's actions and dialogue, but that came out funky too.  I decided to leave it as it stood instead.  I hope that's alright with everyone.))

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 01:57:48 pm by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #5166 on: December 20, 2011, 01:55:16 pm »

The messenger leads Khenal from the room, heading up to the tryptich in which Friesden had been exorcised.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."

Impending Doom

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #5167 on: December 20, 2011, 02:02:22 pm »

((I believe I should clear this up: You cannot go into a triptych. It's a flat, decorated box that hangs on the wall. It has doors on the front, and you open it up and there's a statue or painting inside.))
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #5168 on: December 20, 2011, 02:05:43 pm »

((which is why they're heading to it, as opposed to heading in to it.))
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #5169 on: December 20, 2011, 03:58:32 pm »

"Friesden?  Are you alright?"
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #5170 on: December 20, 2011, 04:12:43 pm »

As Khenal enters the barracks, he can see Friesden lying near the open triptych, with chains still holding her down. Even as he enters, he can see three ponies trying desperately to hold her down as she continues to thrash.

As he speaks, she stops dead still.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #5171 on: December 20, 2011, 04:21:11 pm »

I slowly approach, hoping she's alright.

Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #5172 on: December 20, 2011, 04:24:20 pm »

She remains silent and still.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #5173 on: December 20, 2011, 04:27:34 pm »

I glance at the ponies holding her down.

"Could you get off her, please?"
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #5174 on: December 20, 2011, 04:39:54 pm »

The ponies warily back away from her. Khenal can see several of them have bruises with chain marks on them.

"Please....please, let me out of the chains," Friesden says.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."
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