Some minor color problems due to the switch back from OM.
[11:05] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] began pestering testingBeta [TB] at 23:05 --
[11:05] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] walks over towards TB again --
[11:06] TB: what.
[11:06] KM: Out of curiosity, why did you fight?
[11:07] TB: because he seemed pretty far out of your league
[11:07] TB: and because he was a g|ant bag of d|cks
[11:08] KM: True. But I mean... it raises an excellent question. We've gathered up all the other intruders here except the ones who want to kill us and LH I guess.
[11:08] KM: What do you guys even do now except stand around and not sap our EXP?
[11:08] TB: | dunno, really
[11:09] TB: crash|ng and burn|ng l|ke th|s wasn't exactly planned
[11:09] TB: and ne|ther was the w|ndy ch|ck over there
[11:09] KM: I suppose you could always combine forces and attempt to take out the roaming Dersites.
[11:09] KM: You know, the ones messing with our Land-y stuff.
[11:09] TB:, | guess we could
[11:10] TB: were |t not for the rampant r|sk of Den|zens
[11:10] KM: True. On the other hand... I've grown quite attached to you.
[11:10] TB: o_O
[11:10] TB: spaceb|tch say W/\T
[11:10] KM: No, not like that. But I mean...
[11:11] KM: You and your team unwittingly have accelerated me, and possibly others, through the game even faster than we normally would.
[11:11] TB: except we really haven't
[11:12] KM: Not physically, no. In that sense you've done very little.
[11:12] KM: But most of my information about the nature of the game has come from you and the others.
[11:12] TB: hm.
[11:12] TB: well.
[11:12] TB: probably should have ment|oned th|s after | crashed but
[11:13] TB: pretty much everyth|ng | know |s from fa|rly doomed sess|ons
[11:13] TB: | haven't read the manual or anyth|ng
[11:13] KM: Even then, it's still a little like a cheat code. Although... I feel it's also being balanced out.
[11:13] TB: mostly |t's just b|ts and p|eces and guesses from jup|ng around the med|um
[11:14] TB: ...s.
[11:14] TB: | m|ssed a plural there, my m|stake
[11:14] KM: When I talked to the White Queen, I found out that the Derse royalty took steps to abuse the resources on our Lands and threaten/extort our Denizens.
[11:14] KM: Now, I don't know much about the nature of sessions, but that doesn't feel quite right, even in video game logic.
[11:15] TB: eh, sounds r|ght up derse's alley to me
[11:15] KM: But what happened with the Denizen earlier? It was probably dead or something.
[11:16] KM: You know, Emily's.
[11:16] TB: don't th|nk that was the den|zen
[11:16] KM: ...Oh.
[11:16] TB: yeah | know em|ly's
[11:16] TB: |t's typheus
[11:16] TB: that statue |s not typheus
[11:16] TB: looks a l|ttle b|t l|ke h|m, but |t's not h|m
[11:16] TB: |t looks more l|ke the typheus m|n|on to be honest
[11:16] KM: Minion?
[11:16] TB: well yeah
[11:16] TB: most den|zens have some form of m|n|on to do the|r b|dd|ng
[11:17] TB: |t's usually just underl|ngs and gr|sty stuff
[11:17] TB: but for some reason there's a b|g ol' green worm one that typheus has
[11:17] TB: |'ve only really seen |t once
[11:17] KM: Oh, hm. Well, at least I know where my Denizen is.
[11:18] KM: And that she's alright.
[11:18] TB: | don't know why you would cons|der that a good th|ng, but ok
[11:18] TB: whatever
[11:18] KM: Why wouldn't I?
[11:18] TB: because you are supposed to k|ck her ass?
[11:19] TB: well, metaphor|cally |f not l|terally
[11:19] KM: If a Denizen has power over a Land, a Land is built for us when we enter and a Denizen will only speak with us, wouldn't it stand to reason that they'd reveal vital secrets to us?
[11:19] TB: yes and no
[11:20] TB: they don't really reveal v|tal secrets to you spec|f|cally
[11:20] TB: but there are alternate yous that they g|ve secrets to |n order to have them help the ma|n t|mel|ne
[11:20] TB: sort of a cross-real|ty boon
[11:20] KM: There seem to be a lot of those.
[11:21] TB: but that only really happens when the den|zen real|zes that they are completely screwed over
[11:21] KM: And yet, I haven't seen any.
[11:21] TB: that |s because of...
[11:21] TB: yeah sh|t | dunno
[11:22] TB: all | know |s all my other t|meselves kept com|ng back say|ng they begged the den|zens for help and eventually got a prom|se they'd do someth|ng
[11:22] KM: Then again, neither have some others like Claire and such. Of course, I'm discounting the most obvious explanation.
[11:22] TB: for all | know they're just cross|ng real|ty and keep|ng th|ngs from shatter|ng too badly
[11:22] KM: That all alternate timelines end in me and others dying.
[11:22] TB: oh are you wonder|ng why you don't see your alternate t|meselves?
[11:23] TB: that's easy
[11:23] TB: |f |t's a doomed t|mel|ne, everyone usually ends up dead, |ncapac|tated, or eaten by horrorterrors
[11:23] TB: or some comb|nat|on of the three
[11:24] TB: so, of course, the one most l|kely to surv|ve br|ngs back the message of what sh|t not to do
[11:24] KM: You mentioned a "main timeline".
[11:24] KM: Are all timelines except this main one doomed?
[11:24] TB: well |t's more l|ke a set of ma|n t|mel|nes
[11:24] KM: Oh.
[11:24] TB: wh|ch all lead to the eventual complet|on of some goal
[11:24] TB: and all the other ones are hosed
[11:25] KM: And there's no way to tell whether or not you're in a main timeline or not?
[11:25] TB: well, generally |n doomed t|mel|nes everyone starts dy|ng
[11:25] TB: and real|ty may or may not beg|n collaps|ng on |tself
[11:26] KM: Did that happen in your original session? Is that why you escaped?
[11:26] TB: .....
[11:26] TB: my or|g|nal sess|on |s my bus|ness and my bus|ness only
[11:26] TB: just so you know, ask|ng about people's or|g|n sess|ons |s generally cons|dered really rude
[11:27] TB: l|ke '| jsut screwed your mother wh|le eat|ng monkey sh|t and she d|dn't even m|nd' rude
[11:27] KM: Really. Good thing I had an escaped convict from SBURB Prison let me know. I would have never figured that out.
[11:28] TB: pfff what
[11:28] TB: sburb pr|son
[11:28] TB: |s that what you th|nk the vo|d |s
[11:28] TB: really
[11:28] KM: No, I'm thinking in a more figurative sense.
[11:29] KM: It's obvious that the game is not just one sessions, but many session which themselves branch off into different iterations.
[11:29] TB: yes
[11:29] TB: d|fferent players, d|fferent t|mel|nes
[11:29] KM: Many of those iterations are, for whatever reason, locked off as "Doomed". People die, the session collapses and usually there's no way out.
[11:30] KM: I see that as a sort of prison. I've seen this game as a prison this whole time, though.
[11:30] TB: ...everyth|ng |s r|ght except that last b|t about no way out
[11:30] TB: there are so many ways out of doomed-ness |t's not even funny
[11:30] KM: "Usually" is the keyword.
[11:30] KM: And oh?
[11:30] TB: self-prototyp|ng |s the most common
[11:30] TB: you go back, jump |n a spr|te, and hey presto you aren't doomed any more
[11:31] TB: you may have just doomed the t|mel|ne aga|n, but you yourself aren't doomed unless |t happens
[11:31] TB: the rules are confus|ng regard|ng doom
[11:31] TB: but |t's not as black and wh|te as you th|nk
[11:31] KM: Really? How so?
[11:32] KM: You can just sort of fix a session somehow?
[11:32] TB: No. |t's not l|ke | pulled |t off here or anyth|ng
[11:32] TB: not l|ke | saved you all from gett|ng k|lled by a bard or noth|n'
[11:32] TB: |n case you cannot tell, that was sarcasm
[11:33] TB: and yes |t |s very much poss|ble to f|x sh|t
[11:34] KM: I'm starting to look forward to dying, as bizarre as it seems
[11:34] TB: that's sburb for ya
[11:34] TB: but |f you're ser|ously th|nk|ng su|c|de go v|s|t a hero of m|nd
[11:35] TB: not TE, he's sort of amateur
[11:35] TB: but ser|ously that |s not a good th|ng
[11:35] KM: No, I mean really. The bad guy pile keeps getting taller.
[11:35] TB: not really
[11:35] TB: pretty sure /\lex just k|lled one back there
[11:36] KM: Either way, if what you have said in the past is true... this whole "god" thing might be the key to balancing the crowd.
[11:36] TB: although he may have just been a b|t of a knob and not expressly ev|l...
[11:36] TB: oh you're th|nk|ng god t|er
[11:36] TB: b|t... early to contemplate that
[11:36] KM: It's never too early to contemplate anything.
[11:36] TB: yse
[11:36] TB: yes |t |s
[11:37] TB: bel|eve the t|me w|zard, he would know
[11:37] KM: Anyway, I'm assuming you're not going to introduce yourselves to my weird friends.
[11:37] KM: At least two of which basically never talk.
[11:38] TB: wa|t who are we talk|ng about here
[11:38] KM: Claire, Alex, Danielle, and Steve.
[11:38] TB: oh so you d|dn't fly ahead to g|ve them fa|r warn|ng or anyth|ng
[11:38] TB: you just parachuted |n and went 'sup guys'
[11:38] TB: and then sh|t happened and someone k|lled C/\
[11:39] KM: Not much. We need to have a close encounter of the third kind here.
[11:39] TB: well that can eas|ly be arranged
[11:39] TB: HEY TE!
[11:39] KM: Real retro. Dirt mountains and everything.
[11:39] -- testingBeta [TB] grabs TE --
[11:39] -- testingBeta [TB] throws him at Alex --
[11:39] TB: that should do |t
[11:39] TB: |f that doesn't get them talk|ng, noth|ng w|ll
[11:39] KM: Okay, close enough. I'm going over to go see what the heck Danielle is doing.
[11:40] KM: Bee are bee.
[11:40] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] heads off --
[11:40] TB: mk
[11:40] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] ceased pestering testingBeta [TB] at 23:40 --
[11:40] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] began pestering ragingLunatic [RL] at 23:40 --
[11:40] KM: Hey, Danielle.
[11:40] RL: Hey, welcome back to the party.
[11:40] KM: Haven't seen you in a while, except that I guess I did.
[11:41] RL: Weren't you gonna head off back to the land of some shit?
[11:41] RL: Get things fixed?
[11:41] KM: Nah, I've done enough jetting off without explanation for one day.
[11:41] RL: Take your green boytoy and tiny plush aliens with you?
[11:41] RL: Oh, okay then.
[11:42] KM: You say that like a joke but that is pretty much what they are.
[11:42] KM: They're like the dog guy in that one Japanese anime.
[11:42] RL: ...Yeah, I'm going to ignore that
[11:42] KM: I say "sit" and they do, except for the new girl.
[11:43] KM: Anyway, what's up with this? Angry Dersite? Is this an interrogation?
[11:43] RL: Was.
[11:43] RL: I got the info I needed, and I'm considering what to do with the bastard now.
[11:43] KM: Are you sure? What information did you need?
[11:44] RL: Location of the chump leading the operation down here and bleeding my planet dry
[11:44] RL: Although now that you mention it, he was a bit too eager to give us the information.
[11:45] RL: Meh.
[11:45] KM: These guys will do anything. Quick, what information do you actually have on this chump?
[11:45] KM: A name? What does he look like?
[11:45] RL: Not much
[11:45] RL: He's a Dersite agent, one of the higherups.
[11:45] KM: Well, do you have the actual location marked down?
[11:45] RL: That's all I really know.
[11:45] RL: Yeah, on the map.
[11:45] RL: Here.
[11:45] KM: I can check if he's lied or not.
[11:45] -- ragingLunatic [RL] hands map --
[11:46] KM: Gimme a minute though.
[11:46] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] ceased pestering ragingLunatic [RL] at 23:46 --
>Mimi: See the location on Danielle's map.