-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] rubs her eyes. --
CKM: TB!!!
CURRENT testingBeta [CTB] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
CTB: geez sorry
CTB: f|gured you wanted to keep go|ng through the ga-
CTB: what the hell?
CCC: sup
CKM: Wait.
CKM: Who's-
CCC: so I'm just gonna presume this is all hallucinations
CCC: and that what'shisface did something funny with my brain
CKM: Are you the one who didn't believe anything I said?
CKM: I'm pretty sure there was only one of those.
CCC: oh so my hallucinations are pretending to be grandmeister spacebitch now
CKM: Yes.
CCC: that's cool I guess
-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] walks up to CC and attempts to shake her hand. --
CCC: and the other one is a random hero of code
CCC: huh
CKM: I am grandmeister spacebitch. Pleasure to meet you.
-- CURRENT convenientClaymore [CCC] handshakes --
CCC: good to meet you too, hallucination
CKM: Whoooaaaa, look at that, my hand's not passing through you!
CCC: I expect you to turn into a green dragon any second now
CTB: Wa|t, what
CTB: We aren't halluc|nat|ons
CCC: sure you aren't
CCC: because that's not exactly what a hallucination would say
CCC: really, TE, you gotta step up your game here
CKM: Wait. Could a hallucination...
-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] slaps CC --
CTB: TE |sn't here.
CTB: He's float|ng up near Derse.
CCC: well great
CCC: now my hallucinations are slapping me
CKM: Yes. Stop hitting yourself.
CCC: you first
CCC: but seriously, TE, cut the shit
CKM: Nah. So whose house is this?
CTB: TE ser|ously |sn't here.
CCC: the house is a hallucination too
CKM: It's kinda foresty outside so I'm going to guess... Danielle?
CCC: bet I'm just being lured out near the outer ring or something with all the mind games
CKM: Oh, yeah. The horrorterrors are going to snack on you any minute now.
CCC: aw shit, I better go then
-- CURRENT convenientClaymore [CCC] flies into a wall --
CKM: Wait no, don't do-
CCC: ow
CKM: Oh.
-- CURRENT convenientClaymore [CCC] does it again --
CCC: c'mon break you son of a bitch
CKM: TB, what do you think we should do about this unfortunate situation?
CCC: no offense, spacebitch
CTB: | dunno, let her knock herself out probably.
CTB: |f that's even a she, wh|ch | can't be too sure on.
CKM: Yes. That's good.
CCC: hey now
CCC: that's not funny
CCC: insulting my gender like that
CCC: you could really peeve off a more sensitive girl with that sort of thing
CKM: She's right. You know how sensitive blue space babes are.
CCC: not really
CCC: the purple chick was hilariously sensitive though
CCC: you could just say my name and she'd burst into tears
CCC: good times, good times
CKM: I'm going to guess that none of you had hair, either.
CTB: wat.
CCC: what is hair
CCC: is that like fur or a fruit or something
-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] points to her horrifically long brunette growth --
CCC: not that it matters, since its probably bullshit anyways
CCC: oh, so its head-fur
CCC: good to know
CKM: Yes.
CCC: so hallucinations
CCC: how do I get out of here
CCC: and back to that asshat
CKM: I could tell you... but, you see.
CCC: of course
CCC: let us start dancing in the sky
CKM: You're coming with us. We collect destructive space babes.
CCC: since that is obviously what you meant
CKM: And space dudes. They're all destructive, really.
CCC: and why should I go with you again
CCC: for all I know you are feeding me to a horrorterror as we speak
CKM: Or if you don't go with me then maybe I will turn into one!
CKM: You just never know with spacebitches.
CCC: I'll take my chances thanks
CKM: TB, what are our odds of manually restraining her?
CTB: Low.
CKM: Damnit.
CTB: From what | can tell, she's a hero of breath, and they're typ|cally pretty strong
CTB: whereas t|me and space tend to |nvest more |n dodg|ng and prec|s|on
CCC: theres a time hero around here?
CCC: where I wanna see him
CKM: He's the time hero.
CTB: R|ght here.
CKM: I am the space hero.
CCC: no he's not, that's the code symbol
CCC: geez it's like TE didn't even read the lore shit
CCC: and just threw things together
CKM: TB, she is insulting your heroness.
CCC: that's right, you massive chumpstick, I am insulting your mirages
CTB: | am a what now
CKM: What is a chumpstick?
CCC: an insult
CCC: duuuuh
CCC: keep up the pace, hallucination
CCC: you're falling behind
CKM: You're right. Any moment now I'll lose track and be a green dragon again.
CTB: wa|t... |'m a what now
CCC: hero
CCC: of
CCC: code
CCC: do I have to say it three times or was that enough
CTB: ...what
CTB: Could you expla|n that, exactly?
CCC: no
CCC: youve got source code access, right?
CKM: I don't know what you're arguing about but I don't care, so I will go look around.
CCC: read it yourself
CCC: and no you don't
-- CURRENT convenientClaymore [CCC] grabs mimi by the collar --
CKM: >:I
CCC: I'm still not out of this dump, so you don't get to leave yet
CKM: But I'm just a green dragon, I cannot help you.
CCC: I'll take answers to any of three questions
CCC: where's the green bastard
CCC: how do I get out of here
CCC: and where is my windy thing
CCC: you have 5 seconds go.
CKM: First one: gone
CKM: Second: door
CKM: Third: don't care
CCC: gone as in what
CCC: gone as in he left, maded it through the door, gone back into the void...
CCC: what gone are you talking about
CTB: Oh for heaven's sake.
CKM: This is very frustrating and could go on forever.
CTB: He went fly|ng up near Derse, probably to talk to one of the locals.
CKM: Also I am a busy hallucination and have hallucination errands to run.
CTB: | could call h|m back, |f you l|ke.
CKM: Gotta go check my imaginary mail, slay daydream monsters.
CCC: do it codeboy
CCC: also, shut up grandmeister spacebitch
CKM: >:I
CCC: thank you
-- CURRENT testingBeta [CTB] pokes his glasses --
CTB: He should be on h|s way, prov|d|ng | wrote the current coord|nates part r|ght.
CCC: good
CKM: Wait, why haven't we woken Emily up yet?
CTB: You sa|d to let the b|tch sleep.
CKM: She must be awfully busy considering I saved her ass, went to sleep, reported to the queen and became imaginary in the time it's taken her to nap.
CTB: /\nd she g|ves me a headache, so | agreed.
CURRENT toenailEater [CTE] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
-- CURRENT toenailEater [CTE] appears and lands on TB --
CKM: Wow, that was fast!
-- CURRENT convenientClaymore [CCC] tackesl TE --
CKM: Holy shit, look at all of these intruders. It's like a happy reunion of people determined to screw everything I love up.
CTE: [aw geez, i+'s you]
CCC: damn right it is me
CCC: now where is my windy thing and what the hell did you do with my brain
CTE: [I dunno... and I didn'+ do any+hing wi+h your brain]
CCC: bull
CCC: where is it
CTE: [I don'+...]
-- CURRENT toenailEater [CTE] starts crying --
CTB: Ew, al|en tears
CTB: M|m|, a l|ttle help please
CTB: Get me out from under th|s bozo p|le
-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] grabs TB and pulls him out from under the bozo pile. --
CCC: ugh. what a pansy
CCC: but you still aren't cooperative, so...
-- CURRENT convenientClaymore [CCC] points the claymore at TE's throat --
CCC: where is my shit, you little prick
-- CURRENT toenailEater [CTE] continues crying --
-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] grabs the hilt of CC's claymore --
CKM: Stop it stop it stop it.
CKM: This is really helping no one.
CKM: Including yourself.
CCC: prove it, spacebitch
CKM: You want some proof?
-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] attempts to wrest CC's claymore from her hands --
-- CURRENT convenientClaymore [CCC] doesn't budge --
CCC: wow, that's almost as pathetic as he is
CKM: Think you're so invincible around here!? No one can hurt you? You can do whatever the hell you want?
CCC: yep pretty much
CCC: this is all a hallucination that little ass brought on
-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] stops trying and readies her rapier --
CCC: oh no, a pokey-stick, what ever will I do
CKM: YOU are the reason everything is so fucked up. YOU. TB, back me up here?
CCC: seriously, TE, this is just sad
CKM: But not just you. Everyone else who thinks this session is a playground when it is in fact the only chance the eight of us have to live.
CCC: ...
CCC: okay, TE, I gotta give you props, your dramatic monologues have gotten better
CTE: [+ha+'s no+ mine]
CTE: [I swear, she's an ac+ual person]
CTE: [human]
CTE: [wha+ever]
CKM: But nooo! It's PLAYGROUND PARPY TIME. Let's kill a thousand frogs! Maybe blow up Derse. Whoo boy.
CKM: That sounds real fun. Or maybe we could crash a spaceship into a Land! Wait, I think you already did that. Too late.
CCC: that explains why she's still going
-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] gives CC two middle fingers --
CCC: but if she isn't yours, then what is...
CCC: sorry, girl, but I don't swing that way
-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] yells, froths at the mouth and falls backward. --
CCC: ....the hell?
CTB: um
CTB: Where she comes from, m|ddle f|ngers means that she wants you to go harm yourself |n a v|olent manner.
CTB: Not whatever you th|nk |t means.
CCC: oh
CCC: well that's embarrasing.
CTE: [yeah, where we're from i+'s a ma+ing invi+a+ion]
-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] breaths --
CKM: Okay, I'm calm now.
CCC: okay, and I sort of believe you now
CCC: mostly because ass-licker over here didn't take credit for the monologue
CCC: and that's a sure sign something is up
CKM: Oh, yeah. No way he could generate that much raw anger.
CCC: so spill the beans
CTB: Thaaaaat...
CTB: would pretty much be my fault.
CTB: Mostly yours though.
CCC: explain
CKM: Oh, yeah. Anyone being here can be indirectly explained by TB's existence.
CTB: Well you poked the teleporter | made to get TE back, and got teleported here yourself.
CCC: oh.
CCC: so that's your code thing then
CCC: teleporting
CTB: umm
CTB: yes?
CTB: | don't really know what you're talk|ng about?
CCC: okay seriously
CCC: am I the only one who reads the asteroid lore around here
CTB: Umm....
CTE: [yep]
CCC: I still say you should go read it yourself, bozo
CCC: it's in the source docs, probably under aspects
CKM: Whatever, I'm going to try to get in contact with Alex and his crew. If we're really on Danielle's Land, we could meet up with them.
CCC: who?
CKM: Danielle. She has not yet learned the ways of grandmeister bitchery but she may in the future!
CCC: and why are we meeting up with this chick again
CKM: To reunite everyone. Seer powers are a lot of work and it's a lot easier to yell at everyone when they're right next to you.
CCC: well tell you what
CCC: we can just have codeboy here teleport us bunch back to my session
CCC: and you two can go on and win
CCC: on the house
CTB: /\nd you expect me to just be able to put you back?
CCC: umm, yes
CKM: Yes. That sounds absolutely like something TB - who is too lazy to fly me to the gate - can do.
CCC: you did save the location you brought TE from, right
CCC: so you can just write a reverse teleport
CTB: Yeah... | can't.
CTB: The coord|nates got overwr|tten by that last teleport.
CCC: but you can recover them or something right
CKM: Wait, no, he's about to say he can't.
CCC: do some computer wizardry
CKM: I can just tell.
CCC: and poof I get to go back
CKM: I can See his ineptitutde.
CKM: Wahwahwahwah.
CTB: Overwr|tten means overwr|tten.
CTB: There |s l|terally someth|ng else there now.
CTB: | can't do anyth|ng.
CKM: Score one for Seer. Crowd goes wild.
CCC: so I'm stuck here then
CCC: with these assholes
CTB: Yep.
CTE: [Welcome +o +he par+y house, popula+ion who-even-knows-anymore.]
CCC: keep your mouth shut, you green piece of shit
CCC: I blame you for this
CKM: Think of it this way, CC!
CKM: All you have to do is play the same game all over again.
CCC: without having to do all the page stuff for him
CCC: and without the leveling restrictions
CKM: Only harder, and possibly unwinnable, and with over seven assholes.
CCC: ......sounds like fun
CCC: and it's not like I can do much else
CCC: so let's go surf the wind and find what's her face
-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] rushes outside --
CCC: seriously though you can fly right==
CTB: don't th|nk she can...
CCC: then she gets to learn
CCC: hey spacebitch!
CCC: face away from the trees for a second!
-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] turns back --=