[12:55] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] began pestering testingBeta [TB] at 00:55 --
[12:55] KM: ...Wow.
[12:55] TB: What?
[12:55] KM: I think... I just had a vision.
[12:55] KM: But I wasn't asleep.
[12:55] TB: Way to go, Seer.
[12:55] KM: Superpowers rule!
[12:56] KM: Except for right now. This is pretty bad.
[12:56] TB: Th|s probably has someth|ng to do w|th B|tchy McWh|ne, doesn't |t
[12:56] KM: Yes. It does.
[12:56] TB: Damm|t.
[12:56] KM: A dersite agent took her to an inactive factory not far away.
[12:57] KM: Then they both disappeared on some kind of purple plate.
[12:57] TB: Taht would be a telepad of some sort, probably go|ng to Derse.
[12:57] KM: ...Without her dreamself?
[12:58] TB: Her dreamself |s probably there too, and |f the agent's as dumb as they usually are, she's probably got her dreamself float|ng around r|ght now
[12:58] TB: Wh|ch rem|nds me, | need to bug TE to f|gure out why he ended up here |nstead of out near Derse l|ke | planned
[12:58] KM: Uh oh. As much as I'd say we should let this one sort itself out, Derse is KIND OF against us right now and Emily is a total newbie.
[12:59] TB: So we're go|ng to have to go save her ass aga|n.
[12:59] KM: Yes!
[12:59] TB: Great.
[12:59] TB: |'ll tell our fr|endly ne|ghborhood m|ndscrew to get h|s stuff ready, becuase we're go|ng off to Derse.
[12:59] KM: We will be the big damn heroes, crashing through a Derse wall like kool-aid men.
[01:00] TB: Not |f we want to stay al|ve we won't.
[01:00] KM: Oh yeah. Stealth and all that.
[01:00] TB: We'll be runn|ng |n, probably knock|ng that arse unconsc|ous, grabb|ng B|tchy McWh|ne, and runn|ng l|ke hell.
[01:00] TB: Preferably before her dreamself not|ces.
[01:00] TB: Or, worse, before the Queen not|ces
[01:01] KM: Oh yeah, probably a good idea. Let's see... I wonder what the closest factory is aside from Wormtopia?
[01:01] TB: Heck |f | know.
[01:01] TB: D|dn't your we|rd space sh|t tell you?
[01:01] KM: I'm getting a general sense, but not specific directions.
[01:02] TB: Well that's a shame.
[01:03] KM: Maybe I need to be higher on my echeladder before more spells open up? Like in the roleplaying tabletops.
[01:03] TB: Or maybe you just need to get further through the game.
[01:03] KM: Probably.
[01:03] KM: Anyway, let's head out.
[01:03] TB: So we're just go|ng to wander unt|l we f|nd |t?
[01:04] KM: Well, there's two directions we've already explored. One...
[01:04] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] points --
[01:04] TB: That leads to slamanders, f|re, and general pa|n.
[01:04] KM: ...is the village.
[01:04] TB: The other must be where we're go|ng.
[01:04] KM: No. Opposite, roughly, of the village, is the abandoned factory.
[01:04] KM: That leaves two directions.
[01:05] TB: Good for you, Sherlock.
[01:05] KM: Yes. I am sleuthing.
[01:05] KM: Let's pick one and walk. If it takes too long, we'll head around the other way.
[01:06] TB: Or we could just walk around the ent|re planet.
[01:06] TB: |t doesn't take as long as you'd th|nk, really.
[01:06] KM: Huh.
[01:06] KM: Wait.
[01:06] KM: Can you fly?
[01:06] TB: Yes...
[01:06] TB: Oh.
[01:07] KM: Yes.
[01:07] TB: That would be a very, very bad |dea.
[01:07] KM: NO. It is an awesome idea.
[01:07] TB: No |t |sn't.
[01:07] KM: Why noooooooooooooooooo
[01:07] TB: You know, she's the kn|ght of BRE/\TH for a reason.
[01:08] KM: Are you saying you are frail and nerdy?
[01:08] TB: The w|nds around planets w|th heroes of breath usually have very.. errat|c w|nd patterns and weather.
[01:08] KM: Oh.
[01:08] KM: DANGIT.
[01:08] TB: No, |'m say|ng |'d end up a sol|d two m|les away |f | d|dn't get launched away |n the f|rst place.
[01:08] TB: |'ve done that. |t |sn't fun.
[01:09] TB: E|ther way, fly|ng would be a bad |dea w|thout some sort of tether.
[01:09] KM: Tether? Hmm... probably.
[01:10] KM: I don't think I have anything like that. I guess we're walking for now.
[01:10] TB: W/\lk|ng |t |s.
[01:10] KM: Onward we go!
[01:10] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] ceased pestering testingBeta [TB] at 01:10 --
[01:10] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] began pestering ragingLunatic [RL] at 01:10 --
[01:10] KM: Hey, Danielle.
[01:10] RL: Sup
[01:10] RL: Kinda busy at the moment
[01:10] RL: About to torture the shit out of some Dersite, make it quick
[01:11] KM: This may be a bad time... but is Steve asleep?
[01:11] RL: Good question.
[01:11] RL: Not as far as I can see.
[01:11] RL: Since he kind of just finished off a basilisk, resulting in a boatload of grist
[01:11] KM: I haven't been able to get ahold of him. Before he falls asleep next time, let him know to look out for a blonde headed girl being carried by a Dersite agent.
[01:12] KM: That is, if we don't get to her first.
[01:12] RL: And are you telling the other Derse buddies, or are we just alerting Steve because of weird ninja shit?
[01:13] KM: Steve would be best at it. I'm telling the other Dersite dreamers who I can get in contact with.
[01:13] RL: Alright.
[01:13] RL: I'll pass it along after I'm done getting info out of this shitbag.
[01:13] KM: The new player's been kidnapped, I finally learned to use my powers and a green space stud crashed into this planet on top of the other green space stud.
[01:13] KM: I'll leave you to it now.
[01:13] RL: wat
[01:13] KM: Long story.
[01:14] RL: Well, I was going to wake the Derse ass up with some ice, but this might be more important.
[01:14] RL: You've got green space shit flying everywhere?
[01:14] KM: It's not important. The green space shit projectiles are largely harmless.
[01:15] RL: Make sure they stay that way.
[01:15] KM: Alright.
[01:15] KM: See ya' now.
[01:15] RL: See ya.
[01:15] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] ceased pestering ragingLunatic [RL] at 01:15 --
[01:16] -- testingBeta [TB] began pestering kineticMoonlight [KM] at 01:16 --
[01:16] TB: SO.
[01:16] KM: So?
[01:16] TB: /\pparently more than one al|en asshat tr|ed to use my portal.
[01:16] KM: What?
[01:16] TB: /\nd accord|ng to TE, the one who d|d |t f|rst |s pretty much the hugest of b|tches.
[01:16] TB: /\lthough | suspect he's b|ased.
[01:17] KM: Oh God. Not more flying space bitches.
[01:17] TB: /\nyways, just thought |'d clue you |n, s|nce there's apparently 2 w|ndy b|tches on derse now.
[01:17] KM: Oh. That's dandy. Can I talk to TE?
[01:17] TB: Three |f you count dreamselves, wh|ch |s just we|rd w|ndy sh|t.
[01:17] TB: Sure.
[01:17] KM: I would like to get in contact with this girl then.
[01:17] TB: Remember, though.
[01:17] TB: M|nd games.
[01:17] KM: Yes.
[01:17] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] ceased pestering testingBeta [TB] at 01:17 --
[01:18] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] began pestering toenailEater [TE] at 01:18 --
[01:18] KM: Hey, TE.
[01:18] TE: [hey]
[01:18] KM: You mentioned there was more than one windy space bitch on Derse?
[01:18] TE: [I +ake i+ +E men+ioned +he windy bi+ch]
[01:18] KM: Yes.
[01:18] TE: [Yep]
[01:18] KM: I want to talk to her. Does she have a chumhandle or something like that?
[01:18] TE: [She's af+er some+hing I kind of +ook from her]
[01:19] TE: [Yeah, al+hough I don'+ know if i+'ll work.]
[01:19] TE: [Weird universe shi+ and all.]
[01:19] KM: Alright, I'll give it a shot then. Thanks.
[01:19] TE: [Why do you need +o +alk +o s+upid windy space bi+ch +hough?]
[01:19] KM: Greet her. Analyze the threat she poses to our success. See if she's a hinderance or a compliment to our journey.
[01:20] TE: [Well I can +ell you +ha+.]
[01:20] KM: Oh?
[01:20] TE: [She's a self-cen+ered menace, focused on herself and wha+ she wan+s.]
[01:20] TE: [If she manages +o find wha+ she's af+er, she'll probably jus+ raid everyone's houses for swee+ loo+ and +hen leave like an arse.]
[01:21] KM: Gah! Do you know if the portal she entered through goes two ways?
[01:21] KM: Otherwise I doubt she'll have much luck leaving.
[01:21] TE: [+ha+'s +B's s+uff.]
[01:21] TE: [Bu+ I +hink i+ was one-way.]
[01:21] KM: Ah, right.
[01:21] TE: [Bu+ +ha+ won'+ s+op her from +rying.]
[01:22] KM: Hmmm. I still may be able to make her useful.
[01:22] TE: [Good luck. You'll need i+.]
[01:22] KM: What's her chumhandle?
[01:22] TE: Her +ag's convenientClaymore.
[01:23] KM: Alright. Talk to you in a minute.
[01:23] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] ceased pestering toenailEater [TE] at 01:23 --
[01:23] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] began pestering convenientClaymore [CC] at 01:23 --
[01:23] KM: Hello.
[01:23] CC: hello, you've reached the crazy wind hotline
[01:23] KM: Welcome to the Land of Fuck-ups and Intruders.
[01:23] CC: we'd like to help you, but currently we're all busy hijacking some shit
[01:24] KM: Hijacking? Really?
[01:24] CC: duh?
[01:24] CC: wait
[01:24] CC: who the hell are you?
[01:24] KM: I'm Grandmeister Spacebitch.
[01:25] CC: well what do you want, spacebitch?
[01:25] CC: i've got shit to find
[01:25] CC: and i don't have time to deal with novices
[01:25] KM: I'm looking for a deal. I may be able to trade you for your assistance.
[01:26] CC: a deal you say
[01:26] KM: I hear something's been taken from you.
[01:26] CC: you win the slowest information leak award
[01:26] KM: I know where to find the one who possesses it.
[01:26] KM: He's not where you think he be.
[01:26] CC: oh, so you know where stupid greenmunch went
[01:26] CC: good for you
[01:26] CC: i'll get him eventually
[01:27] KM: Wait, if it's not him you're looking for, what is it?
[01:27] CC: a windy thing
[01:27] CC: looks kinda like a hurricane
[01:27] CC: green assmunch used it as a crutch weapons until he left
[01:27] CC: but i need it
[01:27] KM: And you don't think he has it now?
[01:27] CC: he doesn't
[01:27] CC: he told me
[01:27] CC: dur
[01:27] CC: get on the knowledge train
[01:28] KM: Where do you think it's gone off to?
[01:28] CC: wherever the bugger died, probably
[01:28] CC: unless he had a chance to nab it off his own corpse
[01:28] CC: so i'll check around skaia first, since that's where godtier folks tend to migrate to
[01:28] KM: In that case, I have that information too.
[01:28] KM: I'd recommend not going too close to Skaia.
[01:28] CC: oh really
[01:29] CC: is that a challenge
[01:29] KM: There's a... "bonus boss" floating somewhere around there.
[01:29] CC: because we over here at crazy wind can handle some wicked biznasty shit
[01:29] CC: bonus boss?
[01:29] CC: we didn't get any bonus boss
[01:29] CC: what kind of bullshit are you trying to pull here
[01:29] KM: Well, we do, and it's all greenmunch's fault.
[01:30] CC: next thing you know you'll be telling me you got an error box from your comptuer and that you need my banking info to fix it
[01:30] KM: He died and split into two. One half, the harmless version, I presume won the game with you.
[01:30] CC: everything being green assmunch's fault is pretty normal around here
[01:30] CC: wait what
[01:31] KM: In simpler terms, TE double-ascended.
[01:31] CC: of course
[01:31] KM: The other, incredibly deadly half is now floating about where I said he was.
[01:31] CC: even when he's become a perfect organism, he has to piss everything up
[01:31] CC: little bastard.
[01:31] KM: I can give you a starter hint as to where to start looking, though.
[01:32] CC: well it's been about an hour since he ascended
[01:32] CC: so he probably hasn't had time to find his corpse yet
[01:32] CC: especially dealing with skaia shit
[01:32] KM: Given that one part of the same meteor the original, non-ascended TB landed on crashed into this planet, it's likely that the other parts split off and hit other, nearby planets.
[01:32] CC: so i'll just jump over to LoPaT and grab it, then be off
[01:33] CC: oh man, this is a really convoluted con
[01:33] CC: whoever you are, spacebitch, you're probably better off in the funny farm
[01:33] KM: It gets more convoluted depending on how long you're willing to listen.
[01:33] CC: well i'm currently working on getting this thing running
[01:33] KM: But even if you don't believe any of this shit... if you see a floating green space dude, get out of there.
[01:33] CC: but this amuses me more
[01:33] CC: carry on
[01:34] CC: oh yeah i'm gonna run from little green buttmunch.
[01:34] CC: that's definitely a good idea.
[01:34] CC: running from the little bastard who can't do anything right
[01:34] CC: did you know he once took my arm
[01:34] KM: Really now?
[01:34] CC: and he couldn't even keep the thing gone
[01:34] KM: Wait a minute.
[01:34] KM: Are YOU a green skinned space babe?
[01:34] CC: i ascended and poof i got my arm back
[01:35] CC: shit no
[01:35] KM: Then how...
[01:35] KM: Never mind.
[01:35] CC: blue is where its at
[01:35] KM: Blue. Right.
[01:35] CC: i even got this neat blue outfit out of the deal
[01:35] CC: so getting back on topic
[01:35] CC: whats the deal you want to make, spacebitch?
[01:36] CC: assuming you aren't batshit insane
[01:36] KM: Yes. Back on topic, I could get you the exact location of TE's original corpse, or at least the exact planet it's on.
[01:36] KM: In exchange for a little help.
[01:36] CC: you're really funny you know
[01:36] KM: What now?
[01:37] CC: it's over on LoPaT, where the little bastard ascended
[01:37] CC: gonna have to ask him how he did that disappearing act sometime
[01:37] KM: Wait, how do you know that? Just a minute ago you were saying he was on Skaia.
[01:37] CC: hiding away while all the game shit goes on then showing up at the end
[01:37] CC: well yeah i thought he madea diversion
[01:37] CC: get me out near derse so he can keep trying to get through the door
[01:38] CC: while i run around trying to find wherever he left my shit
[01:38] CC: probably trying to beat me in, the little assmunch
[01:38] KM: Okay, congratulations. You turned this conversation from me trying to futilely manipulate you to me being totally confused.
[01:39] KM: I can't keep up with this level of elaborate space bitchery.
[01:39] CC: okay apparently you're new here
[01:39] CC: we already won.
[01:39] KM: What?
[01:39] CC: yeah
[01:39] CC: me and my buddies, even green assmunch
[01:39] KM: Then... why are you here?
[01:39] CC: we beat the black king, croak went off, door appeared, all that wonderful shit
[01:39] CC: because i need my shit before i go to the new universe
[01:40] CC: and i dont even know who you are, spacebitch
[01:40] CC: you just floating by and manage to catch a glimpse of a transmission or somethin?
[01:40] KM: It's my job to intercept transmissions.
[01:40] KM: Otherwise I get bored and have nothing to do.
[01:41] KM: Except break factories and choke people.
[01:41] CC: so how'd you get booted then
[01:41] KM: Booted?
[01:41] CC: well yeah
[01:41] KM: Oh.
[01:42] KM: I think I see what's going on here.
[01:42] CC: if i were to believe the shit little assmunch told me while he was acting like a moron
[01:42] CC: then you can get launched from your session
[01:42] KM: You think this isn't an active session, don't you?
[01:42] CC: its stil active, duh
[01:42] CC: we just won already
[01:42] KM: No, this session has yet to be won.
[01:42] KM: I'm one of the players.
[01:42] CC: bullshit.
[01:43] KM: How is that hard to believe?
[01:43] KM: Didn't you see yourself go through a portal?
[01:43] CC: because you're trying to scam me into helping you
[01:43] CC: and the portal was something little green assmunch made
[01:43] KM: No. No more scam. Hard facts.
[01:43] CC: i thought it was to get my shit back
[01:43] KM: You're intruding in our session like all the others.
[01:43] CC: but apparently it's a diversion
[01:43] CC: clever little bastard
[01:43] CC: and you are really quite batshit insane
[01:44] KM: There's more of YOU in this session than there is of US.
[01:44] CC: yeah see exactly
[01:44] KM: I can prove it to you.
[01:44] CC: whatever you are, you're just floating by looking in at our victory wishing it was yours
[01:44] CC: but you got booted so you get nothing
[01:44] KM: Fly down to Derse and watch for the large agent.
[01:44] CC: assuming that green assmunch wasn't lying at that you aren't another diversion
[01:45] CC: yes i am going to fly to derse right now and get my ass shot
[01:45] CC: like hell
[01:45] KM: Shot?
[01:45] CC: how stupid do you think i am
[01:45] KM: What's going on up there!?
[01:45] CC: i am being shot at duh
[01:45] CC: derse doesn't exactly like the lady who helped kill the king
[01:45] KM: You didn't kill this king.
[01:45] KM: I mean.
[01:45] CC: do i have to explain this basic shit to you
[01:45] KM: Okay, apparently this is more serious than I thought.
[01:45] CC: or are you jsut too batshit insane
[01:46] KM: I gotta go. TB, TE and I are all headed to Derse.
[01:46] KM: I'll be sure to wave to you when I get there.
[01:46] CC: have fun, crazy spacebitch
[01:46] KM: See ya.
[01:46] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] ceased pestering convenientClaymore [CC] at 01:46 --
Grandmeister Spacebitch & Co: Start walking in search of factory to the... east?Which Gate did he even go through? The selection has too many locations and places.
I was kind of going to leave that up to you so I don't mess up too much of the weird plot shit with my zillion trolls.
Also, CC is female, but you get a free pass because of potentially bizarre blue alien biology.EDIT: Wait no that's CA. Nevermind.
[01:54] KM: there are too many.. . letters and nunbers