-- kineticMoonlight [KM] began trolling testingBeta [TB] at 15:03 --
KM: Hey.
TB: Hey
TB: Where the hell are you guys?
KM: Uhhhh, we left for the salamander village
KM: Don't tell me your awesome time device doesn't at least let you teleport.
TB: Teleportat|on |s a Space th|ng.
TB: Somet|mes.
KM: Oh. Anyway.
TB: So no, | cannot teleport.
KM: We may be meeting up with you again soon because we're out of ideas.
TB: Good to know |'m becom|ng that one useful NPC who just stays |n one place.
TB: Wa|t, |deas for what?
KM: I successfully convinced these salamanders to pick fruit from these fruit factories only to find out they have no way of getting up to the fruit.
TB: So get |t for them.
TB: Not rocket sc|ence.
TB: The l|ttle bastards are short, you aren't
KM: That's not the plan here though, we need them to be able to do it themselves.
KM: I can't stand here feeding salamanders for the rest of the game.
TB: Except you totally can.
TB: But |t'd be |mpract|cal.
TB: and rather t|me-consum|ng.
KM: Yes. I've got crushes to crush, bitches to bitch about and color-coded villians to slay.
TB: Color-coded?
KM: I assume the white ones don't hate us yet.
TB: Oh, | don't th|nk the wh|te ones can really hate much of anyth|ng
KM: Of course now they're terrified of us due to Danielle and I've got to fix that.
TB: So do you have access to your alchemy sh|t?
KM: Yes we do, but it would require going all the way back to Emily's house and possibly scaling a large inverted mountain. Or whatever we jumped off.
TB: Oh, that th|ng.
TB: YHeah, don't cl|mb that.
TB: You'll probably fall or somesh|t.
KM: Yeah, I figured.
TB: So you have no alchemy, and presumably no ladders or anyth|ng stowed |n your sylladex.
KM: Sadly, no. I do have ten seperate mountains of ancient junk food which is currently placating the salamanders.
TB: Why not have them cl|mb a nmounta|n of junk food wrappers?
TB: Except they're probably eat|ng the wrappers too
KM: I'm trying to get them to do that but they're too busy being placated. Also, I'm thinking of backup plans if this doesn't work.
TB: Salamanders are not the smartest consorts out there
KM: You don't see the goats from my land starving.
TB: But yeah, |'d suggest f|nd|ng a gate, alchem|z|ng some ladders and such for them to use, then com|ng back.
TB: Well they're goats, they eat anyth|ng.
TB: Unless you th|nk you could f|nd some ladders back |n the v|llage or |n the factor|es.
KM: Man. If only I could get a time player to go into the future to where I have all these ladders, steal them from me and give them to past me which, might I add, is current me.
TB: But alchemy |s probably a more rel|able method, even |f |t takes a b|t longer for those not t|me-travel-or|ented
TB: Nuh-uh.
KM: >:I
TB: F|rst of all, | have no clue where the hell you are.
TB: /\nd |'d rather not go look|ng and get my ass roasted by salamanders.
KM: True.
TB: Second, that'd create a stable t|me loop where you have the ladders anyt|me but when you need them.
TB: So no.
KM: Stable time loops sound complicated.
TB: They are.
TB: Not as bad as stable t|me merry-go-rounds, though.
TB: Those are just gross.
TB: So are you guys gonna come back and let me rejo|n the group?
TB: Or am | just go|nna keep hang|ng out next to th|s ugly-ass statue?
KM: Probably. I think possibly we're going to have to conquer these sidequests in a manner that's not head first.
TB: Well to be honest...
TB: Th|s |s probably a h|gher-level area, and you guys aren't supposed to get here unt|l Em|ly learns the w|ndy th|ng a b|t
TB: But whatever.
KM: Really?
TB: Well you've got a dust-f|lled factory, and trees that are too tall.
TB: |t'd be really conven|ent |f you could just blow all the fru|t off the trees, wouldn't |t?
TB: /\nd as for the dust... that's self-explanatory.
TB: But there's not much po|nt |n d|scuss|ng that now
KM: That... DOES make sense.
TB: Now how much longer am | go|ng to have to 'wa|t' here unt|l you guys actually show up?
TB: /\nd by 'wa|t' | mean 't|mewarp to the future.'
KM: Hmm... it'd probably be faster if rather than timewarping you just met us at the village. No telling how many distractions we're going to encounter.
KM: Not faster for you, of course, but faster for us.
TB: Yes, let's all meet |n the v|llage where people want to burn me to death.
TB: Great plan.
TB: /\+.
KM: Oh, true. Hm.
KM: I guess... give us another hour. We'll be there.
TB: /\lr|ght.
TB: T|mewarp|ng an hour forward.
TB: See you then.
KM: See ya.
-- kineticMoonlight [KM] gave up trolling testingBeta [TB] at 15:20 --