[10:10] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] began pestering testingBeta [TB] at 22:10 --
[10:10] KM: HO HO HO.
[10:10] KM: How do you get out of here, you say?
[10:10] TB: well yeah
[10:10] KM: Unless your crazy disappear-y powers allow you to teleport, you're STUCK with us.
[10:10] TB: ...God. Damn|t.
[10:11] KM: Don't worry. I think you'll find us much more accomodating that pink-text bitch and toenail alien.
[10:11] KM: than*
[10:11] TB: Well cons|der|ng taht on'es a self-centered pr|ck and the other |s batsh|t |nsane, that wouldn't be too d|ff|cult at th|s po|nt
[10:12] TB: *grammar
[10:12] TB: So anyways, | guess | should probably apolog|ze for k|ll|ng these guys
[10:12] TB: Whose planet |s th|s, anyways
[10:13] KM: Emily's.
[10:13] TB: Oh r|ght, the new g|rl.
[10:13] TB: You'd th|nk |'d remember that.
[10:13] TB: |'m the one who hacked her |n, after all.
[10:13] KM: It's pretty bad that you killed the salamanders, but not as bad as if you'd killed a player.
[10:13] KM: OH WAIT! You did that too. Never mind.
[10:13] TB: O|, | d|dn't k|ll h|m
[10:14] TB: ...| th|nk.
[10:14] TB: He may have had a sl|ght chance of permanent bra|n damage
[10:14] TB: /\nd a sl|ghter chance of dy|ng
[10:14] TB: /\nd an even sl|ghter chance of ceas|ng to ex|st ever
[10:15] TB: Really, | don't know, | stopped mon|tor|ng the guy s|nce | d|d the sess|on transplant
[10:15] KM: Not really my problem. Why don't you hack the game to put you somewhere more ideal? Or can you not "hack" without a computer?
[10:15] TB: | could, but hack|ng from |ns|de the env|ronment |s generally cons|dered r|sky bus|ness
[10:15] TB: |f | screw up and a planet explodes or somesh|t, |t has a r|sk of tak|ng me w|th |t
[10:16] TB: and then | can't rew|nd and f|x the |ssue
[10:16] KM: Ah. Wait a minute.
[10:16] KM: Why are you wearing that ridiculous green costume?
[10:16] TB: |t |sn't r|d|culous, |t's awesome
[10:16] TB: /\nd really really comfrotable
[10:17] TB: |t's the God T|er un|form, you'll see more |f your comrades have a penchant for dy|ng
[10:17] TB: of course, |t has to be dy|ng on a certa|n slab of rock, but that's a techn|cal|ty
[10:17] TB: The color matches your element, and the style matches your class
[10:17] KM: I think you might have mentioned that earlier. What ARE God Tiers? Is it like when you beat the final boss and the game doesn't have any more content so you get to play the New Game+?
[10:17] TB: So yours would be... black or someth|ng
[10:17] TB: Er, no.
[10:18] TB: |t's when you d|e on a mag|c p|ece of rock so that you can bas|cally become |mmortal and have awesome powers
[10:18] TB: that relate to your |ngame t|tle
[10:18] KM: What? AWESOME.
[10:18] KM: I'll have to try that sometime.
[10:18] TB: Techn|cally, my outf|t should be red, but meeeeeeh
[10:18] TB: /\nd | th|nk you're probably supposed to get to the top of your echeladder f|rst
[10:19] TB: y'know, f|n|sh your journey of personal growth and all that
[10:19] KM: Oh. Rats, I'm still on Crush Crusher.
[10:19] TB: What? How the sh|t d|d you get that?
[10:19] TB: You should be gett|ng space-y t|tles
[10:19] TB: that sounds l|ke a Heart one
[10:19] KM: I crushed a crush. I think the game made an exception.
[10:20] TB: Oh. That poor bastard.
[10:20] KM: MOVING ON!
[10:21] TB: Oh, and be|ng god t|er lets you fly.
[10:21] TB: Forgot about that deta|l.
[10:21] KM: Do you god tears give you any sort of extrasensory perception? I've been fumbling around all these planets for ages (actually hours) and haven't found a single clue towards any artifacts.
[10:21] KM: your*
[10:21] TB: m
[10:21] TB: um.
[10:21] TB: Yours probably would
[10:21] TB: M|ne are generally more t|me-or|ented
[10:22] TB: be|ng rogue of t|me and all
[10:22] KM: FFFFF. I can't wait til' I get Seer powers.
[10:22] TB: Usually the powers aren't a "gett|ng" sort of th|ng
[10:22] TB: |t's a "oh | could do th|s all along and now | can control and focus |t, how neat" sort of th|ng
[10:22] TB: |t's really hard to descr|be, you'll know when |t h|ts
[10:23] KM: What if I were to alchemize a crystal ball? Isn't that what Seers do in India or whatever?
[10:23] TB: that m|ght help.
[10:23] TB: But |t won't do |t for you.
[10:23] KM: Man.
[10:23] TB: So as an added note
[10:23] TB: |f |'m go|ng to be stuck w|th you guys
[10:23] TB: |'m not do|ng your f|ght|ng.
[10:24] KM: What? Why not? Just too lazy?
[10:24] TB: Because |t's your damn job, not m|ne
[10:24] TB: | d|d my f|ght|ng, | got my godt|er, | very nearly won the game
[10:24] KM: >:I Fine.
[10:24] TB: |'m not go|ng to rob a couple of scrubs of extra xp, espec|ally |n the|r own sess|on
[10:25] KM: I guess that's true. I wonder why BT always seemed so fine with it.
[10:25] TB: probably becuase he's a b|t of an ass
[10:25] TB: and f|ght|ng |s h|s sht|ck
[10:25] TB: | wouldn't be surpr|sed |f he was the Kn|ght of F|ght|ng L|ke /\n /\sshole or someth|ng
[10:25] TB: because that's what he does
[10:26] TB: he f|ghts.
[10:26] TB: and he usually jumps |nto sh|t that's go|ng to get h|s ass k|cked w|thout a second thought
[10:26] TB: l|ke when C/\ threw a meteor at h|m and he ended up surf|ng |t down here
[10:26] TB: sorry about that, by the way
[10:26] KM: Sounds like someone else I know, actually.
[10:27] KM: Jumping into fights without regard to the ass-kicking involved.
[10:27] TB: Yeah, | not|ced your... other Kn|ght does that a lot
[10:27] TB: |'d be wary of h|m.
[10:27] TB: He's done someth|ng most players don't have the balls to do.
[10:27] KM: What's that? Get captured?
[10:27] TB: Not that he had much cho|ce.
[10:28] TB: Nah, he crossed the elder gods
[10:28] TB: Nasty buggers that l|ve beyond Derse
[10:28] TB: |'ve met a few and they're generally n|ce guys |f you do what they ask
[10:28] TB: usually blood sacr|f|ces and such
[10:28] KM: Yeah, I don't think so.
[10:28] KM: Considering they told him to murderate Alex.
[10:29] KM: That's not even a blood sacrifice, that's just a regular sacrifice.
[10:29] TB: That was probably more |n the |nterest of t|mel|ne preservat|on
[10:29] TB: although | don't have any |dea why they'd g|ve a sh|t about your t|mel|ne
[10:29] KM: Considering it's been deformed like a redneck couple's incestuous baby?
[10:30] TB: But yeah, there's lots of t|mel|nes where /\lex ends up murderat|ng everyone and then off|ng h|mself
[10:30] TB: So generally prevent|ng /\lex from murderat|ng |s a good |dea
[10:30] TB: /\nd yeah, | wouldn't be surpr|sed |f we were |n a t|mel|ne offshoot r|ght now
[10:30] TB: So we may or may not be doomed
[10:31] TB: We don't exactly have a doom player to tell us r|ght now.
[10:32] KM: I learned some peoples' classes and aspects a while back. Then I forgot a lot of them.
[10:32] KM: So I wouldn't know if we had a doom player or not.
[10:32] TB: Well, that's understandable cons|der|ng people |n your sess|on drop out l|ke fl|es
[10:32] TB: | mean ser|ously, there've been l|ke what, four subst|tut|ons th|s far?
[10:32] KM: ...Just between us.
[10:33] KM: I don't think everyone remembers all the substitutions.
[10:33] TB: Not everyone does
[10:33] TB: /\nd not everyone cares
[10:33] TB: CN, for |nstance, d|dn't even enter before he got subbed
[10:33] TB: The only one to contact h|m was really Dan|elle, and she doesn't seem to be g|v|ng much of a sh|t about anyth|ng at the moment
[10:34] KM: Yeah, that's true. Maybe it's like a Seer thing. I still remember Bear a little, but he was kind of a poophead in some ways so I don't really care that he got replaced.
[10:34] TB: Part of |t |s probably a Seer th|ng
[10:34] TB: and |'m not sure what the other part would be
[10:35] KM: Speaking of substitions.
[10:35] KM: In your professional opinion, what is the probability of the player's from Emily's could've-been session finding their way to us and getting revenge for dooming their session? Or whatever happened there.
[10:36] TB: um
[10:36] TB: that depends.
[10:36] TB: ...you've already heard from them, haven't you
[10:36] TB: | may be a rogue, but |'m not bl|nd.
[10:37] KM: They don't remember Emily, but they do think I ruined their session somehow.
[10:37] KM: Or one of the girls from this session did.
[10:37] TB: You wouldn't ask someth|ng that glar|ngly spec|f|c unless you already talked to them
[10:37] TB: hmm
[10:37] TB: ......
[10:37] TB: yeah |t was probably em|ly's removal
[10:37] KM: And SOMEONE sent them video of us. I suspected it was you but you haven't mentioned it.
[10:37] TB: | can't factor out random pestersh|t from anyone, though
[10:37] TB: that wasn't me
[10:37] TB: | don't v|deo anyth|ng | do unless | really mean to do so
[10:38] TB: and even then, that v|deo |s go|ng to be h|dden and encrypted |nto the abyss
[10:38] TB: so there's no way they got |t off my systems
[10:38] TB: | wouldn't put |t past TE, though
[10:38] TB: h|s mental state fluctuates too much
[10:39] KM: Is TE really a little green alien or whatever he was?
[10:39] TB: Yup
[10:40] KM: That's weird. Weirder than troll people. But I guess I should expect it.
[10:40] TB: Probably.
[10:40] TB: But l|ke C/\, the guy's probably dead now
[10:40] KM: It looks like the salamanders are plotting against you over there.
[10:40] TB: Eh, | wouldn't be surpr|sed
[10:40] KM: Maybe we should head someplace else, don't you think? Like out of the village.
[10:40] TB: Yeah probably.
[10:41] KM: Alright.
[10:41] TB: Before they try to burn me at the stake or someth|ng
[10:41] TB: that's usually pa|nful.
[10:41] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] ceased pestering testingBeta [TB] at 22:41 --
I'll wait on applesauce before we move.