"I honestly think we should find our way through the gates, since I'm kind of tired of getting wet and ALL THESE FROGS ASDGALKSDJGLKASJDG. So I'm going to be working on making a ladder or jetpack of some sort. Anyone have anything that could help?"
Alex retrieves his rocketpack, and reads the code off to Danielle. "YOU COULD PROBABLY MAKE SOME OTHER KIND OF ROCKET WEAR, IF YOU WANTED."
Heh... suddenly I realize the genius of the alchemy system. If you keep making low-point items (like starting with a 3- or 4-pointer) every level and keep taking upgrade on each one, you can add a 1-point upgrade onto the item every level for nearly no cost. Possibly increasing the price when at later levels but making sure to keep it at level - 2. By doing this you can avoid Rare cards no matter what.
>Mimi: Look up from Emily's roof to make sure the gate is there.
EDIT: Every day that goes by the OP image I made looks worse and worse.
Well, it is only a free half point, but it is extremely useful. It's actually what I've been doing with Alex's weapons.
You head out to Emily's roof. As sure as anything, there are multiple gates above Emily's home, each one farther away then the last.
As for the cast image, since we've replaced two characters since you made it, it could use an update. *nudge nudge*
That reminds me of another question: making a 2 handed weapon when you only have the 1 handed version of the kind abstratus means you have to put the Portfolio Upgrade again, right?
E: which reminded me of yet another question: can you make a regular alchemy item at level 10 or is it only God Tier/Epic Alchemy? And what's the difference between plain ol level-up alchemy and the Epic one?
No, you can swap between making 1 or 2 handed weapons, it's just that when you make a weapon, you need to specify whether it is 1 or 2 handed. The only exception is your 'default' weapon.
As for level 10 alchemies, for God tiers and class ascensions (or whatever they're called), you get 9 points, and it follows all the rules it would otherwise.
Signature Alchemy players get some special rules. They get 10 points, no more no less, and it gets some special traits, the most important being that it never, ever leaves their hand, and doesn't take up a spot in their hand. Also, their hand size increases.
"i'M GoINg To fiNd MiMi. yOu caN Go TreASuRE hUNTing wiThOUt Me."
>Steve: Leave in search of a gate.
You leave the house. Where will you search for Mimi?