[07:13] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] began pestering considerateTormentor [CT] at 19:13 --
[07:13] KM: Hello.
[07:13] CT: Hello
[07:13] CT: Do I
[07:14] CT: Know you?
[07:14] KM: No. Not yet. You will.
[07:14] KM: I'm sure you're very confused right now.
[07:14] CT: That's an understatement
[07:15] KM: I'm going to ask "are you male or female", but it's for a different reason than you might think.
[07:15] KM: Wait, no.
[07:15] KM: That's not how this works. Uh...
[07:15] KM: I'm Mimi. It's nice to meet you!
[07:15] KM: Silly me, forgetting protocol.
[07:16] CT: H!, I'm Em!ly
[07:16] KM: That's an interesting name.
[07:16] CT: There's no punctuat!on
[07:16] CT: That's just how I say !t
[07:16] KM: Not that I would judge if if there was.
[07:16] KM: judge you*
[07:17] CT: Yeah, that'd be on my parents, not me
[07:17] CT: Or rather, parent I should say
[07:17] KM: Parent? Only one? I should be used to that by now.
[07:18] CT: Speak!ng of wh!ch, I haven't seen h!m around
[07:18] CT: He left th!s morn!ng but now that I'm here, I don't even
[07:18] CT: Wa!t
[07:18] KM: Yeah, pretty standard. Looks like you're before your first gate but after entry, then.
[07:18] CT: Wa!t wa!t wa!t
[07:18] KM: What?
[07:18] CT: How'd you know I have any reason to be confused
[07:18] CT: Do you know where I am
[07:18] CT: Are you here
[07:19] KM: Uh... Yes and no.
[07:19] CT: What k!nd of answer !s that
[07:19] KM: I'm not going to make the same mistakes with you I made with everyone else.
[07:19] KM: You're playing the worst video game in all of reality with seven people you don't even know, including me.
[07:20] CT: The last v!deo game I played was SBURB and I hardly even get started
[07:20] CT: *got
[07:20] KM: Yes, that one. Don't worry, it picks up fast. Do you have a weapon?
[07:20] CT: Uhh
[07:20] CT: I have a wh!p
[07:20] CT: I use !t, but not really as a weapon
[07:21] KM: That works. Even a pillow would be fine.
[07:21] KM: Listen, have you encountered the imps yet?
[07:21] CT: IAs far as I've seen, I'm the only l!v!ng th!ng here that !sn't a plant
[07:21] CT: *As
[07:22] KM: Uh oh. You'll be hounded by some interesting creatures very soon. I would love to help you out, but I'm busy being a grizzly anti-hero.
[07:22] CT: So I SHOULDN'T leave?
[07:23] CT: I was just gett!ng ready to pack some stuff !n my backpack and try to scale th!s th!ng somehow
[07:23] KM: Scale what thing?
[07:23] CT: My house appears to be !solated atop a cl!ff-l!ke th!ng
[07:23] CT: L!ke a tower of rock or someth!ng
[07:24] KM: Oh, yeah. Careful with that. One other person nearly got turned to paste trying to do what you're about to do.
[07:24] CT: Well the other opt!on !s wa!t out my days here and starve to death
[07:24] KM: Not necessarily. You have two options.
[07:24] CT: Oh really now
[07:24] CT: What are they
[07:25] KM: One, grab rock climbing equipment of some sort and carefully scale the cliff.
[07:25] KM: Two, above your house - maybe far above - is a portal which you can enter.
[07:25] CT: A what
[07:25] KM: A teleporty door.
[07:25] CT: Is that how I got here?
[07:25] KM: No.
[07:25] CT: *here
[07:26] CT: Where w!ll !t lead me, and how can I get to !t
[07:26] KM: Since you're asking, it's obvious TB hasn't told your server. I honestly have no idea why he told me first. Uh... lemme go over this in my head.. Brian's server was...
[07:27] KM: RL. Crap.
[07:27] CT: Who are these people
[07:27] KM: Other players. You'll meet them eventually.
[07:27] CT: And I already had a server player
[07:27] KM: Wait, you did? What?
[07:28] CT: I was play!ng w!th my fr!ends
[07:28] CT: We weren't very far, we'd barely started
[07:28] CT: And then all of a sudden I'm at some k!nd of factory forest
[07:28] KM: Argh... that complicates things. No wonder TB mentioned there'd be glitches.
[07:28] KM: Listen, uh... do you know where your sprite is?
[07:29] CT: Gl!tches
[07:29] CT: What k!nd of gl!tches
[07:29] CT: What happened to my fr!ends
[07:29] CT: Spr!te
[07:29] CT: You mean that glowy ball th!ng
[07:29] KM: Yes. What did you put into it?
[07:29] CT: Noth!ng
[07:29] CT: I d!dn't know you could put stuff !n !t
[07:29] KM: Uh oh.
[07:30] CT: What
[07:30] KM: Uh, nevermind. One problem at a time.
[07:30] KM: As for your friends, they're either incredibly powerful or dead by now.
[07:30] CT: What was that last part
[07:30] CT: That's not really all that funny
[07:31] KM: Nothing about this game is funny.
[07:31] KM: The person before you didn't understand that.
[07:31] CT: Can I contact them
[07:31] CT: I wanna know !f they're okay
[07:32] CT: Even !f I never get to see them aga!n
[07:32] KM: Probably not. You may see them in the future, though.
[07:32] CT: How far !n the future
[07:32] CT: Or do you not know for sure
[07:32] KM: It's uncertain. All I know is other people like your friends have already found their way into our session. Some help us, some... not so much.
[07:33] CT: Is th!s part of the game
[07:33] CT: Random server-hopp!ng and then gett!ng back to your or!g!nal one
[07:33] CT: Because I don't remember hear!ng about that
[07:33] KM: You ever play that one game series Legend of Zelda?
[07:34] CT: YES
[07:34] CT: Uh I mean
[07:34] CT: Yes, why
[07:34] KM: You know how there's a lot of points in the games where you can skip parts of the game at will due to bugs?
[07:34] CT: Yeah
[07:35] KM: That's sort of what this is like. Our session has a lot of bugs like that - it lets people in very easily, usually due to either revenge or love.
[07:35] CT: I can relate to both of those emot!ons
[07:35] CT: Usually at the same t!me
[07:36] KM: ...I'm not sure I want to parse the implications here.
[07:36] CT: What about gett!ng out, !s that done eas!ly
[07:36] KM: No. In fact, the only people who seem to be able to get out are the ones who came in by sheer force in the first place.
[07:37] CT: I th!nk that appl!es to me
[07:37] CT: Or do you mean voluntar!ly
[07:37] KM: The latter. You don't have superpowers like some of us do.
[07:37] KM: But you will, in time.
[07:37] CT: I'm not sure how ser!ous that statement was
[07:38] KM: Everything I say is at least partially serious.
[07:38] CT: Was !t some k!nd of vague metaphor or whatever or l!teral
[07:39] KM: Literal.
[07:39] CT: What.
[07:39] KM: I remember being like you.
[07:39] KM: Uncertain, baffled, lost.
[07:40] CT: Those th!ngs all descr!be me at the present moment
[07:40] KM: You'll get over all that in time. For now, welcome to our session. There's someone else you should meet. Two people, in fact.
[07:40] CT: Alr!ght then
[07:40] KM: Ohohoho.
[07:40] CT: Who're they
[07:41] KM: Looks like your client player is greekKiller, or GK.
[07:41] CT: That's MY l!ne
[07:41] CT: Oh
[07:41] KM: He's... really something else. But you don't need to contact him now.
[07:41] CT: Who's the other oe
[07:41] CT: *on
[07:41] CT: **one
[07:42] KM: Who you want to talk to is ragingLunatic, your server player. But she's with me, sort of put off by the whole explosives/boss fight/life-threatening and stuff.
[07:42] CT: Man that sounds l!ke fun
[07:42] KM: It is, actually.
[07:43] CT: How long w!ll I be stuck here
[07:43] CT: Dad went grocery shopp!ng, but then I teleported here before he got back
[07:43] CT: And th!s mechan!zed orchard !s taunt!ng me
[07:44] KM: There's no telling how long you'll be stuck here. A minimal amount of time, if everything goes according to my plans.
[07:44] CT: What are these "plans"
[07:44] KM: Too complicated to explain at once. They do involve brutal torture, though.
[07:45] CT: Do I get to be the one !nfl!ct!ng !t
[07:45] KM: I might let you join in.
[07:45] CT: I'm !n
[07:46] CT: So what do I do f!rst for now
[07:46] KM: I like you. You're not wimpy like some of my cohorts.
[07:46] CT: Why thank you
[07:46] KM: For now, put something in your sprite. Preferably something humanoid.
[07:46] CT: I have a voodoo doll that I use less for w!tchcraft and more for stress rel!ef
[07:46] KM: That could work.
[07:47] CT: It's pretty torn, I was gonna replace !t soon
[07:47] CT: But okay
[07:47] KM: Ask the sprite some questions. How to get up to the gate, even.
[07:47] CT: Okay, g!mme a sec, I gotta f!nd !t
[07:47] CT: I th!nk I left !t !n my dunge
[07:47] CT: Uh room
[07:47] KM: Hehehe.
[07:48] KM: Anyway, gotta go. Looks like I have to tell everyone else that we have a newer, not terrible player.
[07:48] CT: Okay, you go do that
[07:48] KM: See you!
[07:48] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] ceased pestering considerateTormentor [CT] at 19:48 --