>Mikheal: Standard Agrievement: Gut Smash
9 + 9 + 5(Level) + 1(Precision) + 4(Stat) = 28
You rolled doubles. Do you want to pursue the brutal affront? Also, in the future, I will assume you do unless you post otherwise.
I didn't roll doubles, as much as I would've liked too. I'm using 10d's instead of 8d's because of my Weapon's ability.
Wait... What?
Alright, let's back up here.
Things you roll:
1. Initiative
2. Attack rolls
3. Active skill checks
Things I roll
1. Everything you roll for your character, but for NPCs.
2. Damage rolls
3. Brutal Affront confirmations
4. Passive skill checks
5. alchemy pre-rolls
6. The dice I use to pick your people's card because if I printed out all those cards I'd just lose them.
You roll two 2d10 and add the result when you make an attack roll, and any doubles allow you to pursue a possible brutal affront. Then you add modifiers to determine your final attack roll.
What were you rolling if not your attack roll where you got two 9s, then a bunch of modifiers? I'm confused.
How is rolling two 9's plus bonuses not "rolling doubles"? You're being unclear here.
PA: hell00 thanks f00r dealing with th0000se imps for me
PA: wh00 are you?
Dersite Agent: Well, right now, I'm pretty much your best hope.
PA: elab00rate if you will?
PA: because s00 far nothing in this game has w00rked 00ut f00r my hopes.
DA: Technically I'm not on your side.
DA: However, I'd rather side with a Prince of Derse, rather than the Queen.
PA: I have heard 00f the queen but never the prince
PA: what has 00ccured between the tw00 that caused y00u to seek me 00ut?
PA: als00 y00u are 00ne 00f th0000se agent types yes?
DA: No no, you are the prince. There are 4 of you, all Derse dreamers.
DA: As for what happened, I saw an opportunity. And yes, I am an Agent.
PA: 00kay, s00 i am a prince of derse, and i am assuming that the queen is out to get me and the 00ther players
PA: why? why seek me 00ut? why deal with th00se imps and refuse service 00f the queen? i have heard fr00m the me's that the agents were a untrust00rthy sort s00 why trust y00u?
PA: als00 whats y00ur name?
DA: You can just call me the Dersite Agent.
DA: From what I know of you, you seem to be the most trustworthy one. And the Queen's a huge bitch. All crimes are punishable by death, heck, if you don't cook the queen's food to the exact right temperature, you die. That's why I'm leaving.
PA: I see mr agent, s00 y00u have a greater understanding 00f what 00curs in the game, what d00 i d00 n00w?
DA: You should find your time-control device. After that, I need to get you and the rest of your friend's strong enough to fight the queen. And when she's gone, I get the ring.
PA: Why d00 y00u need the ring? 00r want it altogether?
DA: So that way, I never have to be ruled over ever again.