Hmm... fifth level common card. Wait, don't I get three card slots now that I'm level five? So let's see...
1) I'll take Legendary Piece of Shit for the fifth level common.
2) I'm going to make a precognition-themed rapier and and werewolf-themed armor for the alchemy. I'll do that when I get back to my main computer later, so no >ENTER for now.
3) As for the flash... you could always download the trial and follow some tutorials. The main difficulty would not be learning the tweening and timeline and all that, but instead syncing the images up to the music. That is hard as steel for me in Flash. I also want to offer to do images but MAAN I am up to my neck in image quota after finally getting Internet back. I could probably do a few if you wanted.
4) I do have a question. Do you think this system is feasible in a live game, like on Maptools? Because that would be incredible. I'm currently in a toss-up between systems/settings to use for my next impromptu Maptools game, which is something you should totally add me on Steam for if you want to be a part of.
1. Got it.
2. Okay.
3. If you wouldn't mind making them, I'd love for you to do a couple of the images, especially because I don't have a ton of confidence in my own artistic ability, especially with my scanner still on the fritz. Thing's pretty much dead. Of course, you'd have to not mind being spoiled about future plot. Though I'm not sure how obvious my coming 'twist' is.
4. This is definitely doable live, but if you do, I suggest finding a way to get the players together early on. Slower moving play-by post lends itself well to the 'canon' homestuck formula of NOBODY MEETS IN PERSON EVAR, but in person or in a group in a chatroom or using maptools (which I've never actually used and, really, have only a vague idea about), it would probably lead to bored players while one person hogs the limelight. It works fine for smaller groups, I don't know how many people you were planning on. I've been meaning to get a Steam account, everyone around here has one.
Also, I'm going to have to bow out in this case. I just started going back to college, and I'm having a bit of a rough start, plus I'm in 3 active games, one of which I run. Otherwise I would in a heartbeat. I love this system.
Unless of course, you aren't starting it for a few weeks or so. I'll be up to speed in my class fairly soon (I hope), and might be able to make time, depending on when you want to run. Fair warning, my internet is still shit, so I'll be dropping in and out of the session.
I figured that if one fell they would stick to the walls, but now that I can toss two of them... I assume the imp took 6 diagonals.
>CR: Shift to the right and use Reaping Justice to kick them into the pit (down-right).
[5,4+9]=18 v. Reflex
[7,6+9]=22 v. Reflex
Though there was some peril at the end, you came out on top in his most recent volcano strife. Log available upon request, for anyone who wants a peek. You emerge at the top of the volcano, and at the opposite edge, see a return node. I need to deal you your hand as well.
>Troy: Be sick and tired of bashing the few imps over and over again. Call out to the Past and Future Me's about what exists in the Darkness (Of the room)
Lets try this.
Oh wait. I need to choose a level 5 card to put into the pot right
I'll put in the Sapphire Contraband in to finish thing off
Unfortunately, you haven't acquired your time travel gear! Also, you must choose a card for level 4 as well.
For cards, I think we're still missing Bd and Johnfalcon.