[11:28] RL: h1 CN
[11:28] CN: What
[11:28] CN: I know you regardles of whatever
[11:28] RL: wh4t?
[11:29] CN: I think that this conversation might get a bit awkard I think
[11:29] RL: ..?
[11:29] CN: I dunno
[11:29] CN: Just pestering people I think I know
[11:30] RL: wh4t 4re y0u t4lking ab0ut?
[11:30] CN: I have no idea
[11:30] CN: I'm just rambling
[11:30] RL: m3 n3ither :S
[11:30] CN: :V
[11:30] RL: r4mbl1n' 0n and 0n
[11:30] CN: Either way
[11:31] CN: You were the frist person I found who was online
[11:31] RL: 0h
[11:31] CN: So i thought sod it, lets pester this guy
[11:31] RL: s0 y0u'r3 just s0me r4ndom 1ntern3t guy?
[11:31] CN: I guess
[11:31] RL: 0kay th3n
[11:31] RL: y0u cr33py?
[11:31] CN: Though, aren't we all though
[11:31] CN: Depends how you define ccreepy
[11:32] CN: Like
[11:32] CN: Little girls
[11:32] RL: wh4t
[11:32] CN: Or ghoasts
[11:32] CN: Or clowns
[11:32] RL: y0u'r3 a l1ttl3 girl?
[11:32] CN: Clowns are the creepiest
[11:32] CN: No
[11:32] CN: But some little girls are creepy
[11:32] RL: y3ah, scr3w cl0wns
[11:33] CN: Scientific studies have shown that anything that resembles a human but somehow does not
[11:33] CN: Is creepy
[11:33] RL: 3h, I gu3ss y0u mu2t b3 alr1ght
[11:33] CN: Maybe
[11:33] CN: Not sure about it
[11:33] RL: s1nc3 by n0w, m0st of the cr33py intern3t a22tards w0uld have p0sted d1ck p1ctur3s or s0mething
[11:33] CN: So then, what kind of luntaic are you then
[11:34] RL: 4 r4g1ng 0n3
[11:34] CN: the crazy kind
[11:34] CN: Or the kind that stares at the moon
[11:34] CN: Or something
[11:34] RL: l1ttl3 b1t 0f both
[11:34] RL: 4nd m0re
[11:34] CN: Heheh
[11:34] RL: y0u 1n th4t sburb beta?
[11:34] CN: It's aways good to be a little bit crazy is always good
[11:35] CN: Not yet
[11:35] CN: I've heard of it
[11:35] CN: But I thought
[11:35] CN: It's so popular
[11:35] RL: y0u g0nn4 pl4y it?
[11:35] CN: I'd wait until it goes back to obscure
[11:35] CN: Eventually
[11:35] CN: But I'm not the kind to join all kinds of trends
[11:35] RL: don't g1v3 1n to the 1nn3r hipst3r
[11:35] CN: Precisely
[11:35] RL: 1t'll be fun!
[11:36] CN: I was hip AFTER it was cool!
[11:36] RL: y0u g0t a k3y?
[11:36] CN: Maybe
[11:36] CN: Haven't checked my emails in aegs
[11:36] RL: m1ght w4nn4 d0 that
[11:36] CN: Mybe later maybe
[11:36] RL: m4ke sure th3r3's not any imp0rtant d1ck enlargem3nt ads you'r3 missing 0ut on XD
[11:37] CN: I never saw the piont in those anyway
[11:37] RL: m3 n3ither
[11:37] CN: I don't have a minority complex
[11:37] CN: So screw thos eguys
[11:37] CN: Just
[11:37] CN: Not literally
[11:37] RL: 4nd yet, th3y fl00d int0 the 3mail syst3m by the thou2ands
[11:37] CN: Well yeah
[11:37] CN: Somehow they have to find an idiot who kilccs them
[11:38] RL: s0, ch4ng3 0f t0pic
[11:38] CN: I agree
[11:38] RL: y0u g0t a name 0ther th4n c00kien0mmer?
[11:38] CN: So
[11:38] CN: I guess so
[11:38] CN: I have many
[11:38] CN: Which one do you think?
[11:38] RL: as is prudeent on the 1nternet
[11:39] CN: Heheh
[11:39] CN: There was a time
[11:39] CN: Where I went around caling my self Tyeentch
[11:39] CN: Tzeentch
[11:39] CN: Like
[11:39] CN: You know
[11:39] CN: That god from that tabletop game
[11:39] RL: 1 actually d0n't kn0w
[11:39] RL: l3t m3 consult...
[11:40] RL: TH3 G00GL3!
[11:40] CN: xD
[11:40] RL: 0h, g0d of ch4os
[11:40] RL: why w0uld y0u call y0urs3lf th4t
[11:40] CN: Eh
[11:41] CN: Me n my friends were kinda
[11:41] CN: Like stupid kids
[11:41] CN: Roleplaying as those guys
[11:41] RL: 4h
[11:41] CN: Of course nobody wanted to be the god of pestilence
[11:41] RL: s4y n0 m0r3
[11:41] CN: Nowadays
[11:41] CN: I only RP as more original people
[11:41] CN: But not so often
[11:41] RL: l1k3 wh0?
[11:42] CN: Like
[11:42] CN: Characters that I invent
[11:42] CN: You knopw
[11:42] CN: Like people usualy do in RPs
[11:42] RL: 0kay
[11:42] CN: Last time I was a ranger from the north
[11:42] CN: Trying to reclaim his kingdom
[11:42] RL: c00l 2tuff
[11:43] CN: Heheh
[11:43] CN: Speaking of that sburb game
[11:43] RL: oh g0d, d0n't turn 1nt0 dB 0n me
[11:43] CN: It's kinda multiplayer right?
[11:43] RL: 1t 1s, supp0sedly
[11:43] CN: So, did you already find some co-players?
[11:43] RL: A f3w
[11:44] RL: but h3y, th3 m0r3 th3 m3rri3r!
[11:44] CN: A few is good
[11:44] CN: More is better :3
[11:44] CN: See
[11:44] RL: Y3p
[11:44] CN: I did a 3 too
[11:44] RL: Y0u w4nn4 j01n us?
[11:44] CN: Maybe
[11:44] CN: I usually don't like being with so many people
[11:44] RL: g0tta g3t y0ur k3y first?
[11:44] CN: Obviously
[11:44] CN: I think
[11:44] RL: 1f y0u dun g0t 0n3
[11:45] CN: I'll check now I think
[11:45] RL: t4lk to d4shingB4rd
[11:45] RL: err, dashingBard
[11:45] RL: he'2 2upp0sedly got a 8unch\
[11:45] CN: So here I have 4 "keys"
[11:45] CN: But 3 of them are in the spam folder so fuck those
[11:45] CN: DELETED
[11:45] RL: n0t d1gg1ng through the d1cks the get th3m, 1 see
[11:46] CN: That last one might be genuine
[11:46] CN: There is only one way to empirically determine it's validity
[11:46] RL: th3 r3st are pr0bably misl1nks t0 M0R3 D1CK AD2
[11:46] CN: Nah
[11:46] CN: Phishing
[11:47] RL: 0f c0ur2e, y0u g0tta try 1t when the b3ta g0es l1ve t0m0r0
[11:47] RL: 0r ph1shing
[11:47] RL: th4t h4ppen2 too
[11:47] CN: Tomororw you say
[11:47] CN: I'll try to remebmer
[11:47] RL: acc0rding to AL, anyways.
[11:47] RL: 0h, y0u d0n't kn0w him either agh
[11:47] CN: What kinds of peolpe are there anyway`?
[11:48] CN: DB and AL for one
[11:48] CN: And you
[11:48] RL: dB 1s a b1t of a cr33p
[11:48] CN: Aha
[11:48] CN: No wonder you asked me
[11:48] CN: Creepersssss gonna creep
[11:48] RL: he t3lls th3 k1nd of j0kes that m4ke you f33l horribl3
[11:48] CN: Bad joke
[11:48] CN: s
[11:48] RL: 4nd h3's alway2 l4ugh1ng
[11:48] CN: Or jokes with a bad taste
[11:49] RL: l1ttl3 b1t 0f b0th :|
[11:49] CN: I can deal with incredibly lame jokes
[11:49] RL: s0m3 are k1nda funny, th0ugh
[11:49] CN: I deal with them all the time
[11:49] CN: Sometimes they are so bad it comes full circle
[11:49] CN: And they become funny again
[11:49] RL: AL 1s pr3tty c00l, but h3 HAS NO 1NS1D3 V01CE
[11:50] RL: 4nd he'2 alway2 c0mpla1n1ng ab0ut h4ving t0 cut d0wn tr33s
[11:50] CN: Oooh
[11:50] CN: Not environmentally healthy
[11:50] CN: But then again
[11:50] CN: it is necessary
[11:50] RL: H3's apprecnticeLumberjack :|
[11:50] CN: Wait
[11:50] CN: Is he a kid
[11:50] CN: Or an adult?
[11:50] RL: 1 h4v3 n0 fr4ck1ng 1d3a
[11:51] CN: I could imagine why he'd be complaining though
[11:51] RL: y3ah
[11:51] CN: With all thatr TIMBER falling towards you
[11:51] RL: I r3gularly h4v3 to 2wing a h4lberd ar0und at tr41n1ng dumm13s
[11:51] CN: A halbeard?
[11:51] RL: 1 f33l h1s pain
[11:51] CN: Wow
[11:51] CN: That0s hardcore
[11:52] RL: 3h
[11:52] RL: g3ts k1nda 0ld aft3r a f3w h0urs
[11:52] CN: I sometimes swing around a few sticks
[11:52] CN: But not more really
[11:52] RL: l3t's 2ee...
[11:52] CN: No muscles in the arms
[11:52] RL: th3r3's 4ls0 gK
[11:52] CN: goalKeep?
[11:52] RL: 1 dunn0 much ab-ut h1m
[11:52] RL: greekKiller
[11:53] CN: Is he SPARTA?
[11:53] CN: Hahahah xD
[11:53] RL: 1 h0p3 n0t
[11:53] RL: 1 g3t 3nough y3lling from AL
[11:53] RL: and fr0m Guard :x
[11:53] CN: I should introduce you to BRIAN BLESSED
[11:53] CN: If I knew him that is
[11:54] RL: ....wh0?
[11:54] RL: 0h.
[11:54] CN: But eh
[11:54] RL: th4t 3xpl41ns the r3f3r3nc3 AL m4d3 34rl13r
[11:54] CN: He did?
[11:54] CN: Heh
[11:54] CN: Maybe we have something in common
[11:54] CN: It's funny
[11:55] RL: y-u 2hould p3st3r h1m wh3n h3 g3ts 0nl1n3
[11:55] CN: Perhaps
[11:55] CN: Usually I'm sort of an introvert
[11:55] CN: But hree I am
[11:55] CN: Tlaking to you
[11:55] CN: or
[11:55] CN: Pestering
[11:55] CN: And hey
[11:55] RL: p3st3r1n' 4ll d4y, 3rryd4y
[11:55] CN: You didn't rage even once!
[11:56] CN: But then again
[11:56] CN: I didn't eat any cookies eiter
[11:56] CN: I should remedy that
[11:56] RL: n4h, 1 usu4ally 0nly r4g3 wh3n Guard 1s being a d1ck
[11:56] RL: ....2peak1ng of wh1ch....
[11:56] CN: I have a rare and terrible affliction that makes me into an insufferable prick if I don't get any cookies
[11:56] CN: Heheh :3
[11:56] RL: brb, gotta k33p gu4rd 4w4y fr0m th3 f3w 2n4k3s I have left
[11:56] CN: Aight then
[11:57] CN: Cee you tomorrow or something?
[11:57] CN: Oh hey
[11:57] RL: 2ee y4 th3n
[11:57] CN: DB is there
[11:57] RL: ?
[11:57] CN: I think I'll talk to him
[11:57] RL: y3ah, h3's p3st3r1ng m3
[11:57] CN: Haha
[11:57] RL: h4v3 fun
[11:57] CN: Oh boy
[11:57] CN: I'll leave him to you then
[11:58] CN: Or do you want me to distract him?
[11:58] RL: th3 c00k13 w4s...
[11:58] RL: A Distaction
[11:58] CN: Hahahaha
[11:58] CN: xD
[11:58] RL: y3ah, 1'll h4ndl3 h1m
[11:58] CN: Aight then
[11:58] CN: Bye or sometihng
[11:58] RL: by3 0r s0m3th1ng
-- ragingLunatic [RL] ceased pestering cookieNommer [CN] at 23:58 --