-- CURRENT captianAnalysis [CCA] walks up to the group --
-- CURRENT pr00bingAudit00r [CPA] strolls out of the jungle towards the group --
CPA: hell00 fel-
CPA: that is al00t 00f fire.
CCA: ^^wait who th3 h3ll ar3 th3s3 douch3bags^^
CPA: and bl0000d.
CSS: yeah this fire is sort of worryin-
CSS: wait who's that guy
CSS: and who's the other guy
CCT: what she sa!d
CCT: *What
CTB: oh of course |t |s reun|on t|me
CTB: over there |s troy. He's supposed to be here
CTB: and over there |s C/\. He's not.
CPA: Oh. h00w terrible. meet up with the party and n00t even intr00duce myself. I'm Tr-. Darn. Y00u als00 kn00w me as PA.
-- CURRENT considerateTormentor [CCT] loiters behind the group --
-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] hears ruckus from the other side of the camp --
CCA: ^^y3ah y3ah y3ah who's th3 chick in black^^
CCT: I'm Em!ly
CCT: What are you
CCA: ^^I'm a troll, and th3 fuck ar3 you doing h3r3^^
CTB: um.
CTB: ummmmmmmmmmmm.
CCT: Jesus calm down
CCT: Are you try!ng to troll me r!ght now
CCT: That's
CCA: ^^oh gods no^^
CCT: Not a very good job you're do!ng
CCA: ^^trolling is a distinct and anci3nt art^^
CCA: ^^not som3thing I'd wast3 on you^^
CCT: Wh!ch you seem to suck at
CCA: ^^but s3riously how ar3 you h3r3^^
CCA: ^^did you m3t3or your way in lik3 th3 oth3r asshol3^^
CCA: ^^and sp3ak of th3 d3vil, wh3r3 is th3 oth3r asshol3^^
CCT: The asshole w!th shrubbery for ha!r
CTB: Hey.
CPA: I'm assuming I cant act dumb and silly until y00u leave, can I CA?
CCA: ^^no^^
CCA: ^^this is th3 most s3rious of busin3ss3s^^
CCA: ^^wh3r3 is th3 douch3 in black^^
CCA: ^^I n33d to hav3 a f3w choic3 words with him^^
-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] finally makes her way over --
CTE: [Um, was +ha+ +he guy Alex killed?]
CSS: what kind of words?
CKM: Oh man.
CKM: Given that you aren't wearing a stupid helmet, I'm assuming you're Troy.
CTB: welcome back to the party, M|m|
CSS: got it in one, at least so he says he is
CPA: The 00ne and h00pefully 00nly.
-- CURRENT kineticMoonlight [CKM] shakes Troy's hand --
CKM: Thanks for all your help, by the way. Back on my Land.
CTB: oh has troy been abus|ng the t|mestream for you
CTB: that's.... n|ce
-- CURRENT pr00bingAudit00r [CPA] RETURN HANDSHAKE, may be to strong. Troy hasn't done this for awhile. --
CPA: N00 pr00blem. I'd be stuck 00n y00ur's if it werent f00r the map. And n00w I d00nt even need a map t00 catch up anym00re if there's g00ing t00 be giant signal fires everywhere.
CCA: ^^okay I am b3ing ignor3d^^
CCA: ^^you ar3 ignoring a royal h3r3^^
CCA: ^^I should cull your ass3s right now but I'll b3 g3n3rous^^
CKM: Too bad. I mean, good to. Uh. Weren't you dead?
CCT: You aren't even a human
CCA: ^^wh3r3's th3 black asshol3^^
CKM: When did you stop being dead?
CCA: ^^lik3 t3n minut3s ago g3t with th3 program^^
CCA: ^^S3riously, wh3r3 is h3^^
CSS: your guess is as good as ours i suppose
CTE: [I +hink I already said he's dead]
CPA: Wh00?
CCA: ^^som3 chuckl3fuck in black armor who thinks h3 can sn3ak attack and qu3stion a royal for "d3f3ns3 purpos3s"^^
CKM: ...Why do Claire and Troy look so much alike?
CPA: Hmm. that se-
CSS: come to think of it....
CKM: Sorry. Thinking out loud.
CTB: probably we|rd ectob|osh|t
-- CURRENT pr00bingAudit00r [CPA] faces Claire and attempts the mirror thing. It must be tested. --
CSS: well that's kinda
CSS: awkward
CCT: ...Ssso uh
CCT: Anyone know !f these snakes are po!sonous or
CPA: S00rry. Investigati00ns. Onward.
-- CURRENT pr00bingAudit00r [CPA] straightens his glasses --
CCA: ^^Y3ah. Onward to WH33R33 IS THAT FUCKFAC33^^
CCT: I:¦
CTE: [oh +ha+ guy.]
CTE: [yeah he's defini+ely dead.]
CCT: I bel!eve my quest!on !s more press!ng
CSS: wait you mentioned armor right?
CKM: We all killed him.
CSS: also i think the snakes are pretty okay they are nice
CCT: Well then
CCA: ^^Dammit, I was going to do that.^^
CKM: It was an incredibly dramatic and touching moment.
CTB: yes, how dare we k|llsteal or try to avenge you or anyth|ng.
-- CURRENT considerateTormentor [CCT] walks off and easily locates a snake --
-- CURRENT ragingLunatic [CRL] snaps out of it --
-- CURRENT considerateTormentor [CCT] returns to the group, petting the snake's head which is poking out the top of her shirt --
CRL: They're not generally poisonous at all
CRL: they're nice, don't hurt them
CCT: I'm not
CCT: Look how cozy !t !s
CPA: Are they c00ns00rts? d00 they talk? Or are they just snakes?
CTB: who wants to bet |t w|ll suffocate
CCT: Its head !s r!ght here
CCT: People hold k!ttens l!ke th!s, why can't I apply !t to snakes
CTB: you can suffocate th|ngs by crush|ng the|r lungs too y'know
CCT: There's room
CCT: It's even-- wa!t
CCT: It's
CCT: Are snakes supposed to purr
CCT: I don't th!nk that's normal
CRL: Some of them do
CCT: ...Huh
CRL: Snakes are really a rather interesting topic
CCT: I propose everyone gets a sh!rtsnake
CCT: They're wonderful
CRL: Um.... actually, I think we'd best leave them alone for now
CCT: Awww why
CRL: They kind of need to... rebuild and things
CRL: and everything is still kind of on fire.
CCT: R!ght
CSS: you know
CSS: how can snakes rebuild?
CSS: like do they build things.. with their mouths
CCT: I'm help!ng th!s one
CCT: I'm supply!ng !t w!th warmth
CRL: Well they actually burrow, or at least they do here
CPA: D00 they talk like my g00-. Right. S00 whats the skinny 00n what 00ccured? Can I help with timey-wimey stuff?
CCT: Help a snake today
CCT: Stuff one down your sh!rt
CCT: I approve th!s message
CTB: That m|ght actually be awkward for some people, Em|ly
CCT: Then they're self!sh and uncar!ng
CCT: Look how adorable these th!ngs are
CRL: Um. Yeah, everything is definitely still on fire, guys
CRL: maybe we should be doing something about that
CSS: well personally the heat isn't bothering me
CCT: That's f!ne, I th!nk th!s one's warm enou-- wa!t that's not what you meant
CSS: but if you say so
CKM: Do that thingy again.
CPA: What thingy?
CKM: I saw you do it I think.
CKM: Danielle.
CSS: did it have to do with the crimson tide?
CRL: I don't know if I can do the thingy again
CKM: Okay, there is no way to phrase that in which it sounds respectful.
CPA: Oh. I saw that 00n my way here.
CKM: But hey! That's like, four out of five now!
CRL: Four out of five what?
CKM: Er. Eight. Sorry.
CKM: Claire, Emily, Alex and Mikhael still need to figure out what their magical mystical superpowers are.
CCA: ^^SO I HAV33 D33CID33D.^^
CKM: I'm assuming yours was the "red tide."
CCT: I thought !t was w!nd or someth!ng
CPA: Well. We have a ninja right? C00uld he be here right n00w? Ninja'ing?
CCT: I could l!ke
CCA: ^^D3spit3 your killst3aling bullshit, I think I'm not going to kill you.^^
CKM: Steve apparently can see the future. Except it didn't turn out the way he saw it?
CPA: H0000ray.
CCA: ^^Inst3ad, I'm just going to l3t you all d3al with this fir3 and th3n mak3 r3parations.^^
CCT: Help the snakes by be!ng the!r personal body temperature regulator
CCT: Can I do that
CCT: Is that a th!ng I can do
CCT: I don't hear any nos
CKM: I... I don't uh...
CTB: ...CT, do you have a th|ng for snakes
CTB: Wa|t, hold that
CTB: CT, |s there a th|ng you don't have a th|ng for?
CCT: What no they're adorable
CCT: I can f!nd snakes and test how po!sonous they are on you
CCT: You'd serve best that way
-- CURRENT considerateTormentor [CCT] nods the snake's head --
CCT: See, even they agree
CCA: ^^Now on to mor3 important matt3rs. Nam3ly, wh3r3 3xactly is th3 Mag3?^^
CPA: Well. Why d00nt y00u try talking t00 them Emily and see if they want t00 be stuffed d00wn pe00ples shirts.
CSS: the mage is alex right?
CRL: Troy, I don't think Emily speaks snake
CPA: Well the animals 00n the 00ther lands c00uld talk, I've been t00 tw00 s00 far and they had been pretty pers00nable after they had 00pened up a bit.
CCT: I can tell !t !s perfectly f!ne w!th th!s arrangement
CRL: Also, much as I hate to say it, I think the pink asshole has a point.
CCT: Why else would !t keep act!ng so goddamn cute
CRL: Where the hell did Alex even go?
CSS: well he went with mimi and steve
CSS: to go look for the diamonds dude
CRL: .....Mimi, you left Alex and Steve.
CRL: Alone.
CSS: oh psh he's a ninja they'll be okay
CRL: In a jungle with one of our PRIME TARGETS?
CPA: ....
-- CURRENT considerateTormentor [CCT] disappears --
CPA: Well. I can catch him. Just w00uld take s00me time h00pping 00n my part but I think I can get him.
CRL: Catching Diamonds has moved down a rung on the list of priorities.
CRL: Right now, the main one is finding Alex before he finds Diamonds.
CKM: ....What?
CKM: Oh God.
CKM: Alex and Steve didn't follow?
CKM: Either way, Diamonds is gone. Couldn't get to him.
CRL: Are you entirely sure.
CKM: Pretty sure. On top of that, Alex and Steve are pretty strong.
CRL: .....Do you even remember what Alex's weird sburb shit is?
CRL: Because I can tell you
CKM: Rage something.
CRL: It's flipping his shit and killing everything within a 100-foot radius.
CKM: Are you implying it would be bad if Alex snapped and cut Diamonds to pieces?
CKM: You're wrong.
CRL: Because then Steve would end up in the aftermath.
CRL: Plus it kinds of sucks for Alex.
CKM: Steve is fast and sneaky. And we want Diamonds dead.
CKM: Tortured for information, maybe. But ultimately dead.
-- CURRENT considerateTormentor [CCT] resurns with about 8 snakes crawling about her shirt, jacket and neck --
CRL: Do you really think that Steve will realize what's going on with Alex in time?
CRL: Protip: He won't.
CKM: I could just like pester him. Like right now. Get over here. You know.
CCT: It feels l!ke I m!ssed someth!ngI'd've l!ked to help w!th
CRL: Yes, because they can just walk through the fire.
CRL: Speaking of which, how did you even get here?
CPA: Me?
CKM: Really. You're asking how I saw a path through the fire.
CKM: The Seer.
CRL: And you're wondering how the other two guys aren't going to be able to do the same thing.
CKM: ...That's a good point, though. I should go grab them in a minue or two.
CRL: Yeah. Do that.
CKM: You can't tell me what to do, though.
CKM: I'm not saying it's not advisable. But stop being so pushy.
CRL: Steve's life is kind of in danger.
CRL: Pushy is necessary sometimes.
CKM: Now that I think about it, though....
CKM: Where the hell is Mikhael?
CKM: Wasn't he supposed to be following Troy?
CPA: He's...s00mewhere.
CCA: ^^probably pissing around on his land as most knights ar3 3rrant to do^^
CCA: ^^and b3ing slow to aid his comrad3s^^
CCA: ^^again, as knights ar3 3rrant to do^^
CPA: We g00t seperated 00n y00ur w00rld Mimi, I think I was investigating.
CCA: ^^but anyways, th3 Mag3 is right ov3r th3r3, you said?^^
CKM: Yep.
CCA: ^^33xc3ll3nt, h3 and I n33d to hav3 a chat^^
-- CURRENT captianAnalysis [CCA] jets --
CKM: Okay, yeah, I'm gonna go head off to grab Alex again. And Steve. But especially Steve.
CPA: Care t00 team-up 00n the ninja rescue miss00n Mimi? I kinda want t00 meet Alex, being his server player and all.
CCA ceased responding to memo.
CCT: Can I go
CKM: Sure. Sounds fine by me.
CTB: No, you're too covered |n rept|les
CCT: There !s no such th!ng as too covered !n rept!les
CKM ceased responding to memo.
CPA: Until y00u bec00me the reptiles. They are y00u.
CTE: [um]
CTE: [+ha+ is kind of a lo+ of snakes +hough]
CCT: What no !t's not
CTE: [you don'+ wan+ +o drop +hem, do you?]
CCT: It's not even ten of them, jeez
CTB: Because Em|ly knows exactly how many snakes |t takes to... actually, no, that joke's too easy
CSS: what?
-- CURRENT considerateTormentor [CCT] puts a snake coming out of her sleeve all up in TB's grill --
-- CURRENT testingBeta [CTB] is not amused --
-- CURRENT considerateTormentor [CCT] is --
-- CURRENT considerateTormentor [CCT] pulls her arm back and pets the snake --
CCT: I'm sorry I had to do that
CRL: Yeah. Be nicer to my snakes.
CRL: >:I
CTE: [um so]
CTE: [I +hink I'm jus+ gonna follow Mimi +hen]
CPA ceased responding to memo.
CTE: [y'know, avoid +he o+her spacebi+ch when she comes back]
-- CURRENT toenailEater [CTE] follows mimi --
CTE ceased responding to memo.
-- CURRENT considerateTormentor [CCT] puts the snakes back in the general area she found them and catches up --