[08:19] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] began pestering considerateTormentor [CT] at 20:19 --
[08:19] KM: Hello!
[08:19] CT: Hey
[08:19] CT: Who are you
[08:19] CT: The same person who f!rst contacted me
[08:19] KM: Did I introduce myself earlier? I forget. I'm Mimi, or KM.
[08:19] CT: You d!d, but I d!dn't know what you looked l!ke
[08:20] CT: For all I know, you were a shape-sh!ft!ng enemy
[08:20] CT: Or someth!ng
[08:20] KM: Hehehe. Yep, long flowy hair, that's me.
[08:20] CT: I used to have long flowy ha!r
[08:20] KM: What happened to it?
[08:20] CT: But !t got !n the way of my
[08:20] CT: Act!v!t!es
[08:20] CT: I made use of !t, though
[08:20] CT: I created th!ngs out of !t
[08:20] KM: You keep doing that thing where you pause and say a different word like it's supposed to be terrible.
[08:21] CT: What's wrong w!th paus!ng
[08:21] KM: I do that too, except with word combinations.
[08:22] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] looks around --
[08:22] KM: So do you really have a dungeon or something? I think you mentioned that before.
[08:22] CT: Oh I uh I
[08:22] CT: When d!d I ment!on that
[08:23] KM: I'm not sure, actually. You just seem like the kind of person who would have a dungeon.
[08:23] CT: Thank
[08:23] CT: You?
[08:23] CT: You don't seem l!ke the k!nd of person to have a dungeon
[08:24] KM: No, but I have plenty of
[08:24] CT: But then aga!n, people are somet!mes not how they appear on the outs!de
[08:24] KM: Other things.
[08:24] CT: Are you mock!ng me
[08:24] CT: Just a l!ttle b!t there
[08:24] KM: No, just trying it out. It's really fun.
[08:24] CT: Heheheheh'
[08:24] CT: If you want, we can go upsta!rs
[08:24] KM: I think I'm going to do that from now on. Your sentence pause hipster status has been revoked.
[08:24] CT: And I can show you my
[08:24] CT: Bedroom
[08:25] CT: NOOO
[08:25] KM: TOO OBVIOUS! You need to be more subtle in your awkward. Like me.
[08:25] CT: I was ser!ous
[08:25] KM: Oh.
[08:25] CT: I have some cool stuff !n there
[08:25] CT: Though most people are really off-put by !t
[08:25] KM: Like what?
[08:26] -- considerateTormentor [CT] leads KM to her room --
[08:26] CT: Well, for one, the wall
[08:26] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] walks up the staircase and looks around --
[08:26] CT: It's covered !n voodoo dolls
[08:26] CT: And other dolls
[08:27] KM: Oh, my. This is some serious stuff. Do you actually believe in voodoo?
[08:27] CT: No, not at all
[08:27] KM: Booo! Boring. Anything can happen in SBURB, better start believing.
[08:27] CT: But I'm not allowed to take out my frustrat!on w!th people on the people themselves w!thout the!r perm!ss!on
[08:27] CT: And !f they g!ve me perm!ss!on, well
[08:27] CT: Then !t's not the same
[08:28] CT: Thus, all these worn husks of voodoo dolls
[08:28] KM: Do you have a lot of people to be frustrated with? You don't seem like you would.
[08:28] CT: I'm not exactly popular at school
[08:29] CT: I'm the we!rd k!d or some other vague bullsh!t stereotype people use to have a reason to hate or look down on others
[08:29] KM: And looked how well everything worked out for popular kids at school! Now they've all blown up.
[08:29] CT: I have some fr!ends, but most of them are !n the same boat
[08:29] CT: Or rather, were
[08:29] KM: Or got wasted by meteors. Or whatever.
[08:29] CT: That's confort!ng
[08:29] KM: Everything I say should be comforting, since I'm the only guide you've got right now.
[08:29] CT: If not for the fact that some of the people who d!ed probably d!dn't d!e pa!nfully
[08:30] CT: And I wasn't there to w!tness !t personally
[08:30] KM: Don't worry, you'll be able to take out your frustration all you want in this game.
[08:31] CT: Now that those jackasses are gone, I don't know !f I'll have much more frustrat!on to take out
[08:31] CT: Unless th!s game w!ll supply me w!th ample amounts of frustrat!on
[08:31] KM: It will.
[08:32] CT: I had a feel!ng you'd say that
[08:32] KM: How so? Are you psychic or something?
[08:33] CT: No, but RL gave me the !mpress!on that th!s game was some crazy sh!t I got myself !nto
[08:33] CT: But they never expl!c!tly sa!d so
[08:33] CT: L!ke gr!st
[08:33] KM: It starts out easy then gets crazier. In fact, it's sort of driving me crazy.
[08:33] CT: It's gushers you spend on stuff
[08:33] CT: And you can't even eat !t
[08:34] CT: That's bullsh!t, why would the monsters reward you w!th a taunt
[08:34] CT: All th!s gr!st
[08:34] CT: I wanna eat !t
[08:34] KM: Then why don't you just alchemize up some giant-sized Fruit Gushers?
[08:34] CT: I don't bel!eve !n voodoo
[08:35] CT: Why would I bel!eve !n alchemy
[08:35] CT: ...Th!s game has alchemy doesn't !t
[08:35] KM: I just killed a ten-foot faceless colossus with a medieval weapon that shoots physics.
[08:35] KM: It's time to start believing.
[08:36] CT: How do I do !t
[08:36] CT: Also, what are those mach!nes for and what do I do w!th them
[08:36] KM: Uhhhh...
[08:36] KM: Guess I should show you.
[08:36] CT: 'Kay
[08:36] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] leads Emily over to the machines. --
[08:36] -- considerateTormentor [CT] follows --
[08:37] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] puts a strange-looking baseball cap in the punch designex then lets it punch the card. --
[08:37] CT: Is that a tarot card or someth!ng
[08:38] KM: No.
[08:38] CT: Okay, because I was wonder!ng what a baseball cap had to do w!th pred!ct!ng the future
[08:38] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] takes the punches card over to the dowel-making machine and makes it create a weird vase or something. --
[08:38] CT: Is that an urn or someth!ng
[08:39] CT: Yes, I am go!ng to keep guess!ng what they are
[08:39] KM: It's a dowel. It holds raw information.
[08:39] CT: And say "or someth!ng" every t!me
[08:39] CT: What
[08:39] CT: Is that l!ke how crystals can supposedly hold !nformat!on
[08:40] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] takes the vase-like thing over to the alchemiter then presses a couple buttons. --
[08:40] KM: *an exact replica of the baseball cap appears. Mimi repeats, and a second baseball cap comes into being on the alchemiter*
[08:41] CT: What the
[08:41] CT: What
[08:41] KM: These are oxygen baseball caps. I don't know how they work, but if you wear them, you can breathe underwater.
[08:41] CT: Oxygen baseba
[08:41] CT: I repeat:
[08:41] CT: What
[08:41] KM: Now, if you repeat the process but with TWO punched cards before you make the dowel, you can combine two objects.
[08:42] CT: How does that even work, It's on the top of your head
[08:42] KM: Hey, don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
[08:42] KM: Then again, I'm all about looking gift horses in the mouth.
[08:42] CT: I'm not sure the horse !s real
[08:42] KM: Doesn't matter. Anyway, that's alchemy for you.
[08:43] CT: So !f I comb!ne a cat o' n!ne ta!ls w!th a razor blade, I'll get a n!ne-ended razor-t!pped wh!p
[08:43] CT: Uh
[08:43] CT: Hypothet!cally
[08:43] KM: Ideally.
[08:43] CT: SWEET
[08:43] KM: Sometimes the results are bust. I doubt my pillowcase parachute is actually going to help me.
[08:43] CT: I mean, that's cool, I guess
[08:44] KM: It's alright to show a little
[08:44] KM: Enthusiasm.
[08:44] CT: Enthus--
[08:44] CT: Damm!t
[08:45] CT: I'm used to my show!ng enthus!asm result!ng !n people star!ng at me l!ke I just punched a k!tten !n the gut
[08:46] KM: Those people don't exist here! It's just your quote unquote enthusiasm, my sentence pauses and a vast ocean of awkwardness.
[08:48] KM: Either way, I suppose there's a clock a-ticking. Normally I wouldn't pester the others, but Steve didn't witness the blowout and I'm really kind of worried about him.
[08:48] KM: So! One moment.
[08:48] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] ceased pestering considerateTormentor [CT] at 20:48 --