[08:31] -- lightningHunter [LH] began pestering greekKiller [GK] at 20:31 --
[08:31] LH: Hello.
[08:31] GK: AgaiN?
[08:32] LH: Yes Again, How else would I be a benefactor if I make some cryptic remarks to you and never appear again. I wouldnt be very good if I did not appear again.
[08:34] GK: YeS, I GuesS.
[08:35] LH: Well now you have to alchemize something of notable worth, Although your resources do not allow you to create great objects you can create lesser objects that can be great, And not like those pistols of yours. Sorry.
[08:36] GK: PistolS?
[08:36] LH: Sorry.
[08:36] LH: Well disregard that.
[08:36] GK: AlL I HavE IS A GainT SworD AnD ThiS HanD CannoN.
[08:37] LH: Much too mundane, You need something with flash, Have you seen any giant free standing Mirrors lately?
[08:37] GK: WhaT? DO YoU Can'T MeaN... "ThaT MirroR?"
[08:38] GK: HoW ThE HelL DO YoU KnoW AbouT ThaT?
[08:39] LH: Are you really questioning me now? I already can see your combat with the imps and know who you are. Why wouldnt I know about "THE MIRROR"
[08:39] GK: BuT HoW?
[08:41] LH: I just do. I have a bit of past knowledge on the subject.
[08:41] GK: OK, I WisH YoU WoulD StoP BeinG SO MysteriouS.
[08:42] GK: NoW WhaT DO YoU WanT ME TO DO WitH I-
[08:42] LH: It makes things that much more fun. If it wasnt it would practically be cheating.
[08:42] GK: OH WaiT.
[08:42] GK: I Can'T.
[08:42] GK: ItS DestorieD.
[08:42] LH: All the better.
[08:42] GK: WhaT?
[08:43] LH: You now have your own personal view port into the shifting tides, and I would personally suggest alchemizing it. Or atleast saving it for alchemitization.
[08:44] GK: YoU MeaN...
[08:44] GK: ...AlchemizE IT?
[08:44] LH: Yes. That. Sorry. Etymology isnt my strong suit.
[08:45] GK: SO YoU WanT ME TO UsE ThE THinG ThaT CaN SeE IntO ThE FuturE AnD ShiT FoR SomE KinD OF VeiwinG DevicE?
[08:46] LH: Nope. It does that already. Well kind of. You figure it out. I just put the tools in your hands. You're free to brain yourself with them.
[08:47] GK: OK TheN.
[08:47] GK: IS ThaT AlL?
[08:47] LH: Preeetty much.
[08:47] GK: ByE THeN, I GuesS.
[08:47] -- greekKiller [GK] ceased pestering lightningHunter [LH] at 20:47 --
[06:10] -- repentantAntagonist [RA] began pestering greekKiller [GK] at 18:10 --
[06:10] RA: hello?
[06:10] RA: yo, mikhael, you there?
[06:10] GK: YeS?
[06:11] RA: ah, good
[06:11] GK: WhO ArE YoU?
[06:11] RA: I need to get my bearings, won't take long, i promise
[06:11] RA: okay, have you started playing sburb yet?
[06:11] GK: WaiT, YouR OnE OF ThosE PeoplE WhO KeeP PesterinG ME AbouT MysteriouS ShiT, Aren'T YoU?
[06:12] RA: uh...
[06:12] RA: well, maybe
[06:12] RA: i promise, i won't pester you much after this
[06:12] GK: I HopE.
[06:12] RA: i just need to figure out when i am, as it were
[06:12] RA: anyway
[06:13] GK: WelL, IN AnY CasE, YeaH, I AM PlayinG ThE DooM DayS GamE KnowN AS SburB.
[06:13] RA: are you playing yet?
[06:13] RA: excellent
[06:13] RA: who else is playing with you?
[06:13] RA: just their pesterchum abbreviations should be fine
[06:14] GK: SeveN OtherS. RT, AL, DB, SS, PA, AnD CR.
[06:14] GK: ThE LasT OF WhicH I HavE YeT TO FormallY MeeT.
[06:15] RA: oh, don't worry, he's a good guy
[06:15] RA: okay, this is all very good so far
[06:15] GK: I KnoW.
[06:15] RA: now, is everyone in?
[06:15] GK: I'M NoT SurE.
[06:15] RA: not sure?
[06:16] -- repentantAntagonist [RA] ceased pestering greekKiller [GK] at 18:16 --
[06:16] GK: ...
[06:16] GK: WhaT?
[06:16] RA: well...
[06:16] RA: i'm trying to prevent something of a disaster
[06:16] GK: OK TheN.
[06:16] RA: and i need to know if you've all gone through your gates once
[06:17] RA: but if you don't know if everyone is in, i guess no one has yet?
[06:17] RA: yes or no?
[06:17] GK: CaN YoU StoP AnD WaiT FoR OnE SeconD SO I CaN TypE?
[06:17] RA: uh, right
[06:17] GK: IT Isn'T EasY TypinG LikE ThiS.
[06:17] RA: like what?
[06:18] GK: I MeaN, I Can'T SeT ThiS AS A QuriK.
[06:18] RA: oh
[06:18] GK: SO I HavE TO TypE OuT AlL ThesE CapitalS >.>
[06:18] RA: i see
[06:19] GK: AnywaY, BacK TO YouR EarileR QuestionS.
[06:19] GK: I ThinK CrazyRoniN Isn'T QuitE IN YeT, BuT I Haven'T HearD FroM HiM, AnD A FeW OtheR PeoplE.
[06:19] GK: I DO NoT ThinK WE ArE AlL GoinG IntO OuR GateS AT OncE.
[06:19] RA: well, assuming he doesn't get squished in this time-line
[06:19] RA: this should be good for now.
[06:20] GK: ExcusE ME?
[06:20] RA: nothing you need to worry about, trust me
[06:20] RA: i'm here now anyway, i can probably prevent it even if it was going to happen
[06:20] GK: ...
[06:20] RA: i mean, i only ran into that problem once, but damn
[06:20] RA: imagine my surprise
[06:20] GK: OK...
[06:21] RA: anyhow
[06:21] RA: i'm going to stick around in this timespace
[06:21] RA: i think i can finally get the alpha timeline moving correctly
[06:21] RA: if i'm right
[06:21] RA: oh
[06:21] GK: NoT MorE OF ThiS.
[06:21] RA: one more thing, before i go
[06:21] GK: WhaT.
[06:22] RA: AL and RL are going to go investigating on her planet right after AL wakes up
[06:22] RA: it is extremely important that they go alone
[06:22] GK: "WakE UP"?
[06:22] GK: WhaT PlaneT?
[06:22] RA: prospit?
[06:22] GK: ProspiT?
[06:22] RA: LoSaJ
[06:22] RA: oh boy
[06:23] RA: ok, look, the important thing is that just the two of them go
[06:23] RA: you've gone before, and it has not been pretty, okay?
[06:23] GK: OK.
[06:23] RA: anyway, i have things to do, as i'm sure you do as well. see ya.
[06:23] GK: BuT TO BE HonesT.
[06:23] RA: hm?
[06:24] GK: I AM GettinG TireD OF AlL ThesE CyrptiC InsturctionS.
[06:24] -- greekKiller [GK] ceased pestering repentantAntagonist [RA] at 18:24 --
Not sure how helpful Mikheal can be with that second guy though, seeing as hes a Dersite Dreamer.