Update? Ugh. Why? Just give up already, you idiot. People care more about bringing a game that's been dead for months back then your lame shit. Mine as well kill yourself.
No never, updates forever.
"Uh..""Would you just order already?""I don't know French.""Just order something.""Geez, fine. Um.. I'll have the steak tartare cheval.""Right away Monsieur. Mademoiselle."
"Weird he didn't ask me how I wanted it.""Why have I not seen you around school?""Besides the fact that I'm in high school and your not?""Oh, I forgot you were older then me, you're quite short.""I'm taller then you are...""Yes, but I'm younger than you." :I"You obviously don't go to the same private school I attend."Not exactly obvious.. but to her it apparently was (I assume some sort of k-12 were the 8th and 9th graders share the same.. class halls... or something. I don't freaking know)
"I go to Wesley King High, in *we still haven't named the city or the "Burg" Nick lives in*""What's the name of the headmaster? I may have to transfer next year.""Headmaster? It's not a school for wizards. It's just some public school.""Public? Oh dear. But I guess sacrifices must be made in the name of love.""Wait what?""I'm quite smitten with you Nicholas.":I Next update should be one of the lasts in the flashback, and will reveal;
THE ULTIMATE SECRET MYSTERYCan't wait either, Nick's younger self sprite has always been effed up a bit, especially when re-sized bigger. I like the wall and the carpet in the shots, but I think I messed up the table a bit looks like I simply applied a gradient to it. Plus perspective is still wonky, oh well. Lazy Lazy Lazy.
edit- fixed the pink back to violet.