Its just balancing the "Want it now!1!" part of us with the "Well it will be better in the end if we wait.." part of us.
To use minecraft in an actual positive example (cause hey, its an awesome game) when Notch was working on the multiplayer part of it people were chomping at the bit for him to release, ultimately he caved to the pressure and released earlier then he intended to after discussing (and I think making a poll) asking people if they'd prefer a quicker version that was likely to still have some significant bugs in it or wait for them to be hammered out. They opted for quicker and got it.. And then almost immediately started bitching about the bugs.. You just cannot please some people.
Now yes, generally every major release of DF has bugs in it, but hey major releases of AAA games have bugs too and they have millions of dollars worth of budget and entire buildings full of staff (and aside from graphics many AAA games are less complicated then your odd DF release).
Toady will do what he does, get the game updated. I'll do what I do, be annoyed that it takes so long with one half of my brain and with the other half understand that quality (or perhaps.. Beyond quality? HA!) takes time, particularly when you have two people working on it who also no doubt have lives.
But the waaaiit is the hardest part..
By comparison, I'm basically doing the same thing with Diablo III right now. Blizzard has this habit of releasing tons of info on games they are years out of completing and then almost always end up missing whatever release date they do say by months anyways. That said, (YMMV), Blizzard rarely releases 'bad' games (ok I heard some rough things about Starcraft II but I haven't played that one) where as companies who rush titles out often have games that are missing tons of features or flat out don't work.
This one will come out before too long, then we'll get another half dozen or so that fix bugs like having vampires burst into flame when they come into contact with cats or plump helmets gain the ability to rain fire and brimstone down onto a map and by the end we'll all be waiting for whatever the next one is.