The dwarves of the Tome Organs had been in a dire situation. Goblins, Werewolves and Illithids had been sieging their beloved Mountainhome for years. The dwarves had been losing ground. Their outposts were starting to crumble. The queen was also losing resources, and riots were beginning at the lack of shiny things combined with the stress of war. During one riot, a dwarf named Buck had started a rather powerful riot that ended with several jailings. He was to wait to hear his fate from the Queen of dwarves herself. Several weeks past and finally a guard showed up.
"Buck Glazeportals. Its time." A rather heavily armored guard said. Buck didn't say anything, he simply followed the guard to the Queen's Throne room.
The queen Datan sat on her throne, looking down at Buck and the guard. "Thank you, guardsmen. Return to your post." with that, the guard left the room. Buck looked up at the Queen, and she stared back at him rather superiorly.
"I believe a few weeks ago you and several other dwarves caused a riot. I know the war has taken a toll on us all. But causing mayhem is NOT acceptable." she said with some anger.
"Ya can't go expectin' us to sit down while we are in a war with three other races."
"That is no excuse. We are wasting resources on petty riots happening around the Mountainhome. I for one, am fed up with this. You want to help? Well you have no choice now. You're going to take a group of six with you and four raptors. We're sending you to go create an outpost to help the Tome of Organs. Guards, prepare him for the travel. Send six other rioters with him. This outpost will be called Gravebolt. Have a good trip."
The guards walked in and took Buck off. They rounded up a group and a wagon and a few raptors and they set off. The group was known as The Abyssal Road. A fitting name for their trip to Gravebolt. Their trek was dangerous and long. Finally, they arrived.
"Looks like we're here. Time to git this outpost made." Buck said, with a slight smile.
Im retrying a community fortress. I embarked in Untamed wilds. I don't really know how to upload pictures so you'll have to make due without them unless I decide to learn. Feel free to keep journals of your dwarves, it'll be fun. Genesis mod.
Buck - Taken by me.
Male Miner, stone dwarf
Male Miner, stone dwarf
Male Carpenter, Woodcrafter, stone dwarf
Female Woodcutter - NRDL (Taken) Jade dwarf
Female Mason, Engraver and Stonecrafter Moss dwarf
Male Hunter, Ambusher, archer, bowdwarf, dodger, Obsidan Dwarf - (Taken)
Waiting to be dwarfed:
Just ask me if you want a dwarf. Give em a name and a bio if you wish and i'll see that you get your dwarf!