Planning on making an adventurer rest home in a haunted biome. Armed with only marble blocks and about 100 units of drink and food, we set out and embark in a 2x2 fort making the FPS rocket to the heavens. Hilarity ensues. <Genesis Mod>
Spring 101
First we lay down the walls and floor, that works well until a couple of harpies show up. I draft the starting seven into a wrestling squad, it works well. Nearly finishing the armory and decorative items for my adventurer and lucky us, Ogres! I draft them again and end up slaughtering the monsters only ending up with one of them losing an arm. We continue in peace.
Summer 101
Hello migrants! The first floor is complete with statues, a library, the armory and the bedroom. Now the roof. I also planned a nice dungeon so I dig down into the first cavern layer. Soon after I get hit by a trio of gargoyles. I'm happy with how my dwarves are, experienced fighters now so I draft them all and charge at the beasts. Ending up with one dying from suffocation. Soon after, I get rabbits
spewing from the stairway to the cavern. Also, some wicked spiders come forth and spew their beautiful webbing on the things only to be handled by my dwarves. No losses somehow.
Autumn 101
More migrants! 24 in all now. Just a week after the first autumn leaf, I get a forgotten beast! A winged silverfish with deadly spittle, yay. It rushes through the stairwell and demolishes my armory, and librarium before I could give any orders (damn high FPS). I end up wrestling or punching it to death with all my dwarfy brethren, losing about 2 in exchange. This soon follows by a Giant gargoyle attack, complete with goblin & kobold thieves. One dies here. A trio of Ogres and a couple of harpies come two weeks after that. I wonder now why I made the rest home white when three of the four corners are coated red. We manage to
kill neutralize the threat ending up with 15 near Legendary fighters/wrestlers. And here is when the first floor & roof complete with inner bedrooms/dining hall and dungeon path was finished. The statues decorating the hallway into the dungeon depict scenes of battle from what happened above. Somehow, this never happens in my
other evil biome forts...
Sorry I took a lot of space here, just couldn't believe all that happened in three seasons in your first year. I didn't bother looking at the combat reports as the first monster that died has about 30 before even getting close to death. Also, ghosts now inhabit the rest house but somehow they disappeared when my adventurer settled in...