Pretty much that. I'm not nearly bored with Kath yet, so even if I did perish in honorable combat-or, more likely Kathryn would try to get Rolf to run away with her worse comes to worse-I'd just end up making the same archtype of character, anyway, even with different classes and whatnot.
Can't promise I won't be bitter about getting PK'ed, but I wont take it personally. I'd feel worse about doing it to someone else, actually. Which is why Kath will try to walk the tightrope and mediate the conflict between the man shes growing to love and the people she views as her extended family. Either way, it's bound to very dramatic for character development.
I've made peace with the possibility of all of it, and I'm already drawing up new character ideas just in case like you said. It actually helps alot, emotionally detaching myself from one char and putting myself into the possible next one.
@Weirdsound/Kuji:On that, what is the status of the soldier advanced classes that you guys are working on? I'm interested in playing one next char, but I'd like to see what my options for advancement might be.
I have to ask you, Haika, if there is any chance of a bonus session this week, what with DYWBTB on hiatus until Serious gets back, I assume?
We did leave monday on a half session, because of a brother inviting the GM to a bonfire-I hope that was fun, btw! I don't mind you had to go for that, really.
Finally, the weather is lousy where I live and I cannot do much of anything. I have not seen the sun in three days, and could use some diversion.