(I'm starting to think this game is getting to complex for me. That and the crappy rules I made. Will try to finish game.)
(Making a new rule: Labs are limited to 20 per group.)
United Kingdom
Money is poured into Project Sol. It seems that while the elevator is feasible, it will take a large amount of funds to even build the base of the structure. -4 credits
The rest of the month's funding has gone into the economy. (2) It has little effect overall
- 4 labs
- 6 credits per turn
- 78% morale
Credits: 8
Research Projects:
Project Dragoon: 26 turns
Project Sol: 9 turns
With research complete in Project Walker, whole factories can now be done via machine. It would take 6 credits to set up even one. 1 of these factories have been commissioned
(3) The area of infection has been quarantined. However, there have been sightings of strange creatures in the wilds...Just roaming and watching. Citizens are distressed by the actions of the military. The Opposition is pressuring the government. -10% morale
- 7 labs
- (1 automated factory being constructed)
- 6 credits per turn
- 10 troops in Australia
- 61% morale
Credits: 12
Research Projects
Project Seastalker: 81 turns and 90 credits to fund.
Two labs are ordered for construction. -8 credits
A troop is produced. -2 credits
The Canadian government announces a new project; the construction of a new space station. (6) Many groups have offered their help and some are offering discounted prices. However, the project is not popular with large segments of society; thinking it a waste of money. -6% morale
(6) And with one credit, the damage from your announcement is healed. Unfortunately, the Opposition has forced you to give up a certain amount of income each turn for the people. -1 credit. -3 credits per turn. +6% morale
(6) A team is easily sent to Australia, to find out more about this disease. They are however forced to stay in Perth due to the unwillingness of the Australian government to let the Canadians know any more.
(2) The bill is simply not passed. Too many of your own government members disagree with you.
- 13 labs (Two being constructed)
- 7 credits per turn
- 5 troop in Canada
- 1 troop in South America
- 87% morale
Credits: 2
Research Projects
Increase production: 15 turns
(3) A PR campaign is commissioned to explain where all the money is going. It does little good. +2% morale
(6) Your cronies are able to secure those who were against the construction of the nukes. However, a few of your cronies them are beginning to question your ideas. (5) One of your agents has left the service.
Cossack training complete.
-6 labs
- 2 Spy training centres
- 9 credits per turn
-17 troops in Russia
-1 cossack in Russia
- 72% morale.
Credits: 45
Research Projects
The group is accepted into the country. In return, they have set up 2 spy centres free of charge. 4 spies are at your disposal.
Your advisors are still requesting 3 credits to upgrade the country infrastructure.
- 2 credits per turn
- 2 troop in Mongolia
-2 spy centres
-4 spies
- 87& morale
Credits: 4
Research Projects
Wind Power: 3 turns
United States
Two labs are ordered for construction. -8 credits.
Two spy centres are ordered for construction. -8 credits
4 credits are put into Project Valve
Troops evacuated from international bases. -19% morale
- 14 labs (2 being constructed)
-2 spy training centres (2 being constructed)
-1 spy ready
- 12 credits per turn
- 14 troops in US
- 60% morale
Credits: 2
Research Projects
Project Valve: 10 turns
Saudi Arabia
Regiment trained. -2 credits
All troops brought over to Somalia.
Project Urbanization scaled down.
(3) vs (4) The attack on the first village fails. Fortunately, only 1 credit is needed to reinforce.
(5) vs (5) The attack makes it into the village, but is unfortunately repulsed.
(3) Pirate raiders have struck. -1 credit.
-2 labs
-1 spy training centre
- 7 credits per turn
-4 troops in Somalia
-2 disabled troops
-59% morale
Credits: 4
Research Projects:
Project Urbanization. 23 turns.
Training started on islands.
(1) Ecuador demands the funds by next turn, or they WILL leak everything to the press
(2-3) The economy weakens. -2 credits
4 credits put into a project
- 4 labs
-1 training grounds in Ecuador
- 5 credits per turn
- 80% morale
Credits: 8
Research Projects:
Biogenic Alteration: 1 turns
Project Sol: 10 turns
Project: Elementa mirum 53 turns
Repairs nearly complete; country has suffered from disparity. (3) 4 labs lost and 2 credits lost.
- 7 labs
- 8 credits per turn
-61% morale
Credits: 5
Research Projects
Project REX :18 turns
Reaper Inc
(6) Your men warn the citizens of the population, driving many into joining. However, the EU and Germany are getting rather interested in you.
Due to the laws of the nation, you cannot truly raise a troop. However, you are able to train your members in self-defence.
-2 troops
-1 credits per turn
Credits: 5
Research Projects
(3) Once the men arrive, they are put into quarantine. Soon after, half of them go into a frenzy and start killing their guards. However, you soon kill all those who went mad, and saved the rest.
(3) Supply lines are attacked; some are rebuffed. 1 troops lost.
Facilities cost 5 credits. -5 credits. Will be complete in 2 turns.
(1) A huge Chinese fleet has appeared on your shores. 12 troops are landing as we speak.
- 1 credits per turn
-8 troops in Somalia
Credits: -2
Research Projects
Facilities: 2 turns
Grey Guard Industries
After the initial attacks by the Arabian troops, the GGI mercs are sent in to further harry the Somalian positions. Equipping the men with chemical weaponry, You begin bombardment of the towns. (2) The only thing you forgot to give your men was training. They miss for the most part and further more, mix up the order of gases. In 5 hours time, they rush the defenses (1)vs(6-1) The assault failed miserably. -2 troops lost.
Meanwhile, the organisation has sent envoys to the UN and Madagascar. (3-2) The UN does not condone mercenaries; Norway may, but not the UN as a whole. Your envoy is shouted out of the UN building.
(1-1) The president of Madagascar once again refuses.
-1 lab being constructed
-1 credits per turn
-1 troop in Somalia.
Credits: 1
Research Projects
Project Abacticus: 11 turns
Green Light Project
A group has banded together. A group of those who wish to safeguard the human species from the zombie threat. They have based themselves in the ruins of great Knossos, much to the anger of the Greek government.
They have established research facilities and a guard.
-2 labs
-1 credit per turn
-2 troops
Credits: 5
Research Projects
Porto Prisons. 15 turns
Rapid Aircraft. 18 turns
Holding Cells. 8 turns