The Bay 12 Games Report, September 1st, 2011Mission Status Escape from New York! No hurricane can stop us. Though battered, we carry on. This month was an awesome month. Congratulations to those who gave generously.
Fun with Numbers That was a little too stressful, but we should be back on track with the cleaning again. It's still too difficult to figure out just when the release is going to be. At least this month doesn't have anything particular going on, so once I've recovered (day or so), I should return to some kind of wholesome routine.
August: $4818.25
July: $6615.67
June: $2374.03
May: $3010.58
April: $3018.42
Reward reminder: If you
support us, you can pick either a Story Reward or a Crayon/Colored Pencil Art Reward. A Story Reward is basically a mini-Threetoe story (
examples) and a Crayon Art Reward is a crudely drawn scene which we sketch, color in, and mail to you, anywhere in the world (assuming your contribution covers postage, which is about a dollar almost wherever you are). We take personal requests for either reward as well, he he he. You can also be listed among
the Bay 12 Champions.