Haha, it definitely isn't a "Killer activity invented by Satan," but it is VERY tiring for myself. I must sound like a huge bitch right now "Oh my lungs hurt after half a mile" but I nearly feel like I'm suffocating when I run, and I can't focus on anything BUT the pain. I don't know, I just need to practice running. Maybe I'll go and buy a little iPod shuffle, load it up with a couple songs I really like and go for a run every other day. Also, today I tried doing the pushups and situps, I think we have to do 20 pushups, and I cranked out 20 with reasonable fatigue, but it wasn't too bad, but situps... I tried and I could only do 10. 10! I used to be able to do 60 and not even break a sweat, so I guess I need to start working on situps.
Funny thing is, for me, I can do exercises concerning muscular exertion until muscle failure, and the pain isn't that big of a deal. I think it's because of the idea of a rep, you do a rep, then you think "I just need to do another" then as soon as you finish the next one, you're thinking "Shit, this hurts, but I'll just do one more" and you just keep that mindset and eventually you get to the point where you're like "Fuck me, I can't like this weight. I'm trying with everything I have, but I physically cannot lift this weight" Then you drop it, wait for a while and repeat. That is simple to me, but when running there isn't a rep. It's just a set amount of time where the pain steadily increases. I can't think "Oh, I'm 5 minutes in, I feel like I'm drowning, but if I just run another 3 minutes..." the idea of the rest of the pain to come is just too much for myself.
I don't know, I'm just rambling now.