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Author Topic: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [SUCCESSION_FORT][NEED_OVERSEERS]  (Read 33614 times)


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Sphala's Journal

I had a talk with Hatebeard and the newcomer who calls herself Paladin Mitch.  They had some ideas for a drop trap of some kind, or perhaps a training arena.  I told them it's an interesting idea, and nothing I was opposed to, but all the miners and masons were busy with the new living area and Peregar's ice trap.  I told them I'd put that on the construction list once those projects were finished.

They looked disappointed.  I'll try and remember to design them something nice later.

Paladin Mitch, she's one I'm hoping will lend us advice in the times coming.  She's a devout worshipper of Atrid, and though I've always been one for Asёn Gemmined, I can't deny that Atrid is also taking a hand in things here.  I'm hoping that Mitch will take a more active hand in advising us, but she only seems to want to fish for turtles in the caverns.

The humans have arrived!

I've sent the soldiers up to guard the entrance for them.  They'll be safe once inside, but I know there are still goblins about.  The strange wood-loving dwarf who met with the elves offered to speak with them, and I let him go to it.  Arzun doesn't seem to want to leave his office much anymore.

I later heard that the Trader had made a fairly good deal of it, trading a pile of cheap stone crafts and some wooden toys left by the elves for a pile of supplies.  Wood, metal, glass, cloth and leather, as well as some strange foreign booze and domestic animals.  Mitch was eager to ask if the humans had any 'Sunshine', a strange brew she's fond of, but the humans didn't have any.

There's a terrible racket coming from the kennels.

By Asen, it's like every bitch in the fortress is giving birth at once.

They're getting everywhere.  Only one thing to do!

That should take care of that.  The puppies will keep in there until they're old enough to be useful.

Sigh.  It never ends, does it?
« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 09:51:07 pm by Sphalerite »
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


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The old residential quarters were slowly being made vacant as dwarves moved over to the new residential area.  Many of the rooms were vacant, their beds waiting to be removed and placed in storage.  Forgotten items of clothing lay on the floors, neglected by their owners.  And one room has terrible secret of its own.

The secret is no longer content to be kept.  Frustrated in life, driven insane by failure to complete an artifact, the spirit of Shorast the Glassmaker will not accept being denied even a decent burial.

Dwarves halt in mid-stride at the sound.  Some look to the military or grab weapons, expecting a horrible beast from the depths.  But the terrible sound is not coming from the caverns, but from the bedrooms.  Finally one brave dwarf approaches the door which the sound is coming from.  It's locked, from the outside.  Opening it carefully, a terrible sight is revealed.

The spectral image of Shorast Azuzrigoth, screaming hideously, floating over a bed containing Shorast's sad mortal remains and belongings.

Carefully, Shorast's body is taken to the nearby burial crypt.  Shorast's spirit moans and howls the entire time, not ceasing until the skeleton is placed in the coffin and the lid closed.

The restless, howling spirit is at rest.  Peace and silence returns to the fortress.

Then, as has always been the custom with dwarves, everyone starts calling dibs on the deceased's clothing.

"That mitten is MINE!"

"I call the toga!"

"Socks!  What?  What do you mean, there are no socks?  I call her left shoe, then!"
« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 09:52:20 pm by Sphalerite »
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


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Sphala's journal

We're still not sure how Shorast died.  A few dwarves remember her acting a bit oddly some time back a year or so ago, then she just vanished.  Locked in her room somehow, but the door was locked from the outside.  Nobody's admitting to knowing anything about that.  It's a dark and unpleasant mystery.

Kalugog must have heard Derp bragging about his Adamantine shield.  He's now claiming his wooden shield is just as good, even though it's elf-made.

I see this is what our military is reduced to, without enough adamantine to make proper armor out of.  I've started taking steps to do something about that.  I've told the miners to resume carefully mining out more of Asen's gift.

It's being kept a secret from most of the fortress.  Only a few of us know.  I've ordered them to go slowly, and not risk mining until the entire vein has been charted and isolated.

The goblins sent us a message today that they hadn't forgotten about our fortress.  The Human had packed up their trade goods and were heading back out when a force of the foul goblins ambushed them.

The human guards were admirably valiant in holding off the goblins.  Most of the traders made it, but all the guards died.  I ordered our military to assist, but by the time they made it up there the few surviving goblins were running away.

When I told Arzun about it, he laughed, and then just asked me to check if his new boots were done yet.

I just don't understand him sometimes.

I expect the goblins to be back, in larger numbers.  The Ice Trap is nearly done.  Everything has been constructed.  Once I make the last few mechanical linkages, we can seal it up, breach the water inflow, and then test it.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


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Arzun's Personal Journal:

Well. Nothing good has happened recently. The kennels are overcrowded, the dead stir from their rest, and we are constantly under attack by goblins. This cannot bode well.

Shorast's death was clearly a case of foul play, though why one would take out a glassmaker that wasn't even making glass, I do not know. All I know is that somewhere in this fort, there is one who would kill their fellow dwarf for profit. And I'm not comfortable having a traitor sleeping just down the hall from my overly large bedroom. I'll ask Sphala to chain a few war dogs up to the entrance to my bedroom, just in case.

Apparently Sphala's freezing trap project is almost complete. I haven't seen it myself, so I don't know how it will work exactly. But, I hope it does. For all our sakes.

She's also ordered the mining of more adamantine. I'll have to warn her to be sure and have the miners carve fortifications into the bluemetal ore before digging it out. If the rumors are true, these adamantine veins can be hollow, and filled with terrible things. I'll also have to advise her to test the adamantine spike trap system in the tunnel leading to the adamantine, to make sure it's linked. I'm not sure if I had her link it properly.

Now then, back to this traitor business. I will be examining the backgrounds of everyone in Icemachines, including Lolor's cat. We need to root out this sick, twisted dwarf and exile them from the fortress everyone is exiled to. Heh. That'll show them.

My Sig
Quote from: The Binder of Shame: RPGnet Rants
"We're in his toilet. We're in Cthulhu's toilet."

""Hey! No breaking character while breaking character"


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Dear Diary

Last night Atrid came to me. Not in a dream, but in the lake. You see, the nobles had lied. There are not scores of fish in this place. But last night a herd of them settled at the waters edge; and I was their shepherd! I bent down to look at the flock of fish to see if I had been hallucinating from lack of booze (the word that the traders did not have Sunshine perhaps was to blame). They all parted from that spot in a hurry; even stranger than them congregating there. Then I saw His face. I leaned closer to the water and saw his lips move. I heard no sound, yet I understood what he said.

The death of the glassmaker is the work of demons trying to divide us. They're playing tricks on us. It's because we wanted to get closer to them, I can feel it.

It didn't make much sense until I looked into it; I like everybody else thought it of sabotage. But the doors were locked; now who couldn't unlock a door to save their own life? Who wouldn't have heard his cries for help on the outside? But what about suicide? I came to this conclusion until his corpse was taken to the burial chamber, his ghost was right behind them! He was ranting and raving at all dwarves nearby. But he turned to me and simply smirked and disappeared. Vanished into the air. I looked over and saw the haulers close the lid of his coffin. The demon in his soul saw me and smirked.

This is not murder, and a suicide dwarf's soul would have been at rest and not take the form of a horrific spectre. This was the work of the demons we are close to. But we need to press on.

Also, Sphala referred to me as a worshipper of Atrid. I'm a double worshipper! See:
Mitch cancels sleep: Interrupted by Clowns


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Hatebeard notes

More goblins. How great. They want to stay here, let them. They just have to step into the new Ice trap thats being made and they can stay here for all eternity.. scumbags. Some glassmakers spirit howled throughout the fortress. Thought a beast was going to attack. We were lucky. We might have gotten attacked by some horrible turtle that melts dwarves.

I think im going to make a cave-in trap around the blue metal in secret. The rumors might be true. If they are, those bastards will have to enjoy getting crushed by the earth. The whispers are louder with any ore that is mined.. deeper. Our former leader wanted boots made for him. Nobles.. feh. Next thing you know, hes going to become a count! Then hes going to have dwarves arrested for being unable to make obsidan boots or something. Do we even have a sheriff? Maybe i'll talk to Sphala about it later on.

Ona side note, many dogs gave birth. I suggest they get tamed or made into a delicous meal. War dogs or dog steaks.


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ahras journal:
hatebeard needs another mining buddy, hes getting on my nerves.
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.


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Journal of Peregarrett, militia commander
*dirty sheet of paper with ugly runes on it*
The last peasant in this fortress has journal. It's like a flu. I have it too.
Don;t know what to write here. Screw it, it was crazy idea.
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


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Id Komanvabok, outpost liaison for the Rock of Seizures, personally appointed representative of Queen Led, did not seriously expect to find what she was looking for.  Last year's trade expedition had barely escaped, after finding the site where the farming outpost of Icemachines was supposed to have been encamped on by a massive army of goblins and their servants.  No word had come since then indicating any dwarves had survived that.  She pulled her alpaca wool coat more tightly around herself against the bitter cold, surveying the surrounding landscape for movement.  This year's trip had been quiet, so far, but goblins could still ambush her at any moment.

The outline of the ice-covered hill ahead was suddenly broken by movement.  The caravans guards gipped their weapons, but the figures running down towards them were unmistakably dwarven, and clad in gleaming metal that shone with a blue tinge.  With a shock, Id realized that the soldiers before her were clad entirely in adamantine, a suit of armor that would be an expensive rarity even back in the mountainhomes.

"Get inside!" the armored dwarf yelled,  "The hills are crawling with goblins.  Up the hill, look for the fortress with the statues on it"

Other dwarves had come down the hill, taking up position alongside the caravan path, their eyes scanning for movement among the hills, still covered with snow even now in late summer.

"We thought you were all dead." Id said, as she marched alongside the strange dwarf.

"Dead?"  Peregar smiled.  "This is Ushilstakud Gataldumen, Icemachines the Ageless Fortification.  No mere goblin army can kill us."

Id nodded.  "So, do you have food?"

Peregar only laughed.

At the summit of the hill, the small stone fort was a busy hub of activity.  Haulers were bringing up a seemingly endless supply of barrels and packaged food, filling the small gold trade depot to the point of overflowing.  Well-armed military dwarves swarmed in an out, patrolling the entrance.  Just outside the double doors, a few masons were piling rocks, adding to the fortress's walls.

"Ah, it looks like they're walling us in" Id said. "How are we going to get out?"  She started to wonder if these unexpectedly healthy and well-off dwarves intended to let them return after all.

"Don't worry about that, just a temporary wall till we get the new gate built!" a busy-looking young female dwarf said to him as she rushed by with a stone in one arm and a baby in the other. "Name's Sphala, I'm sort of in charge at the moment, but you're going to want to talk to Arzun.  Down the stairs, second stone level, turn north through the door with the two war dogs chained up outside it.  You can't miss it, big round room full of statues!"  With that, she was off.

Id headed for the indicated stairway, but had to stop for a moment to marvel over the contents of the trade depot.  Dozens of barrels packed full of plump helmets - enough to feed the mountainhomes for years!

And among them, strange yet delicious-smelling prepared meals, with ingredients Id didn't recognize.

Id's stomach rumbled.  With the widespread food shortage, she hadn't had a proper meal in far too long.  Her hunger-induced reverie was broken by a sudden yell from the entrance.  "Goblin!"

This yell was immediately followed by a strange mechanical twang, a thud, and muffled cursing.

Sphala immediately appeared again.  "They're here?  Already?  How many?  Do they have mounts?  Trolls?  Any fliers?"  she asked with rapid-fire questions, looking between the assembled military dwarves.

One of the soldiers chuckled.  "Just one, no mounts or trolls, and your traps got him."

Sphala calmed down for a moment.  "Ok, Hatebeard, Kalugog, take your soldiers and do one last sweep of the outside, make sure there aren't any more of them.  We're not safe until that last wall is done."

Id shook her head, and then headed down the staircase, to her meeting with the Baron.

"So you made it.  What news do you bring me of Queen Led?"

Sphala's journal

The trade caravan's here.  I can't help but feel a tremendous foreboding.  It was around this time last year that we saw that huge goblin army.  After what they did to the human caravan, I expect they'll try something to cut us off.  The food we're sending back to the Mountainhomes is critical for their survival.  If the goblins have learned of that, they'll try anything to stop the shipment.

The Icemachine is finished.  The supply chamber is filling with water as I write this.  But if the goblins wait till our caravan leaves the safety of the fortress walls, we won't be able to protect them.

Something's coming.  I can feel it.

I'm trying to calm my nerves by carving statues, but I can't shake the feeling I've forgotten or misplaced something.

I've started moving the Adamantine from the caverns into a secret room.  Well, not much of a secret, but I've put it in a room behind that ugly little square lumber yard.  I'm hoping that if any dwarf wanders down that way, they'll be so put off by the sight of that much wood they won't go looking further.

I've got a feeling we'll need all that, and much more.

Back at the trade depot, the trading went on for days.  Barrels full of plump helmets from Icemachine's farms were exchanged for empty barrels from the traders.  Exotic prepared meals were exchanged for supplies - metal, wood, glass, gems, leather, domestic animals, bags of gypsum powder and sand, thread, and cloth - and then, once the trader's supplies of those were exhausted, for expensive finished goods - weapons, armor, bolts, clothing, even a few steel anvils.  Notions of profit don't even enter into it.  Icemachines provides as much food as the traders can carry (while still retaining more than enough local supplies).  The traders unload nearly every useful item they've brought, but don't come close to the calculated value of the food they're taking away.  It's a good trade for everyone - Icemachines can provide that much food over and over again, and the supplies the caravan brings will be quite useful.

Inside the fortress, there is jubilation.  But outside, in the cold hills, dark forces are gathering.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


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Personal journal of Urist McHuman:

Finally! After a long time of drinking that muddy water, we have alcohol! That wine tastes so good after a while. And from golden barrels, too! This is the life.

Dammit! That stupid Olon stole all the bones! If this problem cannot be avoided, I'm changing my work profession.


I've heard howling throughout these halls. I walk down to the prison-cell-sized quarters (one of which is mine, unfortunately) and a ghost jumped out from a door! I was frightened half to death. I ran, shouting and swearing about a ghost in the quarters.

Somebody later went into the room, picked up the skeleton, placed it neatly in a coffin, and closed the lid, hopefully forever. That's the last ghost I ever hope to see in this fortress.

(several weeks later)

A trade caravan--the dwarven supply caravan, I noticed--arrived and is unloading their supplies. I think I have some good crafts made from before Olon stole all the rest of the bones. Perhaps we could give them to the caravan, and get some extra drinks. I'm getting bored with just the wine here.

I've heard some talk between Wes and Ahra the miners and Sphala the overseer about a secret room behind the lumber pile, how the miners are secretly mining out small amounts of Adamantine from another small vein, and that Sphala is placing the smuggled (I could not find a better word) Adamantine in that room. I think I may have gotten a brief glimpse of how much is in there, but it looks like a lot. I've also seen Sphala's reports on Icemachine's created wealth, and it's soared to well over several million credits. I'm amazed, but also awfully frightened that Wes and Ahra may dig too deep into that vein and open the hole to what many call Hell... *gulps*

I need to get a drink, and I'm off to bed.


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You guys need to start saving the world from obesity.




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Fortress Defense Intruder Flash-Freeze Device
Operator's Manual and Warning Notices

The Icemachine is a semi-automated device which may be used to flash-freeze invaders and unwelcome guests to your fortress.  The flash-freeze process is guaranteed to kill any creature (other than incorporeal or permanently alight creatures) yet preserves the intruder's corpse and inventory for recycling.  Operation is simple, requiring only two levers to activate, although manual cleaning is required after every usage.

Note:  The Icemachine has yet to be tested.  Specifications given here are extrapolated from the design.  Actual performance may vary.

The Icemachine is equipped with a variety of bait items to entice invaders or building-destroyers into the freeze channel, where they may be flash-frozen for later processing.

Layout of the Icemachine is as follows:

The topmost layer of the Icemachine (not counting the channels to the surface) contains the operator's control levers, and the access passage for maintenance and repair.  Two levers are present, conveniently near each other and near the machine, both with labels clearly indicating their use.

The lever labeled 'Access' controls the gate connecting the freeze channel to the surface, as well as the gate connecting the freeze channel to the fortress interior.  These two gates are interlocked such that one is open while the other is closed.  This ensures that at no point will a clear path be available through the Icemachine connecting the fortress interior to the surface outside the fortress. When the Access lever is in the 'off' position, the gate connecting the freeze channel to the surface is open, and the gate connecting to the fortress interior is closed.  In this mode invaders can travel into the freeze channel to be flash-frozen.  When the Access lever is in the 'on' position (shown here) the gate connecting the freeze channel to the surface is closed, and the gate connecting the freeze channel to the fortress interior is open.  This mode permits the channel to be cleared after use, and the bait items to be replaced as required.  When the trap is not in use, the Access lever should be left in the 'on' position.

The lever labeled 'Activate' is used to let water into the freeze channel.  When in the 'off' position (shown here) the water inlet gate is sealed, and the chamber seal gates are open.  When this lever is in the 'on' position, the chamber seal gates close, and the water inlet gate lets water flow through the water fill channel and in to the freeze chamber.

On the second layer, immediately below the first, we have the water inlet channel which is permanently open to the cavern lake, and the water inlet gate.  This gate is usually closed.  When this gate opens, water is permitted to flow into the water fill channel.  We also have here the access corridor gate.  This is open to permit access to the bait and freeze channel, but closes when the freeze channel is open to the surface.

The lowermost level of the Icemachine (two levels below the first one mentioned here) contains the bait items, freeze channel, fill and drain channels.  The water fill channel is directly beneath the water inlet gate.  When the water inlet gate is opened as a result of the operator putting the Activate lever to the 'on' position, water flows from the water inlet line through the gate into the fill channel, and then from there through the doubly-layer fortifications into the freeze channel.  The freeze channel is exposed to the surface, so water which enters the freeze channel instantly freezes.  Chamber Seal Gates before and after the freeze channel prevent water from leaking out, and also prevents creatures from escaping the channel.  When the Activate lever is put back to the 'off' position, the water inlet gate closes, and any excess water in the fill channel drains out through the drain channels.  The Chamber Seal Gates will at this point open to permit the channel to be cleared.

The External Access Gate is used to isolate the channel from the outside while clearing operations are underway.  This is controlled by the Access lever.  When the Access lever is in the 'on' position, this gate is closed.  When the Access lever is in the 'off' position, this gate is open.

Several bait items are present to lure targets into the ice channel.  Multiple doors are here to act as targets for building-destroyers.  These may need to be replaced periodically.  An artifact millstone is also present.  This should represent a target which building-destroyers will attempt to attack but be unable to destroy.  A puppy on a chain is present, to attract non-building-destroyer hostiles.  This bait item is likely to require frequent replacement.  Two cage traps are also present.  These are not bait, but are a contingency backup against a non-trapimmune enemy sneaking past the puppy and attempting to gain entry to the fortress.


When the Icemachine is not in use, the levers should be set as follows:  Lever 'Access' is to be in the 'on' position (indicated by a lever angled to the right) and lever 'Activate' is to be in the 'off' position (indicated by a lever angled to the left).  In this state the freeze channel may be freely and safely accessed by the fortress population for cleaning and maintenance.  The Access lever should not be left in the 'off' position, as this may result in vandals and thieves loitering in stealth in the freeze channel where they can ambush your workers if the lever is put to the 'on' position without first activating the freeze cycle.

When a target is present on the surface outside the fortress that you wish to freeze, throw the 'Access' lever to the 'off' position.  This will close the fortress access gate, denying passage to or from the freeze chamber, and open the external access gate, permitting the target to enter the freeze channel.  At this point the target should be drawn by the bait and enter the freeze channel.  While the target is inside the freeze channel, throw the 'Activate' lever to the 'on' position.

Danger of death or severe injury!
When the Activate lever is put in the 'on' position, the freeze channel will fill with
ice.  This will kill any creature in the freeze channel.  Be sure that no children, pets,
nobles, diplomats, traders, or other creatures you do not want to kill are located
in the freeze channel before throwing the Activate lever to the 'on' position!

As soon as the channel is completely filled with ice, throw the 'Activate' lever to the 'off' position to stop the water inflow.  Leaving the 'Activate' lever in the 'on' position may result in an excessive flow of water through the fill channel.  After throwing the Activate lever to the 'off' position and verifying hostile creatures remain in the trap, throw the 'Access' lever to the 'on' position.  This will close the external access gate and open the internal access gate.  You can now have a miner mine out the ice to clear the trap, and if desired have your haulers clear out the invader remains or any other desired items from the freeze channel.

Danger of death or severe injury!
After the Icemachine has been used to freeze intruders, some residual water may
remain in the fill channel.  This water will eventually drain out through the drain
channels.  If you send a miner in to clear the ice before the fill channel has
completely drained, residual water may seep into the freeze channel and instantly
kill your miner.  Be sure the fill channel is clear before mining any ice!

After the ice has been completely mined out, desired items reclaimed from the channel, and bait items replaced as necessary, the Icemachine semi-automated freezing trap is ready to be used again.

Use at your own risk.  The makers of this device are not responsible for any death, injury, loss of possessions, tantrum spirals, or wars which result from use or misuse of the Icemachine.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


  • Bay Watcher
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I have to throw a party on this event!
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Drew's Robots and stuff

Sphala's Journal

It's getting late in the year.  The goblins still haven't shown up.  Peregar is throwing a party in celebration of the ice trap's completion, but we still haven't been able to use it.  The goblins aren't attacking.  They're too cunning to attack our fortress directly.  It'll be just like with the human trade caravan.  The goblins are waiting for us to send the caravan out, and they'll attack once they're no longer protected by our fortress.

The caravan is done packing, and needs to leave now.  I have to send the soldiers out.  I hope they're up to it.  The new gate is finished, so we can knock down the temporary wall now.

It is winter at Icemachines.  The days are a little shorter, the snow falls a little thicker.  A polar bear pokes over the frozen remains of goblin bandits half-buried in the snow, looking for any bit of meat not too rotten to eat.  At the front of the fortress, stones are carefully being removed from a wall.  The stonework is masterful, creating a wall that is impermeable from the outside, yet from the inside can be disassembled by a single dwarven child.

The polar bear lifts its head and sniffs.  It can take a single dwarf child.  It creeps along the snow, stalking its quarry.

The child pulls aside another stone, then steps back.  Metal clinks as a much larger, full-grown dwarf clad in strangely lightweight blue-tinged metal armor steps through the gap in the wall.  He is followed by another, and another, as many soldiers climb out and take position in front of the fortress.

The polar bear reassesses its chances.  It turns and runs.  Too late, for it has been spotted.  Sealed in for months underground, the soldiers are eager for a fight.

Derm races out ahead, and catches up with the bear easily.  A swing of his axe, and the bear's spine is severed.  He twists it, then hacks again, removing one of the bear's legs.  A bash with the base of the axe knocks the bear unconscious, then one last carefully placed hack decapitates the beast.

But even as he kills the bear, other figures burst out of the snow.  Goblins, carefully concealed in wait for the caravan.  Five in total, four goblins armed with pikes and their axe-goblin leader.

The dwarves turn and charge at the goblins, eager for combat.  Hatebeard closes on the axe-goblin leader.  One of the pike-carriers tries to stop him, but he hacks the goblin's hand off with a single blow.  Two strikes from the axegoblin are easily parried, then Hatebeard skewers the raid leader deeply in the chest.  The goblin commander staggers back, wheezing, flecks of blood on his lips.  Hatebeard pulls the sword out, then with a single stroke cuts the goblin's head clean off.

Kalugog, meanwhile, duels one of the pike-wielders with his spear.  Dodging the goblin's clumsy blows, he stabs it in the foot to cripple it, then hacks at the goblin's arms, forcing it to drop its weapon.

With their leader dead, and two of their number badly injured, the pike-wielding goblins turn and flee.  The injured two are immediately brought down and hacked apart by a mob of goblins.  Peregar alone chases the remaining uninjured two, but even with his speed he is unable to catch them before they vanish over the hillside.

Shaking his head, he returns to the others, who are standing around the madly mangled bodies of the other goblins.  "These were just scouts.  They'll call others.  We need to get the caravan out of here now."

Despite their earlier haste, the caravan is not quick to leave, much to the annoyance of the military.  The traders insist on repeated sweeps of the outside of the fortress, just to be sure there are no more waiting goblins.  Then the trade liaison comes up with a plan, to split the trade caravan into two groups, to be sure that at least some food will return to the Mountainhomes.

With all the food Icemachines can supply packaged up, the traders head out, walking eastward over the snow, with all of Icemachine's soldiers guarding them.

Then, abruptly, one of the traders turns and heads south.  Kalugog and his soldiers split off to accompany them.

It doesn't seem to matter.  Neither group meets any goblins.  The soldiers stay with them till they are well clear of the fortress, then return, glad to be out of the cold.  The new outer gate is closed and locked, not to re-open till the spring.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


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Derm frowned as he walked back to the mead hall. He experimentally clenched his hands. Yes, he decided. This body was turning out adequately. Nowhere near his original levels of strength, but it would do.

He glanced over at his teammates and... commander. He intensely disliked this new chain of command. It was he who lead one of the armies in the great war, where demons flew freely and the world was overrun with darkness. He could endure, but he doubted he would have the patience for long. He glanced at the metal adorning his body. This was not meant to be used in such a fashion. It was the very blood of the gods, used to seal away the horrors, but he admitted it did get results, and as long as they weren't too overzealous in their attempts to get more, he wouldn't complain. They would have to break into it at some point.

His thoughts again wandered to he who waited down below. The demon general who struck him down was somewhere down there. he frowned in remembrance. He had lead the last battle of the unknown wars, and yet he was struck down so very long ago by the very demon that resided so far down below. And he would be damned (Literally, he reminded himself.) if he wasn't going to kill him face to face. It was the entire reason he was here! But this body was yet used to the full horrors of war. He could hardly get an axe in edgewise with all the people hogging his kills. That polar bear didn't even try to fight back, and this armor almost made things too easy.

He remembered the ancient traditions of yore, where the very entrance exam to the great army was to tackle a megabeast alone. If he couldn't do even that, he would forsake his title of 'Soulchopper'. But, he decided as he went for a drink, that could wait for another time. He'd been waiting this long, one or two more years he could endure.

(So he's an immortal and ancient dwarf thing who can only finally die when his last great enemy is struck down by his hand. Otherwise his soul just annihilates another dwarf and attempts to try again. Plot! Likely the only you will get. Bluh bluh huge stu.)
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.
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