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Author Topic: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [SUCCESSION_FORT][NEED_OVERSEERS]  (Read 33567 times)


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Re: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [COMMUNITY_FORT]
« Reply #45 on: September 03, 2011, 01:53:16 pm »

OOC: Have ye some info.
Also, I like your style.

Arzun's Log, tired of keeping track of the time:

During a particularly rough sparring session today, poor Likot nearly got his head smashed in by Hatebeard. He was out for several hours, and when he awoke he couldn't remember a thing. Started calling himself Derm and saying that he wields an axe. Must be delusional. Poor guy. However, I'm not one to keep a dwarf out of the military because he's imagining things.

Merchants arrived again, this time the humans paid us a visit.

Luckily, we've been getting more and more legendary dwarves; Sphala ranks among them, a self-made legendary mason. I'm so proud.

Peregar enjoyed his hunting. The quiet stillness of the freezing air, the musty smell of nearby prey, the thud of bolts hitting a creature...He lived for this. Of course, one would expect a hunter in the tundra to be mauled by a polar bear, or get his skull kicked in by a muskox.

As Peregar was about to head back with his latest kill, something popped up from the snow in ambush!
He screamed in terror! What could it be!? What sort of monster hides beneath the snow, waiting to eat unsuspecting dwarves!?


Arzun's Log, Supplemental:

Now that we have a furnace operator, we can begin smelting all this gold ore we've accumulated. I've ordered a magma smelter and forge constructed immediately.

Ah, the caravan from Id Asol has come. Now we can show them what paradise really is.

As the dwarves approached the depot, they saw the strangest sight. A mountain of statues, stone crafts, and food sat inside, waiting to be sold. Atop all of it sat one who was obviously the leader of the fortress. Arzun introduced himself, then proceeded to buy out the entire caravan using all of the trade goods in the depot. He then offered five statues of himself to the queen. They all depicted him pointing and laughing, a custom order from Sphala. He walked back to his office, whistling the whole way.

Within the mudstone doors and amidst the maze of statues, the liaison awaited Arzun.  They discussed for hours, finally settling on the caravan bringing metal, weapons, armor, and ammunition.

Ahra took a drink from the plump helmet wine. Mmm, nothing beat this wine. Especially after opening up a passage to the magma sea and barely escaping with your life.

Ahra was about to take another swig of the wine when he suddenly froze. He gasped as if in pain, and dropped the barrel of alcohol. He closed his eyes, and...

Ahra locked himself inside Sphala's masonry workshop and wouldn't leave for months. He eventually came out carrying a highly decorated throne.

Arzun, of course, immediately had the chair in his office replace. To keep the artifact safe, he said.

Arzun's Log, Supplemental:

Well. We were finishing up the trading with the caravan from Id Asol, when an extremely foul thing approached.

Unfortunately, besides the Marksdwarf squad, our militia had little in the way of actual weaponry, so they could only run around yelling and chasing it off.

We managed to trade successfully after that, and here is the status summary of Icemachines for the season.

My Sig
Quote from: The Binder of Shame: RPGnet Rants
"We're in his toilet. We're in Cthulhu's toilet."

""Hey! No breaking character while breaking character"


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Drew's Robots and stuff
Re: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [COMMUNITY_FORT]
« Reply #46 on: September 03, 2011, 06:07:52 pm »

Sphala's journal-

It's just what I've come to expect from Ahra, acting at any stray moment's thought without thinking things through, grabbing my workshop when I had so much work to do.  And then making that gaudy chair for Arzun's office.  And yet, I'm not too mad.  I needed a break anyway.  I just hope he's not getting any aspirations of taking over any of the masonry work around here, especially statue-making.

I do have to admit it's a nice likeness.  You can make out all seven of the original settlers on the chair, in figures inlaid with mudstone. Even poor Yerrick and Asёn are on there, traveling under a brown jasper crescent moon.  Asёn the dwarf that is, not Asёn Gemmined the god of metals.

Speaking of which, I've learned that one of our new military dwarves is a pretty serious worshipper of Asёn - the god, not that poor dead farmer.  I used to stop by the temple back at the mountainhomes, from time to time.  I always meant to go more often, but you know, I just never seemed to get around to it.  But I always kept my scalp clean-shaven!  Got to show my faith somehow.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [COMMUNITY_FORT]
« Reply #47 on: September 03, 2011, 06:14:12 pm »

He then offered five statues of himself to the queen. They all depicted him pointing and laughing, a custom order from Sphala.

I love this part. Also, yay! New migrants! Any weaponsmith?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [COMMUNITY_FORT]
« Reply #48 on: September 03, 2011, 06:18:38 pm »

Kalugog is sitting in the dining room, but instead of eating, she is scribbling notes on a scroll. Her handwriting is blocky and crude, but easily readable.

I am trying to keep track of time, but this outpost of ours is so cold that I can't even tell what month it is half the time. Given the long days, summer seems to be the logical answer, but beyond that...

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that perhaps the greatest of the dwarves living in Icemachines, Sphala the mason, is also one of the faithful of Asёn Gemmined. I know that the god of metal has shown favour upon this humble settlement from the very beginning - already we have access to both Gold and Adamantite, some of the rarest and most valuable metals there are. True enough, the scriptures say that the gods used Adamantite to seal the essence of doom and chaos beneath the world itself. However, dwarves who treat such legends with due respect and are careful in their mining have often benefited greatly, with several full sets of armour made of this most hallowed gift of Asёn Gemmined the Tin Iron of Crystal. Profanemachines does not have a very devout populace - even the capitol lacks a dedicated temple district and a mad architect or engineer with novel ideas on water-wheel generators or magma-based defensive weaponry is so often given more respect than the most hallowed high priest.

During a training session, Hatebeard smacked her poor recruit around so hard she nearly caved his skull in. He is still suffering from the concussion, the poor soul. Despite what the name implies, Hatebeard is not a bad sort though - her idea of an ideal warrior is a bit barbaric and she sometimes talks to herself, but who but the gods can claim to be without flaws? If the new recruit is to grow tough, he must learn to take blows, not just land them. Of course, writing this as I am implies that I too need to learn to receive hits without faltering or caring, not something I am all that good at admittedly.

Late summer, or early autumn. I really can't tell yet. Still growing accustomed to the climate. There were some human traders recently. However they found us, I have no clue - our entrance is nothing more than a the top of a staircase. At least this low profile has kept goblins away from us.

Some new dwarves came in yesterday. I haven't even met most of them. Hopefully, there are more passable recruits among them. I want our military to be ready. I've heard that there are dreadful fish people, cave-humans and even trolls in the depths. If nothing else, we should at least prepare to clear enough of them out to build more structures nearer the carverns, where access to all valuables should be easy.

Again, Kalugog is writing. The first scroll is nearly filled with text. She looks a bit more disheveled and tired than usual.
A goblin! It is now late autumn, or possibly winter. We had our first goblin sighting and, shamefully, could not kill the thing. Most of us had training weapons. I must admit that even if I had a proper sharp steel spear, I would not have caught that damn thing. That scout will return with more of that accursed people soon.

Also of note is the fact that we have a new artefact. Istamromlam is a gabbro throne fit for at least a baron, created by a dwarf who claims to have no memory of the event. Was it divine guidance, or the trick of some fell beast who wishes to use us as playthings? Arzun took it for himself. Given the engraving of Icemachines' founding being the centrepiece of this artefact, he is the logical owner.

As for Arzun, he is trading with merchants from the mountainhomes. The trade goods are mostly stonework, but we are sending out enough food to please. He is still being worryingly insolent towards them though - with our population increasing I am not sure we can survive off just one subterranean farm and what few beasts wander into Peregar's sights, let alone feed the entire northern part of our nation.

Speaking of stonework, I feel I should ask that statues of Asёn Gemmined not be exported if we can afford to keep them. He has shown this fort a lot of favour insofar. To not show thanks could well lead to our tools rusting away. This is not something I should do immediately though. First I should discuss the idea with my fellow faithful, especially Sphala - most of the statues we have made insofar are her works, so her choice matters more here than anyone's except perhaps Arzun. If we eventually get a Wise Master, a temple built on the surface straight above the adamantite would surely keep the god's favour upon us.

OOC: Thank you. Should I post my in character posts in spoilers, as not to clutter the thread? I do like the depiction of Possession, by the way.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2011, 06:33:40 pm by ushilzagith »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [COMMUNITY_FORT]
« Reply #49 on: September 03, 2011, 06:40:43 pm »

wow... possesions hurt like an bitch, feel like i learned all about how to make thething and then it was ripped out.... asshole possesser....
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [COMMUNITY_FORT]
« Reply #50 on: September 03, 2011, 07:21:53 pm »

Arzun's Log, Winter - Summer, third year of exile:

We have found a way to get around the strange fish creatures and are now carefully digging up the adamantine. Wes developed a techinque to make it safer. First, he smooths the adamant wall and carves looking holes into it. If there's nothing strange behind it, he mines it out.

I sent a letter back with the last caravan requesting Id Asol's best weaponsmith. Hopefully the Queen will oblige after my joke with the statues.

I was so excited about the adamantine, I myself tried to work it. I must say, actually doing things is hard.

Ahra and Wes poked around the third cavern a bit, and guess what they found?

Oh, and

To celebrate, I threw a party in my amazingly beautiful quarters. Another dwarf celebrated by locking himself in a leatherworker's shop with a lot of materials.

...Damn. Damn it all! At this rate, it will be impossible to get Yerp off of my Sphala! This is insane! They've even had a child together!

As per last year, the elves marched onward to the depot. As per last year, the drawbridge-entrance lowered. However, this year was quite different for the Elves.

This year, several dwarves wearing the armor and wielding the weapons that were purchased last year came out to greet them.

"Hello!" one of the merchants said. "Are you here to protect us from the goblins?"

One of the dwarves, wielding a wooden sword, grinned. "Something like that." she said.

"Well then, my name is-"
"Target practice."

The elves were utterly defenseless as Icemachines' militia rained blows down apon them.

Shortly after the slaughter, the militia stood in the depot, guarding the haulers who would take the elves' goods into the fortress.
 "Ah, there's nothing like a fight to wake a dwarf up in the morning!" Hatebeard proclaimed. "Nothing at all."

"That was quite unnecessary," Kalugog pointed out,"We could've just seized their goods and let them be on their way."

Hatebeard laughed. "What are you, an e-"
Then, she roared in pain.
"Goblin!! Kill the fiend!"

The goblin proved too quick. It outran the militia for quite some time, even while being fired apon by Peregar. It was all in vain.

As it turned out, the goblin had friends. A child would later be reported missing.

Arzun's Log, Supplemental:
Oh, we had a group of migrants show up. Among them were a few very interesting dwarves, including the weaponsmith I had requested earlier. His name is Cheveux. We also got a doctor, finally.

I put Cheveux to work immediately on the weaponry problem.

Note:'Professor' Harken is a nutcase. He sewed up Hatebeard's leg wound with adamantine!

I've ordered Peregar's squad to keep him away from the adamant thread stockpile in the future.

Kalugog was finally ready to spar. She got her wooden spear and headed for the barracks. Where she stumbled apon her sparring partner, asleep.

She raised an eyebrow, and decided the most logical way to solve this problem was to jab the poor dwarf in the head repeatedly with her training spear.

My Sig
Quote from: The Binder of Shame: RPGnet Rants
"We're in his toilet. We're in Cthulhu's toilet."

""Hey! No breaking character while breaking character"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [COMMUNITY_FORT]
« Reply #51 on: September 03, 2011, 07:52:07 pm »

Ahrras journal:
arrgh, finding more miners bane, what god want me dead now?
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [COMMUNITY_FORT]
« Reply #52 on: September 03, 2011, 09:34:43 pm »

Awww yeah, I like warhammers. If I ever get in a strange mood, forbid all the adamantine just to make sure I don't make a pillow on a stick.

Cheveux's journal :

We finally arrived at our destination, Ushilstakud, a charming little hole in the ice. I am not used to this freezing temperature and I think ice cubes are forming in my beard, but I am still ecstatic journal.

You want to know why journal?

Do you know why I'm in utter joy?

They have adamantine, and since I am the only weaponsmith in the entire fortress, I will be allowed to work with it a lot. My dream is finally coming true journal, being the main weapon producer in a fortress!

I must go now journal, the adamantine is calling me. I must make some weapons for the military.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Drew's Robots and stuff
Re: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [COMMUNITY_FORT]
« Reply #53 on: September 03, 2011, 10:54:37 pm »

Sphala's journal

I am the happiest dwarf in the fortress.  Happy, happy, because today I gave birth to a beautiful daughter.  Zas Ducimigath, Zas 'Workscrape', we're naming her.  I'll raise her to worship Asёn Gemmined, of course, although she did protest when I tried to shave her scalp.  It's amazing how willful children can be, insistent on their hairstyle even from the moment of birth!  I'll try again later, or just let her decide for herself when she's older.

I tried singing to her a bit, but she didn't seem to appreciate it much.  That's probably for the best, as neither Yerp nor I are much for singing.  Yerp's got quite the skill with language, and remembers everything he hears, so the kid's going to have lots of stories to listen to, I'm sure.

Oh, Kalugog, our militia commander, asked me the other day about prohibiting the export of statues of Asёn Gemmined.  Makes sense to me. I can't say I'm anywhere as devote to Asёn as she is, but the way I see it, we were sent out here to send food, not statues.  Actually, I still expect we were sent out here to die, but if we can send back enough food to keep the Mountainhomes from starving, perhaps they'll forgive us.

Anyway, Arzun only seems to want to send back those statues he had me make of him making rude gestures.

But it has be thinking.  If several of us here are worshipers of Asёn Gemmined, and we have statues of the god of metal we can't export, perhaps we should build a local temple?  I can do the architecture and carve some lovely statues.  Although a proper temple to Asёn should be mostly made of metal, of course.

Carrying her baby, Sphala makes her way through the fortress, heading to barracks, looking for the Militia Commander.

"Kalugog?  I heard one of the children was stolen by a goblin the other day.  I'm quite concerned..."

She peers into the room, and observes Kalugog tapping a sleeping recruit with a training spear repeatedly.

"Okay, I can see you're busy.  I'll come back later."

Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke ...


I may not be the happiest dwarf here any more.  I saw one of our latest immigrants heading for the new magma forges.  I can't recall his name or profession, I think he must be a metalsmith of some sort, but he was the happiest dwarf I've seen around here since Yerp and I were married under that adamantine outcrop.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [COMMUNITY_FORT]
« Reply #54 on: September 04, 2011, 12:36:49 am »

(Internet was down so I wasen't able to talk to you guys.. anyways sure, Hatebeard can be in the same w/e it was. Anyways, is Hatebeard alright? Fix em up?)

Hatebeard's Journal

"By the rage of Asёn! Wrenched goblin.. managed to steal a child. I swear, if I see another one of those wretched cowards I will capture them, and will drop them in a hole so deep, they will fall into the sky on the other side of the world!!"
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 12:46:57 am by Masked_Hunter1825 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [COMMUNITY_FORT]
« Reply #55 on: September 04, 2011, 01:13:59 am »

(Internet was down so I wasen't able to talk to you guys.. anyways sure, Hatebeard can be in the same w/e it was. Anyways, is Hatebeard alright? Fix em up?)
Yes. The Professor cleaned your wound, sewed you up with the most valuable thread in the fortress, and fixed your leg.
My Sig
Quote from: The Binder of Shame: RPGnet Rants
"We're in his toilet. We're in Cthulhu's toilet."

""Hey! No breaking character while breaking character"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [COMMUNITY_FORT]
« Reply #56 on: September 04, 2011, 04:19:57 am »

Exellent! Though Hatebeard for a female seems wierd. Oh well. Shes just that awesome I guess.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [COMMUNITY_FORT]
« Reply #57 on: September 04, 2011, 04:54:25 am »

Arzun's Log, Summer:

Well, Cheveux has been doing some great work with the adamant ore we mined up. The best he's made is Hatebeard's sword. Take a look, and tell me this isn't the best sword in all of Id Asol.

I've decided i'm not enough like a noble; so I made some pointless demands.

And I banned the export of random things Sphala was wearing.

Then a human caravan came, and I traded a lot of gold bars to buy all of their goods.

Bok and his caravan waited patiently in the depot. "We're planning to stay another couple of months," he said, nodding towards Arzun. "Just in case you feel like offering anything to our great lord."

Arzun shrugged, and headed back inside.

Meanwhile, the militia of Icemachines stood guard just outside the gate, looking around for thieves and snatchers whilst the haulers loaded all the newly-purchased goods into the fort. Their brand new adamantine armor and weapons gleamed in the sunlight.

"Haven't seen anything in a while, and i'm itching to test out this new gear."
Hatebeard waved her sword appreciatively. "Cheveux really does make the best weapons, and armor too."

"Wishing for battle?"

Hatebeard glared at Kalugog's disapproval.

"War will come when it is appropriate. In the meantime, we train and stay ready for war."

Kalugog's newest soldier took the opportunity to retreat to the barracks unnoticed.

"Well, I-"

The entire militia turned their heads towards the source of the yell. Just beyond the depot, a dwarf sat in the snow, a silver bolt protruding from his leg. He lifted his head towards the sky and yelled out.

"Hatebeard, you head around the back and keep them from retreating, Sodel and I shall charge them from the fr-"
Kalugog looked around to find her comrade's squad had already charged forward into battle.
"*sigh*. We have to help them, Sodel. Let's go."

Derm and Hatebeard charged towards the squad as silver bolts flew past them.
"Hah! Your pitiful bolts won't be piercing this masterful adamant arm-"
She paused for a moment, a silver bolt lodged in her gut."
"W-what?! Impossible!"
The bolts continued to come, and Hatebeard issued a hasty retreat. Too late, however: She and Derm had already been hit several times. They barely made it back to the fortress. Their one positive contribution to the battle was that they'd caused the crossbow goblins to retreat from a lack of ammunition.

Kalugog and Sodel, working as a team, slowly moved their way forwards. Their raised adamantine deflected blows as Sodel tripped a retreating goblin with his spear, and Kalugog impaled it repeatedly until it stopped moving.

The goblins then decided it would be a good time to run away. All the dwarves went back into their hole. Not a single human trader was injured in the exchange.

Arzun's Log, Supplemental:
Derm and Hatebeard have received substantial injuries, and Professor Harken has recruited many of the fortress's populace to help him care for the wounded. The ones he recruited had specific knowledge in the medical field, be it surgery, diagnosis, or bone setting.

According to Harken, they both have raging infections, and have been in and out of comas for several days. I can only hope they live to see another day.

Also, I've heard that an unarmored hauler jumped in front of a bolt meant for Bok, the human caravan leader. This guy's getting a statue.

There was a sudden yell from the masonry shops.
Kalugog, the only militiadwarf with no injuries and no immediate need for sleep, responded to the call.
They met near the central staircase. The stonecrafter had locked himself inside the craftsman's shop that processed raw adamantine, and had successfully halted adamantine production for a full season. Now he was mad, striking at anyone within range. He had to be put down. Kalugog had to show that in Icemachines, insanity had consequences.

Deflecting one of his punches with her spear, she brought the adamantine shield into his face, knocking him to the ground. She drove the adamant weapon through his skull, ending it quickly and mercifully.

My Sig
Quote from: The Binder of Shame: RPGnet Rants
"We're in his toilet. We're in Cthulhu's toilet."

""Hey! No breaking character while breaking character"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [COMMUNITY_FORT]
« Reply #58 on: September 04, 2011, 07:03:03 am »

Come on Hatebeard. Pull it together! You keep getting smacked around. If she dies, can I have another dwarf?

Letter to the Overseer

Overseer, the millitary could use some backup. If possible, i'd like some War Animals to help us against the goblin mennace.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icemachines, saving the world from starvation [COMMUNITY_FORT]
« Reply #59 on: September 04, 2011, 07:13:07 am »

Ahras joural:
those smug military guys got what they needed, an reminder that its the soldier that counts, not things that will lead to my death.....
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.
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